
女,博士,教授、博士生導師,教育部跨世紀優秀人才。山東省植物生理學會副理事長,中國植物生理學會理事。長期從事小麥和牧草的分子育種研究。1996-1997年在澳大利亞聯邦科學院植物工業研究所植物分子生物學實驗室作訪問學者,主要進行小麥分子遺傳學及小麥基因轉化研究。2002在英國John Innes Centre 作訪問學者,主要進行小麥基因組與進化及小麥分子標記研究。現任山東大學生命學院黨委書記、農學院黨委書記兼常務副院長。



在國際上率先創立了小麥體細胞雜交轉移異源染色體小片段的新技術,獲得2000年山東省科技進步獎理論成果二等獎。在此基礎上,系統研究了體細胞雜種後代的核/質基因組、異源染色體小片段和DNA片段的遺傳規律及與發育和新性狀產生的關係;以及雜種HMW-GS的遺傳穩定性和其新基因的來源和進化等;克隆和標記了雜種的優質和耐鹽基因。通過對雜種耐鹽新品種山融3號的分子標記確定了雜種耐鹽性狀由主效基因控制,克隆了雜種的優質、耐鹽新基因20多個,並且完成了部分基因的功能驗證,這些研究結果已經發表在Plant J(2006);Planta(2005,2006),Theor Appl Genet (2003, 2004,2005),Genome(2004),Mol Gen Genomes(2001),JAFC(2006), Plant Sc i(2003a, 2003b; 2004a,2004b, 2004c,2004d,2006)和Plant Cell Rep(2004a,2004b,2005;2006);Plant Bio (2006)及Cell Research (2004),中國科學(2001,2003,2004)和植物學報(2001,2002,2004a,2004b,2004c,2004d)等該領域主流SCI源刊物上,為此項新的生物技術奠定了重要的理論基礎。在國內外率先建立了小麥苗端轉化技術,已經通過發明專利審核;獲得小麥\高羊茅基因工程株系和品系,已經申請環境釋放。小麥體細胞雜交研究獲2000年山東省科技進步二等獎;小麥BYDV抗性轉基因育種獲1995年全國十大科技成果。
2001年以來在國際遺傳育種、植物生物學、細胞遺傳學等主流期刊發表SCI源論文30多篇;EI收錄論文4篇,總影響因子IF 50點以上,被他引109次。


l 利用輻射雜種細胞系研究小麥基因組和功能基因組
l .小麥雜種漸滲系及耐逆牧草的優質、耐鹽、耐旱功能基因研究
l 外源DNA衝擊和表觀遺傳因子對小麥基因組和功能基因變異的影響
l 小麥、牧草優質、抗逆的基因工程改良
l 小麥目標基因的分子標記輔助育種



1. A. Bottley, G.M. Xia, R. M. D. Koebner, 2006, Homoeologous gene silencing in hexaploid wheat. Plant J, online, IF.6.989
2. Chuanen Zhou, Guangmin Xia*, Daying Zhi, Ying Chen, 2006,Genetic characteri-zation of asymmetric somatic hybrids between Bupleurum scorzonerifolium Willd and Triticum aestivum L.-potential application to the study of the wheat, Planta, 222 , IF.3.108
3. Heng Liu, Lei Shi, Junsheng Zhao, Guangmin Xia*, Genetic Characteristic of High Molecu-lar Weight Glutenin Subunits in Somatic Hybrid Wheat Lines--Potential Application to Wheat Breeding, J. Agric. Food Chem., ASAP Article 10.1021/jf 060321fS0021-8561(06)00321-9, IF 2.507
4. Tong-Jin Zhao · Shuang-Yi Zhao · Hui-Min Chen · Qing-Zhen Zhao · Zan-Min Hu · Bing-Kai Hou,Guang-Min Xia*, Transgenic wheat progeny resistant to powdery mildew generated by Agrobac- terium inoculum to the basal portion of wheat seedling. Plant Cell Rep (2006),DOI 10.1007/s00299-006-0184-8,IF 2.173
5. Aixia Cheng, Haifeng Cui, Guangmin Xia*, 2006, Construction of a primary RH panel of Italian ryegrass genome via UV induced protoplast fusion, Plant Bio. online, IF. 1.91
6. Wang J, Xiang FN, Xia GM*, 2005,Agropyron elongatum chromatin localization on the wheat chromosomes in an introgression line, Planta, 221:277–286 (SCI, IF 3.35)
7. Chuanen Zhou, Guangmin Xia, Daying Zhi, Ying Chen,2005,Genetic characterization of asymmetric somatic hybrids between Bupleurum scorzonerifolium Willd and Triticum aestivum L.-potential application to the study of the wheat, Planta, DOI 10.1007 /s00425-005- 0127-6(SCI, IF.3.35)
8. Fan-guo CHEN, Da-ying ZHI, Guang-min XIA*, 2005, Wheat amino acid analysis in single cells by intracellular FITC- derivatization with PEG, Electrophoresis, 26 (21): 4204-4205(SCI, IF.4.28)
9. Luo Zhen, Chen Fanguo, Feng Deshun, Xia Guangmin, 2005, LMW, glutenin subunit genes in Agropyron elongatum and their potential value in wheat breeding, Theor Appl Genet, 111: 272–280(SCI, IF.2.98)
10. Feng Deshun, Xia Guangmin*, Zhao Shuangyi, Chen Fanguo, 2004,Two novel HMW subunits beneficial to wheat breeding in a hybrid line between T. aestivum and A. elongatum”, Theor Appl Genet , 10:136-144(SCI, IF.2.98)
11. Xia Guangmin*, Xiang Fengning, Zhou Aifen, Chen Huimin, 2003,Asymmetric somatic hybridization between wheat(Triticum aestivum L.)and Agropyron elongatum (Host) Nevishi),Theor Appl Genet,107:299-305 (SCI, IF 2.35)
12. ZHOU Aifen, XIA Guangmin*, 2001, Analysis of chromosomal and organellar DNA of somatic hybrids between Triticum aestiuvm and Haynaldia villosa Schur., Mol Gen Genomics, 265: 387-393(SCI, IF 2.78)
13. Xiang, F.N., Xia, G.M* et al., 2004, Hybrid plant regeneration in relation to the nuclear and cytoplasmic genomes of wheat and Setaria italica. Genome. 47: 680-688, (SCI, IF 2.1)
14. Fan-guo CHEN, Da-ying ZHI, Guang-min XIA, 2005, Analysis of amino acids in individual wheat embryonic protoplast, Amino acids, 29(3): 235-239((SCI, IF.2.0)
15. Aixia Cheng, Guangmin Xia*, Daying Zhi, Huimin Chen, 2004, Intermediate fertile Triticum aestivum + Agropyron elongatum somatic hybrids are generated by low doses of UV irradiation. Cell Research, 14(1): 86-91. (SCI, IF 2.0)
16. Zhe-Yong Xue, Da-Ying Zhi , Gang-Ping Xue, Hui Zhang, Yan-Xiu Zhao, Guang-Min Xia*,2004, Enhanced salt tolerance of transgenic wheat (Tritivum aestivum L.) expressing a vacuolar Na+/H+ antiporter gene with improved grain yields in saline soils in the field and a reduced level of leaf Na+ Plant Sci, Plant Sci 167: 849–859, IF 1.39
17. Aifen Zhou, Guangmin Xia*, 2005, Introgression of the Haynaldia villosa genome to γ-ray induced asymmetric somatic hybrids of wheat, Plant Cell Reports, 24: 289-296 (SCI, IF 1. 46)
18. Cuilin Li, Guangmin Xia*, Fengning Xiang, Chuanen Zhou, Aixia Cheng, 2004, Regeneration of asymmetric somatic hybrid plants from the fusion of two types of wheat with Russian wildrye, Plant Cell Reports, 23: 461–467 (SCI, IF 1.46)
19. Wang Minqin, Xia Guangmin GM*, Peng Zhengying, 2005, High UV-tolerance with introgression hybrid formation of Bupleurum scorzonerifolium Will, Plant Sci, 168 (3): 593-600(SCI, IF.1.39)
20. Suiyun Chen,Guangmin Xia*, Taiyong Quan, Fengnig Xiang, 2004a, Studies on the salt-tolerance of F3-F6 hybrid Lines originated from somatic hybridization between common wheat and Thinopyrum ponticum, Plant Sci, 167:773-779 (SCI, IF 1.39)
21. Aixia Cheng, Guangmin Xia*, 2004, Somatic hybridization between common wheat and Italian ryegrass. Plant Sci, 166(5): 1219-1226 (SCI, IF 1.39)
