

Shizuishan Municipality is Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China of the prefecture - level cities, due to the helan Shizuishan Yellow River at the intersection of Rock on the protrusion, such as mouth "is named, is located in the north of Ningxia Hui Nationality Autonomous Region, located between east longitude 105 58 106 ~ 39, latitude 38 21 - 39 25 between the east - west direction is about 88 km long from north to south from 119. 5 km.Shizuishan area of 53.1 km2 and a population of 745482 people (2012).Shizuishan city is an emerging, so - called "plug of coal, anthracite production throughout the world.It is also the only non - "national forest city of the prefecture - level city.Shizuishan in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region was under the administration of the prefecture - level city, and the national important coal industry city, Ningxia's energy and raw material industrial base, the so - called "plug of coal.Shizuishan Municipality is Ningxia typical of coal - industrial city, northwest of the important industrial city.


Shizuishan was originally called Shi mouthpiece, due to the helan Shizuishan Yellow River at the intersection of Rock on the protrusion, such as mouth ", which was seen from Ming Jiajing" Ningxia New Survey Shizuishan was originally called Shi mouthpiece, due to the helan Shizuishan Yellow River at the intersection of Rock on the protrusion, such as mouth ", which was seen from Ming Jiajing" Ningxia New Survey . Shizuishan Ningxia is an important industrial city of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in the north, east across the Yellow River is Erdos of Inner Mogolia. Tothe west over Helan Mountain is Alashan Leagure of Inner Mongolia. Tothe north is the Yellow River and adjacent to Wuhai of Inner Mongolia;To the south is the Yinchuan Plain and borders on Xingqing District and Helan County of the Autonomous
Shizuishan Municipality was established in 1960 with a jurisdiction over Dawukou District, Huinong District and Pingluo County, covering a total land area of 5309.5 square km with a population of 0.73 people, non - agricultural population in the city has a population of 58. There are 24 nationalities including Han, Hui, Mongolian and Man, etc., the numbers of Hui point 20. 3%, national unity, social stability and economic situation of
municipal seat domicile, enjoys beautiful surroundings, rational layout and complete functions.Shizuishan Municipality is Ningxia's second - largest city in Dawukou district of Shizuishan City .
is in the north of Yinchuan Plain, benefiting from the irrigation convenience from the Yellow River and enjoying plenty of sunshine is in the north of Yinchuan Plain, benefiting from the irrigation convenience from the Yellow River and enjoying plenty of sunshine . fertile land, ditch, shelterbelt to staggered. The existing arable land is around 1.15 million mus or a per capita arable land of 4.05 mus for agricultural population, ranking first in Ningxia irrigated area
1.12 million mus that can be claimed for farming. That is a per capita land of 3.94 mus. In the near future, there will be a parcel of land of 50 mus, the agriculture development potential years, Shizuishan perseverance to carry out activities such as forestation, sand, closed forest, grass and tree - planting and afforestation by all citizens, has implemented the Three - North shelterbelt I, II, and III project,Sino - German cooperation, Sino - Japan cooperation project, campagna afforest project and now are part of a "green china" project and the Xingguo Fumin engineering etc, make the Shizuishan in agriculture, in forestry construction of the great effects. The ecological environment ameliorated distinctly, in late 2000, the city of forestland 36200 hectares with a forest coverage rate to over 8. 1%

Geographic Location

Shizuishan Municipality is one of the highest in the Middle - Lower Reaches of Yellow River, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in the north, from east to west and 88. 8 km long from north to south from 119. 5 square kilometers, is located at 105 58 106 ~ 39, Northern Wei, 38 21 - 39, 25 between the Erdos mesa terrace to the east, and west to the north of Yinchuan Plain 25 between the Erdos mesa terrace to the east, and west to the north of Yinchuan Plain .
It is 1090 ~ 3475.9 meters above the sea level. Divided by the topography and physiognomy, it consists of Helan Mountain region, Helan Mountain east alluvial fan alluvial plain, Yellow River alluvial plain and Erdos terrace typical temperate continental climate, abundant sunshine throughout the year, concentrated rainfall, strong evaporation,Dry air, large temperature difference and short frost typical temperate continental climate, abundant sunshine throughout the year, concentrated rainfall, strong evaporation,Dry air, large temperature difference and short frost .
Summer is hot and short. Spring is warm and windy. Autumn is cool, short and early while winter is cold and long enjoys an average annual temperature of 4 DEG C ~ 9.9 C
in the lowest average temperature of 19 -. 4 ~ 23. 2. degree. C., the highest annual average 32.4. degree. C. at which time the geographical distribution of the average annual rainfall is more uniform, the average annual rainfall of the whole municipality. 5 188 mm ~ 1.8 mm
annual evaporation in 1708 - 2512.6mm. 6 mm, rainfall of 10 ~ 14 times, is arid and Nan Chang to the north, from west to east, the mountains are high and magnificent.Helan Mountain cliff fresco beautiful scenery
around the glory of the ancient civilizations, Wuhua Tianbao, outstanding. There are cemeteries of the Han and Xia Dynasties. The ancient towers along the Great Wall, embodies the soul of the soil and brilliance of the cultures.Lakes and wetland spread all over the south of the Yangtze River, in Guangxi's

Resource Distribution

Mineral Resources

Shizuishan City is a city depending on resources. The verified resources are coal, silica, calcite, chalk, limestone, diabase, white malmstone, clay, gold, copper, aluminum, iron etc., the reserve of coal, Dinas rock and clay is especially large coal reserves of 2.5 billion tons of coal in Shizuishan in the nation with 11 species;Hailed as" too black "of the coal reserves of up to 6. 55 billion tons, coal is the world's treasures, with" three low ", a six - high" (low ash, low sulfur, low phosphorus, high calorific value, high specific resistivity, high mechanical strength, high recovery rate of washed coal, lump coal rate is high, the high chemical activity).is widely used in metallurgy, chemistry and
silica reserves of 5 million tons, is the good raw material for silicon products and glass industry silica reserves of 5 million tons, is the good raw material for silicon products and glass industry . 1300 tons of clay reserves, is the important raw materials for such building material industries as ceramics and cement 1300 tons of clay reserves, is the important raw materials for such building material industries as ceramics and cement .

Land Resources

Shizuishan Municipality is in the north of Yinchuan Plain, benefiting from the irrigation convenience from the Yellow River and enjoying plenty of sunshine Shizuishan Municipality is in the north of Yinchuan Plain, benefiting from the irrigation convenience from the Yellow River and enjoying plenty of sunshine . fertile land, ditch, shelterbelt to staggered. The existing arable land is around 1.15 million mus or a per capita arable land of 4.05 mus for agricultural population, ranking first in Ningxia irrigated area
1.12 million mus that can be claimed for farming. That is a per capita land of 3.94 mus. In the near future, there will be a parcel of land of 50 mus, the agriculture development potential years, Shizuishan perseverance to carry out activities such as forestation, sand, closed forest, grass and tree - planting and afforestation by all citizens, has implemented the Three - North Shelter Forest. The project, Sino - German cooperation project between China and Japan,plain greening project and now are part of a "green china" project and the Xingguo Fumin engineering etc, make the Shizuishan in agriculture, in forestry construction of the great effects. The ecological environment ameliorated distinctly, in late 2000, the city of forestland 36200 hectares with a forest coverage rate to over 8. 1%

