Michael Jordan to the Max

Michael Jordan to the Max

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【導 演】詹姆斯·D·斯特恩 James D Stern
【主 演】麥可·喬丹 Michael Jordan
【上 映】2000年05月05日
【公 司】20世紀福克斯 20th Century Fox
【地 區】美國
【對 白】英語
【顏 色】彩色
【聲 音】Dolby Digital 5.1, Dolby Digital 2.0 Surround
【時 長】45 分鐘
【類 型】記錄
【分 級】美國:NR/ 紐西蘭:G / 西班牙:T
【字 幕】外掛中文
【簡 介】
1998年NBA季後賽是上天賜給HOLLYWOOD的最好的劇本。20世紀福克斯公司與NBA娛樂公司合作製作了這部名叫Michael Jordan TO THE MAX的影片,並成為當年票房前10名的作品,成為體育影片的奇蹟,影片講述的是喬丹在1998 年季後賽的傳奇故事。許多傳播中看不到的場邊境頭,展現了喬丹的不同側面,而經過精心處理的聲效以及電腦特技的運用使影片更像好萊塢大片。如果你是籃球迷、喬丹迷,而你卻還沒有看過這部影片,那么這將成為你終身的遺憾,本片將把你帶回98年NBA PLAYOFFS,重溫喬丹與公牛最輝煌的時刻。
A look at the life and career of arguably the greatest basketball player ever, Michael Jordan. See this living legend from his childhood in North Carolina to his college days and his professional career, including his foray into baseball and culminating in the Chicago Bulls' 1998 championship. originally filmed for IMAX theaters, this look at Jordan's life is also a tribute to the factors that have allowed him to rise to the top: courage, perseverance, and strength.
"Michael Jordan to the Max" was an Omnimax documentary detailing the superstar's final championship run with the NBA's Chicago Bulls at the end of the 1998 season. Interviews and amazing archive coverage makes this an entertaining and vastly interesting viewing experience. Truly the film does lose a little luster on a non-Omnimax screen, but overall the production is first class all the way with intriguing interviews and cinematography adding to the movie's superiority. If you want to see a good Michael Jordan flick avoid "Space Jam" and watch this twice instead. Laurence Fishburne narrates this must for all fans of the international sports icon. 4.5 out of 5 stars.
【演 員】
麥可·喬丹 Michael Jordan
菲爾·傑克遜 Phil Jackson
道擱·科林斯 Doug Collins
鮑伯·格林 Bob Greene
鮑伯·科斯塔斯 Bob Costas
迪恩·史密斯 Dean Smith
德洛里斯·喬丹 Deloris Jordan
弗雷德·林奇 Fred Lynch
沃特·伊烏斯 Walter Iooss Jr.
比爾·穆雷 Bill Murray
【M o r e】
Director: James D Stern , Donald Kempf
Producer: Donald Kempf , Steve Kempf , James D Stern , David Falk , Curtis Polk , Adam Silver
Production Credits: Jonathan Hock , James Neihouse , John Bailey , John Debney , Ken Ross
screenwriter: Jonathan Hock
Distributor: Giant Screen Films, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment


