




設計、創作出開放的、自由自在的新型舞台劇種。這台節目不同於以往的唐歌舞,也區別於傳統的功夫秀和現代的炫舞。它糅合了最近十幾年來舞台劇、演藝界、影視界藝術表現手法的精華, 以觀眾最佳視聽效果和震撼感受為目標,創造出全新的藝術風格,讓觀眾產生更多的遐想空間—總投資達到1.2億元,高級定製夢幻般的舞台視聽設備將讓觀眾身臨其境;超強演員陣容將給觀眾帶來絕無僅有的視覺衝擊;不為人知的劇情設定將讓觀眾流連忘返。由07年央視春晚《小城雨巷》製作團隊傾力打造的《唐劇·十三朝》恢弘出世。
The Performance Introduction: The New Vision “Tang Opera” is a combination of miscellaneous varieties.It is a new type of stage opera that features openness, free style and original ideas and unique designing.This performance is not only different from the traditional Tang operas, but also different from the traditional Kung Fu Shows and modern and fashionable dances. It combines the essence of the stage, performing arts, film and television art over the last ten years.Our goal is to give the audience the best visual effect and a fantastic feel and to create a brand-new artistic style, thus leaving the audience more room for their reverie.The total investment amounts to 120 million Yuan.The luxury and customized stage audio visual equipment will let the audience have the feeling of being personally on the scene.The best crew and cast will bring a unique visual impact on the audience while the original plot of the story will greatly impress them. “Tang Opera-Thirteen Dynasties” is made by the production team who presented the show “A Little Town Lane in the Rain” for the year 2007 CCTV Spring Festival Gala.



Synopsis: “Tang Opera---Thirteen Dynasties”covers important but transient moments over 5,000 years in Chinese history and elaborates 13 dynasties including Zhou, Qin, Han, Sui and Tang as if each of them is like water under the bridge.Great men are produced generation after generation.But many of them are caught in very difficult circumstances. Many beauties died young. Chang An, the ancient China’s capital has witnessed ups and downs of the country.The following are a few important moments in the ancient Chinese history; The Square Array of Qin Army warriors is changing miraculously (Terra-Cotta Army); the Battle of Chu and Han is horrifying and thrilling (Farewell to My Concubine); the prosperity of Tang Dynasty is brilliant; Lady Yang, a high rank Tang Dynasty emperor’s concubine, committed suicide at Ma Wei Po (The Hatred of Romance); the Silk Road is leading to places in Europe for international trade; the flying fairies in the murals of Dun Huang are bringing you into a world of dreams and fantasies.


明秦王府城建於明洪武四年(1371年)——十一年(1378年)為明朱元璋二兒子朱樉王府。(陝西省人民政府公布的文物保護景點)About Historic Spot:The Mansion of King Qin was built from 1371, the 4th Year of Ming Dynasty Hong Wu’s Reign to 1378, the 11th Year of Ming Dynasty Hong Wu’s Reign for Zhu Shuang, the second son of Zhu Yuanzhang. This historic spot is on the list of Important Cultural Relic Sites announced by Shaanxi Provincial People’s Government.