Tourism Resources

Shizuishan Municipality abounds with scenic spots with huge development potentiality Shizuishan Municipality abounds with scenic spots with huge development potentiality . The Yellow River winds its way through the whole territory of the Municipality. Helan Mountain glanced row
Island to the east, "the desert smoke, Changhe falling yen is the grandeur.Looking to the west, fruit gardens under Helan Mountain and south of the old "famous and beautiful sceneriesMountain to the south with the middl of National 4A Scenic Spot in Sand Lake to the north to the honored name of vegetative panda reserve for the tetraena mongolica and tourist and the modernized new industrial park in the sun hectares farmland conventions and customs established eight culture;Painting in the Helan Mountains, the Great Wall relics, fossils, North Wudang Temple, Pingluo yuhuang pavilion, bell and drum towers, Tian state historical relics, such as the gleaming tower;Dawukou Forest Park, Dawukou Xinghai Lake (North Lake) Park, Huinong which wolfberry cultivation gardens mu, mu of Hongliu Garden, Pingluo, 10,000 mu Ecological Forest etc in strange wins, come - from - behind hectares farmland conventions and customs established eight culture;Painting in the Helan Mountains, the Great Wall relics, fossils, North Wudang Temple, Pingluo yuhuang pavilion, bell and drum towers, Tian state historical relics, such as the gleaming tower;Dawukou Forest Park, Dawukou Xinghai Lake (North Lake) Park, Huinong which wolfberry cultivation gardens mu, mu of Hongliu Garden, Pingluo, 10,000 mu Ecological Forest etc in strange wins, come - from - behind .
Looking back, we feel the history. Looking ahead, the beautiful scenes here deeply attract us

Power Resources

Dawukou Power Plant, Shizuishan Power Plant and Shizuishan Power Generation Co., Ltd and some other local power enterprises have a total installed capacity of 205 gigawatts of is in planning and building of a number of industrial power plant project, in 2008, the city's total power installed capacity will reach 400 KW is in planning and building of a number of industrial power plant project, in 2008, the city's total power installed capacity will reach 400 KW .

Industrial Foundation

Shizuishan City is built and booming for coal and industry. Since the establishment of the city, the city's industry has been in the region's economic development in the The city currently has formed a preliminary anti - explosion and utilization with the feature of the coal, metallurgical, power, mechanical, chemical, ceramics, building materials and nonmetal materials categories relatively complete heavy industrial economies The city currently has formed a preliminary anti - explosion and utilization with the feature of the coal, metallurgical, power, mechanical, chemical, ceramics, building materials and nonmetal materials categories relatively complete heavy industrial economies .
Relying on rich coal resources, initially formed a high - tech and new materials, fine chemicals, electrical and related industries, machinery manufacturing, processing of "Muslims" brand agricultural and sideline products, and tourism in six industries with Relying on rich coal resources, initially formed a high - tech and new materials, fine chemicals, electrical and related industries, machinery manufacturing, processing of "Muslims" brand agricultural and sideline products, and tourism in six industries with ., more than 30 large - and medium - sized enterprises have settled in the city , more than 30 large - and medium - sized enterprises have settled in the city .
raw coal, coke,coal mine machinery, and autonomous regions accounts for the proportion of metallic magnesium in the snare;calcium cyanamide, dicyandiamide, yield and quality rank first in Asia, Asian University of carbon production base;tantalum powder and tantalum wire capacity and output in the world top three raw coal, coke,coal mine machinery, and autonomous regions accounts for the proportion of metallic magnesium in the snare;calcium cyanamide, dicyandiamide, yield and quality rank first in Asia, Asian University of carbon production base;tantalum powder and tantalum wire capacity and output in the world top three . Hengli Group, the British Lite Chemical, Orient Tantalum Industry three listed companies, total assets amounted to 1 billion shares, worth 22 billion yuan of Hengli Group, the British Lite Chemical, Orient Tantalum Industry three listed companies, total assets amounted to 1 billion shares, worth 22 billion yuan of .
Highlight the power advantage, the city's total power generating capacity accounts for three fifth of the autonomous region, has become the largest power production base in Ningxia Highlight the power advantage, the city's total power generating capacity accounts for three fifth of the autonomous region, has become the largest power production base in Ningxia .


Shizuishan, 100 km from the Yinchuan Hedong Airport, 60 kilometers of electrified railways Bao Lan, 74 km of stone mouth hill () in (Ning) highway, 69. 5 kilometers of National Road 109 and 90. 3 110 km of the north;Shanshui Avenue, Daping, Ping Tao, Hong Li, Yao Ru and other main highways run east;Ru Ping and the said private siding, and article 79 of feeder road, 3 large and 1 highway overpass consists of extensive public (iron road);traffic mileage is up to 1200 km, forming the crisscross traffic frame Yellow River Shipping owns the 39 ferryboats, 2 pontoon bridges, 11 ferries,, 144 kilometers of air route;Dorothy Yellow River Bridge is under construction;Shizuishan Yellow River Bridge becomes the inter - district traffic fortress in connecting Ningxia and Inner Mongolia Yellow River Shipping owns the 39 ferryboats, 2 pontoon bridges, 11 ferries,, 144 kilometers of air route;Dorothy Yellow River Bridge is under construction;Shizuishan Yellow River Bridge becomes the inter - district traffic fortress in connecting Ningxia and Inner Mongolia .
postal service and telecommunications infrastructure continuously improved, has been built in Dawukou, connecting urban and rural area, the dots are densely distributed, extending in all directions Posts Net postal service and telecommunications infrastructure continuously improved, has been built in Dawukou, connecting urban and rural area, the dots are densely distributed, extending in all directions Posts Net . program - controlled exchange data communication, mobile communication mainly with the public telecommunication network access the nationwide and around the world program - controlled exchange data communication, mobile communication mainly with the public telecommunication network access the nationwide and around the world .
citywide urban telephone exchange capacity reached 21 million lines, telephone penetration rate of 25 sets / per hundred persons citywide urban telephone exchange capacity reached 21 million lines, telephone penetration rate of 25 sets / per hundred persons . mobile phone users in the city has reached 10 million mobile phone users in the city has reached 10 million .
Computer Internet has entered the ordinary home Computer Internet has entered the ordinary home . the city water supply was plentiful, especially as the Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China has been carrying industrial connectivityblue sky and the hearts and minds" Three Projects" and the generating unit in Ningxia shizwishan Power Plant, a sewage treatment plant in Da, Dawukou Waterworks, Shizuishan Gas works, road works etc. key projects of construction, infrastructure construction will be further strengthened, and service functions will improve

Traffic Conditions

Shizuishan, 100 km from the Yinchuan Hedong Airport, 60 km of the Baotou - Lanzhou Railway and Beijing - Tibet Expressway of 74 km, 70 km of National Road 109 and 110 of the 90 km of the north;Daping, Ping Tao, Hong Li, Yao Ru and other main highways run east;Ru Ping and the special railway line, and article 79 of feeder road have been composed to different parts of the public road network (iron);traffic mileage of about 1200 km, forming the crisscross traffic frame Shizuishan, 100 km from the Yinchuan Hedong Airport, 60 km of the Baotou - Lanzhou Railway and Beijing - Tibet Expressway of 74 km, 70 km of National Road 109 and 110 of the 90 km of the north;Daping, Ping Tao, Hong Li, Yao Ru and other main highways run east;Ru Ping and the special railway line, and article 79 of feeder road have been composed to different parts of the public road network (iron);traffic mileage of about 1200 km, forming the crisscross traffic frame . Yellow River Shipping owns the 39 ferryboats, 2 pontoon bridges, 11 ferries,, 144 kilometers of air route;Dorothy Yellow River Bridge (completed, Yinchuan and Shizuishan. It becomes a thoroughfare;Another Shizuishan Yellow River Bridge in the inter - district traffic fortress in connecting Ningxia and Inner Mongolia
airport: Shahu Lake Airport (under construction) airport: Shahu Lake Airport (under construction) .

