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StrutsIDE is an Eclipse plugin for web application development that used Struts. It requires Eclipse 3.0 (or higher), JDT, GEF and EclipseHTMLEditor. And, it recommends Sysdeo Tomcat Plugin. But it is not indispensable.
StrutsIDE supports Struts 1.2, and has the following features.


Add Struts supports to existing Java project.
Visual editing of struts-config.xml
Validate struts-config.xml (It's based on DTD, and also checks that JSPs and classes exist)
Wizards for creating Action, ActionForm, JSP files
Preview of JSP files that includes Struts taglibs
Add taglib to JSP using EclipseHTMLEditor's tag palette
Code completion and validation for taglibs (It's a function of EclipseHTMLEditor)
And, current version has following limitations.
It doesn't support all elements of struts-config.xml
Changes in a Source Editor can not be synchronized to an outline view. It synchronize when saved.
Comments in struts-config is lost by synchronization of source from model.


