Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso

- Pablo Ruiz - Picasso, Pablo Picasso, formerly: Pablo Ruiz - Picasso y - -, 1881 - October 25, 1973, 8 April), Spanish born Magara, painter, sculptor.Modern art (the founder of the Cubism, the main representative of western modern painting.From a child has not only artistic 16 - year - old graduated in painting "visit" to participate in the National Exhibition of Fine Arts.Picasso is the position produces the painter, his work amounts to near 37000, including: Oil painting 1885, sketch 7089, print 20000, even print 6121.Is the contemporary West most has the creativity and affects the profoundest artist, he and his picture occupied the immortal status in the world art history.


Pablo Ruiz Picasso, Pablo Picasso, formerly: Pablo Ruiz y Picasso, 1881 - October 25, 1973 - 8 April), born in Spain's southern port city of Malaga, father was an art teacher, who is also a long gallery Pablo Ruiz Picasso, Pablo Picasso, formerly: Pablo Ruiz y Picasso, 1881 - October 25, 1973 - 8 April), born in Spain's southern port city of Malaga, father was an art teacher, who is also a long gallery . 14 - year - old father taught Picasso was enrolled in the Academy of Fine Arts in Barcelona doing advanced graduated at age 16 when painting of the "visiting" a painting he also attends the National Fine Arts Exhibition,have a fairly realistic modeling level of 14 - year - old father taught Picasso was enrolled in the Academy of Fine Arts in Barcelona doing advanced graduated at age 16 when painting of the "visiting" a painting he also attends the National Fine Arts Exhibition,have a fairly realistic modeling level of .
later admitted to a Madrid Fernando Royal Academy of Arts later admitted to a Madrid Fernando Royal Academy of Arts . he felt most at the Art Institute of street art and free draw nutrition he felt most at the Art Institute of street art and free draw nutrition .
9 - year - old Picasso arrived in Paris, due to the poverty of life among the underclass, he painted some impoverished friends painted, screen filled with a layer of cold, blue - toned, Here is his" blue period " 9 - year - old Picasso arrived in Paris, due to the poverty of life among the underclass, he painted some impoverished friends painted, screen filled with a layer of cold, blue - toned, Here is his" blue period ". April 1904 and settled in Paris slum, a freely, romantic life, drew many mariachi life subject matter of the painting, appear a warm pink hue, this is his" pink" April 1904 and settled in Paris slum, a freely, romantic life, drew many mariachi life subject matter of the painting, appear a warm pink hue, this is his" pink".
thereafter due to Cezanne's artistic influence in the Cezanne painting on the basis of the findings of a research on the structure, the work shows a tendency of geometric, plane image will begin to break down, and re - assembled in 1907 and was created out of landmark works as" Avignon ", he entered the Analytic Cubism; and the time in which the thereafter due to Cezanne's artistic influence in the Cezanne painting on the basis of the findings of a research on the structure, the work shows a tendency of geometric, plane image will begin to break down, and re - assembled in 1907 and was created out of landmark works as" Avignon ", he entered the Analytic Cubism; and the time in which the . Soon he uses collage creation, marks the end of his analytical cubism, turned to" Synthetic Cubism " Soon he uses collage creation, marks the end of his analytical cubism, turned to" Synthetic Cubism ".
32 after the age of Picasso painting of the main trends of the rich modelling means, i.e., space, color and line,They again reminiscent of Cezanne henceforth Picasso into one another's restless exploration period, his work and his life is, isn't a uniform, continuous and stable henceforth Picasso into one another's restless exploration period, his work and his life is, isn't a uniform, continuous and stable .
He has no idea, but also has a wide selection of manic or passionate, loving, sincere or affected, but also let people like you, fickle and unpredictable, but he is forever loyal to the free - world He has no idea, but also has a wide selection of manic or passionate, loving, sincere or affected, but also let people like you, fickle and unpredictable, but he is forever loyal to the free - world . furnishes no artist like a Picasso as astonishing frankness and innocence of creativity, to completely free of any Re - invent the world, wherever it wants to exercise his power, he don't, don't want prejudice one another,doesn't want anything, but want to create, for his artistic journey as there is no rule to follow, he from naturalism to expressionism, from classicism to romanticism, and then again return to realism furnishes no artist like a Picasso as astonishing frankness and innocence of creativity, to completely free of any Re - invent the world, wherever it wants to exercise his power, he don't, don't want prejudice one another,doesn't want anything, but want to create, for his artistic journey as there is no rule to follow, he from naturalism to expressionism, from classicism to romanticism, and then again return to realism .
from figurative to abstract, coming and going, and he opposed all restraints and all sacred universe, only absolute freedom suits him from figurative to abstract, coming and going, and he opposed all restraints and all sacred universe, only absolute freedom suits him .
Pablo Picasso