County Case

Dawukou District

Dawukou is the municipal seat, Shizuishan is the political, economic, and cultural center of information, the original Dawukou district and the merger of Dawukou is the municipal seat, Shizuishan is the political, economic, and cultural center of information, the original Dawukou district and the merger of . population 23. 94 million, with an area of 1007 square kilometers (including Long Lake Economic Development Zone)
according to "Xianshan, dew, transparent green, smooth" of the city for construction of roads within the broad, tree - lined, beautiful flowers, urban green areas 61. 8 square meters awarded by the National Afforestation ParknShop burgh of national civilized districts, and autonomous regions of Advanced Scientific Health City, Model District awarded by the National Afforestation ParknShop burgh of national civilized districts, and autonomous regions of Advanced Scientific Health City, Model District .
honorary titles such as" one of the green - blue sky, honorary titles such as" one of the green - blue sky,. Helan Chung mu of trees" in the words of descriptions was truly Dawukou urban landscape garden sight Helan Chung mu of trees" in the words of descriptions was truly Dawukou urban landscape garden sight .
, within the jurisdiction of the central, autonomous, municipal and private estates, and given impetus to the development of the regional economy , within the jurisdiction of the central, autonomous, municipal and private estates, and given impetus to the development of the regional economy . initially formed coal, electricity, machinery, chemical, metallurgical industrial system which integrates, Ningxia Orient Tantalum Industry Group company, the world of the State 86ProgramIt one of the three major production bases in the world - renowned, Ningxia New Material Technology Industrial Park and the Long Lake Economic Development Zone is actively under construction, the production of calcium cyanamide, dicyandiamide, and the output ranks the first in Asia, as the city's ample power supply, central heating,drainage network, complete energy security system has been basically formed dependent on the vertical and eight horizontal initially formed coal, electricity, machinery, chemical, metallurgical industrial system which integrates, Ningxia Orient Tantalum Industry Group company, the world of the State 86ProgramIt one of the three major production bases in the world - renowned, Ningxia New Material Technology Industrial Park and the Long Lake Economic Development Zone is actively under construction, the production of calcium cyanamide, dicyandiamide, and the output ranks the first in Asia, as the city's ample power supply, central heating,drainage network, complete energy security system has been basically formed dependent on the vertical and eight horizontal .
the city's roads, the road hardening rate up to 95% the city's roads, the road hardening rate up to 95% . digital program - controlled, broadband network can provide global high - quality communication service digital program - controlled, broadband network can provide global high - quality communication service .
52 by various schools, colleges and technical secondary schools, 8 public welfare facilities, there are public hospitals, seven schools in the community health service network covering the whole of the 52 by various schools, colleges and technical secondary schools, 8 public welfare facilities, there are public hospitals, seven schools in the community health service network covering the whole of the . to the areas under the jurisdiction of the People's Square, City Square, the plaza, the gymnasium, Oriental Plaza, West Plaza Too, a stadium, gymnasium, natatorium, fire house meets the public demand for entertainment and exercise to the areas under the jurisdiction of the People's Square, City Square, the plaza, the gymnasium, Oriental Plaza, West Plaza Too, a stadium, gymnasium, natatorium, fire house meets the public demand for entertainment and exercise .

Huinong District

Huinong District is located in Ningxia's northernmost borough, the Yellow River in Ningxia Huinong District is located in Ningxia's northernmost borough, the Yellow River in Ningxia . Huinong outflow from here is the original and Suggestions on the original basis, in February 2004, the State Council approved the establishment of the municipal districts Huinong outflow from here is the original and Suggestions on the original basis, in February 2004, the State Council approved the establishment of the municipal districts .
area of 1254 square kilometers with a population of 1.78 million, 26 million mu of arable land Huinong rich resources and industrial development has vast resources Huinong rich resources and industrial development has vast resources .
Huinong unique geographical advantages, the Yellow River flows through the territory of the region up to 60 km Huinong unique geographical advantages, the Yellow River flows through the territory of the region up to 60 km . commercial hub of the city agglomeration, urban public facilities has improved, the people live and work in the industrial economy as commercial hub of the city agglomeration, urban public facilities has improved, the people live and work in the industrial economy as .
Huinong District and enriching the main economy, At present, the formation of coal, electricity, metallurgy,chemical industry, building materials, ceramic, etc., of farm and sideline products processing industry, in the region of the Helan Mountain along the mountain has formed an industrial belt, which is drawn up in a certain scale of Hebin Industrial Park Zone, enterprises in the Park there are over 100 Ningxia Hengli, Shi Electric Group, a British chemical Lite, Ningxia Jiayin, polyvinyl chloride, Ye Hui magnesium industry such as the famous enterprises, become the Northern Yinchuan Area's most vital one Ningxia Hengli, Shi Electric Group, a British chemical Lite, Ningxia Jiayin, polyvinyl chloride, Ye Hui magnesium industry such as the famous enterprises, become the Northern Yinchuan Area's most vital one .
in agricultural economic development, promote the green, red and white "three major industries, and in particular, to National Highway 109 and the fifth drain sides of the main dewatering vegetable industrial belt,to 110 National Highway and the highway on both sides of the main corridor of medlar, along the Yellow River and Helan Mountain are dominated by the animal husbandry industry, farm and sideline products processing park, and to regard the completion and construction of agricultural demonstration park 100 as ion carrier, ensuring the safety of food production, and vigorously promote the readjustment of agricultural structure, farmers' incomes has been a rapid growth of the area is the home of the mysterious in agricultural economic development, promote the green, red and white "three major industries, and in particular, to National Highway 109 and the fifth drain sides of the main dewatering vegetable industrial belt,to 110 National Highway and the highway on both sides of the main corridor of medlar, along the Yellow River and Helan Mountain are dominated by the animal husbandry industry, farm and sideline products processing park, and to regard the completion and construction of agricultural demonstration park 100 as ion carrier, ensuring the safety of food production, and vigorously promote the readjustment of agricultural structure, farmers' incomes has been a rapid growth of the area is the home of the mysterious . province of Wei, and after that to the reaches of the Heihe River and the Great Wall, and many other ancient monuments province of Wei, and after that to the reaches of the Heihe River and the Great Wall, and many other ancient monuments .
Tetraena mongolica rare botanical garden, red Guozigou, Wang Spring Valley, the Yellow River Wetland Park Hongliu, mu medlar garden scenes of such peculiar Tetraena mongolica rare botanical garden, red Guozigou, Wang Spring Valley, the Yellow River Wetland Park Hongliu, mu medlar garden scenes of such peculiar . wolfberry production and processing, "face in there,to the north to the favored " wolfberry production and processing, "face in there,to the north to the favored ".
medlar, halal meat cattle raising, agriculture and dehydrated vegetables become the leading medlar, halal meat cattle raising, agriculture and dehydrated vegetables become the leading .


