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1983.9-1987.6 就讀於華中師範大學化學系,獲學士學位。

1991.9-1994.6 在南開大學攻讀碩士研究生,獲碩士學位。

1994.7-2003.11 在鄭州大學化學系任教,2002年被評為河南省高校中青年優秀骨幹教師,2003年獲有機化學專業博士學位;從事氨基糖,分枝糖及其它新型糖模擬物的合成及套用研究;以糖為原料的天然產物手性砌塊?手性助劑的合成研究。

2003.11-2004.12在香港大學化學系支志明(Che Chi-Ming) 院士課題組做訪問學者。從事抗癌活性糖類化合物和糖卟啉化合物的合成及性能研究工作。

2005.1-2007.12 在瑞士聯邦理工大學(ETH)化學系做博士後研究,師從世界著名有機化學家,糖化學家Andrea Vasella教授。




他自2003年12月任職以來,通過改革,使公司安全、經濟效益實現了超歷史、超同期的新跨越, 2006年,實現利稅3.27億元,一舉成為縣的龍頭企業。他推進技術進步,革新採煤工藝。使資源回收率由60%提高到85%以上,工作面單產能力由1.8萬噸/月提高到10萬噸/月。他重視安全生產,提高鄉鎮煤礦科技裝備水平,真正做到了即時監控和隨時管理。他重視實施科教興煤,提高職工素質、重視公益事業,在任期間為職工家屬做了很多實事、好事。



1. Fuyi Zhang*, Hong Liu, Yong-Feng Li, Hong-Min Liu*, Novel synthesis of methyl 4,6-O-benzylidenespiro[2-deoxy-α-d-arabino-hexopyranoside-2,2′-imidazolidine] and its homologue and sugar-γ-butyrolactam derivatives from methyl 4,6-O-benzylidene-α- D-arabino-hexopyranosid-2-ulose, Carbohydr. Res. 2010, In Press.

2. Fuyi Zhang*, Hong Liu, Qing-Ju Zhang, Feng-Ling Yang, Silica Phosphoric Acid: An Efficient and Recyclable Catalyst for the Solvent-free Synthesis of Acylals and Their Deprotection in MeOH, Synth. Commun., Accepted.

3. Fuyi Zhang*, Yu-Xin Wang, Feng-Ling Yang, Hong-Yu Zhang, An Efficient Solvent-free Knoevenagel Condensation between β-diketone and Aldehyde Catalyzed by Silica Sulfuric Acid, Synth. Commun., Accepted.

4. Fuyi Zhang*, Chun Li Wu, Cui Zhang, Hong Min Liu*, Stereoselective synthesis and crystal structure of 4,6-O- benzylidene-N-octyl-D-allosamine hydrochloride, Chinese Chem. Lett., Accepted.

5. Chi-Ming Ho, Jun-Long Zhang, Cong-Ying Zhou, On-Yee Chan, Jessie Jing Yan, Fuyi Zhang, Jie-Sheng Huang and Chi-Ming Che*, A Water-Soluble Ruthenium Glycosylated Porphyrin Catalyst for Carbenoid Transfer Reactions in Aqueous Media with Applications in Bioconjugation Reactions, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2010, 132 (6) , 1886–1894.

6. Fuyi Zhang, Bruno Bernet, Véronique Bonnet, Andrea Vasella*, 6-(Diazomethyl) -1,3-bis (methoxymeth yl) uracil, synthesis and transformation into annulated pyrimidinediones,Helv. Chim. Acta, 2008, 91(7): 1201-1218.

7. Fuyi Zhang, Shikha Rani, Bruno Bernet, Andrea Vasella*, 2-Azido-2- deoxycellulose: synthesis and 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition, Helv. Chim. Acta, 2008, 91(4): 608-618.

8. Fuyi Zhang, Andrea Vasella*, Regioselective synthesis of 1I,1II,5I,5II,6I,6I,6II,6II-2H8- cellobiose, Carbohydr. Res., 2007, 342, 2546-2556.

9. Dik-Lung Ma, Tina Yuen-Ting Shum, Fuyi Zhang, Chi-Ming Che*, Water soluble luminescent platinum terpyridine complexes with glycosylated acetylide and arylacetylide ligands: photoluminescent properties and cytotoxicities, Chem. Commun., 2005, 4675-4677.

10. Hong-Min Liu*, Fuyi Zhang, Da-Peng Zou, Stereoselective synthesis of 2,2-bis(C-branched-chain)glucopyranosid-3-ulose via an autoxidation-Michael addition reaction, Chem. Commun., 2003, 2044-2045.

11. Hong-Min Liu*, Fuyi Zhang, Shaomin Wang, Stereoselective synthesis of 2-amino-2-deoxysugars: N-alkyl-D-allosamines, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2003, 1, 1641-1642.

12. Fuyi Zhang, Hong-Min Liu*,Jianye Zhang, Novel autoxidation and Michael addition mechanism of a butenolide-containing sugar leading to a C-branched chain glucopyranosidulose, and X-ray structure of intermediates, Carbohydr. Res., 2003, 338, 1737-1743.

13. Hong-Min Liu*, Da-Peng Zou, Fuyi Zhang, Wei-Guo Zhu, Tao Peng, Stereoselective synthesis of new higher carbon sugars from D-xylose, Eur. J. Org. Chem., 2004, 10, 2103-2106.

14. Hong-Min Liu*, Fuyi Zhang, Jianye Zhang, Stereoselective synthesis of methyl 4,6-O-benzylidene-2-C-methoxycarbonylmethyl-α -D-ribo-hexopyranosid-3-ulose, and its X-ray crystallographic analysis, Carbohydr. Res., 2001, 334(4) , 323-326.

15. Fuyi Zhang, Chen-xia Du, Hong-Min Liu*, Yu Zhu, A Novel Glycoside lactone derivative with 2-C-unsaturated diester substituent, Acta Crystallogr.,2001, Sect. C, 57, 1361-1362.

16. 劉宏民*, 張福義, 徐汶, 李石, 以氧化糖為原料的氨基糖的合成,化學學報 2003, 61, 1149-1152。



