Siempre Me Quedará

Siempre Me Quedará

藝人Bebe 的一首歌,西班牙語,唱片公司是EMI International,發行於2004年08月24日,專輯風格為Rock En Español


一出道就勇奪2005年拉丁葛萊美獎最佳新進藝人大獎,同時還入圍年度專輯、唱片、歌曲、流行女歌手演唱專輯等4大獎項,Bebe不愧是西班牙新世代的驕傲。在她的首張專輯【Pafuera Telarañas】里,樂風上,她揉合了西班牙的佛朗明哥節奏、牙買加的ska節奏、拉丁搖滾、美式電子搖滾/舞曲、吉他刷弦音色以及世界音樂元素,創造出一種獨特的西班牙流行音樂魅力,唱法上,她懂得用唱腔去點出歌曲的情緒,當她唱的是溫柔、感性的歌曲時,她選擇以平靜的,帶點詩意的感覺去傾訴歌曲的情緒,當她唱的是喜悅、愜意的歌曲時,她的歌聲顯得非常活潑、跳躍,當她唱的是充滿批判、憤怒、不滿性格的歌曲時,她選擇以非常率性的、具有街頭歌唱感覺的方式去傾瀉歌曲的情緒,最重要的是,無論是什麼樣情緒的歌曲,她的唱腔情緒聽起來總是顯得非常自然,引人入勝,完全沒有任何的壓迫感。

全名為Bebe Rebolledo Vila的Bebe,1978年5月9號出生於西班牙的東部大城瓦倫西亞,父母親曾是西班牙民謠樂團Surberina的成員,童年時就喜歡唱歌,11歲的時候,開始接觸吉他,1995年,她加入流行樂團Vanagloria,96年,她移居馬德里,除了持續歌曲創作的學習,她也開始接觸舞台戲劇的課程,2001年,Bebe正式以創作型歌手的身份闖蕩樂壇,同一年就在西班牙西部的埃斯特馬杜拉地區的音樂比賽中贏得首獎。2003年,Bebe將娛樂夢想的觸角延伸至電影圈,開始參予一些電影的演出。  


Siempre me quedará 永存我心

(Bebe 流產後所寫的…)
Cómo decir que me parte en mil 該如何講述被裂作千份的
las esquinitas de mis huesos, 我骨骼中每一個零碎的邊角
que han caído los esquemas de mi vida 我生命中的藍圖一一散落
ahora que todo era perfecto. 如今一切已經過去
Y algo más que eso, 還有什麼呢
me sorbiste el seso y me decían del peso 我失去了理智,被告知
de este cuerpecito mío 我那小小身體的重量
que se ha convertío en río. 它已變成河流(流走)
de este cuerpecito mío 我那小小身體的重量
que se ha convertío en río. 它已變成河流(流走)
Me cuesta abrir los ojos 我艱難地睜開雙眼
y lo hago poco a poco, 一點一點地睜開
no sea que aún te encuentre cerca. 不再感覺到你在身邊
Me guardo tu recuerdo 我守著你的回憶
como el mejor secreto, 猶如最美好的秘密
que dulce fue tenerte dentro. 你在我體內時的甜蜜
Hay un trozo de luz 有一道光
en esta oscuridad 在這黑暗裡
para prestarme calma. 帶給我平靜
El tiempo todo calma, 時間平撫一切
la tempestad y la calma, 風暴及平靜
el tiempo todo calma, 時間平撫一切
la tempestad y la calma. 風暴及平靜
Siempre me quedará 我永遠留存
la voz suave del mar, 大海輕柔的歌聲
volver a respirar la lluvia que caerá 再次呼吸,雨水將落
sobre este cuerpo y mojará 於我身軀上,滲透
la flor que crece en mi, 長於我體內的花
y volver a reír 再次微笑
y cada día un instante volver a pensar en ti.而每天都有一刻用來想你
la voz suave del mar, 大海輕柔的歌聲
volver a respirar la lluvia que caerá 再次呼吸,雨水將落
sobre este cuerpo y mojará 於我身軀上,滲透
la flor que crece en mi, 長於我體內的花
y volver a reír 再次微笑
y cada día un instante volver a pensar en ti.而每天都有一刻用來想你


by Jason Birchmeier

It took about a year for Bebe's debut, Pafuera Telarañas, to get the attention it deserves. A colorful, creative, and catchy album that brazenly defies gender stereotypes as they exist in the Spanish-speaking world, Pafuera Telarañas shot from near-obscurity to become one of the most talked-about Latin albums of the year when it notched five Grammy nominations for the singer/songwriter, far and away the most nominations for anyone and reminiscent of the out-of-nowhere acclaim that helped catapult Juanes to superstar status years earlier when he too notched numerous Grammy nominations after languishing in obscurity for a while. The Grammy hype aside, Pafuera Telarañas doesn't really fit neatly into any existing stylistic category -- alternative singer/songwriter dance-pop with a feminist-flamenco flair, perhaps? -- but it does bear a resemblance to a couple similarly striking Latin alternative albums of recent years: Natalia LaFourcade's perky self-titled debut and Julieta Venegas' commercial breakthrough, . Like those albums, Pafuera Telarañas at its core is a dance-pop album, but with its incredible range of rhythms, sounds, and styles as well as its well-written, outspoken lyrics, there's significant depth, enough to make it radio-ready while also tickling the ears of discerning listeners looking for substance in addition to spice. Bebe starts the album on a high note, opening with a few really catchy songs driven by great dance-lite beats and singalong hooks. Pafuera Telarañas then takes quite a turn with the fifth song, "Malo," which cuts quite deeply and ups the intensity level significantly. From there, the album twists and turns through different moods and styles, without ever coming to a lull before the album-closing "Razones," which concludes the festivities on a serious, stunning a cappella note. Overall, Pafuera Telarañas has all the trappings of a pop album -- a reasonably short playing time, every song but one in the three-minute range, a plethora of hooks -- but its myriad stylistic twists and turns and its lyrical substance make it much more than that, so it ends up being the best of both worlds, an album that's rich in confection as well as creativity. Thankfully, it got the attention it deserves.