Ro is a long history of cultural city of Zhaoxian County, and the emerging tourism counties, also breed cultivating and the farming and animal husbandry is the ideal place, original Chenes subtotal (except Lake Crescent Township, Pingluo County is incorporated), the original city is now the town of Tara Chenes Ro is a long history of cultural city of Zhaoxian County, and the emerging tourism counties, also breed cultivating and the farming and animal husbandry is the ideal place, original Chenes subtotal (except Lake Crescent Township, Pingluo County is incorporated), the original city is now the town of Tara Chenes . area of 3048 km2 and a population of 48 million, sits in the county in the northwest corner of Yuhuangge reputation inside and outside, the center of town are bell and drum towers, Helan Qingxue, Tian states pagodas, Shahu Bixiu, 10,000 mu Ecological Forest along the Yellow River, etc around the arch is wine county area of 3048 km2 and a population of 48 million, sits in the county in the northwest corner of Yuhuangge reputation inside and outside, the center of town are bell and drum towers, Helan Qingxue, Tian states pagodas, Shahu Bixiu, 10,000 mu Ecological Forest along the Yellow River, etc around the arch is wine county .
Fahai, a poet of Qing Dynasty famous line: "If say Liangtian is infinitely good, the scenery of Jiangnan in the Who Ya", a vivid picture of Ningxia quality wheat, rice, corn, oilseeds,vegetables, fruit and fish are important production areas in China, Ningxia is an agricultural large county, also is an important marketable grain base Fahai, a poet of Qing Dynasty famous line: "If say Liangtian is infinitely good, the scenery of Jiangnan in the Who Ya", a vivid picture of Ningxia quality wheat, rice, corn, oilseeds,vegetables, fruit and fish are important production areas in China, Ningxia is an agricultural large county, also is an important marketable grain base . Relying on the superiority, industrial foundation, has formed a coal deep processing, light industry, chemical industry, metallurgy, machinery processing, building materials, agricultural processing, a complete industrial system has initially built too Relying on the superiority, industrial foundation, has formed a coal deep processing, light industry, chemical industry, metallurgy, machinery processing, building materials, agricultural processing, a complete industrial system has initially built too .
. Sha industrial animal husbandry of sheep, farming wheat, rice, corn, and vegetables as Halal mutton and beef wholesale market Sha industrial animal husbandry of sheep, farming wheat, rice, corn, and vegetables as Halal mutton and beef wholesale market .
Baofeng is listed as the only focus of Halal mutton and beef wholesale market, the product sells in distant Shanghai,dehydrated vegetables production in Tianjin and other cities. The action accounts for one - third of the action accounts for one - third of the .
at the same time, forming a preliminary breeding, high - quality forage, pure breeding, crop cultivation, is one of the four Pastoral Industry System at the same time, forming a preliminary breeding, high - quality forage, pure breeding, crop cultivation, is one of the four Pastoral Industry System . "wastes of sand one smoke plume rises sheer, Past the long river the round sun sinks low the splendour of the scenery, where golden "wastes of sand one smoke plume rises sheer, Past the long river the round sun sinks low the splendour of the scenery, where golden .
as evidenced in its long history, deep culture, which lays the foundation for the development of tourism is set as evidenced in its long history, deep culture, which lays the foundation for the development of tourism is set . Helan Mountain, the shimmer of the Yellow River in the city, yellow sand, wetland, forest scenery, for the blend of sand and water in Shahu Lake, Horse Lake in the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, temple Temple Lake and Sha Lake is home to such attractions as the reed, so that the visibility and influence of Pingluo means a new Helan Mountain, the shimmer of the Yellow River in the city, yellow sand, wetland, forest scenery, for the blend of sand and water in Shahu Lake, Horse Lake in the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, temple Temple Lake and Sha Lake is home to such attractions as the reed, so that the visibility and influence of Pingluo means a new .

Long Lake Economic Development Zone

Long Lake Economic Development Zone was in 1983 in Longde migrants in Diaozhuang in the project area tidal lake, on the basis of the government of the Autonomous Region with the approval of the establishment of "taking agriculture as the foundation, taking industry as main body" of the Comprehensive Poverty Alleviation Development Zone of Guangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone is located in Shizuishan City Long Lake Economic Development Zone was in 1983 in Longde migrants in Diaozhuang in the project area tidal lake, on the basis of the government of the Autonomous Region with the approval of the establishment of "taking agriculture as the foundation, taking industry as main body" of the Comprehensive Poverty Alleviation Development Zone of Guangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone is located in Shizuishan City . in ministry in the hinterland of 108 sq.
After 20 years of development and construction, now relocated and settled immigrants 2. 69 million people, to develop farmland 2. 96 mu of development zones and give full play to regional advantages and policy advantages, innovation and economic development environment, the processing of business and investment, currently in the registration of various enterprises of 238, with a registered capital of 3 million yuan.has formed a metallurgical, building materials, machinery, chemical industry, which are based on the different varieties, multiple categories of industrial structure
agricultural production, natural and geographical conditions, yield grain production, gradually improves, rural social economic development in an all - round way agricultural production, natural and geographical conditions, yield grain production, gradually improves, rural social economic development in an all - round way . in November 2003, the municipality decided, Long Lake handover management in November 2003, the municipality decided, Long Lake handover management .
Shizuishan Economic Development Zone in September 2004, Long Lake Shizuishan Economic Development Zone will be formally transferred to the jurisdiction of the Dawukou Shizuishan Economic Development Zone in September 2004, Long Lake Shizuishan Economic Development Zone will be formally transferred to the jurisdiction of the Dawukou .

Ethnic Population


According to the sixth national census in 2010, the city was given the honour 725482 people, compared with the fifth national census, the total increase in the decade 34366 people, an increase of 4. 97% with average annual growth rate of 0. 49%
where male population is 374734, accounting for 51. 65%;the female population is 350748 48.6 per 35% population sex ratio (female - 100) was 106. 84
0 to 14 year old population is 120845, were under 16. 65%;15 - 64 population people 544686, 75. 09%;, the population aged 65 and above is 59951, 8. 26% % % .
70 towns in Shizuishan 70 towns in Shizuishan.


Han population 578039 human pathogenic bacterium that accounted for 68%;Each 147443 people belonged to minority ethnic groups, accounting for 20 - year, including a large population of Hui as 141485, 19. 44% are Hui people 19. 5%
There are 24 nationalities including Han, Hui, Mongolian and Man, etc.

Land Feature

Ordos plateau to the east, and west to the north of Yinchuan Plain Ordos plateau to the east, and west to the north of Yinchuan Plain . It is 1090 ~ 3475.9 meters above the sea level. Divided by the topography and physiognomy, it consists of Helan Mountain region, Helan Mountain east alluvial fan alluvial plain, Yellow River alluvial plain and Erdos terrace

Climatic Characteristics

a typical temperate continental climate, abundant sunshine throughout the year, concentrated rainfall, strong evaporation, dry air, large temperature difference and short frost a typical temperate continental climate, abundant sunshine throughout the year, concentrated rainfall, strong evaporation, dry air, large temperature difference and short frost . Summer is hot and short. Spring is warm and windy. Autumn is cool, short and early while winter is cold and long
enjoys an average annual temperature of 4 DEG C ~ 9.9 C in the lowest average temperature of 19 -. 4 ~ 23. 2. degree. C., the highest annual average 32.4. degree. C. at which time

Administrative Divisions

Shizuishan, the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region located in the northern part of the target attachment surfaces 52a1, 52b1, 52c1, 52d1 4703 Shizuishan, the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region located in the northern part of the target attachment surfaces 52a1, 52b1, 52c1, 52d1 4703 . 744291 km2 with a population of people (September 2009) 744291 km2 with a population of people (September 2009) .
Dawukou district People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, postal code: 753000 Dawukou district People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, postal code: 753000 . code: code: .
640200 telephone area code: 0952 640200 telephone area code: 0952 . pinyin: Shi pinyin: Shi .
Shizuishan area 4703 km2 and a population of 744291 people (September 2009) Shizuishan area 4703 km2 and a population of 744291 people (September 2009) . Shizuishan jurisdiction 2 districts, 1 county Shizuishan jurisdiction 2 districts, 1 county .
Dawukou district covers an area of 1007 square kilometers,Population 25. 9 million, .
Hui 753000 Nong region covers an area of 1254 square kilometers and a population of 23 million people of Hui 753000 Nong region covers an area of 1254 square kilometers and a population of 23 million people of ., , .
753200 Luo Ping county area 2251. 6 km2 and a population of 29 people. .
Postcode 753400 County People's Government in the Chengguan Postcode 753400 County People's Government in the Chengguan .

