The Rose[Selina翻唱的歌曲]

The Rose[Selina翻唱的歌曲]

《The Rose》是S.H.E成員Selina翻唱的歌曲,原唱是美國著名女歌手Amanda McBroom。 該歌曲收錄於Selina的個人EP《The Rose》中,於2015年9月18日由華研國際和蝦米音樂聯合發行。


八仙塵爆事件造成重大傷害已逾兩個多月,公共電視為鼓勵傷患面對後續漫長復健路,邀請Selina重新演唱英文老歌《The Rose》,並拍攝公益短片,鼓勵傷患面對艱辛復健路。
Selina接獲邀約第一時間就馬上回應,特別排出檔期配合錄音與拍攝,希望自己過去經驗能對塵爆傷患有鼓舞作用。談到重新詮釋《The Rose》,Selina表示,對歌詞傳達的力量,覺得非常感動,就像歌詞最後寫到“無論多寒冷嚴酷的冬天雪地下,會有一顆種子,你只能等待,自然會開出一朵花”(音譯)。


Selina(任家萱) - The Rose

Some say love it is a river

That drowns the tender reed

Some say love it is a razor

That leaves your soul to bleed

Some say love it is a hunger

An endless aching need

I say love it is a flower

And you , its only seed

It's the heart afraid of breaking

That never learns to dance

It's the dream afraid of waking

That never takes the chance

It's the one who won't be taken

Who cannot seem to give

And the soul afraid of dying

That never learns to live

When the night has been too lonely

And the road has been too long

And you think that love is only

For the lucky and the strong

Just remember in the winter

Far beneath the bitter snows

Lies the seed that with the sun's love

In the spring becomes the rose



