first love[ First LoveADELE演唱歌曲]

first love[ First LoveADELE演唱歌曲]

不論中外,吉他唱作人路線有如歷久不衰依然受盡青睞,近年他方的英國陸續有不少新鮮上陣的唱作型女歌手,今次有被譽為“新Amy Winehouse”的Adele。據她所說這張專輯是關於18至19歲年青人的愛情,是一張比較失落的唱片。但從單曲《Chasing Pavements》和《Hometown Glory》的旋律中,滲透出的成熟韻味,並非年輕愛侶的小情小愛。 《Daydreamer》中以Acoustic吉他作伴奏,刻意放輕的唱腔結合旋律流露出簡樸之美。同類型的《Melt My Heart To Stone》則較具節奏感,那充滿感情的演譯,更為動聽。


外文名: Adele / Adele Laurie BlueAdkins

中文名: 阿黛爾·勞麗·布魯·阿德金斯



身高:175 cm



唱片公司:XL Recordings,Universal Music


於2009年 2月9日(美國時間),ADELE(阿黛爾)獲得51屆格萊美年度最佳新人,最佳流行女歌手獎。



Adele - First Love

So little to say but so much time,

despite my empty mouth

the words are in my mind.

Please wear the face,

the one where you smile,

because you lighten up my heart

when I start to cry.

Forgive me first love, but I'm tired.

I need to get away to feel again.

Try to understand why,

don't get so close to change my mind.

Please wipe that look out of your eyes,

it's bribing me to doubt myself;

simply, it's tiring.

This love has dried up and stayed behind,

and if I stay I'll be alive,

then choke on words I'd always hide.

Excuse me first love, but we're through.

I need to taste the kiss from someone knew.

Forgive me first love, but I'm too tired.

I'm bored to say the least and I, I lack desire.

Forgive me first love, forgive me first love,

forgive me first love, forgive me first love,

forgive me, forgive me first love,

forgive me first love


So little to say But so much time沒什麼可說,但是我們經歷太多

Despite my empty mouth儘管嘴上不說

The words are in my mind心中言語萬千

Please wear the face請露出你的

The one where you smile笑臉

Because you Lighten up my heart因為你點亮了我的心

When I start to cry當我開始哭泣

Forgive me first love原諒我 我的初戀

But I'm tired但我已經疲累

I need to get away我需要離開你

To feel again去再一次地感受

Try to understand why試著去懂得 我們為何會這樣

Don't get so close不要再如此靠近我

To change my mind改變我的決定

Please wipe that look out of your eyes請將我從你的眼前抹去

It's bribing me因為你的懇求

To doubt myself讓我動搖

Simply, it's tiring只有一句話 我累了

This love has dried up and stayed behind我們的愛已乾涸而且它將變成回憶

And if I stay如果我留下

I'll be alive我會活下來

Then choke on words I'd always hide我永遠藏在心底的話

Excuse me first love原諒我,我的初戀

But we're through但是我們已經分開

I need to taste the kiss from someone knew我需要品嘗來自另一個人的吻

Forgive me first love原諒我 我的初戀

But I'm too tired但我已經疲累

I'm bored to say我已厭倦去說

The least and I lack desire至少,我無欲無求

Forgive me first love原諒我 我的初戀

Forgive me first love...(重複)