Historical Evolution

Qin and Han Dynasties is in the north of the county, Xixia, which belongs to the Dingzhou, clearing the genus Pingluo Qin and Han Dynasties is in the north of the county, Xixia, which belongs to the Dingzhou, clearing the genus Pingluo . 1941 when set against, 1941 when set against, .
September 1949 liberation, belongs to the eighth region September 1949 liberation, belongs to the eighth region . February 1950, Shizuishan is adjusted to the first region of the first townships February 1950, Shizuishan is adjusted to the first region of the first townships .
1957, Shizuishan Town was upgraded to a district - level town 1957, Shizuishan Town was upgraded to a district - level town . in 1958, in 1958, with the tail gate in Shizuishan, a town in the township, under yingzi rural communes that merged to become the lighthouse, the town still retains the name in 1958, in 1958, with the tail gate in Shizuishan, a town in the township, under yingzi rural communes that merged to become the lighthouse, the town still retains the name .
Shizuishan in January 1959, in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China relocated to Shizuishan Shizuishan in January 1959, in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China relocated to Shizuishan . Town in April 1960, in Shizuishan established South Street, North Street and two urban communes,Shizuishan Town Soon to revoke Town in April 1960, in Shizuishan established South Street, North Street and two urban communes,Shizuishan Town Soon to revoke .
2 urban communes, as well as the establishment of Shizuishan City, first, the second zone 2, zone with 2 urban communes, as well as the establishment of Shizuishan City, first, the second zone 2, zone with . commune integration in May 1962 two districts merged, under the designation of Shizuishan City, which administers six street commune integration in May 1962 two districts merged, under the designation of Shizuishan City, which administers six street .
1963, six street adjusted Street South, North Riverside, street, railway station etc. 4 street in February 1972, a silver in the region north of the founding of the 4 street in February 1972, a silver in the region north of the founding of the .
In June 1973, by the autonomous regions directly under the authority of the changed area of Shizuishan city, still in Shizuishan City is a city - owned In June 1973, by the autonomous regions directly under the authority of the changed area of Shizuishan city, still in Shizuishan City is a city - owned . in November 1975, the silver in the region north of revocation, and upgraded to a prefecture - level city of Shizuishan, Dawu resident moved to the port;At this time, Shizuishan City renamed the Shizuishan second region in November 1975, the silver in the region north of revocation, and upgraded to a prefecture - level city of Shizuishan, Dawu resident moved to the port;At this time, Shizuishan City renamed the Shizuishan second region .
April 1981, Shizuishan second region renamed Suggestions on April 1981, Shizuishan second region renamed Suggestions on . June 1987, revocation of Shizuishan built itself, originally belonged to the suburban township of gardening along ring Village June 1987, revocation of Shizuishan built itself, originally belonged to the suburban township of gardening along ring Village .
Suggestions on jurisdiction transferred to the Suggestions on South Street, North Street, Riverside Street, Railway Station and 4 street Suggestions on jurisdiction transferred to the Suggestions on South Street, North Street, Riverside Street, Railway Station and 4 street . 1997, covering an area of 125 square kilometers and a population of 12. 1 million, under the jurisdiction of North Street, Railway Station, Riverside, South Street, 4 street, North Street
Central Government in 2000, Suggestions on Xiaman six streets Central Government in 2000, Suggestions on Xiaman six streets . 120739 human population, wherein:road for street street street street street 14848 31641 18460 14008 Riverside Street, north side of the street street street railway station 29407 12375 2004 and Suggestions on revoking the approval of the State Council, in its original on the basis of the establishment of Huinong District Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of North Street 120739 human population, wherein:road for street street street street street 14848 31641 18460 14008 Riverside Street, north side of the street street street railway station 29407 12375 2004 and Suggestions on revoking the approval of the State Council, in its original on the basis of the establishment of Huinong District Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of North Street .

Economic Base


2012 Shizuishan achieved GDP 409. 21 3, 618.9 - billion yuan, an increase of 1% of the first industry achieved an added value of RMB yuan 2.244 billion, up 4.9%;the second industry realized an added value 265. 29 billion yuan, an increase of 3%;The third industry has realized an increasing value of 121. 48 billion yuan, an increase of 9. 0%
based on resident population, per capita GDP reached $ based on resident population, per capita GDP reached $. 55412 - producing industry is in a proportion of 5: 5: 64. 8: 29. 7, the growth contribution of respectively 2. 3%, and 75. 2%, 22. 5%

Primary Industry

2012 completion of the gross output value of 41 billion yuan, a year - on - year increase of 5.1% wherein: that in agriculture, 29 billion yuan, an increase of 4. 4%;Forestry total production value of 0. 53 billion yuan, an increase of 8.3%;animal husbandry added 7. 12 billion yuan, an increase of 1. 2%;Gross Output Value of fisheries 3. 64 billion yuan, a rise of 6%;agro - sylvo - pastoral service industry 1. 33 billion yuan, up 11. 7%
2012 grain sown area of 6.69 million hectares, representing a decline of 0.1% wheat at $1.52 million hectares, a decrease of 11. 2%;Rice 1. 32 million hectares, down by 7%;Corn 3. 79 million hectares, an increase of 1 percent of total grain output in 2012
45. 51 tons, up 1. 9% wherein wheat 7. 02 million tons, up 10. 1%;Rice 9. 26 million tons, down by 4. 1%;Corn 29. 20 million tons, an increase of 9. 0%
in late 2012 when pigs were slaughtered, 5. 36 million, a drop of 7%;sheep slaughter 49. 62 million, with almost no change to the total output of meat 2. 02 million tons, down by 4. 9%;the total output of eggs was 0. 45 million tons, an increase of 21. 9%;milk yield 5.47 million tons, increased by 18. 3%;The output of aquatic products 3. 75 tons, an increase of 3%

Secondary Industry

2012 Shizuishan of all the industrial 228. 85 billion yuan, an increase of 2%, wherein the industrial enterprises above the designated size realized added value of 65 billion yuan, an increase of 3% in large - scale industrial added value, respectively, 12. 2% in heavy industry and 14. 3%
Shizuishan Six highly energy - consuming industry, the added value of 89. 39 billion yuan, an increase of 17. 0% wherein: petroleum processing, coking and nuclear fuel processing long 18. 6%;Raw Material and Products Manufacturing Industry increased 11. 1%;metallic mineral products decreased by 0. 5%;ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing industry, a decline of 3.3%;nonferrous metal smelting and rolling processing industry increased by 10.5%;Electricity, heat production and supply of 0. 2%
238 family of industrial enterprises above the designated size realized main business income 663. 25 billion yuan, a year - on - year growth of 3%;A gross profit of 35 billion yuan, a year - on - year decrease of 6.7 percent.the industrial sales rate reached 96. 4%, down by 0.8 percentage points

Tertiary Industry

2012 in Shizuishan, the total retail sales of consumer goods amounted to 77. 14 billion yuan, up 14. 6%, in which 71 towns achieved 3.007 billion yuan, an increase of 14. 6% line of business looks, wholesale, retail sales reached 17 billion yuan, an increase of 5%;retail retail sales reached 42 billion yuan, an increase of 3%;accommodation industry achieved retail sales of 0.35 billion yuan, an increase of 16. 7%;catering retail sales reached 16. 18 billion yuan, up by 15. 7%
In Wholesale and retail trade, the sale of grain and food, rose 8. 3%;cigarettes and an increase of 17. 8%;clothing up 29. 9%;Cosmetics, an increase of 17. 8%;silver and jewelry up 179 percent;Sports, entertainment products, increased 7. 5%;cultural and office goods, an increase of 2%;Chinese drugs and western drugs a year - on - year increase of 3%;furniture up 46. 4%;that of communication facilities grew 104. 3%;And oil products retail sales by 14. 3%, a decrease of 91. 2% 2012 completion of the business total of 7.13 billion yuan, a year - on - year increase of 17. 3%, wherein: the amount of the postal service 0. 4 billion, unchanged from a year volume of 6. 73 billion yuan, an increase of 17. 9% at the end of a fixed telephone user
14. 42 million, a decline of 19. 7% user mobile telephone 90. 59 million, an increase of 23. 3% at the end of the internet user
14. 42 million in the year, up 57. 6% 2012 Premium income 3. 11 billion yuan, up 7. 5%
, including 717 1. 66 billion yuan, up by 11.5%;industrial life insurance premium income of 1.45 billion yuan, up 3% 2012 pay reparations in the amount of 1.37 billion yuan, up 19. 1%, wherein the property - casualty insurance indemnity and the payment is 1. 03 billion yuan, an increase of 3. 9%;industrial life insurance payment of reparations and 0.34 yuan, down by 11. 8%

Social Undertakings


In 2012 a total of 118 projects implemented at all levels, government guidance funds invested RMB 2728, the whole society's technological RD input completion of the 3. 5 billion yuan in acquiring 41 at and above the municipal level scientific and technological achievements, patent - member 368, the national autonomous region 2012 Annual Technology 4 Prizes for Excellent Chinese Patent Awards", including the "high - reliability, miniaturization of the tantalum electrolytic capacitor, the key material production technology and application of" National Prize for Progress in Science and Technology at and above the municipal level scientific and technological achievements, patent - member 368, the national autonomous region 2012 Annual Technology 4 Prizes for Excellent Chinese Patent Awards", including the "high - reliability, miniaturization of the tantalum electrolytic capacitor, the key material production technology and application of" National Prize for Progress in Science and Technology .
special development of wire rope,Magnesium and magnesium alloy preparation technology for the development of science and technology innovation team granted autonomous innovation of science and technology team special development of wire rope,Magnesium and magnesium alloy preparation technology for the development of science and technology innovation team granted autonomous innovation of science and technology team . Shizuishan culture was 449 for the TTF 2 ten thousand farmers to develop characteristic agriculture Shizuishan culture was 449 for the TTF 2 ten thousand farmers to develop characteristic agriculture .

Career Education

2012 Shizuishan 1 institutes of higher learning and students, and 0. 66 graduates 0. 12 million people;. 1 Secondary 4 students, and 0. 92 graduates 0. 35 million people;Ordinary Level 43 students and 4 million person, graduates 1. 54 million people;87 primary school students, and 5. 61 million, 1 million graduates;Special education schools with a total enrollment of 155 people.89 by the kindergarten, the children in kindergarten 1. 97 million people per 10,000 people in senior high school students number 227 for every ten thousand people, ordinary middle schools with a total enrolment of 389 per 10,000 people in senior high school students number 227 for every ten thousand people, ordinary middle schools with a total enrolment of 389 .
Shizuishan school - age children enrollment rate reach 99. 98% .
There are main colleges and universities of aduanced technologyapplied There are main colleges and universities of aduanced technologyapplied.

Cultural Undertakings

At the end of 2012 a total of four Shizuishan cultural centers, township cultural stations 20, Block 3, public library, the library 53. 9 million, the total flow - through 24 person - time. 53 million broadcast by TV stations, microwave stations only 4 seats, television transmission and relay stations 3 53 million broadcast by TV stations, microwave stations only 4 seats, television transmission and relay stations 3 .
broadcast comprehensive population coverage rate of 100%, 100% TV broadcast comprehensive population coverage rate of 100%, 100% TV .

Medical Career

At the end of 2012 a total of 84 countries in Shizuishan health institutions, including the 28, 23 hospitals, community health center (station) 13, nine clinics, three centers for disease control and prevention, maternal and child care for three first - aid center (station) 1, collection agencies, and health inspection institute or center 3 At the end of 2012 a total of 84 countries in Shizuishan health institutions, including the 28, 23 hospitals, community health center (station) 13, nine clinics, three centers for disease control and prevention, maternal and child care for three first - aid center (station) 1, collection agencies, and health inspection institute or center 3 . healthcare agencies shared beds 3998 Zhang;5375 and health personnel, including practicing doctors and assistant physician in 1854 and that of certified nurses 2072 healthcare agencies shared beds 3998 Zhang;5375 and health personnel, including practicing doctors and assistant physician in 1854 and that of certified nurses 2072 .
Shizuishan people children "five seedlings of the" full - course coverage rates of 97. 4%


2012, organized by the National Triathlon Classic;Shizuishan hosted the inaugural "cup Long Ding" FUTSAL league and "Joe's" National Billiard Classic 2012, organized by the National Triathlon Classic;Shizuishan hosted the inaugural "cup Long Ding" FUTSAL league and "Joe's" National Billiard Classic . team at the 2012 China (Ningxia) championship croquet - contest - cum - gateball match team at the 2012 China (Ningxia) championship croquet - contest - cum - gateball match .
19th district in youth athletics in the gold medal, 21 silver and 32 bronze medals 19th district in youth athletics in the gold medal, 21 silver and 32 bronze medals . 25 25.

Social Security

In late 2012 Shizuishan attend primary endowment insurance 31. 55 million people, of whom 120,000 employees. 49 people, rural residents 11. 69 million, were retirees 7. 37 million people participated in basic medicare 65. 13 million, of which the number of employees insured 19. 95 million people, balance urban and rural medical insurance 45. 18 million people participated in unemployment insurance
10. 82 million people;43.45 12. 17 million people;purchased the maternity insurance 12. 40 million at the end of 2012 Shizuishan owns senior 13, Zhang 1058 beds, adoption of various personnel 736 Shizuishan owns senior 13, Zhang 1058 beds, adoption of various personnel 736 .
Shizuishan people in urban and rural minimum living guarantee as at 1.36 million, of which the number of urban residents 2. 67 million rural residents of the 1. 69 million people;In 2012, for a total payment of minimum living guarantee in 0. 8 billion

Tourist Attractions

North Of Wudang

North Wudang for eco - tourism, the national 2A scenic spot located in Dawukou district of Shizuishan North Wudang for eco - tourism, the national 2A scenic spot located in Dawukou district of Shizuishan . Northwest Area of Helan Mountain, Chaoyang Street Northwest Area of Helan Mountain, Chaoyang Street .
starting point is a set of mountains, forests, temples, the geological vestige resources, military experience and comprehensive tourist starting point is a set of mountains, forests, temples, the geological vestige resources, military experience and comprehensive tourist .

Xinghai Lake

Xinghai Lake is located in the east of the city of Dawukou district of Shizuishan City, covers an area of 43 square kilometers, the lake area of 20 square kilometers and Xinghai Lake is located in the east of the city of Dawukou district of Shizuishan City, covers an area of 43 square kilometers, the lake area of 20 square kilometers and .

