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Quiet是由Jason Mraz演唱的英文流行曲。



傑森·瑪耶茲,英文名Jason Mraz,綽號男巫,美國創作歌手。曾經獲得過第52屆葛萊美獎最佳流行男歌手,以強大的現場演唱功力聞名樂壇。傑森·瑪耶茲已經推出三張錄音室專輯,其中第三張專輯《We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things》中的單曲《I'm Yours》最為著名,成為美國Billboard單曲榜史上在榜最長時間的歌曲,蟬聯76周,全球大賣810萬張,為2009年全球單曲榜第三名,並獲得第51屆格萊美“年度歌曲”提名。2012年時,傑森·瑪耶茲發表專輯《Love is a Four Letter Word》,單曲《I Won't Give Up》廣受好評,順利登頂美國iTunes下載榜榜首。



I want to,
I want to hold you
Every time I go home
there's another cellphone tower
Construction getting louder,
Paving over yesterdays
You and I,
we will try to find the side of it
that's pretty
While our town becomes a city,
We won't let it be erased
Empires rise, empires fall
Will you be my constant through it all?
I will hold your hand and watch the world
spin idly around this life we're in
Oh yeah everything goes quiet
When it's you I'm with
Oh yeah everything goes quiet
When it's you I'm with
You, you, you...
Every once in a while,
You know I get these
real bad headaches
Worried about the mistakes
That I've made along the way
You and I, we can't hide from the fact
that we need each other
How else will I recover
when the fever comes again
Temperatures rise
Temperatures fall
Will you be my constant through it all?
I will hold your hand
and watch the world spin idly
around this life we're in
Oh yeah everything goes quiet
when it's you I'm with
Oh yeah everything goes quiet
when it's you I'm with
You, you, you...
There are no words, no words when
I'm with you, you, you
Every time I hear music
They've added more stuff to it
Things are always moving
into a futuristic place
Where you and I will try
We'll try to dance into tomorrow
But time will have to borrow
Not a minute left to waste
Heartbeats rise, heartbeats fall
Will you be my constant through it all?
I will hold your hand
And watch the world spin idly
around this life we're in
Oh yeah everything goes quiet
when it's you I'm with
Oh yeah everything goes quiet
when it's you I'm with
everything goes quiet
when it's you I'm with
everything goes quiet
when it's you I'm with

