
衡陽八景之冠“雁峰煙雨實堪夸”的煙雨池,相傳天將下雨,池中的水氣冉冉上升,如煙如霧,時隱時現,宛如仙境。峰上有黃浦軍校畢業的湘籍老將軍唐天際手書渾厚蒼勁的“回雁峰”三個大字,池邊鐫刻著唐代詩人王勃、明代衡陽詩人陳宗契讚譽衡陽、回雁峰的詩詞佳句。 IT's said that the misty rain of the Returning Goose Mountain is beyond allpraise,and the MiSty Rain Pond deserves to be Called”the crown of theeight sights of HengYang”.According to legend,when it rains,the vapor inthe pond rises slowly like mist and appears indistinctly like fairyland.Onthe mountainthere are three bold and Vigorous Characters"Hui Yan Feng"(namely the Returning Goose Mountain)writtenby by an old general nanned。Tang Tianji,who was born in Hunan and graduated from Huang PU MilitaryAcademy.By the pond,some poems were engraved to praise Heng Yangand the Returning


衡陽八景之冠“雁峰煙雨實堪夸”的煙雨池,相傳天將下雨,池中的水氣冉冉上升,如煙如霧,時隱時現,宛如仙境。峰上有黃浦軍校畢業的湘籍老將軍唐天際手書渾厚蒼勁的“回雁峰”三個大字,池邊鐫刻著唐代詩人王勃、明代衡陽詩人陳宗契讚譽衡陽、回雁峰的詩詞佳句。 IT's said that the misty rain of the Returning Goose Mountain is beyond allpraise,and the MiSty Rain Pond deserves to be Called”the crown of theeight sights of HengYang”.According to legend,when it rains,the vapor inthe pond rises slowly like mist and appears indistinctly like fairyland.Onthe mountainthere are three bold and Vigorous Characters"Hui Yan Feng"(namely the Returning Goose Mountain)writtenby by an old general nanned。Tang Tianji,who was born in Hunan and graduated from Huang PU MilitaryAcademy.By the pond,some poems were engraved to praise Heng Yangand the Returning