Work After The Pingluo Drum Tower

Located in Pingluo county and the Bell Centre, founded during the reign of Emperor Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty, more than three years (1739), it was destroyed by the earthquake, only after the rehabilitation remains today, is the regional focus of heritage conservation units Located in Pingluo county and the Bell Centre, founded during the reign of Emperor Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty, more than three years (1739), it was destroyed by the earthquake, only after the rehabilitation remains today, is the regional focus of heritage conservation units .

Shizuishan Forest Park

Ningxia Dawukou district of Shizuishan lies north - west, the Helan Mountains to the west, the embrace of the Dawukou urban district, the planned construction area of 667 hectares, and it will be to put sports, recreation, entertainment, production, wilderness, sporting, cultural, religious and other activities, which are integrated in the Scenic Spot Area, Ningxia Dawukou district of Shizuishan lies north - west, the Helan Mountains to the west, the embrace of the Dawukou urban district, the planned construction area of 667 hectares, and it will be to put sports, recreation, entertainment, production, wilderness, sporting, cultural, religious and other activities, which are integrated in the Scenic Spot Area, . It's built on Dawukou urban forests, whitewashed homes, improve the ecological environment has the obvious function of It's built on Dawukou urban forests, whitewashed homes, improve the ecological environment has the obvious function of .

Malan Flower Prairie

is part of the Erdos mesa terrace, 30 kilometers from Yinchuan, the capital city of is part of the Erdos mesa terrace, 30 kilometers from Yinchuan, the capital city of . from 2000 onwards, every year one of the seats at the local "Tao - lan - ecological sightseeing festival" from 2000 onwards, every year one of the seats at the local "Tao - lan - ecological sightseeing festival" .

Work After The Pingluo Yuhuang Pavilion

Work after the Pingluo yuhuang pavilion is located in the northern end of the city, founded during the reign of the Qing Dynasty (1644 - 1911), covers an area of 4200 square meters, is the largest Taoist temple Work after the Pingluo yuhuang pavilion is located in the northern end of the city, founded during the reign of the Qing Dynasty (1644 - 1911), covers an area of 4200 square meters, is the largest Taoist temple . national 3A scenic spot, the regional focus of heritage conservation units located north of the city of Shizuishan City and Pingluo national 3A scenic spot, the regional focus of heritage conservation units located north of the city of Shizuishan City and Pingluo .
and and . Fumin Street Avenue at the intersection of South Ningxia is the largest Taoist sites, referred to as a ground of the ancient building wonders Fumin Street Avenue at the intersection of South Ningxia is the largest Taoist sites, referred to as a ground of the ancient building wonders .
founded during the era of Yongle of the Ming Dynasty, occupies a land area of 36,000 square meters, building area of 4200 square meters founded during the era of Yongle of the Ming Dynasty, occupies a land area of 36,000 square meters, building area of 4200 square meters .

TianZhou Pagodas

20 km from the City and Pingluo of tennessee s tower, commonly known as Fu Yao Tower, Yao Fu stands in the east a mile outside the town of willow groves 20 km from the City and Pingluo of tennessee s tower, commonly known as Fu Yao Tower, Yao Fu stands in the east a mile outside the town of willow groves . planar hexagonal tower, eight - story pavilions - Zhuanta, 38 metres high, covered with a bucket of an hexagonal tower, bottom diameter of 7.5 meters, have a door on the wall of the couplet in couplet calligraphy in a beautiful and powerful, an antithesis
in the centuries - long years, Tian has experienced the size of the pagoda states and over a hundred in the centuries - long years, Tian has experienced the size of the pagoda states and over a hundred . earthquake after Yuqing (1783) restored earthquake after Yuqing (1783) restored .
1980 Pingluo peopleapos; s government funds for the maintenance of 1980 Pingluo peopleapos; s government funds for the maintenance of . 1985 restored as the key cultural relics protection units 1985 restored as the key cultural relics protection units .

Shahu Lake

Shahu Lake scenic spot is the first national 5A scenic spot, China is one of 35 greatest national attractions Shahu Lake scenic spot is the first national 5A scenic spot, China is one of 35 greatest national attractions . located 56 km northwest of Yinchuan Pingluo territory along that xidatan - dongdatan of kusaihu - maqu located 56 km northwest of Yinchuan Pingluo territory along that xidatan - dongdatan of kusaihu - maqu .
8 May 2007, Shizuishan, the Shahu Scenic Spot by the National Tourism Administration formally approved as a national 5A tourist attraction 8 May 2007, Shizuishan, the Shahu Scenic Spot by the National Tourism Administration formally approved as a national 5A tourist attraction .

Shahu Lake Nature Reserve

Ningxia Yinchuan Plain is located to the north, 56 km from Yinchuan, the total area of 8.2 square kilometers, the desert area of 12 km2 for Shahu to natural landscape as the main resource is abundant, "sand, water, reeds, birds, mountains, and the company is" Six Jing source organic combination, constitute the beautiful landscape Shahu to natural landscape as the main resource is abundant, "sand, water, reeds, birds, mountains, and the company is" Six Jing source organic combination, constitute the beautiful landscape .

Stone Park In The Mornin

Shi mouthpiece located in Ningxia Shizuishan Huinong, near the Yellow River mouth up and down the face of Jushi, commonly known as the Stone of the mouthpiece, i.e. here in Shizuishan toponymic origin

Painting In The Helan Mountains

Painting in the Helan Mountains rock paintings ancestors inscribed on the rock of the image, which images are recorded so as to be the ancestors of the production and living conditions of the Painting in the Helan Mountains rock paintings ancestors inscribed on the rock of the image, which images are recorded so as to be the ancestors of the production and living conditions of the . since 1991, the autonomous regions of Ningxia and Wen Guan will consist of cultural relic of the Helan Mountains, the survey team in the Helan Mountain, Shizuishan, the landscape within the petroglyphs have been found more than 300 wherein since 1991, the autonomous regions of Ningxia and Wen Guan will consist of cultural relic of the Helan Mountains, the survey team in the Helan Mountain, Shizuishan, the landscape within the petroglyphs have been found more than 300 wherein .
1995 May ~ July, the two found in Baijigou with brownish - red mineral pigments painted petroglyph group 105 full - color 24 1995 May ~ July, the two found in Baijigou with brownish - red mineral pigments painted petroglyph group 105 full - color 24 . Shizuishan territory of Helan mountain; the majority of the carved in black crag Bin Shizuishan territory of Helan mountain; the majority of the carved in black crag Bin .
maximum screen width of 2 m and a height of 1 m maximum screen width of 2 m and a height of 1 m . minimum width of 7 cm, 4 cm taller minimum width of 7 cm, 4 cm taller .
subjects of most animals,The humanoid, many petroglyphs carved in continuous tens of meters, and 100 - 200 metres long were of stone, consisting of Ancient Art Gallery subjects of most animals,The humanoid, many petroglyphs carved in continuous tens of meters, and 100 - 200 metres long were of stone, consisting of Ancient Art Gallery . petroglyphs and possesses of hunting, nomadic life and character, braids and bovine, sheep, dog, horse, camel, deer, rabbits, foxes, rhinos and other animals petroglyphs and possesses of hunting, nomadic life and character, braids and bovine, sheep, dog, horse, camel, deer, rabbits, foxes, rhinos and other animals .

Honors Obtained

President Hu Jintao to 19 June 1995 (then a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Vice President, Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected the Shizuishan Dawukou President Hu Jintao to 19 June 1995 (then a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Vice President, Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected the Shizuishan Dawukou . Dawu Township on the township rely on the city and the tresses of efficient agricultural township enterprise, pay attention to the party's bank's approach was" very pleased "with the Dawu Township on the township rely on the city and the tresses of efficient agricultural township enterprise, pay attention to the party's bank's approach was" very pleased "with the .
Comrade Jiang Zemin twice and in its work to the Shizuishan Comrade Jiang Zemin twice and in its work to the Shizuishan . 18 June 1991, Jiang Zemin (former General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, chairman of the Military Commission of the People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) at the then - Vice President, Director of the State Commission of Ethnic Affairs ismail amat, ChairmanDafeng Mine inspection and Shahu and Shahu title 18 June 1991, Jiang Zemin (former General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, chairman of the Military Commission of the People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) at the then - Vice President, Director of the State Commission of Ethnic Affairs ismail amat, ChairmanDafeng Mine inspection and Shahu and Shahu title .
dated 16 June 2000, Comrade Jiang Zemin (former President) who at the time of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) secretary, incumbent member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, with Vice President Zeng Qinghong, inspected the original Shizuishan cubilose medlar garden pool, Ningxia Nonferrous Metals Smelter, dated 16 June 2000, Comrade Jiang Zemin (former President) who at the time of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) secretary, incumbent member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, with Vice President Zeng Qinghong, inspected the original Shizuishan cubilose medlar garden pool, Ningxia Nonferrous Metals Smelter, . Dawukou Forest Park in Forest Park, Shizuishan people to carry forward the spirit of not afraid of hardships and difficulties, in the Gobi Desert will integrate the windbreak and sand fixation, water conservation, travel and tourism in the park,efforts to renovate the beautiful landscapes of the spiritual satisfaction in Ningxia Nonferrous Metals Smelter Dawukou Forest Park in Forest Park, Shizuishan people to carry forward the spirit of not afraid of hardships and difficulties, in the Gobi Desert will integrate the windbreak and sand fixation, water conservation, travel and tourism in the park,efforts to renovate the beautiful landscapes of the spiritual satisfaction in Ningxia Nonferrous Metals Smelter .
who inspected, they strive to carry out the important thought of "Three Represents", strengthen the ideological and political work of enterprises, promoting enterprise, SCALING HETGHTS IN TECHNOLOGY, casting China as the backbone of the State 86ProgramIt industrial, enterprise and entrepreneurship and fully recognized the inscription of" technological innovation, and new heights, who inspected, they strive to carry out the important thought of "Three Represents", strengthen the ideological and political work of enterprises, promoting enterprise, SCALING HETGHTS IN TECHNOLOGY, casting China as the backbone of the State 86ProgramIt industrial, enterprise and entrepreneurship and fully recognized the inscription of" technological innovation, and new heights, . is a credit to the motherland ", a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Chairman Wu Bangguo of the Standing Committee of the National People's Comrade (then a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, vice premier of the State Council), on 27 March 2000, visit Ningxia Nonferrous Metals SmelterNorthwest Rare Metals Materials Institute noted that: "the development of technology progress and new quality is the key to the development of your is a credit to the motherland ", a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Chairman Wu Bangguo of the Standing Committee of the National People's Comrade (then a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, vice premier of the State Council), on 27 March 2000, visit Ningxia Nonferrous Metals SmelterNorthwest Rare Metals Materials Institute noted that: "the development of technology progress and new quality is the key to the development of your .
, , . and has a bright future" and wrote the inscription of encouraging enterprises to "climb up the peak of the State 86ProgramIt industrial and has a bright future" and wrote the inscription of encouraging enterprises to "climb up the peak of the State 86ProgramIt industrial .
", a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee Chairman Jia Qinglin of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) on 10 April 2003, Shizuishan to studying and implementing the spirit of the congress and the national committee of the "spirit of the western regions, accelerate economic development and carried out a survey, Shizuishan of giving full play to the areas of energy, minerals, and abundant wetland resources, efforts to transform the landscape,show the ethnic customs, and promote common prosperity and progress for all our ethnic groups, and work hard to achieve economic and social development across praised ", a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee Chairman Jia Qinglin of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) on 10 April 2003, Shizuishan to studying and implementing the spirit of the congress and the national committee of the "spirit of the western regions, accelerate economic development and carried out a survey, Shizuishan of giving full play to the areas of energy, minerals, and abundant wetland resources, efforts to transform the landscape,show the ethnic customs, and promote common prosperity and progress for all our ethnic groups, and work hard to achieve economic and social development across praised ., a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central committee political bureau standing committee, to 20 March 2004 to examine the Shizuishan of Ningxia Orient Nonferrous Metals Group Co, which fell on 10thof Xinghai Lake (north) and Lake City Commission for Discipline Inspection visits to, Shizuishan under construction north of Shahu, who highly , a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central committee political bureau standing committee, to 20 March 2004 to examine the Shizuishan of Ningxia Orient Nonferrous Metals Group Co, which fell on 10thof Xinghai Lake (north) and Lake City Commission for Discipline Inspection visits to, Shizuishan under construction north of Shahu, who highly .
visit. At the end of the investigation, and municipal - level leading cadres of discipline inspection and supervisory cadres and posed for pictures Central Politburo Standing Committee, chairman of the NPC Standing Committee, Qiao's comrade,to 23 December 1992, Shizuishan to Dawu village, visit the Central Politburo Standing Committee, chairman of the NPC Standing Committee, Qiao's comrade,to 23 December 1992, Shizuishan to Dawu village, visit the .
on on . Xiaokang shangtucheng satisfaction with the work of the Central Politburo Standing Committee, CPPCC Chairman Li Ruihuan of comrades on 26 August 1993 to Shizuishan Dawu village, visit Xiaokang shangtucheng satisfaction with the work of the Central Politburo Standing Committee, CPPCC Chairman Li Ruihuan of comrades on 26 August 1993 to Shizuishan Dawu village, visit .
on Dawu village preschool work satisfaction with on Dawu village preschool work satisfaction with . Central Politburo Standing Committee, Vice Premier Li Lanqing visited Shizuishan of education in the work of Shizuishan education "school in the right direction", and the reliance on education and experience the great appreciation of the Central Politburo Standing Committee, Vice Premier Li Lanqing visited Shizuishan of education in the work of Shizuishan education "school in the right direction", and the reliance on education and experience the great appreciation of the .
In a visit to the Municipal Technical College, the inscription "relying mainly on our own,Vigorously Develop Vocational Education In a visit to the Municipal Technical College, the inscription "relying mainly on our own,Vigorously Develop Vocational Education . "on 16 August 2000, Comrade Li Lanqing once again the Shizuishan, Ningxia Nonferrous Metals Smelter, northwest of Rare Metal Materials Institute "on 16 August 2000, Comrade Li Lanqing once again the Shizuishan, Ningxia Nonferrous Metals Smelter, northwest of Rare Metal Materials Institute .
praise them: the success of your practice, injustice of scientific researchinstitutes after plenty of opportunities, and many of these countries public research institutions through the reform of market - oriented economy, and achieved better development praise them: the success of your practice, injustice of scientific researchinstitutes after plenty of opportunities, and many of these countries public research institutions through the reform of market - oriented economy, and achieved better development ." who was a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, member of the secretariat, the President of the All - China Federation of Trade Unions to comrade wei jianxing on 2 June 2001,Shizuishan to investigate a good style of work in the fight against corruption and building integrity, Shizuishan work fully on the Qianjin township, Ningxia Nonferrous Metals Smelter, Darong Industry Commerce Group Co Ltd inspects " who was a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, member of the secretariat, the President of the All - China Federation of Trade Unions to comrade wei jianxing on 2 June 2001,Shizuishan to investigate a good style of work in the fight against corruption and building integrity, Shizuishan work fully on the Qianjin township, Ningxia Nonferrous Metals Smelter, Darong Industry Commerce Group Co Ltd inspects .


