





英文名稱:Bond And Beyond
專輯編號: CD80251
音樂類別: 電影音樂
專輯歌手:Erich Kunzel
專輯特色: 007電影風華再現
唱片公司: Telarc
演奏(唱)者: 艾瑞克.康澤爾 指揮 辛辛那提大眾管弦樂


007電影如《金手指》、《海底城》、 《八爪女》《最高機密》以及《第一滴血》 …;電視影集如《虎膽妙算》、《洛城法網》等影片配樂,隨著劇情起伏變化,莫不支支動聽,歌曲好像要訴說著什麼,來彌補情節中令人遺憾的失落。這張專輯裡面的曲子經過重新的安排,加上TELARC厚實的錄音,較原曲更為動聽。康澤爾指揮最擅於製造不過份渲染的氣氛,辛辛那提樂團對這些曲目演奏來如家常菜般的輕鬆愉快,一點也沒有生疏感,而整齊一致的音色和音容,為這些曲子賦予新的生命和力量。




過去十年來,辛辛那提大眾管弦樂團出過無數的好唱片,在流行演奏的世界中,已大大超越了波爾·瑪麗亞、詹姆斯 拉斯特、波西 費斯、曼托凡尼等樂團,像「科幻影視名曲集」﹝Time Warp﹞,「史托科夫斯基之音」﹝The Stokowsdi Sound﹞,「奇幻的旅程」﹝Fantastic Journey﹞,配合TELARC專屬的音樂廳良好的音響效果和頂級的錄音,從專輯裡我們所聽到的聲音,比任何其它廠牌的效果都要厚實一倍以上。


Bond and Beyond Themes from the Bond films plus:- Dick Tracy; The Untouchables; Rambo; Lethal Weapon; Darkman; Shaft; and TV adventure themes.
John BARRY; Ennio MORICONE; Danny ELFMAN; Jerry GOLDSMITH; enry MANCINI; Bronislaw KAPER; Lalo SCHIFRIN; Michael Kamen; Etc.

This compilation, thankfully, pulls in more than the interminable Bond themes with the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra jazzing up many themes for not only movie heroes like Bond, Shaft, and those Untouchables but many good guys from TV like Perry Mason, Peter Gunn and the Mission Impossible guys.

Kunzel pulls all the stops out, his big band vividly colouring racy themes from Goldfinger, Beverly Hills Cop, Shaft and Michael Kamen's Lethal Weapon; more noble heroic material like Enio Morricone's The Untouchables and the Danny Elfman's deliciously quirky dark music for Darkman and Dick Tracy. Jerry Goldsmith's 'It's a long road' from Rambo mixes lazy style western material with explosive action stuff.

There is an emphasis on arrangements of James Bond THEME SONGS: From Russia with Love; Live and let Die; 'Nobody Does it Better' from The Spy Who Loved Me and 'All Time High' from Octopussy. Whatever relaxation there is from the relentlessly high spirits and hectic pace of the music comes in these arrangements.

One track is a 'Medley of Adventure Themes' in hectic arrangements that are exciting enough but they may not appeal to the purists.

High spirited, big jazz arrangements of many well-loved movie and TV action themes.


01. Theme from Goldfinger


02. James Bond Theme
03. From Russia with Love
04. Main Theme from Dick Tracy
05. Crime Spree from Dick Tracy
06. Main Theme from The Untouchables
07. Al Capone from The Untouchables
08. It's A Long Road from Rambo (First Blood Part Two)
09. Medley of TV Adventure Themes: Dragnet, Peter Gunn, Perry Mason, The F.B.I., Hillstreet Blues, Mission Impossible, The Man from U.N.C.L.E., L.A. Law, Miami Vice, Hawaii Five-O
10. Live and Let Die
11. For Your Eyes Only
12. Axel F from Beverly Hills Cop
13. Theme From Lethal Weapon
14. Woe, the Darkman, Woe from Darkman
15. Nobody Does It Better from The Spy Who Loved Me
16. Theme from Shaft
17. All Time High from Octopussy



