




1984年9月南京電子工程研究中心通信與電子工程專業碩士課程畢業,獲工學碩士學位;1992年6月日本大阪大學控制工程專業博士課程畢業,獲工學博士學位。歷任日本( 財団法人 ) イメージ情報科學研究所研究員, 日本( 特殊法人 ) 理化學研究所研究員 等職。 現任中國自動化學會智慧型自動化專業委員會委員,中國自動化學會機器人專業委員會委員,人工智慧學會理事,《模式識別與人工智慧》雜誌編委, International Journal of Information Acquisition 副主編等職。


主要從事視 ·聽覺信息處理、模式識別和智慧型機器人方面的研究和教學工作。主要研究方向包括立體視覺、生物特徵識別、情感計算以及智慧型機器人等。1998年以來,主持包括國家自然科學基金面上項目、863項目和科學院創新項目在內的科研項目10餘項。

主要論文及著作↓↓↓ 獲獎情況↓↓↓ 近期項目簡介↓↓↓



1、X.J. Shen, and Z.F Wang, Feature Selection for Image Retrieval, IEEE/IEE Electronics Letters, vol.42, no.6, pp.337-338, 2006.

2、X.J. Shen, and Z.F. Wang, Community Finding in Complex Networks, International Journal of Modern Physics C, World Scientific, vol.17, no.6, 2006.

3、Hu Yuankui, and Wang Zengfu, A Low-dimensional Illumination Space Representation of Human Faces for Arbitrary Lighting Conditions, International Conference on Pattern Recognition 2006.

4、Hu Yuankui, and Wang Zengfu, A Similary Measure Based on Hausdorff Distance for Human Face Recognition, International Conference on Pattern Recognition 2006.

5、Wu Changchang, and Wang Zengfu, Stereo Correspondence Using Stripe Adjacency Graph, International Conference on Pattern Recognition 2006.

6、Jin Xuecheng, and Wang Zengfu, Speech Separation from Background of Music Based on Single-channel Recording, International Conference on Pattern Recognition 2006.

7、Liu Weifeng, and Wang Zengfu, An Expression Space Model for Facial Expression Analysis, International Conference on Pattern Recognition 2006.

8、Chunzhao Guo, and Wang Zengfu, Design and Dynamics Simulation of a Virtual Fish-like Robot Based on Fish’s SuperfICIAl Red Muscle Model, The third International Symposium on Areo Aqua Bio-mechanisms, ISABMEC, 2006.

9、Yuankui Hu, Ying Zheng, and Zengfu Wang. “Reconstruction of 3D Face from a Single 2D Image for Face Recognition”. IEEE International Workshop on VS-PETS 2005.

10、Zhigang Zeng, Deshuang Huang and Zengfu Wang. “Global Stability of a General Class of Discrete-Time Recurrent Neural Networks”. Neural Processing Letters, 2005.

11、Zhigang Zeng, Deshuang Huang and Zengfu Wang. “Memory pattern analysis of cellular neural networks”, Physics Letters A, Elsevier, 2005.

12、Xuecheng Jin and Zengfu Wang. “An Emotion Space Model for Recognition of Emotions in Spoken Chinese”,Lecture Notes in Computer Science,3784,Springer,2005.

13、Zhuangluan Su and Zengfu Wang. “An Approach to Affective-Tone Modeling for Mandarin”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,3784,Springer,2005.

14、Chunzhao Guo and Zengfu Wang. “Analysis and Modeling of Fish Swimming Locomotion Mechanism based on Image Sequences”, Proc. of ISOPE 2005, Korea, 2005.

15、Zhigang Zeng, Deshuang Huang and Zengfu Wang. “Globally Attractive Periodic State of Discrete-Time Cellular Neural Networks with Time-Varying Delays”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,3496,Springer,2005.

16、Ke Chen and Zengfu Wang. “A New Algorithm for End-point Detection Based on Fourth-order Cumulants”, Proc. Of IEEE ICIA 2005, IEEE, Hongkong,2005.

17、Ke Hu and Zengfu Wang. “Blind Deconvolution of Speech Mixtures Based on Time-Frequency Processing and Statistical Analysis”, Proc. Of ISCIT 2005, Beijing, 2005.

18、Xuecheng Jin, Long Han and Zengfu Wang. “Determination of Satellite Attitude Based On Virtual Images”, SPIE Vol. 5985, 2005.

