
克里斯汀•肯諾恩斯(Kristin Chenoweth),美國歌手、演員。大學時獲得聲樂、歌劇表演雙學位,繼而從事演藝工作。以音樂劇起家,活躍在歌壇、舞台劇、電影、電視各個平台,是好萊塢難得的花腔女高音。2009年獲得艾美獎最佳女配角獎。參演熱門美劇《歡樂合唱團》,擔任《美國偶像》客座評審。



Kristin ChenowethKristin Chenoweth

克里斯汀•肯諾恩斯(Kristin Chenoweth),1968年7月24日生於美國奧克拉荷馬州,有四分之一切羅基族血統,剛出生就被領養。克里斯汀從小就喜歡唱歌演戲,有著非常漂亮的女高音。然而這個與詹妮佛•洛佩茲同一天生日的女歌手,其星路卻沒有詹妮佛那般順暢。
因為專業的關係,這位以喜歡穿著粉色著稱的迷你型美女(身高只有150cm)最初入行是作為一名歌手。優秀的演技和高超的聲樂技巧使得她於1999年憑藉《You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown》獲得托尼獎音樂劇類最佳女主角獎。2002年,克里斯汀發表了她的首張個人專輯 “Let Yourself Go”。2005年,身為虔誠基督教徒的她又發表了第二張專輯”As I Am”,這張專輯也是一張基督教音樂專輯。但這兩張專輯並沒有在歌壇為她帶來很高的聲望。

Kristin ChenowethKristin Chenoweth



克里斯汀憑藉出眾的音樂才華和優秀的演技也贏得了影視界的注意。她出演的第一部戲劇是莫里哀的的《斯卡盤》。1997年的春天出演了約翰·戡德(John Kander)與佛瑞德·艾布(Fred Ebb)聯合編著的《鋼鐵碼頭》(steel pier),精彩的表演讓她捧回了“戲劇世界獎”。擁有獨特嗓音的她在戲劇界走得十分順暢,她的作品也得到了評論家們的肯定。
雖然沒能成功轉戰大銀幕,克里斯汀仍然不斷在電視劇集和舞台劇中磨練演技。她出演過短命的電視劇《克里斯汀》(Kristin),播出6集之後就被NBC砍掉。《白宮風雲》(The West Wing)第六季中,克里斯汀扮演了新出場的角色,新聞顧問阿娜貝絲·斯科特(Annabeth Schott)。在《白宮風雲》的最終季(第七季)中她所扮演的阿娜貝絲成了全局的核心角色之一。這個角色成功為她奠定了日後的事業基礎,也使她和同劇的演員打下了深厚的感情基礎。後來她在音樂電影《Wicked》中演唱了一首《For Good》,表達對已故的朋友——《白宮風雲》中的演員約翰·斯賓塞(John Spencer)的思念。


2004年,克里斯汀再一次獲托尼獎音樂劇最佳女主角提名,提名角色正是音樂劇《Wicked》中好魔女格利達。也正是因為這個角色,使妮可•基德曼注意到了克里斯汀,並要求導演在日後由妮可主演的電影《家有仙妻》中特別設了一個角色瑪麗亞·凱利(Maria Kelly),這個角色和妮可-基德曼所扮演的角色是一對好朋友。也就從這個時候開始,克里斯汀的演藝生涯開始步入正軌。《粉紅豹》、《休旅任務》、《奇幻人生》、《剪刀邊緣》,她似乎總算迎來出頭天。
在大銀幕上發光發熱的同時,克里斯汀不忘電視劇領域,頻繁在各個熱門劇集中客串表演。2007年克里斯汀在人氣劇集《醜女貝蒂》(Ugly Betty)第一季中做過短暫的客串演出,雖然只是一個牙醫助理的小角色,卻也讓克里斯汀詮釋得喜感十足。有趣的是該劇後來又以劇中劇的形式在劇集裡提及了克里斯汀主演的音樂劇《Wicked》。同年的秋季克里斯汀出演了ABC的劇情類電視劇《冥偵探艾艾》(Pushing Daisies),她在劇中飾演女招待Oliva,與男主角身高差距極大,然後她出色的演技彌補了這種視覺差距。雖然該劇收視率不盡理想,克里斯汀卻憑藉其紮實的表演功底收穫了艾美獎最佳女配角獎,並引起律師劇《Ally McBeal》和《Boston Legal》的主創David E. Kelley的主意,在其新劇《Legally Mad》中出演Skippy pylon,一個聰明但是有點神經質的律師。


