

劉宗光,1963年7月生,男,教授,博士生導師。 現任中國礦業大學研究生院常務副院長。2001年12月北京師範大學博士後出站後到中國礦業大學(北京)工作。任職期間,從改善生源結構、規範過程管理、完善獎助政策、提高論文質量等方面深化研究生教育改革,如穩步增加推免生、直博生、碩博連讀生的招生比例,全面修訂、制訂並實施研究生培養方案,選聘優秀講師獨立指導碩士研究生並積極準備選聘優秀副教授獨立指導博士研究生,堅持全面使用“學位論文學術不端行為檢測系統”,全面實行博士學位論文校內匿名預審及校外匿名評審制度、設立博士生拔尖創新人才培育基金、全面實施包括研究生國家獎學金、學業獎學金及國家助學金在內的研究生獎助體系等。






劉宗光 劉宗光










1. 切向極大函式的弱型加權模不等式,湖南數學年刊,14(1993)42-45.

2. 關於Vitali族的分數次極大運算元的加權不等式,數學研究與評論, 15(1)(1995), 141-143.

3. 分數次單邊極大運算元的加權弱型不等式,數學雜誌,18(1)(1998),32-36.

4. 齊型空間上的Herz空間及其套用,數學物理學報, 19(3),(1999), 270-277.

5. Weak type inequalities for fractional maximal operator on weighted Orlicz space,Approximation Theory and its Applications, 15(4),(1999),64-70.

6. Herz型空間中的分數次積分運算元的弱型估計,數學學報, 42(5),(1999), 923-930.

7. Herz型空間中的Littlewood-Paley g 函式,數學學報, 43(2),(2000), 359-366.

8. Boundedness of commutators of fractional integration on Herz -type spaces, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 20B(4),(2000),461-470.

9. Boundedness of commutators of Calderon-Zygmund singular integral operator on Herz-type spaces, 數學進展,30(5),(2001), 447-458.

10. Endpoint estimates for commutators of Calderon-Zygmund type operators, Kodai Mathematical Journal, 25(1)(2002), 79-88.

11.強奇異卷積運算元交換子的Hardy 型空間估計, 數學學報, 46(3),(2003), 417-426.

12.A note on the maximal commutator of the Bochner—Riesz operator, PanAmerican Mathematical Journal, 13(3),(2003),11-17.

13. Continuity properties for the maximal operator associated with the commutator of the Bochner—Riesz operator. Publicacions Mathematiques, 47(1),(2003), 45—69.

14. Boundedness of commutators of strongly singular convolution operators on Herz—type spaces, Studia Mathematica, 157(1) (2003)33—46.

15. Two-weight weak-type norm inequalities for the commutators of fractional integrals, Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 48(2004),397-409,

16.Herz空間中的加權Hardy–Littlewood平均運算元,數學學報,49 (2006),1085—1090.

17.N 維分數次 Hardy 運算元交換子的特徵, 中國科學A輯, 37(6) (2007), 651--659. (SCI)

18. Boundedness for Commutators of Fractional Hardy Operators on Herz Spaces, Progress in Natural Science, 17 (2007), 20—25 .

19. 一類 Marcinkiewicz 積分交換子的端點估計, 數學學報,51(2008),265—274.

20. The Hardy spaces estimates for the commutator of Marcinkiewicz Integral, 數學研究與評論,29(1)(2009),137—145.

21. CMO estimates for higher-order commutators of integral operators With rough kernels,Hokkaido Mathematical Journal, 38(2009), 137—151.

22. Weighted Lipschitz estimates for commutators of singular integrals with rough kernels, Commun. Math. Anal. 7(2009), 73-80.

23. Commutators of weighted Hardy operators on , Proc. Amer. Math. Soc ., 137(2009), 3319—3328.

24.齊型空間中分數次積分交換子的加權端點估計, 數學物理學報, 30 (2010), 922—931.

25.Calderón Zygmund 型運算元及其交換子的有界性, 數學學報, 53 (2010), 541—550.

26. Weighted estimates for the parametrized Littlewood Paley operators, Front. Math. China, 6 (2011), 517—534.

27. Weighted estimates for commutators of fractional integrals with homogenuous Kernels, Taiwanese J. Math. 15 (2011), 2689—2700.

28. The wavelet characterization of Herz—type Hardy spaces with with variable exponents, Ann. Funct. Anal. 3 (2012), 128—141.

29.變指標Lebesgue 空間上的Marcinkiewicz 積分高階交換子,數學物理學報,32(2012),1092—1101.

30. Multi—parameter Triebel—Lizorkin and Besov spaces associated with Zygmund dilation,Taiwanese J. Math. 17(2013), 2019—2037.

31. Parameterized Littlewood-Paley operators and area integrals on weak Hardy spaces,Acta Math. Sinica(English Series),29(2013), 1857— 1870, (SCI).

32. Weighted Hardy spaces on spaces of homogeneous type with applications,Taiwanese J. Math. 18(2014), 559—574.

33. Pointwise multiplies on spaces of homogeneous type in the sense of Coifman and Weiss, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Vol.2014, Article ID 164624, 9 pages, (SCI).