22. Xu Chunhui,Xia Guangmin*, et al., 2003,Integration of maize nuclear and mitochondrial DNA into the wheat genome through somatic hybridization. Plant Sci, 169: 1001-1008 (SCI, IF 1.68)
23. Xiang FN,XIA Guangmin*, 2003, Effect of UV dosage on somatic hybridization between common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and Avena sativa L.,Plant Sci,164: 697-707 (SCI, IF 1.68)
24. Yue Wei, Xia Guangmin*, 2001, Transfer of Salt Tolerance from Aeleuropus littoralis Sinensis to Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) via Asymmetric Somatic Hybridization, Plant Sci, 161:256-262(SCI, IF 1.38)
25. Wang J, Xiang FN, Xia GM* 2004,Transfer of small chromosome fragments of Agropyron elongatum to wheat chromosome via asymmetric somatic hybridization, Science in China Ser. C (中國科學), 47(5): 434-441 (SCI)
26. Xiang FN, Xia GM*, Chen HM, 2003,Asymmetric somatic hybridization between wheat (Triticum aestivum) and Avena sativa L., Science in China Ser. C (中國科學), 49(3): 243-252 (SCI)
27. ZHOU Aifen, XIA Guangmin*, 2001, Comparative study of symmetric and symmetric somatic hybridization between common wheat and Haynaldia villosa* Science in China (中國科學), 44(3):294-304(SCI)
28. Shan Lei, Zhao Shuangyi, Xia Guangmin*, 2005, Cloning of the full-length cDNA of the wheat involved in salt stress--root hair defective 3 gene (RHD3),J. Integrative Plant Biology(植物學報),47(7):885-891 (SCI)
29. Feng Deshun, Chen Fanguo, Zhao Shuangyi, Xia Guangmin*, 2004, Study on coding genes of high-molecular-weight glutenin subunits in decaploid Agropyron elongatum (Host) Neveski, ACTA Botan Sin(植物學報), 46(4): 489-496 (SCI)
30. Chen Sui-Yun,Xia Guang-min*, et al. 2004, Heredity of Chloroplast and Nuclear Genomes of Asymmetric Somatic Hybrid Lines Between Wheat and Couch Grass, ACTA Botanica Sinica(植物學報),46(1): 110-115 (SCI)
31. Aixia Cheng, Guangmin Xia*, Huimin Chen, 2004, DNA transfer from wild millet to common wheat by asymmetric somatic hybridization. ACTA Botanica Sinica(植物學報), 46(9):1114-1121 (SCI)
32. Zhou Aifen,XIA Guangmin*, et al. 2002a,Production of hybrid plants between two types of wheat and protoplast. ACTA Botanica Sinica(植物學報),44(8): 1004-1008 (SCI)
33. Xiang FN, Xia Guangmin* et al, 2001, Agronomic trait and protein component of F2 ybrid originated from intergeneric somatic hybridization between Triticum astivum and Agropyron elongatum, ACTA Botanica Sinica(植物學報), 43(3): 232- 237(SCI)
34. Chen FG, Wang C, Zhi DY, et al., 2005, Free amino acids analysis of wheat embryonic cells without regenerated ability, CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 33 (11): 1539-1542 (SCI)
35. Chen Fanguo, Zhang xueyong, Xia guangmin, Jia jizeng, 2002, Construction and characterization of a bacterial artificial chromosome library for Triticum aestivum, ACTA Botanica Sinica(植物學報), 44(4): 451-456 (SCI)
36. R Koebner and G Xia, 2003, Homoeologous gene silencing in hexaploid wheat.Aanual Wheat News letter. 49:161-162 (SCI)
37. Xia GM*,Li ZY, Wang SL, Xiang FN, Chen PD, Liu DJ, 1998, Asymmetric somatic hybridization between haploid common wheat and UV irradiated Haynaldia villosa, Plant Sci, 137:217-223(SCI, IF 1.3)
38. Xia GM*, Chen HM, 1996, Plant regeneration from intergeneric somatic hybridization between Triticum aestivum and Leymus chinensis, Plant Sci, 102:197-203(SCI, IF 1.1)
39. Li Z Y, Xia G M, Chen H M, 1992, Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from protoplast isolated from embryogenic cell suspension of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Plant Cell Tiss Org Cult, 28: 73-85(SCI IF 1.1)
40. Li Z Y, Xia G M, Chen H M et al, 1992. Plant regeneration from protoplasts derived embryo genesis suspension cultures of wheat, J. Plant Physiol, 139: 714-718(SCI,IF 1.28)
41. Zhou AF, Xia GM*, Chen HM, 1996, Somatic hybridization between Triticum aestivum and Hynaldia villosa, Science in China (Series C) (中國科學), 39(6): 617-626(SCI)
42. Song XQ, Xia GM* et al., 1999, Production of platelets from interfamilial somatic hybridization between Vitis vinifera L. and Bubliurum scorzonifollium Willd, Chin. Sci. Bull (科學通報), 44(17): 1382-1386(SCI)
43. Guo GQ, Xia GM, Li ZY et al. direct somatic embryogenesis and plant-regeneration from protoplast-derived cells of wheat (triticum-aestivum), Science in China series B, 34 (4): 438-445(SCI)
44. Xia G M*, Wang H, Chen H M, 1996, Plant regeneration from intergeneric asymmetric somatic hybridization between wheat (Triticumn aestivum L.) and Russian wildrye (Psathyrostachys juncea (Fisch) Neweski) and couch grass (Agropyron elongatumn Host Neviski), Chin Sci Bull (科學通報), 41(160): 1382-1386(SCI)
45. Xia GM, Xiang FN, Zhou AF, et al., 1999, Fertile hybrid plant regeneration from somatic hybridization between Triticum aestivum and Agropyron elongatum ACTA BOTANICA SINICA, 41 (4): 349-355 (SCI)
46. Xiang FN, Xia GM, Zhou AF, et al., 1999, Asymmetric somatic hybridization between wheat (Triticum aestivum) and Bromus inermis, ACTA BOTANICA SINICA, 41 (5): 458-462(SCI)
47. Xia G M, Li Z Y, Chen H M et al, 1992, Direct somatic embryogenesis and plant-regeneration from protoplasts of bupleurum-scorzonerifolium willd. Plant Cell Reports, 11 (3): 155-158(SCI,IF 1.1)
48. 周愛芬,夏光敏*,陳惠民,1995,普通小麥與簇毛麥的不對稱體細胞雜交及植株再生,科學通報,40(6): 575-576(SCI)
49. .Guo GQ, Xia GM, Li Zhongyi, Chen HM, 1990, Pant regeneration from protoplast wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Chin Sci Bull 35(SCI)
50. Guo GQ, Xia GM, Li ZY et al. 1990 Direct somatic embryogenesis and plant-regeneration from protoplast-derived cells of wheat (triticum-aestivum), Science in China series B, 34 (4): 438-445(SCI)
51. Guangmin Xia*, Aixia Cheng, 2004, Donor genome exclusion and nuclear/ cytop- lasm genotyping of the asymmetric somatic hybrids of wheat, GENETIC RESOURCES AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, Ed by D. THANGADURAI, T. PULLAIAH, M.A.A.P. CARVALHO, Regency Publications, Chapter 15(國際專著)
52. Xia Guangmin* et al., 2001, Asymmetric somatic hybridization between Triticum aestivum and Haynaldia villosa by γ-fusion, BAF (Springer verlag) Vol49:56-69 (國際專著)
53. Xia Guangmin* et al., 2001, Asymmetric somatic hybridization between Triticum aestivum L. and Leymus chinensis (Trin) Tzvel, BAF (Springer verlag),Vol49: 70-83(國際專著)
54. HM Chen, GM Xia et al. 1995, Regeneration of plants from Protoplasts of Bubleurum scorzonerifilum (Red Thorowax) and Saposhnikovia divaricata(Divarricate Sposhnikovia), BAF (Springer verlag) Vol. 34:14-23 (國際專著)


55. 單雷,趙雙宜*,陳芳,夏光敏*,2006,小麥體細胞雜種山融3號耐鹽相關SSR標記的篩選和初步定位,中國農業科學,39(2):1-7
56. 陳秀玲,夏光敏*,陳惠民,2004, 小麥與羊草體細胞雜種的細胞核和細胞質基因組分析,植物生理與分子生物學學報,30(4):379-486
57. 高嶺,李朔,侯丙凱,夏光敏,2003,小麥葉綠體基因組定點整合表達載體的構建,植物生理與分子生物學學報,29(5):469-473
58. Zhao Junsheng, Xue Zeyong, Zhi Daying, Xia Guangmin*, 2005, Research on Festuca arundinacea Transformation Mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. ACTA GENETICA SINICA,.32(6 ): 579-585
59. Xue Zheyong, Ren Wei, Zhi Daying, Xia Guangmin, 2004,Transgenic Plant and Progenies of Wheat with Barley Leaf-type α-thionin Gene Mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens, CHINESE HIGH TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 2004 14 (9 ):34-38(EI)
60. Li Zhidong, Xiang FN*, Xia GM, 2005,The Characterristics of Nuclear/Cytoplasmic Genomes of Asymmetric Somatic Hybrid of Daucus caucus carota var.sativa and Swertia mussotii, J. of plant physiol and molbiology (植物生理與分子生物學學報),31(3):254-260
61. Feng Deshun, Zhao Shuangyi, Chen Fanguo, Xia Guangmin*, 2003, Sequence of a y-subunit gene coding for the high-molecular-weight(HMW) glutenin from hybrid plant (F5) regenerated from somatic hybridization between Triticum aestivum L. Jinan 177 and Agroyron elongatum, J. of plant physiol and molbiology (植物生理與分子生物學學報), 26(6):598-601
62. Zhou Aifen,XIA Guangmin* et al.,2002,UV-fusion between protoplast of common wheat and Haynaldia villosa Schur. J. of plant physiol and mol.biology,28(4):305-310
63. Li Liangliang, Xia Guangmin*, Chen HM, 2001, Asymmetric somatic hybridization between common wheat and millet, Acta Physiol Sinica, 26(3):1-7
64. Song X Q, Xia G M, Chen H M, 2000, Chromosomal variation in long-term cultures of several related plants in Triticinae, Acta Phytophysiol Sinica, 26 (1): 33-38
65. 趙雙宜,姚紅艷,封德順,夏光敏*,2005,優質小麥體細胞雜種中新的HMW麥谷蛋白亞基基因cDNA的克隆和測序,高技術通訊,15(171): 71-77(EI)
66. 於志勇,譚瀟軼,薛哲勇,夏光敏*,2005,高冰草與小麥體細胞雜種後代的耐鹽性和麥谷蛋白分析,高技術通訊,15 (172): (EI)
67. 單雷,趙雙宜,權太勇,夏光敏,2004, 小麥與高冰草體細胞雜種耐鹽新品系的鹽脅迫應答cDNA差異表達分析,高技術通訊,14 (163): 29-33 (EI)
68. Gao Ling,Li Shuo,Hou Bingkai,* Xia Guangmin,2003,The Construction of Site-specific Integration and Expression Vector for Chloroplast Genome of Wheat,J. of plant physiol and molbiolog, 29(5):469-473
