I'll Always Remember You

I'll Always Remember You

《I'll Always Remember You》為美國熱播劇《Hannah Montana 》的最後一季《Hannah Montana Forever》同名原聲帶收錄的歌曲之一。


Hannah Montana - I'll Always Remember You

I always knew this day would come 我一直深知這一天終將到來

We'd be standing one by one 我們一起手拉手肩並肩

With the future in our hands 手中緊緊握著我們各自的未來

So many dreams so many plans 那么多的夢想 那么多的計畫

I always knew after all these years 一直深知與你共度的這些日子

There'd be laughter there'd be tears 幾度歡笑 記得落淚

But never thought I'd walk away 有你在身旁 我從來都沒想過要放棄

With so much joy but so much pain 旅途如此快樂 但又如此艱辛

And it's so hard to say goodbye 真的捨不得現在就說再見

But yesterday's gone 但是昨日已經遠去

We gotta keep moving on 我們仍要不懈前行

I'm so thankful for the moments 我感激與你共度的青春年華

So glad I got to know you 更珍惜與你的相知相識

The times that we had 與你的點點滴滴

I'll keep like a photograph 我會像相冊一般珍藏

And hold you in my heart forever 把你深深烙印在我的心靈深處

I'll always remember you 我會永遠銘記你

La la la la

La la la la

La la la la la

Another chapter in the book 人生的嶄新篇章已經翻開

Can't go back but you can look 你無法再次經歷但隨時可以翻閱回憶

And there we are on every page 我們的經歷就寫在書中的每個角落

Memories I'll always save 美好的記憶我們將永遠留存

Up ahead only open doors 面對著這扇走向未來的大門

Who knows what we're heading towards 誰知道我們會面對怎樣的一幅圖景

I wish you love I wish you luck 希望你能享受其中 衷心祝願你一切順利

For you the world just opens up 你的未來才剛剛起步

But it's so hard to say goodbye 但我真的捨不得現在就說再見

Every day that we had 我們所經歷的一切

All the good all the bad 那些快樂和那些傷心

I'll keep'em here inside 我會把它們深深埋在心底

All the times that we shared 我們曾分享的各種經歷

Every place everywhere 到過的每個地方

You touched my life 都布滿你的足跡

Yeah one day we'll look back 是的 總有一天當我們回首往事

We'll smile and we'll laugh 會不禁嘴角上揚 談笑風生

But right now we just cry 但是現在我們只能潸然哽咽

'Cause it's so hard to say goodbye 因為說聲再見 竟如此艱難

Yesterday's gone 但是昨日已經遠去

We gotta keep moving on 我們仍要不懈前行

I'm so thankful for the moments 我感激與你共度的青春年華

So glad I got to know you 更珍惜與你的相知相識

The times that we had 與你的點點滴滴

I'll keep like a photograph 我會像相冊一般珍藏

And hold you in my heart forever 把你深深烙印在我的心靈深處

I'll always remember you 我會永遠銘記你


I'll always remember you 我一定不會把你忘懷


I'll always remember you 我會永遠把你銘記在心