2009年,克里斯汀又出現在熱門美劇《換了合唱團》(Glee)中,她在第4集飾演April Rhodes一角,一個當年的校園風雲人物。她的酗酒給合唱團帶來非常不好的影響,但優秀的歌舞表演卻喚起了劇中角色的表演欲望。秋季她又出現於第九集《美國偶像》(American Idol)中,擔任奧蘭多海選的客座評審,詼諧幽默的點評展現了其自身的無限魅力。



2009年9月21,第61屆電視艾美獎頒獎禮(61st Primetime Emmy Awards)舉行。Kristin Chenoweth(克里斯汀·肯諾恩)憑藉電影《冥偵探艾艾》(Pushing Daisies)獲最佳女配角。當日Kristin Chenoweth選擇鑲滿水晶飾物的深V領白色禮服亮相,耀眼的金髮簡單的束在背後,當她得知獲獎後,激動地蜜吻獎盃表達自己狂喜的心情。





七朵玫瑰》(Seven Roses)(2001)



《Topa Topa Bluffs》(2002)

《Baby Bob》(2002)


歡樂音樂妙無窮》(the music man)(2003)

《芝麻街》(Sesame Street)(2003)

《白宮風雲》(The West Wing)(2004)

《Great Performances》(2005)


《粉紅豹》(The Pink Panther)


《奇幻人生》(Stranger Than Fiction)(2006)

《夾縫求生》(Running With Scissors)(2006)

《閃亮之屋》(Deck the Halls)(2006)

《A Sesame Street Christmas Carol 》(2006)

《Elmo's World: What Makes You Happy?》(2007)

《醜女貝蒂》(Ugly Betty)(2007)

機器雞》(Robot Chicken)(2007)

《冥偵探艾艾》(Pushing Daisies)(2007)

《Tinker Bell》(2008)

《Space Chimps》(2008)





Getting Over Being the Adopted One
by Kristin Chenoweth
I can’t remember the specific moment I was told I was adopted; I just know that at some point, my parents said, “After your brother Mark was born, Mommy couldn’t have any more kids, and that’s why you’re so special.” Growing up in Oklahoma, I never spent time wishing I could meet my birth mother. That’s because the family I already had was amazing: My brother and I were close, my dad and I had the same sense of humor, my mother was-and still is-my best friend.
But there were differences: I’m 4’11” and blond, while the rest of my family is tall and dark-haired. I can’t balance my checkbook, while my brother is a brilliant mathematician. I on the other hand, could sing—while no one else in my family could. At 28 I went through a period of severe depression, and at 30 I suddenly got adult-onset acne. When you’re adopted you can’t help but wonder, where did that come from? Here’s what I do know about my biological mother: When she had me she was 21 years old and unmarried. She came from money and worked as a flight attendant. She was Catholic, so abortion wasn’t an option. At the same time, a young woman had been forced to have a hysterectomy at 25 because of a medical condition. The adoption couldn’t have worked out more perfectly—just as my mother’s scars were healing, she got to bring me home.
My family never made me feel like an outsider—not even once—but it is impossible to grow up as an adopted child and not sometimes feel like maybe, just maybe, you don’t fit in. Look at all the references to Angelina Jolie and “her adopted son, Maddox.” He’s her son, not her “adopted son”—yet we are constantly being reminded that she did not give birth to him. Growing up in the eighties, I used to watch episodes of Sally Jessy Raphael in which the show’s producers would track down the biological parents of an adopted child. I remember thinking what of they don’t want to be found? My brother, Mark, must have intuited how scary thins was for me. Once, when I was about 11 and he was 16, my parents were having an argument and he and I took off in the car. He took me to a chapel and we prayed together. On the ride home, he said, “By the way no one will ever be able to take you away from us—I checked”. In that moment, I felt so safe and loved. For the first time, I truly understood that blood is not necessarily thicker than water. I also knew with certainty that I didn’t need any family other than my own.
Sometimes I wonder if I have a sibling out there, or if my biological mother has seen me on TV. And if you told me she was standing in line at the deli downstairs, I might take a peek. But do I need to meet her or establish a relationship with her? Not really. My biological mother gave me life—I really want to thank her for that. But my parents always say they struck the lottery when they adopted me. It isn’t true: I struck the lottery because I got the parents I was supposed to get.
Last September; I gave my first solo concert at Carnegie Hall. Amazingly, it sold out. As I walked onto the stage, people leapt to their feet. I thought about all the women who’d stood there before me: Judy Garland, Julie Andrews, Bernadette Peters. I looked into the footlights and saw my parents just beaming. I performed a surprise song I’d written for my father, called “The Ride Home,” about the countless ballet classes and piano lessons he’d driven me to and from. Though my father is not a crier, when I finished the song he stood up and blew me a kiss—and I saw big, fat tears rolling down his face. I remember thinking, if that isn’t my father, I don’t know who is.