Pablo Ruiz Picasso (1881 ~ 1973) 1881 1900 childhood (1881 - October 25, Picasso was born in Malaga, southern Spain.In 1889 the first completed painting "matador";In 1895 Barcelona a Ha Long of School of Arts;In 1897 entered the Madrid Royal San Fernando Academy of Fine Arts, was an oil painting of "Science and Charity" won honorable mention at the National Exhibition of Fine Arts at the Complutense University of Madrid, Malaga, and subsequently to obtain Gold Medal;1900 - 1902 1903 Blue Period completed "blue portrait";In 1903 completion of the "Life", by intense blue tones, representing the poor and the suffering of lonely old;1904 1906 Rose Period in 1904 and settled in Paris of "The Laundry Boat," Rose Period started met Ferdinand Oliver, Ye, and cohabitation: 1905 creation "a pipe boy" and was a philanthropist, John Hay Whitney, Ms. $30,000 with large sum of money;In 1906 he met at a Fauvist masters like Matisse, is an American writer and collector Chang Chu portrait of Stein, "Stein's portrait from Picasso's Rose Period" flippers" Cubism "springboard;1907, 1916 Cubism 1907 he met Braque, cubism, "Demoiselles d 'Avignon";In 1909 Analytic Cubism;"Ferdinand portrait";1917 and 1924 in the classical period in 1917 in Italy met dancer Mr. Koch, with his creation, "Mr. ONeil portrait";In 1918 and organa married, Henri Group exhibition;In 1920 painting collotype "cocked hat";In 1922 the creation "of the two women run by the sea";1925 to 1932 surrealist period;In 1927 the encounter as 17 - year - old Mary de Teresa Worley, Picasso became the model for
and gave birth to daughter Ma Ji;In 1929 with the sculptor Gonzalo Perez wrote together sculptures and wire structure into and gave birth to daughter Ma Ji;In 1929 with the sculptor Gonzalo Perez wrote together sculptures and wire structure into . gave a series of aggressive avatars to women with the theme of the painting, appear a marriage crisis, whom he met in Dali;1932 - 1945 transformation period;In 1932 the creation "of a woman in a red armchair";In 1933 sculptor's studio, creating prints in 1934 bullfighting - with the theme of creative works;In 1936 the Spanish Civil War know gave a series of aggressive avatars to women with the theme of the painting, appear a marriage crisis, whom he met in Dali;1932 - 1945 transformation period;In 1932 the creation "of a woman in a red armchair";In 1933 sculptor's studio, creating prints in 1934 bullfighting - with the theme of creative works;In 1936 the Spanish Civil War know .
. Dora Maar, and authoring "Isadora's portrait";the completion of its creation in 1937 "Guernica";The printmaking created in 1942 "nature of the story" 1943 met 22 - year - old after his partner;In 1944 joined the French Communist Party;Beginning in 1945 attempting to lithographic creation;1946 - 1973 Pastoral Period; Dora Maar, and authoring "Isadora's portrait";the completion of its creation in 1937 "Guernica";The printmaking created in 1942 "nature of the story" 1943 met 22 - year - old after his partner;In 1944 joined the French Communist Party;Beginning in 1945 attempting to lithographic creation;1946 - 1973 Pastoral Period;.
son Claude was born in 1947 in the potters studio pottery Comando, 1948 - 2000 works of art in the Tao;In 1948 the World Peace Conference as a "dove of peace" poster and "Gongorism and miseries of poetry"; in 1949 the creation of "Carmen" series and in 1950 was awarded a Lenin Peace Medal in 1953 at the pottery workshops, both pull met Jacqueline Locke; 1954 De la Croix started the creation of the "Algerian women" Variazioni series;1956 'in common with Crowe's movie "The Mystery of Picasso", opened at No. 1;In the 1957 New York Museum of Modern Art organized "Picasso exhibition, a 75 - year - old", and creative prints" bullfight series";In 1958 Picasso for the Paris - based UNESCO Head Office Building, created the mural "The Fall of Icarus";(1959), in imitation of Manet's" Luncheon on the Grass" Variazioni series;In 1961 with the 35 - year - old Locke married Jacqueline and Picasso celebrated his 80th birthday.1963 was drawn by artist and model ";In 1966 the Grand Palais and Petit Palais staged the "Picasso retrospective of the" ", the series of quicksand";1968, created the "Seles Tina" and "Funny Man" series of etchings;In 1970 the Spanish home saved nearly 2,000 pieces of early works donated junction Barcelona Picasso Museum: the 1971 Paris National Gallery of Modern Art hosted a retrospective of picasso was born the same year 90 ";In 1973 at the age of 92, on 8 April, died in Cannes in the vicinity of the tent city Zhan ", the series of quicksand";1968, created the "Seles Tina" and "Funny Man" series of etchings;In 1970 the Spanish home saved nearly 2,000 pieces of early works donated junction Barcelona Picasso Museum: the 1971 Paris National Gallery of Modern Art hosted a retrospective of picasso was born the same year 90 ";In 1973 at the age of 92, on 8 April, died in Cannes in the vicinity of the tent city Zhan .
10 April buried Buddha Grosvenor chrysanthemum gardens of Villa 10 April buried Buddha Grosvenor chrysanthemum gardens of Villa . 2 2.
Pablo Picasso

