


莫登奎,講師,碩士,中國遙感協會會員、地理信息科學華人國際協會(CPGIS)會員,International Society for Environmental Information Sciences(ISEIS Members),曾經作為《International Journal of Remote Sensing 》Peer Reviewer。主要從事林業遙感、地理信息系統、專業英語的教學和科研工作,具備一定的算法設計與程式開發能力。2012主持國家自然科學基金1項:《基於遙感影像的森林資源智慧型區劃關鍵技術研究(編號31100412)》,並作為主要成員參與國家自然科學基金、863課題、行業公益性項目等多項國家級課題研究;2008年兩次作為外聘專家參與中歐天然林管理項目(EU-China Natural Forest Management Project);發表科研論文10餘篇,SCI、EI、ISTP收錄9篇;自主開發軟體3項:《遙感影像分析系統軟體V2.0》(登記號:2007SR17232),《林分角規點抽樣仿真與評價系統》(登記號:2011SR104060)、《林分空間結構參數快速計算系統》(登記號:2012SR001800)獲得國家軟體著作權登記;《中高解析度遙感影像分割與信息提取研究》獲得湖南省2008年優秀碩士論文,《基於均值漂移的高解析度影像多尺度分割》獲得湖南省第十二屆自然科學優秀學術論文三等獎。


[1]Xiong, Y. J.,Qiu, G. Y., Mo, D. K.(莫登奎), etc.Rockydesertificationand its causes in karst areas: a case study in Yongshun County, Hunan Province, China[J]. Environmental Geology, 2009, 57 (7), pp 1481-1488. (SCI收錄)

[2]Mo, D. K.(莫登奎),Lin, H.,Sun, H., etc. A novel remotely sensed image interpretation method - MS-SVMS[A], In Tianjin, China, 2009; pp 517-521. (EI收錄)

[3] Lin, H. Jiping, L., Mo, D . K.(莫登奎), etc. Study on the technology of classifying high-resolution remote sensing image based on multi-feature[A], In Bellingham WA, WA 98227-0010, United States, 2006; p 61990. (EI收錄)

[4]Mo, D. K. (莫登奎), Lin, H.,Li, J., etc. A SVM-based change detection method from bi-temporal remote sensing images in forest area[A], In Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, United States, 2008; pp 209-212. (EI收錄)

[5]Mo, D. K.(莫登奎), Lin, H.,Li, J. P., etc. Remotely sensed imagery intelligent interpretation based on image segmentation and support vector machines - art. no. 67520N[J]. Geoinformatics 2007: Remotely Sensed Data and Information, Pts 1 and 2, 2007, 6752 pp N7520-N7520. (EI收錄)

[6]Mo, D. K.(莫登奎),Lin, H.. Study on the dynamic changes in rocky desertification in Yunshun County based on RS in northwestern Hunan Province[J]. Principles and Practices of Desertification Control, Vol I, 2007, pp 395-403. (ISTP收錄)

[7]Mo, D. K.(莫登奎),Lin, H.,Lv, Y., etc. Novel land cover classification based on mean shift segmentation for high resolution remote sensing[J]. Proceedings of 2006 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2006, pp 716-719. (ISTP收錄)

[8]Mo, D. K. (莫登奎),Lin, H.,Sun, H. , etc. Object oriented information extraction of forest resources from high resolution remote sensing - art. no. 641916[J]. Geoinformatics 2006: Remotely Sensed Data and Information, 2006, 6419 pp 41916-41916. (EI收錄)

[9]Mo, D. K.(莫登奎),Lin, H.,Li, J., etc. Design and implementation of a high spatial resolution remote sensing image intelligent interpretation system[J]. Data Science Journal, 2007, 6 (SUPPL),pp 445-452. (EI收錄)

[10]莫登奎,林輝,李際平等. 基於均值漂移的高解析度影像多尺度分割(英文)[J]. 廣西師範大學學報(自然科學版), 2006,(04),pp 247-250.