69. Xia GM*, Li ZY, He CX, Chen HM, 1999, Transgenic plant regeneration from wheat(Triticum aestivum) mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens, Acata Physiologica Sinica, 25(1): 22-28
70. 李翠玲,夏光敏*,2004,混合小麥親本與新麥草不對稱體細胞雜交新體系的建立,生物工程學報,20(4): 610-614
71. 趙慶臻,趙雙宜*,夏光敏,2005,植物RNA沉默機制的研究進展,遺傳學報,32 (1): 104-109
72. 夏光敏*,李忠誼,周愛芬,陳惠民,1999,用RAPD 技術鑑定小麥屬間體細胞雜種,實驗生物學報,32(3):266-270
73. 周愛芬,徐春暉,向鳳寧,夏光敏*,陳惠民,1999,套用5S rDNA間隔序列分析鑑定體細胞雜種,生物工程學報,15(4):154-157
74. 周愛芬,夏光敏*,陳惠民,1996a,Co-g射線對簇毛麥細胞分裂和染色體變異的影響, 生物工程學報,12:127-130
75. 周愛芬,夏光敏,陳惠民,何世賢,陳建愛,1996b,60Co-γ射線對簇毛麥愈傷組織細胞的分裂及染色體的影響,生物工程學報,12:127-130
76. 夏光敏,李忠誼,周愛芬,郭光沁,陳惠民,1995,小麥胚性懸浮系與原生質體植株再生,生物工程學報,11(1) :63-66
77. 韓曉光,薛哲勇,支大英,夏光敏,2005,高羊茅胚性愈傷組織的高效誘導及其耐鹽突變體時篩選,草業學報,14(6):112-118
78. Xia Guangmin, Li Zhongyi,,Guo Guangqin, Chen Huimin, 1993,Plant Regeneration from Cell Supension Derived Protoplasts of Heracleum moellendorffii,ACTA BOTANICA SINICA,35(9)730-732
79. Xia Guangmin,Chen Huimin, 1993,Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on Somatic Embryogenesis of Peucedanum terebinthaccum,ACTA BOTANICA SINICA,35(8)644-648
80. Xia Guangmin, Li Zhongyi,,Guo Guangqin, Chen Huimin, 1992,Protoplast Culture and Plant Regeneration of Angelica dahurica,ACTA BOTANICA SINICA,32(7)502-506
81. Guo GQ, Xia GM, Li Zhongyi, Chen HM, 1991, Derict somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from protoplast-derived cells of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Sci Chin Ser B 34::438-445
82. Xia Guangmin,Chen Huimin,1991,Ultrastructure of the Cell of Peucedanum terebinthaceum in Different Stages of Embryogenesis in Suspension Cell Culture,ACTA BOTANICA SINICA,33(6)482-485
83. Xia Guangmin, Li Zhongyi,,Guo Guangqin, Chen Huimin, 1991,Synchronous Embrogenesis and Plant Regeneration From Protoplast Culture of Anthriscus Sylvestris. Acta Biologiae Experimentalis Sinica1991,24(4)., 395-398
84. Chen Fanguo, Zhu Xiangyu, Xia Guangmin*, 2005, Study on a novel HMW glutenin subunit gene from Haynaldia villosa. 西北植物學報,25 (7): 1410-1415
85. 陳凡國,夏光敏,張學勇,2001,普通小麥與玉米不對稱體細胞雜交的研究,西北植物學報,21(5):826-831
86. 陳凡國,封德順,夏光敏*,2003,高冰草高分子量麥谷蛋白一個y亞基基因序列,分子植物育種,1(4):555-556
87. 陳凡國,封德順,夏光敏*,2003,一個小麥ω-醇溶蛋白基因同源序列克隆,分子植物育種,4(2):600
88. 陳凡國,夏光敏*,2005,一個w-醇溶蛋白基因同源序列的分離與序列分析,遺傳,27(6):941-947
89. 趙雙宜,吳耀榮,夏光敏*,2002,介紹一種簡單高效的植物總RNA提取方法,遺傳, 24(3):337-338
90. 夏光敏*,由翠榮,陳惠民,1995, Co-g射線對羊草培養細胞的影響,核農學報 (ACTA AGR NUCLEATAE),9:179~184
91. 張其魯,夏光敏等,2005,利用細胞雜交後代進行小麥種質創新研究,麥類植物學報, 24(3):67-70
92. 周傳恩,夏光敏*,2005,小麥胚拯救研究進展,麥類植物學報,21(3): 88-92
93. 王晶,向鳳寧,夏光敏*,2003,小麥與高冰草體細胞雜種F5代的核型分析,麥類作物學報,23(1):12-16
94. 陳穗雲,夏光敏*,陳惠民,馮素萍,2000,小麥與高冰草體細胞雜種植株與其親本幼苗抗鹽性比較,西北植物學報,20(3): 327-332
95. 封德順,陳凡國,夏光敏*,2004,高冰草中一種新型高分子量麥谷蛋白亞基編碼序列的研究,西北植物學報,24(2):237-242
96. 陳凡國,夏光敏*,2005,簇毛麥中一種新型高分子量麥谷蛋白亞基序列的研究,西北植物學報,25(7):1410
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