Chronology Of Activities

In 1900 - 1903 Blue Period Picasso from 1900 onwards has been shuttling between Paris and Spain In 1900 - 1903 Blue Period Picasso from 1900 onwards has been shuttling between Paris and Spain . settled in Paris in 1904, lived in the famous" Laundry Room " settled in Paris in 1904, lived in the famous" Laundry Room ".
in Paris, he became friends with Max Jacob, Fan Tang Ji, Altamont, Pori, resistance to flattening and Anthony Gill of the landlord's daughter, Madeleine, Madeleine as he painted several portraits of him in Paris, he became friends with Max Jacob, Fan Tang Ji, Altamont, Pori, resistance to flattening and Anthony Gill of the landlord's daughter, Madeleine, Madeleine as he painted several portraits of him . work are still being in Barcelona to the hugely popular symbolism work are still being in Barcelona to the hugely popular symbolism .
Picasso was living in very poor conditions, which in turn is influenced by Degas, Iasi and Toulouse - Lautrec painting style, influence,plus education in Spain when the Spanish tinge of sadness, and the period of the works, there is a Picasso was living in very poor conditions, which in turn is influenced by Degas, Iasi and Toulouse - Lautrec painting style, influence,plus education in Spain when the Spanish tinge of sadness, and the period of the works, there is a . Lan Yu in 1904, 1906 to the pink period in 1906, Picasso met Matisse Lan Yu in 1904, 1906 to the pink period in 1906, Picasso met Matisse .
thereafter became acquainted with Braque and Derain, with Olivier, 'in Montmartre with thereafter became acquainted with Braque and Derain, with Olivier, 'in Montmartre with . his economy have turned the corner, pleasant life than before, paintings of pink color becomes brisk;paint object also by the blue period of beggars, scrawny children and the wailing women steering buskers, acrobats and youth girl his economy have turned the corner, pleasant life than before, paintings of pink color becomes brisk;paint object also by the blue period of beggars, scrawny children and the wailing women steering buskers, acrobats and youth girl .
between 1906 and 1910 in Africa during the 1906 Picasso from Dylan inspired African masks, until the end of this year, its work has been under the influence of African masks. That is Picasso's African Period his body strong, deep, such a feature, in 1907, "the girl with Vernon?", by the different components of the human body can be viewed from several angles, reveal the Cubism of Picasso and the advent of the his body strong, deep, such a feature, in 1907, "the girl with Vernon?", by the different components of the human body can be viewed from several angles, reveal the Cubism of Picasso and the advent of the .
however,throughout the period when Cezanne's influence still has traces of however,throughout the period when Cezanne's influence still has traces of . 1910 to 1914, the analytical Cubism of Picasso most of artist friends from Montmartre to Montparnasse, he was also a move at the time of Cubism 1910 to 1914, the analytical Cubism of Picasso most of artist friends from Montmartre to Montparnasse, he was also a move at the time of Cubism .
they experience peak they experience peak . Jacques Bissell wrote of him: "a work by the sketch, color and the weakened to the minimum of shallow dark grey with orange;body geometry and comprehensive, and it's a cause close to oppress its identifiable effect, break the shackles, and finally peeling Jacques Bissell wrote of him: "a work by the sketch, color and the weakened to the minimum of shallow dark grey with orange;body geometry and comprehensive, and it's a cause close to oppress its identifiable effect, break the shackles, and finally peeling .
body "as if from the prism focus went to see a single image of the multi - angle and the body "as if from the prism focus went to see a single image of the multi - angle and the . Life is meant to be so, however, it extends to the Picasso portrait on Life is meant to be so, however, it extends to the Picasso portrait on .
he and Braque collage produced the first batch of he and Braque collage produced the first batch of . 1914 Synthetic Cubism in 1914, the war made Cubist painter, Pablo Picasso, Sopranos 1914 Synthetic Cubism in 1914, the war made Cubist painter, Pablo Picasso, Sopranos .
regain freedom and personal taste in color of the bloom, and renew energy from regain freedom and personal taste in color of the bloom, and renew energy from . regardless of style and painting of the subject, his" stereoscopic impressionist"creating a more liberal place regardless of style and painting of the subject, his" stereoscopic impressionist"creating a more liberal place .
Throughout all his works, he did not confine himself to Cubism, but continue to explore all aspects from the record or field.For example, 1915 to 1916 and the works of naturalistic;In 1917 the realism For example, 1915 to 1916 and the works of naturalistic;In 1917 the realism .
