
蠟封戳(別名為火漆,封印蠟,封蠟,火漆蠟,封口漆,封口蠟,火漆戳, 火漆印,其英文為英文是seal wax,wax seals stamp, wax seal 或 sealing wax華明標註)對信封封口,大約16世紀開始興起。

火漆印,其英文為英文是seal wax,wax seals stamp, wax seal 或 sealing wax華明標註)對信封封口,大約16世紀開始興起。 由貴族或富豪們使用,它也可用於對重要檔案採取密封件的形式,或創建一個密封的容器密封。 現在主要用於裝飾的目的,剪貼簿,裝飾證書和密封的信封、賀卡和邀請函等。而它之前的作用最主要是用來確保信封的內容是安全的。火漆通常的形式為火漆棒(傳統火漆),但有些是帶芯的火漆,以及火漆顆粒。 需要使用時, 火漆棒切一小塊置於小湯匙,加熱融化後倒入在需要的信封口上,即可蓋章。因為多數國家的郵政系統採用分撿機,所以要求火漆要有韌性。同時現代技術也使傳統火漆得到進一步提高,江門市華洋蠟業有限公司一直致力於火漆的生產和研發,讓火漆帶來更先進的技術。除了傳統的火漆,經十多年的開發,現有傳統火漆,帶芯火漆,無芯封印蠟,膠槍用蠟棒等產品。顏色有紅、黃、藍、綠、紫衍生的各種深淺顏色以及鐳射、多彩色。我司亦可根據客戶要求訂製顏色,以及直接做成火漆印章成品。我司生產的華明牌火漆供應國內一些特殊行業的安全防偽使用,並出口多個國家,成為火漆蠟亞洲第三大出口商。歡迎各客戶蒞臨我公司參觀指導。如有需要請與我們聯繫。我們將竭誠為每一位客戶服務!聯繫電話:熊先生 或 火漆使用: 讓火漆置於小勺子,使其熔化。二、然後讓火漆倒在需要密封的信封上。三、蓋章即可。
The History of Sealing Wax Sealing wax actually originated when envelopes did not come with glue on the flap that made it difficult to seal and thus ensure privacy. To solve this problem, a lit candle was tipped over the envelope, allowing a few drops of wax to fall on the flap’s side and that was stamped with an inscribed stem, which was called a seal. In days of yore this was a method used to ensure that the communication sent was secure and authentic. Unfortunately it was the coming of the gummed envelopes that led to a decline in the use of sealing wax, though the ones who are fascinated with it still find an excuse to melt the wax! The recipes of sealing wax can be generally divided into those before and after the beginning of trade with the INDIES. beeswax that had been melted together with Venice turpentine was typically used in the Middle Ages to make sealing wax. The wax that was manufactured at this time was uncolored. It was after some time that vermilion was used to add some color. It was in the 16th century that sealing wax was compounded from a mixture of various proportions of shellac, resin, turpentine, chalk, plaster, turpentine and coloring matter and no actual wax. Sealing Wax Today With the changes that have been wrought in the world, new styles of sealing wax known as faux sealing wax has entered the market. This wax is slightly rubbery and can bend without breaking. Round sealing wax sticks that fit into standard size glue guns are also available. Wax seals can be obtained in a range of designs covering initials to animals, flowers, religion and a range of other things. Sealing wax today is used to for scrapbooks, to decorate certificates and to seal envelopes when sending out invitations.


