

狀語從句指句子用作狀語時,起副詞作用的句子。比較狀語從句是其中的一種,主要運用於形容詞和副詞的原級、比較級及最高級的句子之中。原級:as…as(和……一樣),not so(as)…as …(和不一樣);比較級:more…than(更);最高級:The most…in/of, the + 形容詞+est…of/in。常用引導詞:as(同級比較),than(不同程度的比較);特殊引導詞:the more … the more … ; no … more than;not A so much as B。


通常由as或than引起,這類從句和大多數狀語從句不同,它們不修飾動詞,而是修飾as,so,less,more等副詞,或其他比較級的詞,如 taller, harder.在這裡討論它們,不是作為動詞修飾語,而是作為一種狀語從句。包含這類從句的句子通常為L,即從句在後:

She is as tall as I(or me).

He works as hard as his brother(does).

He does not work as hard as his brother.

He does not work.so hard as his brother.

No other men work as(or so) hard as his brother (does).

No other men work as hard as does his brother.

She is taller than I(or me).

She is taller this year than(she was tall)last year.

She is more shy than unsocial.

She thinks more about her appearance than(she thinks about) her personality.

She finds it easier to read than to write.

She is not taller than I.(Both are tall.)

She is no taller than I.(Both are short.)

I cannot persuade him any more than your persuade a pillar.(= I am unable to persuade him,just as you are unable to persuade a pillar.)

I can forget her no more than she(forgets)me.

Nothing is more dangerous than that you (should) make friends with him.

I will help you rather than that you(should)have any trouble.

It is better that we should die rather than that we(should)be slaves.

He is only less silly than(= almost as silly as)John.

Than him nobody is more clever.(= He is the cleverest man.)(than在這裡的作用更接近介詞)

Than this there are no better places.(This is the best place.)

I know John,than whom I have never seen a sillier man.

比較狀語從句(adverbial clause of comparison)從某種角度上說,它也是一種方式狀語從句,它通常可和以下關聯詞來引導as(或so)...as, than, according as, in proportion as等。如:


He woke up as suddenly as he had fallen asleep. 他醒來得和入睡一樣突然。(第一個as是副詞)

I have never seen so much rain as fell that February. 我從未見過像那個二月那么多雨。(否定結構常用so…as, 也可用as... as)


Man developed earlier than people think. 人類的出現比人們所想的要早。

He moves more slowly than his sister does. 他行動起來比他妹妹慢。

The youth of today are better off than we used to be. 今天的年輕人比我們過去的境況要好。


You may go or stay, according as you decide. 是去是留由你自己決定。

You will be praised or blamed according as your work is good or bad. 你受表揚還是責備得看你的工作好壞決定。


Men are happy in proportion as they are virtuous. 人之幸福與德行成正比。

Some people are happy in proportion as they are noticed. 有些人越受到注意就越高興。

The most…in/of

This book is the most interesting of the three.這本書是三本中最有趣的。

the + 形容詞+est…of/in

This road is the busiest street in our city. 這條路是我們城市最繁忙的街道。

no more than只不過(嫌少的意思)

I have no more than two pens.我只有兩支筆。

It’s no more than a mile to the shops.去商店不過一英里。

not more than不如。。。;(前者不如後者)

Jack is not more diligent than John.捷克不如約翰勤奮。

one of the + 名詞(複數)….之一(用於最高級)

Han Mei is one of the best students in our school. 韓梅是我們學校最好的學生之一。