1917 - 1920 's neo - classical period Picasso in Italy, just as the Concordia's Hillel director of Russian ballet "Parade" settings and costumes, which are for the time being met ballerina Olga Koch Ndhlovu 1917 - 1920 's neo - classical period Picasso in Italy, just as the Concordia's Hillel director of Russian ballet "Parade" settings and costumes, which are for the time being met ballerina Olga Koch Ndhlovu . 1918 he and Koch intime, marriage and giving birth to a son 1918 he and Koch intime, marriage and giving birth to a son .
this relatively soft life coincided with Picasso's neo - classical period, the 1921 and 1926 he continued to produce Cubist works, from 1923 went the realism route this relatively soft life coincided with Picasso's neo - classical period, the 1921 and 1926 he continued to produce Cubist works, from 1923 went the realism route . From 1925 to 1932,Picasso enters the surrealist period From 1925 to 1932,Picasso enters the surrealist period .
1933 to 1934 during his stay in Spain, bull - headed spawn and 1933 to 1934 during his stay in Spain, bull - headed spawn and . works appeared in 1927 where he met an extremely young Marie - therese, Jr., Walter, she became his model, and as he gave birth to their daughter Ma Ji
this time, Picasso did not divorce his wife, but with an aspiring painter, and photographer Donn Marr, cohabitation, as he's painted over pictures this time, Picasso did not divorce his wife, but with an aspiring painter, and photographer Donn Marr, cohabitation, as he's painted over pictures . their relationship has lasted almost a decade in large their relationship has lasted almost a decade in large .
Augustine Road within the new workshop, Picasso in large scale production of "Guernica", which has done a lot of preparatory work Augustine Road within the new workshop, Picasso in large scale production of "Guernica", which has done a lot of preparatory work . 1943,He met Frances Lopez angelo, with her at Antibes of Midi cohabitation 1943,He met Frances Lopez angelo, with her at Antibes of Midi cohabitation .
1945 he Vallauris was a series of still - life painting and creating ceramics 1945 he Vallauris was a series of still - life painting and creating ceramics . his son Claude was born in 1947, 1949 and then gave birth to their daughter Paloma, his son Claude was born in 1947, 1949 and then gave birth to their daughter Paloma, .
he works in addition to such simple pleasures of family life, expresses his political burden: 1944 drawing the "bones of Tibetan chamber", in 1947 with "To France died of the Spanish" he works in addition to such simple pleasures of family life, expresses his political burden: 1944 drawing the "bones of Tibetan chamber", in 1947 with "To France died of the Spanish" . he continued to paint still lifes, landscapes, portraits. 1950,Courbet's" woman of the Seine "was launched around his eminent works of creative
1954, Frances Lopez Ji left Picasso in Vallauris 1954, Frances Lopez Ji left Picasso in Vallauris . Picasso met Jacqueline Roque, the 22 after this woman spend years Picasso met Jacqueline Roque, the 22 after this woman spend years .
1959 before their Cannes, he was in Cannes with Drake Lu of" Women of Algiers" and Velasquez's" Maid of Honor "at her painting, while continuing the" atelier "follow 1959 before their Cannes, he was in Cannes with Drake Lu of" Women of Algiers" and Velasquez's" Maid of Honor "at her painting, while continuing the" atelier "follow . moved to Wo Weiner GAIS, then in the vicinity of the Mugan - na te dan de Mi castle settlement, continues his creation moved to Wo Weiner GAIS, then in the vicinity of the Mugan - na te dan de Mi castle settlement, continues his creation .
Variations series of 1960 to 1972,He worked tirelessly for Variations series of 1960 to 1972,He worked tirelessly for . on only 13 years, in the directory described in the works for over a thousand titles, respectively have the kind of prints, drawings and paintings on only 13 years, in the directory described in the works for over a thousand titles, respectively have the kind of prints, drawings and paintings .
Picasso in 1973, died at the age of 92 Picasso in 1973, died at the age of 92 . Picasso, regardless of the quality and quantity, are staggering, reaching an estimated 60,000 pieces of Picasso, regardless of the quality and quantity, are staggering, reaching an estimated 60,000 pieces of .
this talented artist "in the extremely long literary activities of the moment, seem to want to help him accurately to this talented artist "in the extremely long literary activities of the moment, seem to want to help him accurately to . Why am I cannot answer his own Why am I cannot answer his own .
result is eighteen, he can result is eighteen, he can ." 1" 1.