19、Long Han, Xuecheng Jin, Xinxing Liu and Zengfu Wang. “A complete digital simulator for attitude control system design of nano-satellite”, SPIE Vol. 5985, 2005.

20、Weifeng Liu and Zengfu Wang. “A High Compression Algorithm on Stereo Video of Star-field”, SPIE Vol. 5985, 2005.

21、Zengfu Wang. “Information acquisition in stereo vision: from disparity map to scene description”, International Journal of Information Acquisition, 2004.

22、Zhigang Zeng, Deshuang Huang and Zengfu Wang. “Global exponential stability of delayed Cohen-Grossberg neural networks”, Proc. of ICARCV2004, 2004.

23、Zhigang Zeng, Deshuang Huang and Zengfu Wang. “Attractability and location of Equilibrium point of Cellular Neural Networks with Time-varying Delays”, International Journal of Neural Systems, 2004.

24、Zhigang Zeng, Deshuang Huang and Zengfu Wang. “Practical stability criteria for cellular neural networks described by a template”, Proc. of WCICA’2004, 2004.

25、Changchang Wu, and Zengfu Wang. Image Representation for Stereo: Stripes and Stripe Adjacency Graph, icig, pp. 10-13, The 3rd International Conference on Image and Graphics, 2004.

26、Y. Wang, and Z. Wang. “Perceptual completion of occluded boundaries andillusorycontours”, Proc. of WCICA’2004, 2004.

27、Lizhi Wang, Guiping Hu and Zengfu Wang. “Pitch Detection Based on Time-Frequency Analysis”, Proc. of WCICA’2004, 2004.

28、Bin Fan and Zengfu Wang. “Pose Estimation Of Human Body Based On Silhouette Images”, Proc. of ICIA’2004, 2004.

29、Zhigang Zeng, Deshuang Huang and Zengfu Wang. “Global Convergence of Steepest Descent for Quadratic Functions”,Lecture Notes in Computer Science,Springer,2004.

30、Zhigang Zeng, Deshuang Huang and Zengfu Wang. “Pattern Recognition Based on Stability of Discrete Time Cellular Neural Networks”,Lecture Notes in Computer Science,Springer,2004.

31、Zhigang Zeng, Deshuang Huang and Zengfu Wang. “Analysis of Discrete-time Cellular Neural Networks”,Lecture Notes in Computer Science,Springer,2004.

32、ZC Wu, Z Wang, and Y Ge. “Grasping force measurement of a 6-DOF haptic device for human-computer interaction”. Proc. of SPIE, 2003.

33、Z. Wu, Y.Ge, and Z. Wang, “Amonolithictriaxial accelerometer design in thick-film technology”, Proc. of SPIE, 2003.

34、Z.C. Wu, Y. Ge, Z.F. Wang, "A monolithic triaxial accelerometers in thick-film technology",Proceedings of SPIE, Vol.4414,2001.10.

35、Z.F. Wang and N. Ohnishi,"Stereo matching as a multistage grouping process", to appear in Proceedings of IEEE/SICE/RSJ International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems, Washington D.C., Dec 8-11, 1996.

36、Z.F. Wang and N. Ohnishi,"A multi-layered model for stereo vision: depth perception and surface completion", Technical report of IEICE, Vol.96, No.247, PRMU96-49, pp.55-62, 1996.

37、Z.F. Wang and N. Ohnishi,"Stereo matching based on grouping of intensity segments", Technical report of IEICE, Vol.96, No.115, HIP96-8, pp.41-46, 1996.

38、Z.F. Wang and N. Ohnishi,"3-D reconstruction based on projective invariants", Proceedings of Second Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Vol.2, pp.653-657, Singapore, Dec.5-8, 1995.

39、Y. Takeuchi, Z.F. Wang, N. Ohnishi, and N. Sugie, "Real Time Visual Tracking System Mimicking Saccadic Movements", Proceedings of Second Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Vol. 1, pp.131-135 (1995).

40、Z.F. Wang and N. Ohnishi, "Deformable templete based stereo", Proceedings of 1995 IEEE International Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics, pp.3884-3889, Vancouver, British Colunbia, Canada, Oct.22-25, 1995.

41、Z.F. Wang and N. Ohnishi,"Intensity based stereo vision: from 3D to 3D", Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XIII: 3D Vision, Product Inspection and Active Vision, Proc. SPIE 2354, pp.434-443, Boston, MA, Nov.2-4, 1994.

