

北京理工大學副教授,碩士生導師。 2013年3月畢業於北京理工大學動力機械及工程專業,獲工學博士學位。期間,於2011年9月至2012年9月以聯合培養博士生身份在美國密西根大學學習。目前擔任北京理工大學熱能與動力工程系副教授、碩士生導師。



2004.09-2008.06, 北京理工大學,車輛工程系,學士

2008.09-2013.03, 北京理工大學,動力機械及工程系,博士


2013.05~2015.07 北京理工大學機械與車輛學院 講師;

2015.07~至今 北京理工大學機械與車輛學院 副教授









近年來,相關研究成果已在國內外學術刊物上發表學術論文70餘篇,其中SCI論文30餘篇,包括流體力學及流體機械領域著名刊物Physcis of Fluids,Journal of Multiphase Flow,Computers and Fluids, Experiments in Fluids,ASME-Journal of Fluid Engineering等。申報國家發明專利5項,軟體著作權 6項。研究成果得到了學術同行的廣泛引用。

1. Tairan Chen, Biao Huang*, Guoyu Wang. Numerical study of cavitating flows in a wide range of water temperatures with special emphasis on two typical cavitation dynamics. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016, 101: 886-900.

2. Xiaojian Ma, Biao Huang*, Guoyu Wang, et al. Experimental investigation of conical bubble structure and acoustic flow structure in ultrasonic field. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2017, 34: 164-172.

3. Qin Wu, Biao Huang *, Guoyu Wang. Lagrangian-based investigation of the transient flow structures around a pitching hydrofoil. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2016, 32(1): 64-74.

4. Tairan Chen, Biao Huang*, Guoyu Wang and Kun Wang. Effects of fluid thermophysical properties on cavitating flows. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2015, 29(10): 4239-4246.

5. Zhiying Wang, Biao Huang*, Guoyu Wang, Mindi Zhang, Fufeng Wang. Experimental and numerical investigation of ventilated cavitating flow with special emphasis on gas leakage behavior and re-entrant jet dynamics. Ocean Engineering, 2015,108:191-201.

6. Tairan Chen, Guoyu Wang, Biao Huang*, Kun Wang. Numerical study of thermodynamic effects on liquid nitrogen cavitating flows. Cryogenics, 2015,70:21-27.

7. Biao Huang, Qin Wu, Guoyu Wang. Numerical Investigation of Cavitating Flow in Liquid Hydrogen. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39(4):1698-1709.

8. Biao Huang, Yu Zhao, Guoyu Wang. Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Vortex-cavitation Interactions in Transient Sheet/Cloud Cavitating Flows. Computers & Fluids, 2014, 92: 113-124.

9. Biao Huang, Guoyu Wang, Yu Zhao. Numerical Simulation Unsteady Cloud Cavitating Flow with Correction Model. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2014, 26(1): 26-36.

10. Biao Huang, Qin Wu, Guoyu Wang. Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Cavitating Flows Around a Transient Pitching Hydrofoil. Science China-Technological Sciences, 2014, 57(1): 101-116.

11. Biao Huang, Antoine Ducoin, Yinlu Young. Physical and Numerical Investigation of Transient Cavitating Flows around a Pitching Hydrofoil. Physics of Fluids, 2013, 25(10): 1-27.

12. Biao Huang, Yinlu Young, Guoyu Wang, Wei Shyy.Combined Experimental and Computational Investigation of Unsteady Structure of Sheet/Cloud Cavitation. Journal of Fluids Engineering-Transactions of the ASME, 2013, 135(7): 071301.

13. Biao Huang, Guoyu Wang, Yu Zhao, Qin Wu. Physical and Numerical Investigation of Transient Cavitating Flows. Science China-Technological Sciences, 2013, 56(9): 2207-2218.

14. Biao Huang, Guoyu Wang, Zhiyi Yu, et al. Detached-eddy Simulation for Time-Dependent Turbulent Cavitating Flows. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2012, 25(3):484-490.

15. Biao Huang, Guoyu Wang. Partial Averaged Navier-Stokes Method for Time-Dependent Turbulent Cavitating Flows. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2011, 23(1): 26-33.

16. Biao Huang, Guoyu Wang. A Density Modify Based Cavitation Model for Time Dependent Turbulent Cavitating Flow Computations. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2011, 56(19): 1985-1992.

17. Biao Huang, Guoyu Wang. Evaluation of a Filter-Based Model for Computations of cavitating Flows. Chinese Physics Letter, 2011, 28(2): 026401.

18. Biao Huang, Guoyu Wang. Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Unsteady Cavitating Flows Through a 2D Hydrofoil. Science China-Technological Sciences, 2011, 54(7): 1801-1812 .

19. Biao Huang, Guoyu Wang, Mindi Zhang, et al. Level Set Method for Simulation of Cavitating Flows. Journal of Ship Mechanics, 2011, 15(3): 207-216.

20. Biao Huang, Guoyu Wang, Haitao Yuan. A Cavitation Model for Cavitating Flow Simulation. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2010, 22(5): 798-804.

21. Guoyu Wang, Biao Huang, Bo Zhang. k-ε Turbulence Based Models for Unsteady Cavitating Flows. Modern Physics Letter B, 2010, 24(13): 1357-1360.

22. Qin Wu, Biao Huang *, Guoyu Wang, Yuan Gao. Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Hydroelastic Response of a Flexible Hydrofoil in Cavitating Flow. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2015,74:19-33.

23. Qin Wu, Biao Huang *, Guoyu Wang. Numerical Simulation of Three Dimensional Transient Flows Around a Pitching Hydrofoil. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2014, 808034, 1-13.

24. Antoine Ducoin, Biao Huang, Yinlu Young. Numerical Modeling of Unsteady Cavitating Flows Around a Stationary Hydrofoil. International Journal of Rotating Machinery, 2012, Article ID: 215678.

25. Qin Wu, Guoyu Wang, Biao Huang *, ZeyuBai.Lagrangian Coherent Structures Analysis of Gas-liquid Flow in a Bubble Column. Science China-Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2014, 57(6): 1169-1177.