Character Evaluation

Picasso has devoted her life to the innovation of painting using western modern philosophy, psychology, science, and absorbs the nutrition of the folk, has created very susceptible of artistic language;His extreme deformation and exaggeration of the artistic techniques, the deformity of performance in capitalist society and the distorted relationship between people, there is a unique force for Picasso has devoted her life to the innovation of painting using western modern philosophy, psychology, science, and absorbs the nutrition of the folk, has created very susceptible of artistic language;His extreme deformation and exaggeration of the artistic techniques, the deformity of performance in capitalist society and the distorted relationship between people, there is a unique force for . his private collection, including his own and his friends, have been donated to the Government of France his private collection, including his own and his friends, have been donated to the Government of France .
. Picasso Museum Picasso Paris Hall, was built in the 20th century modern art of one of the most famous figures, survived up to 20,000 pieces of works, including paintings, drawings, sculpture, collage, ceramic etc.

Personal Family

Picasso relatives is always a controversial person, except he's dumping too impressed with the talented people Picasso relatives is always a controversial person, except he's dumping too impressed with the talented people . approached him following a succession of wives, lovers and children painted many of his paintings, he loved his genius painter in the evaluation of mixed approached him following a succession of wives, lovers and children painted many of his paintings, he loved his genius painter in the evaluation of mixed .
Picasso in 1973 at the age of 91 died Picasso in 1973 at the age of 91 died . his lifetime people scramble to come up with his friend and he died a quarter of a century later, the world is still reeling from his story and his celebrity tiff his lifetime people scramble to come up with his friend and he died a quarter of a century later, the world is still reeling from his story and his celebrity tiff .
Picasso painting achievement indeed reached the limit, but he's a private family matter but, really, mess Picasso painting achievement indeed reached the limit, but he's a private family matter but, really, mess . sad story all over the world: his widow, Jacqueline Roque suicide;One of his lover Marie Jeanne. Dreiser also is, she gave birth to their daughter, Maya.His grandson was the Rideau in Jacqueline chased him out after the funeral of the grandfather also died by his own hand;Barb's sister in Mali two years ago wrote some memoirs disclose the woes of their boyhood, and everything can be blamed blamed Picasso
Frances Zealots Frances Zealots in Picasso lifetime is the only woman he will abandon Frances Zealots Frances Zealots in Picasso lifetime is the only woman he will abandon . she had two children: Claude and Paloma, in 1953 with her two children left the Picasso she had two children: Claude and Paloma, in 1953 with her two children left the Picasso .
her later art critic who co - wrote "My Life with Picasso's" The name of the book's bold, detailed, was expected to know writing, even with the painter's sexual adventures her later art critic who co - wrote "My Life with Picasso's" The name of the book's bold, detailed, was expected to know writing, even with the painter's sexual adventures . book publishing in 1964, then this book is also rare,Therefore, caused a stir when book publishing in 1964, then this book is also rare,Therefore, caused a stir when .
as revenge, since Picasso refused to see her children born of a pair of as revenge, since Picasso refused to see her children born of a pair of . at the Museum of Modern Art in New York ", a collection of 230 works by Picasso, many of whom are relatives or the painter painting at the Museum of Modern Art in New York ", a collection of 230 works by Picasso, many of whom are relatives or the painter painting .
guru's wife and her lover but Frances is alive and well, she has laid between Claude and Paloma, and Jeanne was born of Maya Picasso claimed the last of three children of the existing 76 - year - old Frances guru's wife and her lover but Frances is alive and well, she has laid between Claude and Paloma, and Jeanne was born of Maya Picasso claimed the last of three children of the existing 76 - year - old Frances . .
skinny neck, the hawk - bridged over a pair of arched eyebrows, it still seems that year as Picasso had painted her skinny neck, the hawk - bridged over a pair of arched eyebrows, it still seems that year as Picasso had painted her . who they were when they met in 1943, when Frances was a 21 - year - old,Young and ambitious, while Picasso was already 62 years old, and with Yugoslavia painter, photographer Dora Moore who they were when they met in 1943, when Frances was a 21 - year - old,Young and ambitious, while Picasso was already 62 years old, and with Yugoslavia painter, photographer Dora Moore .
mistress Frances is a calm, passionate and emotional but the appearance of the woman, she was determined to have their own real - world knowledge obtained fame and appreciation for this mistress Frances is a calm, passionate and emotional but the appearance of the woman, she was determined to have their own real - world knowledge obtained fame and appreciation for this ., Palomar says: "If my mother hadn't met my father, she is entitled to be referred to as artist's , Palomar says: "If my mother hadn't met my father, she is entitled to be referred to as artist's .
however, from some reason told me as the father, she doesn't have this right however, from some reason told me as the father, she doesn't have this right . people always reluctant to crown her as artist people always reluctant to crown her as artist .
" Claude he consider to be the mother of the works of Picasso and had a great shock, "they built up a kind of dialogue." Frances's life has revolved around the Picasso Art Frances's life has revolved around the Picasso Art .
when she published "My Life with Picasso", the Master of admirers said his book is full of self - interest, and vindictive when she published "My Life with Picasso", the Master of admirers said his book is full of self - interest, and vindictive . however, today, even in the case of Frances's critics in the 1940s and 1950s the Picasso is also on the basis of which the however, today, even in the case of Frances's critics in the 1940s and 1950s the Picasso is also on the basis of which the .
indeed, this book was filled with disdain, but thirty years after the operation still was a complex character, the genius artist of serious biography of Frances indeed, this book was filled with disdain, but thirty years after the operation still was a complex character, the genius artist of serious biography of Frances . lived in New York that year was a great master in which she will be painted in a pastel or abstract and a halation appears in the couple's intimacy with the lived in New York that year was a great master in which she will be painted in a pastel or abstract and a halation appears in the couple's intimacy with the .
There's a picture,Looks like Picasso with symmetric contour line on the portraits of each of the connecting point, this kind of technique of painting began to circulate that attempts There's a picture,Looks like Picasso with symmetric contour line on the portraits of each of the connecting point, this kind of technique of painting began to circulate that attempts . she said: "- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a pair of men and women is to be a painter, works on all colors" she said: "- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a pair of men and women is to be a painter, works on all colors" .
in her opinion," With Picasso, the portrait is a kind of to lure a woman to give her the way "," other women through their portraits to identify with our in her opinion," With Picasso, the portrait is a kind of to lure a woman to give her the way "," other women through their portraits to identify with our . when Picasso painting once they were giving up, all of them would fall too when Picasso painting once they were giving up, all of them would fall too .