42、Z.F. Wang and S. Inokuchi,"Determining shape of specular surfaces", Proceedings of The 8th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, pp.1187-1193,tromso, Norway, May 25-28, 1993.

43、Z.F. Wang, H. Kato, K. Sato, and S. Inokuchi, "Reconstruction and estimation of specular surfaces", Proceedings of SICE'92 in Kumamoto, Japan, pp.1285-1288, 1992.


44、竹內 義則,汪 増福,大西 升,杉江 升,"眼球のSaccade運動とPursuit運動に示唆を得た移動物體の実時間追跡", 日本ロボット學會志, 1997.

45、汪增福、加藤博一、佐藤宏介、井口徵士, "単眼観測畫像による鏡面形狀の復元と推定", 電子情報通信學會論文志 D-II, Vol.J76-D-II, No.3, pp.575-585, 1993.

46、汪增福、加藤博一、佐藤宏介、井口徵士, "鏡面物體の3次元畫像計測", 電子情報通信學會論文志 D-II, Vol.J75-D-II, No.7,pp.1177-1186, 1992.




49、金學成,汪增福,“基於線性預測殘差倒譜基音周期檢測” ,模式識別與人工智慧,錄用待刊。

50、沈項軍,汪增福,“一種基於視覺感知特性的色彩量化算法” ,模式識別與人工智慧,錄用待刊。




54、胡可,汪增福,“一種基於時頻分析的語音卷積信號盲分離算法”,電子學報,Vol. 34, No. 7, pp1246-1254, 2006。

55、王彥傑,汪增福,“複雜環境下的艦船航跡仿真”,系統仿真學報,Vol.18, No.11, 2006。





60、胡元奎, 汪增福,“可變光照條件下的人臉圖像識別”,中國圖象圖形學報,2005。

61、文沁, 汪增福,“基於三維數據的人臉表情識別”,計算機仿真, 2005。





66、郭春釗, 汪增福,“基於序列圖像的魚游運動機理分析”,實驗力學,2005。

67、許健彬,鄭志剛, 汪增福,“面向指紋識別的魯棒脊線檢測算法”,中國科學技術大學學報(增),2005。


69、陳可, 汪增福,“基於聲壓幅度比的聲源定位”. 計算機仿真, 2004。

70、張煒,蔣剛毅, 汪增福,郁梅,“圖像信號的多描述編碼方法”,中國圖象圖形學報, 2004。

71、張煒,蔣剛毅, 汪增福, 郁梅,“一種圖像多描述格線編碼矢量量化算法”,計算機工程與套用,2004。

72、詹翀,趙傑煜, 汪增福,“獨立元分析方法及其在視頻分割中的套用”,計算機仿真, 2004年。

73、郁梅, 張煒, 蔣剛毅, 汪增福,“基於塔式格型矢量量化的圖像多描述編碼算法”, 電路與系統學報, 2004。

74、謝震聲, 胡宇, 汪增福,“月球車雷射測距儀校準技術的探索”, 航空製造技術, 2004。


76、吳仲城,卞亦文,汪增福,“網路化智慧型感測器及其即插即用接口設計”,武漢大學學報(信息科學版), 2003年。

77、牛朝瑋、汪增福,"基於彩色和運動信息的人臉檢測",模式識別與人工智慧,Vol.15, No.2,2002年6月。

78、鄭志剛、汪增福,"基於模式分類的主動式路經規划算法",信息與控制,Vol.31, No.7,2002年9月。

79、董志峰、汪增福、劉慶文,"去除交叉定位中假定位的一種快速算法",系統仿真學報,Vol.14, No.4,2002年4月。

80、汪增福、劉慶文,"基於前饋網路的盲分離算法",模式識別與人工智慧,Vol.14, No.3,2001年9月。

81、汪增福、李可泳,"基於輪廓的表面深度填充算法",系統仿真學報,Vol.13, No.2,2001年3月。

82、汪增福、於東海、鄒栩,"基於透視投影變換的人面識別方法初探",機器人(增刊),Vol.22, No.7,2000年8月。

83、竹內義雄、汪增福、大西升、杉江升,"模仿人類眼球運動的實時視覺跟蹤系統",機器人(增刊),Vol.20, No.7,1998年8月。



