
張靚穎演唱歌曲。張靚穎(Jane Zhang),中國著名流行女歌手、華語流行樂壇天后、中華全國青年聯合會青年委員,美譽:“海豚公主”。2005年參加湖南衛視超級女聲比賽季軍出道,其演唱的《我們說好的》、《畫心》、《如果這就是愛情》、《我相信》等歌曲廣為傳唱。出色歌技屢獲海內外大獎,蟬聯七屆中歌榜最佳女歌手獎,憑主唱《印象·西湖》入圍美國格萊美最佳New Age音樂專輯獎,2011年榮獲韓國MAMA音樂大獎最佳亞洲藝人併入圍歐洲音樂大獎亞太最佳藝人。作為中國最具國際影響力的歌手之一,曾連續兩年出席格萊美頒獎禮紅毯,亦是迄今唯一登上美國奧普拉脫口秀獻唱的中國女歌手,台灣媒體更盛讚其為華人最驕傲女主唱。


傾聽張靚穎 傾聽張靚穎




I'm sipping on the sounds of the afternoon,
When the wind blows out I'll breathe it and out again
And listen to the overture with you
One last time to sit down and watch the world in stereo
Then the chalk lines and the bass lines they
Drew straight lines onto the pavement
And they curved up and they fell down and they wrote up
What we missed out and what I could have been then
What we could have been then
And sometime somewhere when we start to heal
Our hearts will follow there where our new pressed bodies feel
Prefectly still inside
Now we're single
I drew a pretty little memory of us and I held it out and I held it up
I let it breathe and put it back into my pocket
We'd take it out for special occasions
where you and me were feeling gracious
And we'd pretend it looked like Christmas all rosy and clean
Then you'd see how things change,
how they'd be,if we'd stayed
And she'll make you happier than me and we'd see that
So I'll smile and you'll leave
and I'll do my best to make believe,
In the inconsequence and words and all those other things
Then we'll begin to get undressed and shed our skin
Let them start their own lives
Make a way out to the distance
where our new pressed bodies lie
Prefectly still inside
Now we're single
Then we'll begin to get undressed and shed our skin
Let them start their own lives
Make a way out to the distance
where our new pressed bodies lie
Prefectly still inside
Now we're single


張靚穎 張靚穎

張靚穎(Jane Zhang),中國著名流行女歌手、華語流行樂壇天后、中華全國青年聯合會青年委員,美譽:“海豚公主”。2005年參加湖南衛視超級女聲比賽季軍出道,其演唱的《我們說好的》、《畫心》、《如果這就是愛情》、《我相信》等歌曲廣為傳唱。出色歌技屢獲海內外大獎,蟬聯七屆中歌榜最佳女歌手獎,憑主唱《印象·西湖》入圍美國格萊美最佳New Age音樂專輯獎,2011年榮獲韓國MAMA音樂大獎最佳亞洲藝人併入圍歐洲音樂大獎亞太最佳藝人。作為中國最具國際影響力的歌手之一,曾連續兩年出席格萊美頒獎禮紅毯,亦是迄今唯一登上美國奧普拉脫口秀獻唱的中國女歌手,台灣媒體更盛讚其為華人最驕傲女主唱。2013年首次登上央視春晚,與楊坤演唱《一輩子朋友》,同年4月6日再次受邀參加博鰲亞洲論壇,並在青年領袖圓桌會議上發表觀點。