"while she did not get on with it," not from himself and his own portrait, so he didn't become the captive of " "while she did not get on with it," not from himself and his own portrait, so he didn't become the captive of ". 50 - year - old Claude Frollo had dark eyes, very sturdy body with his father of the 50 - year - old Claude Frollo had dark eyes, very sturdy body with his father of the .
. The similarity is evident by the Picasso estate court nominations, in 1995, he founded the Picasso's management committee, which works to control the reproduction right and right to the use of the The similarity is evident by the Picasso estate court nominations, in 1995, he founded the Picasso's management committee, which works to control the reproduction right and right to the use of the .
he arguably left by paintings by Picasso paintings, sculptures, sketches, prints of the Directory in Paris live he arguably left by paintings by Picasso paintings, sculptures, sketches, prints of the Directory in Paris live . his office hung with paintings of father his office hung with paintings of father .
Picasso and his sister, Paloma. I painted a double picture, of which the one of him sitting on the toy car, eyes shining,sister is playing with a small train there is a painting with his mother and his sister there is a painting with his mother and his sister .
on the screen he's holding a pencil and a piece on his on the screen he's holding a pencil and a piece on his ., the painting on behalf of their family's future, representing in all , the painting on behalf of their family's future, representing in all .
respectively the brother and sister at the age of 16 and 14 - year - old has suffered a devastating blow: the book was published, the presence in their lives, his father respectively the brother and sister at the age of 16 and 14 - year - old has suffered a devastating blow: the book was published, the presence in their lives, his father . Two sibling again and to see their father, may he shut himself up in the phone didn't even answer Two sibling again and to see their father, may he shut himself up in the phone didn't even answer .
even don't see, they are still together or respectively several times a year to his father's home even don't see, they are still together or respectively several times a year to his father's home . the sense that,Now Claude is the father of legacy and reputation of the protected person the sense that,Now Claude is the father of legacy and reputation of the protected person .
his own desire to become a filmmaker, writer and photographer, his own desire to become a filmmaker, writer and photographer, . he said: "as an outstanding artist of my son is lucky, Pablo Picasso himself becomes a part of our family for he said: "as an outstanding artist of my son is lucky, Pablo Picasso himself becomes a part of our family for .
" father didn't get watched him grow up happy with it, but he has no anger " father didn't get watched him grow up happy with it, but he has no anger . Paloma, Paloma has a well - known face, thanks to her perfume advertising Paloma, Paloma has a well - known face, thanks to her perfume advertising .
advertisements on her burning red lipstick, stems from her father's spare, bright eyes and a cascade of black hair advertisements on her burning red lipstick, stems from her father's spare, bright eyes and a cascade of black hair . her 49 - year - old,- proofed his people will think she's affectionate condescension, her 49 - year - old,- proofed his people will think she's affectionate condescension, .
she said to the father they never did when I painted them to pose, he is its memory to painting from imagination was inspired partly by she said to the father they never did when I painted them to pose, he is its memory to painting from imagination was inspired partly by . Picasso a child's intellectual fascination, he painted many Children's Fund Picasso a child's intellectual fascination, he painted many Children's Fund .
. But apparently, he has never been painted as a teenager and an adult child, for he, the kids get older it is quite another story Paloma thought she disappeared later on is influenced by the work of others to incite and, especially, is Gina's Jacqueline feels they own a threat Paloma thought she disappeared later on is influenced by the work of others to incite and, especially, is Gina's Jacqueline feels they own a threat .
clearly recalls the 1976 in Gerrit father passed,That was 13 years after her first and last time saw him clearly recalls the 1976 in Gerrit father passed,That was 13 years after her first and last time saw him . Paloma with dramatist Rafael Robles, 18 years after the marriage broke up in 1995, with her ex - husband this unfolding duel over property battle Paloma with dramatist Rafael Robles, 18 years after the marriage broke up in 1995, with her ex - husband this unfolding duel over property battle .
Paloma is about $1.7 billion of wealth, her economic - kingdom of cosmetics, perfume and jewellery business, of course, her father left her the worth of ov 600 million dollars of picture her ex - husband asked for all these wealth of half a month you are to give him a living, on the grounds that he dropped the playwright's career, along with his wife to run her business,And he was at her success who played a crucial role her ex - husband asked for all these wealth of half a month you are to give him a living, on the grounds that he dropped the playwright's career, along with his wife to run her business,And he was at her success who played a crucial role .
unfortunately, Double act in the good old days, Paloma is also similar to the words of praise her husband unfortunately, Double act in the good old days, Paloma is also similar to the words of praise her husband . London Tribunal being decided by this division of assets recently intensified following the war, but its ending remains distant London Tribunal being decided by this division of assets recently intensified following the war, but its ending remains distant .
were said to be the "most expensive" divorce were said to be the "most expensive" divorce . Paloma is forget trouble had to be committed to the cause of the work, at the same time, a new sweetheart's arms, it was a French doctor, named Eric Devin Knight Paloma is forget trouble had to be committed to the cause of the work, at the same time, a new sweetheart's arms, it was a French doctor, named Eric Devin Knight .
Maya with Claude, Paloma, which was the same as the illegitimate sister of Maya and her husband live in Paris,He was a retired naval officer Maya with Claude, Paloma, which was the same as the illegitimate sister of Maya and her husband live in Paris,He was a retired naval officer . age 60 she seemed in flighty spirits after 1956 age 60 she seemed in flighty spirits after 1956 .
Maya haven't seen the last of his father, which means that the new 20 - year - old she had been expelled from their father's life Maya haven't seen the last of his father, which means that the new 20 - year - old she had been expelled from their father's life . as a matter of fact, she would never live through her father, shortly after her birth, Picasso was cohabiting with Dora, later replaced by Frances, but his legal wife, Olga is s as a matter of fact, she would never live through her father, shortly after her birth, Picasso was cohabiting with Dora, later replaced by Frances, but his legal wife, Olga is s .
her mother very superstitious, Picasso is still preserved after being abandoned by his nail clippings and hair her mother very superstitious, Picasso is still preserved after being abandoned by his nail clippings and hair . when in 1977 after the suicide of his mother, all these things shall belong to the Maya when in 1977 after the suicide of his mother, all these things shall belong to the Maya .
"Surprisingly, there is such a loopy parents,I'm also very normal "Surprisingly, there is such a loopy parents,I'm also very normal . "this is her often joke "this is her often joke .
however, Maya and truly make the Picasso experts. To his surprise, she can now discern the authenticity of works of the father, even though there's not very professional, winning with experts spoke highly of the
Pablo Picasso

Works Appreciation

Maidens Of Avignon

Influenced by primeval African sculpture, Picasso began to explore a new painting style in 1906 Influenced by primeval African sculpture, Picasso began to explore a new painting style in 1906 . So he painted a picture of the landmark masterpieces of the famous" Avignon " So he painted a picture of the landmark masterpieces of the famous" Avignon ".
this incredible giant canvas marks more than Picasso in art history in a major turn of events, but also in modern western history of revolutionary breakthroughs, it led to the birth of the Cubism movement this incredible giant canvas marks more than Picasso in art history in a major turn of events, but also in modern western history of revolutionary breakthroughs, it led to the birth of the Cubism movement ." Avignon "works of 1906, 1907) is completed, the modification in the picture " Avignon "works of 1906, 1907) is completed, the modification in the picture .
therebetween has five naked women and a group of still lifes,composition that has been patterned in the form of therebetween has five naked women and a group of still lifes,composition that has been patterned in the form of . the painting's title was developed by Picasso's friend Andrew Selman added, said Picasso himself on it and don't like the painting's title was developed by Picasso's friend Andrew Selman added, said Picasso himself on it and don't like .
But anyway, this is just the title of the work of Bale But anyway, this is just the title of the work of Bale . in modern art, works with the title of the relativity of the small, artists are often not consciously to the title of the description, the content of the in modern art, works with the title of the relativity of the small, artists are often not consciously to the title of the description, the content of the .
Picasso's" Maidens of Avignon ", presumably, is here to stay Picasso's" Maidens of Avignon ", presumably, is here to stay . the painting was originally conceived, the STD is the allegorical theme, named" For the wages of sin ", and was initially a sketch on a glance;on a sketch of a man cupping the skeletons, which were reminiscent of a Spanish old maxim "moderation in all things is emptiness" the painting was originally conceived, the STD is the allegorical theme, named" For the wages of sin ", and was initially a sketch on a glance;on a sketch of a man cupping the skeletons, which were reminiscent of a Spanish old maxim "moderation in all things is emptiness" .
however in this painting is a formal part in the creation of these anecdotes of fables that detail, we're all painters to however in this painting is a formal part in the creation of these anecdotes of fables that detail, we're all painters to . except its final impression, and not from any literary description, but it's drawing the language of the emotional power except its final impression, and not from any literary description, but it's drawing the language of the emotional power .
this picture, arguably the first Cubist works this picture, arguably the first Cubist works . left three nude images, apparently is a classic body's stiff deformation;while the right two naked women, brutish, abnormalities of the face and posture, is full of original art of feral trait left three nude images, apparently is a classic body's stiff deformation;while the right two naked women, brutish, abnormalities of the face and posture, is full of original art of feral trait .
fauvist found in Africa and Oceania for engraving the original charm, and they are introduced to Picasso fauvist found in Africa and Oceania for engraving the original charm, and they are introduced to Picasso . however with original art to the destruction of classical aesthetics, is Picasso, "instead of" fauvist however with original art to the destruction of classical aesthetics, is Picasso, "instead of" fauvist .
on this painting, not only is the proportion, even the organic integrity and the continuity of the human body, have been negative on this painting, not only is the proportion, even the organic integrity and the continuity of the human body, have been negative . thus this painting (as one commentator said), "like a smashed glass" thus this painting (as one commentator said), "like a smashed glass" .
here, Picasso had destroyed many things, but,In this failure he again got what? When people first saw this picture of their shock, begin to discover that the destruction was quite methodical: of all things, whether the image or the background, is decomposed into angular geometric blocks face here, Picasso had destroyed many things, but,In this failure he again got what? When people first saw this picture of their shock, begin to discover that the destruction was quite methodical: of all things, whether the image or the background, is decomposed into angular geometric blocks face ., which is not flat, due to their backing, according to a shadow having a certain dimensional feel , which is not flat, due to their backing, according to a shadow having a certain dimensional feel .
people do not always determine that they are recessed or protrude;They look like the face of the block of the entities, like the transparency of these unusual debris people do not always determine that they are recessed or protrude;They look like the face of the block of the entities, like the transparency of these unusual debris . block surface so that the screen has a certain integrity and continuity of block surface so that the screen has a certain integrity and continuity of .
from this picture, can be seen in a two - dimensional plane of a three - dimensional space represented on a new gimmick, an effort that earlier in the paintings of Cezanne in from this picture, can be seen in a two - dimensional plane of a three - dimensional space represented on a new gimmick, an effort that earlier in the paintings of Cezanne in ., had been introduced in the center of the screen of the two face images in the front, but its nose but became a side;Images from the left side of the head, the eyes were crinkled in front of , had been introduced in the center of the screen of the two face images in the front, but its nose but became a side;Images from the left side of the head, the eyes were crinkled in front of .
different angles of vision are all within a single image on different angles of vision are all within a single image on . this so - called "simultaneous vision" of the language, is more obvious in the picture for the right - hand image squatting on this so - called "simultaneous vision" of the language, is more obvious in the picture for the right - hand image squatting on .
this was three - quarters of the back surface of the image, due to the decomposition of the splicing process of engagement with the spine of the central axis of the leg and arm it this was three - quarters of the back surface of the image, due to the decomposition of the splicing process of engagement with the spine of the central axis of the leg and arm it . and elongated, alluding to the depths of the extension;That head is screwed to the table, and straight against the eye of the beholder and and elongated, alluding to the depths of the extension;That head is screwed to the table, and straight against the eye of the beholder and .
Picasso seems to be around image around 180 degrees and then at the angles of view as comprehensive as this image of Picasso seems to be around image around 180 degrees and then at the angles of view as comprehensive as this image of . Mezzotint, turns the received from the Italian Renaissance at the beginning of the period of 500 years of rule, the perspective painter of limiting Mezzotint, turns the received from the Italian Renaissance at the beginning of the period of 500 years of rule, the perspective painter of limiting .
Picasso that strives to maintain the effect of the picture plane of many paintings on Picasso that strives to maintain the effect of the picture plane of many paintings on . While the blocks are concavo - convex surface, but they are not very deep concave or convex high While the blocks are concavo - convex surface, but they are not very deep concave or convex high .
screen display space is actually very shallow, so that the painting seemed to produce and was one of the relief image screen display space is actually very shallow, so that the painting seemed to produce and was one of the relief image . painter intentionally eliminate the distance between the character and background,aimed at getting a picture of all parts on the same surface of the display on the right of the painter intentionally eliminate the distance between the character and background,aimed at getting a picture of all parts on the same surface of the display on the right of the .
If the background of those blue block face paying a little attention, you can be sure that the craftsmanship of If the background of those blue block face paying a little attention, you can be sure that the craftsmanship of . blue, usually on the vision has a receding effect of blue, usually on the vision has a receding effect of .
Picasso To eliminate this effect, these blue block hook on the dazzling white, so they look like goddamn forward highlights Picasso To eliminate this effect, these blue block hook on the dazzling white, so they look like goddamn forward highlights . actually, "Mr. Vernon Girl is an independent painting structure, it does not care at - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
outer world for much of its attention - seeking, it is itself, outer world for much of its attention - seeking, it is itself,. of the same colors of the world were born out of Cezanne, who depicted bathers of monumental works of the same colors of the world were born out of Cezanne, who depicted bathers of monumental works .
which is different from the natural order of the order, acting as a pure drawing of a structure which which is different from the natural order of the order, acting as a pure drawing of a structure which .

