
stan somethin othin


歌手: Leona Lewis 所屬專輯:《 Glassheart》 發行時間:2012-10-15 所屬公司:SONY MUSIC


Oh oh I will lay down next to you 我會躺在你的身邊 Stay in bed all afternoon 整個下午待在床上 We were birds of a feather 我們曾是一羽之鳥 We were always together 我們一直那么親密 And I never will forget 我永遠不會忘記 All the little things you said 你曾說過的那些小事 And that beautiful summer, used to call me a love bird 在那個美好的夏天,你曾叫我愛情鳥 But the time went on, the wait is blown, and I have gone 但時間消逝,了我的等待,我已經不再 And a scar that I feel in 只留下那傷痕 And my wings have been broken 我已折翼 And I can't believe 無法相信 That I would ever want to be set free 有一天我會渴求自由 But I just can't stay 但是我已經等不及 So your lovebird's flyin' away 所以你的愛情鳥已展翅高飛 Your lovebird's flyin' away away 你的愛情鳥已展翅高飛 Is my heart's been stuck in a cage 被困在籠子裡的是我的心 I sing my song, so pretty 我唱著歌, 那么美 Dum, dum, diddy And i miss you everyday 我每天都在想念你 But there's nothing left to say 但是已經無話可說 I sing my song, so pretty 我唱著歌,那么美 Dum, dum, diddy I want the world in my feet 我想要俯視這個世界 Even if it's bittersweet 即使這樣苦樂參半 Wanna stand on my own and 想要 Put my heart in my own hands 心由己控 Cause I've began to see that you and me are different breeds 因為我已經開始明白我們是不同的 So I gotta believe in 所以我要相信 Gotta get back to breathing 我要 找回我自己 And I can't believe 無法相信 That I would ever want to be set free 有一天會渴求自由 But I just can't stay 但是我無法再停留 So your lovebird's flyin' away 所以你的愛情鳥已展翅高飛 Your lovebird's flyin' away away 你的愛情鳥已展翅高飛 Is my heart's been stuck in a cage 被困在籠子裡的是我的心 I sing my song, so pretty 我 唱這歌,那么美 Dum, dum, diddy And I miss you everyday 我每天都想念你 But there's nothing left to say 但是已經無話可說 I sing my song, so pretty 我唱這歌,那么美 Dum, dum, diddy And you'll always be 你將永遠是我的 A part of me 一部分 You made me who I am 是你塑造了現在的我 But I gotta say I'm not afraid to test my wingspan 但我要說我已不再畏懼飛翔 Cause it seems when you love something 因為當你愛上一個人 Let it go, let it go, let it go 就要學會放手 Open up the gate 打開大門 Your lovebird's flyin' away away 你的愛情鳥要振翅高飛 Is my heart's been stuck in a cage 被困在籠子裡的是我的心 I sing my song, so pretty 我唱這歌,那么美 Dum, dum, diddy And I miss you everyday 我每天想你 But there's nothing left to say 但已無話可說 I sing my song, so pretty 我唱這歌。。。唱著歌,如此動聽 Dum, dum, diddy


Leona Lewis是一名擁有多白金銷量,身價過億的歌手。獲得過3個葛萊美獎提名,一個金球獎提名。她因奪得2006年第三屆英國電視選秀X-Factor冠軍而成名,而她同樣也是第一位贏得此選秀的女選手。2008年12月,她被Billboard雜誌評為"最佳新人"。迄今為止,Leona的專輯世界銷量已經超過了1000萬張,首張專輯在英國擁有10白金的認證。



