

哥斯拉大戰巨蛾這部電影是由本多豬四郎 Ishir Hon導演,是日本上映的一部對白語言為英語、片長88分鐘的片。



譯 名 摩斯拉決戰哥斯拉/魔斯拉斗恐龍
片 名 Mothra vs Godzilla
年 代 1964
國 家 日本
類 別 動作/劇情/恐怖/科幻
語 言 日語
字 幕 英文
IMDB評分 6.2/10 1,705 votes
片 長 88 Min
導 演 本多豬四郎 Ishir Honda
主 演 寶田明 Akira Takarada ....News Reporter Ichiro Sakai
星由里子 Yuriko Hoshi ....News Photographer Junko 'Yoka' Nakanishi
小泉博 Hiroshi Koizumi ....Professor Miura
藤木悠 Yu Fujiki ....Reporter Jiro Nakamura (with egg and frying pan)
伊藤惠美 Emi Ito ....Shobijin (Twin Fairy)
伊藤由美 Y mi Ito ....Shobijin (Twin Fairy)
田島義文 Yoshifumi Tajima ....Kumayama
佐原健二 Kenji Sahara ....Banzo Torahata - U.S.:Shiro Torahata
田崎潤 Jun Tazaki ....Editor Arota
武謙三 Kenzo Tabu ....Mayor
佐田豐 Yutaka Sada ....Old Man
谷晃 Akira Tani ....Village headman
藤田進 Susumu Fujita ....General
澤村伊紀雄 Ikio Sawamura ....Priest
山本廉 Ren Yamamoto ....Sailor
小杉義男 Yoshio Kosugi ....Chief of Infant Island
古田俊彥 Toshihiko Furuta ....Soldier
手冢勝巳 Katsumi Tezuka ....Soldier
堤康久 Yasuhisa Tsutsumi ....Longshoreman
野村浩三 K z Nomura ....Soldier
久野征四郎 Seishiro Kuno ....Aide
大友伸 Shin Otomo ....Police Officer
大村千吉 Senkichi Omura ....Villager
岩本弘司 K ji Iwamoto ....Villager
大前亘 Wataru Omae ....islander
宇野晃司 Koji Uno ....Journalist
中山豐 Yutaka Nakayama ....Islander
岡部正 Tadashi Okabe ....Soldier
八代美紀 Miki yashiro ....schoolteacher
中島春雄 Haruo Nakajima ....Gojira
Harold Conway ....Weapon's Expert on US Ship (uncredited)
Osman Yusuf ....Missile Surveyor on US Ship (uncredited)


A greedy developer unwittingly hatches a gigantic baby moth upon Tokyo, while Godzilla strikes once again.
A hurricane blows Mothra's egg off Infant Island and causes it to drift to Japan. Banzo Torhata sees an opportunity to make money off the egg but Mothra's twin priestesses show up and plead with him to return the egg or else the larva will hatch and cause great damage in search of food. Torahata refuses and tries to kidnap the fairies. They then go to reporters Ichiro Sakai and Junko Nakanishi to try to persuade Torahata to return the egg. Torahata still refuses and the girls leave with the adult Mothra. In the meantime Godzilla reawakens and begins another rampage. Japan's only hope is for Mothra to return and not only save her unhatched offspring, but Japan as well.