Thinking Like Le Card

Picasso, in 1910, oil paintings, 100 x 61. 5 cm, in Chicago, the Chicago Center for the Arts hid this" thinking like Le ", clearly shows how Picasso is a Cubist painting this analysis of the language, some for specific characters of hid this" thinking like Le ", clearly shows how Picasso is a Cubist painting this analysis of the language, some for specific characters of .
puzzling of all, just the decomposition image and the color of extreme distortions of the depiction, the Picasso still refuses to relinquish its mannequins of puzzling of all, just the decomposition image and the color of extreme distortions of the depiction, the Picasso still refuses to relinquish its mannequins of . To see this picture, he asked his old friend has the card thinking Mr. have patience, to pose in front of him she has twenty
he delved carefully decomposed body,so as to obtain a seemingly by overlapping the transparent layer of the patch formed by the structural color in a picture screen he delved carefully decomposed body,so as to obtain a seemingly by overlapping the transparent layer of the patch formed by the structural color in a picture screen . only blue, ochre and grey - purple color only blue, ochre and grey - purple color .
here plays only a subordinate role here plays only a subordinate role . While in lines and blocks of interlaced in, Mr. Strauss - Kahn, the outline of the image of Mr. Wheeler also loomed, yet people have obscured his real similarity with
study of Picasso's most famous expert Roland Penrose, by looking at the painting, thus: "The key to each face of the partition a, to cause the adjacent portion is divided into a plane and thus continuously moves backward, the continuously generated direct feel,It's reminiscent of the rippling water study of Picasso's most famous expert Roland Penrose, by looking at the painting, thus: "The key to each face of the partition a, to cause the adjacent portion is divided into a plane and thus continuously moves backward, the continuously generated direct feel,It's reminiscent of the rippling water . of the sight of these ripples in the Walk, here and there, as well as capture something instantly recognisable indicia such as, for example, a nose, two eyes, some neatly combed hair, a bracelet and a pair of crossed hands of the sight of these ripples in the Walk, here and there, as well as capture something instantly recognisable indicia such as, for example, a nose, two eyes, some neatly combed hair, a bracelet and a pair of crossed hands .
but, when the line - of - sight steering member. From that point, it also continuously felt in some of the fun swimming on the surface, because these surfaces because of its similar appearance and compelling see, you know, this image will generate imagination;Although this picture is ambiguous, that seems a really exists, in that new reality of life, it is happy with its own interpretation " ".


Wherever I am frustrated or glad of that, and I always try to have their own preferences to arrange everything Wherever I am frustrated or glad of that, and I always try to have their own preferences to arrange everything . a hobby painter blonde, and a bowl of fruit because they are not in harmony, it is hard not to draw them into his pictures, how awkward!I'm only what I love to draw a hobby painter blonde, and a bowl of fruit because they are not in harmony, it is hard not to draw them into his pictures, how awkward!I'm only what I love to draw .
past into my pictures, painting is a progressive step in such a manner as to completion of each day and something new past into my pictures, painting is a progressive step in such a manner as to completion of each day and something new ., whereupon the rotation of the painting is a summation of the sum of the , whereupon the rotation of the painting is a summation of the sum of the .
For me, painting as a subtraction of the count For me, painting as a subtraction of the count . I complete a painting, and then it destroyed I complete a painting, and then it destroyed .
but in the end, nothing was lost, as I wiped away the part of the red, it will re - emerge in another place but in the end, nothing was lost, as I wiped away the part of the red, it will re - emerge in another place .


