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作 者:管華 編叢 書 名:21世紀高等學校規劃教材出 版 社:機械工業出版社ISBN:978-7-111-19222-0齣版時間:2006-07-01版 次:1頁 數:57裝 幀:平裝所屬分類:圖書 > 教材教輔 > 大學教材




書 名:機械工程製圖基礎習題集 第2版
層 次:高職高專
配 套:電子課件
作 者:萬靜
出版社: 機械工業出版社
開本: 16開
Foreword 前言
Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge and Skill of Drawing製圖基本知識與技能
1-1 Basic drawing exercises基本手法練習
1-2 Lettering exercises using HB pencil字型練習(要求用HB鉛筆書寫)
1-3 Dimensioning exercises尺寸標註練習
1-4 Complete 2D objects using Inventox software用Inventor軟體繪製平面圖形
Chapter 2 Basis of Projection投影基礎
2-1 Draw three views according to the cabinet axonometric projection由斜二等軸測圖畫三視圖
2-2 Find out the corresponding three views(Page 7 and 8)記物尋圖
2_3 Draw cabinet axonometriC projections according to three views由三視圖畫斜二等軸測圖
2-4 Complete the third view補畫第三視圖
2-5 Choice(mark“√”in the brackets)選擇
2-6 Add the missing details補畫缺漏的線
Chapter 3 Projection of Points,Lines and Planes點、直線、平面的投影
3-1 Projection of points點的投影
3-2 Projection of lines直線的投影
3-3 Projection of planes平面的投影
3-4 Relative position of lines and planes線面的相對位置
3-5 Complete the third view by analysis of lines and planes線面分析法補畫第三視圖
Chapter 4 Projection of Solids立體的投影
4-1 Curved solids曲面立體
4-2 Intersection of planes and solids平面與立體相交
4-3 Intersection of two solids兩立體相交
4-4 Combined exercises of intersection截交、相貫綜合練習
Chapter 5 Composite Solids組合體
5-1 Add the missing details of composite solids添加組合體視圖中漏畫的線條
5-2 Concept composite solids組合體的構形設計
5-3 Complete the third view of composite solids by shape analysis用形體分析法補畫第三視圖
5-4 Complete the third View of composite solids by analysis of lines and planes用線面分析法補畫第三視圖
5-5 Dimensioning exercises of composite solids組合體的尺寸標註練習
5-6 3D Models三維建模
Chapter 6 Representation Methods of Machine Components機件的各種表達方法
6-1 Basic views基本視圖
6-2 Add the missing details of the following sectional views補畫下列剖視圖中漏畫的線條
6-3 Sectional view exercises剖視圖練習
6-4 Cut view exercises斷面圖練習
6-5 Combined exercises of sectional view and cut view剖視圖、斷面圖綜合練習
6-6 Dimensioning exercises尺寸標註練習
Chapter 7 Standard Parts and Commonly Used Parts標準件及常用件
7-1 Specified representation of threads螺紋的規定畫法
7-2 Thread nmrks螺紋標註
7-3 Screw fasteners螺紋聯接件
7-4 Key joints and gears鍵聯接和齒輪
Chapter 8 Detail Drawings零件圖
8-1 Surface texture表面結構
8-2 Limits and fits極限與偏差
8-3 Labeling標註
8-4 Read detail drmdngs讀零件圖
Chapter 9 Assembly Drawings裝配圈
9-1 Draw assembly drawings 畫裝配圖
9-2 3D assembly and eoYrect assembly drawings三維裝配與裝配圖改錯
9-3 Read assembly drawings讀裝配圖
Chapter 10 Appendices附錄
10-1 Foreign engineering drawing(1) 國外工程圖實例(1)
10-2 Foreign engineering drawing(2) 國外工程圖實例(2)
10-3 Foreign engineering drawing(3) 國外工程圖實例(3)


