Runaway Train

Runaway Train



Call you up in the middle of the night 在夜半用電話把你叫醒

Runaway Train Runaway Train

Like a firefly without a light 象一隻沒有光的螢火蟲
You were there like a blowtorch burning你在那仿佛火把在燃燒
I was a key that could use a little turning我就是解開困擾的鑰匙
So tired that I couldn't even sleep如此疲憊的我難以入睡
So many secrets I couldn't keep太多的秘密我難以保守
Promised myself I wouldn't weep我向自己保證不會哭泣
One more promise I couldn't keep但我又能保證自己無法做到
It seems no one can help me now如今看來沒人能助我
I'm in too deep there's no way out我已泥足深陷 走投無路
This time I have really led myself astray 這次我真的徹底迷失
Runaway train,never going back逃亡列車一去不復返
Wrong way on a one-way track迷路於一條單行線
Seems like I should be getting somewhere我本該能找到自己的位置

Somehow I'm neither here nor there但不知道為何我不上不下
Can you help me remember how to smile你能否幫我記起如何去微笑
Make it somehow all seem worthwhile讓一切顯得不再是疲勞
How on earth did I get so jaded?到底我怎會變得如此疲倦
Life's mystery seems so faded人生正逐漸失去魅力
I can go where no one else can go我可以到達無人能及的境地
I know what no one else knows我可以知人所不知
Here I'm just a drownin' in the rain我卻在這裡掩埋在雨中
Wtih a ticket for a runaway train拿著一張逃亡列車的票
And everything seems cut and dried一切像是已蓋棺定論
Day and night,earth and sky日月天地一切一切
Somehow I just don't believe it然而我就是不能置信
Bought a ticket for a runaway train去買一張逃亡列車的票
Like a madman laughing at the rain像個瘋漢般在雨中狂笑
A little out of touch,a little insane來一點失常來一點瘋狂
It's just easier than dealing with the pain總比在痛苦中掙扎要好
Runaway train,never coming back逃亡列車一去不復返
Runaway train,tearing up the track逃亡列車把路軌扯斷
Runaway train,buring in my veins逃亡列車燃燒我的血管
I run away but it always seems the same逃亡著但始終無法改變

SOUL ASYLUM成立於1983年,成立時樂隊奠定的風格是暴躁的朋克和硬搖滾風格,在當時美國眾多的此類型地下樂隊中並沒有脫穎而出,樂隊的幾張專輯也並沒有引起怎樣的轟動,由於長期排練和演出中巨大聲響的侵害,主音吉他兼主唱David Pirner〔大衛.皮爾納〕的耳朵失聰了,然而即使如此,他也並沒有放棄對音樂的執著追求,而且因禍得福,他們開始排練一些原聲的作品,卻取得了無以倫比的成功。1992年,他們推出的一張專輯《Grave Dancers Union》〔悽慘舞者聯盟〕,一張深沉而不失柔情的原聲專輯剛一登榜就引起了從樂評者到普通樂迷的巨大驚喜,專輯中的很多作品都是經典之作,悲傷和憤怒的極致通常不是血淚泣訴或狂吼一氣,而是近乎平和的,淡淡的陳述,而這卻更容易滲入聽者的心底。心隨著略含悲意的音樂起伏,似乎看到了失去親生兒女的母親那無助、失神的目光


1990.02.14《And the Horse They Rode in On》

1992.05.02《Grave Dancer's Union》

1993.01.01《Runaway Train》

1995.06.06《Let Your Dim Light Shine》

1998.05.12《Candy from a Stranger》

2004.10.05《After the Flood: Live from the Grand Forks Prom》

2006.07.11《The Silver Lining》

2012.07.17《Delayed Reaction》



Bitter Pill

Veil Of Tears

Nice Guys (Don't Get Paid)

Something Out Of Nothing

Gullible's Travels

Brand New Shine

Easy Street


Be On Your Way

We 3

All The King's Friends


1. "Somebody to Shove" – 3:15
2. "Black Gold" – 3:57
3. "Runaway Train" – 4:26
4. "Keep It Up" – 3:48
5. "Homesick" – 3:34
6. "Get on Out" – 3:30
7. "New World" – 4:04
8. "April Fool" – 3:45
9. "Without a Trace" – 3:33
10. "Growing into You" – 3:13
11. "99%" – 3:59
12. "The Sun Maid" – 3:51



2. Shut Down

3. To My Own Devices

4. Hopes Up

5. Promises Broken

6. Bittersweetheart

7. String of Pearls

8. Crawl

9. Caged Rat

10. Eyes of a Child

11. Just Like Anyone

12. Tell Me When

13. Nothing to Write Home About

14. I Did My Best


