Gushi County

Gushi County

Tang or Polygonum Gushi county abbreviation, a nickname for the Tang City, Polygonum, Fallopia, is the first largest county of Henan Province, located in the southeastern tip of the department of Henan and Anhui provinces meet, mingle at the East China and Central Plains area, which belongs to the municipality of Henan Province.The geographical location is east longitude 115 21 ~ 115 56, north latitude 31 46 32 35.The longest north 94. 16 km and it is widest 56. 19, with a total area of 2946 km2.Jurisdiction over 10 towns and 22 townships, villages of 601 (Street), with a population of 165 million.The famous scenic spots in General Chen's Temple, the Jiuhua Mountain Scenic Area, etc.

Horizon Location

Gushi in Henan Province is located in the southeastern tip of the Henan - Anhui border in the south, the Dabie Mountains, and north to the Huaihe River, which belongs to the East China and Central Plains blend zones, the geographical line dividing China's south (Qinling - Huaihe line) cross it, called "northland Jiangnan, Jiangnan Northland" Gushi in Henan Province is located in the southeastern tip of the Henan - Anhui border in the south, the Dabie Mountains, and north to the Huaihe River, which belongs to the East China and Central Plains blend zones, the geographical line dividing China's south (Qinling - Huaihe line) cross it, called "northland Jiangnan, Jiangnan Northland" . 1 geographic location in longitude in 21 ~ 115 56, north latitude 31 46 32 35 1 geographic location in longitude in 21 ~ 115 56, north latitude 31 46 32 35 .
north and longest 94. 16 km and it is widest 56. 19, with a total area of 161 square kilometers with a population of 2946 . 1 million, is the first largest county of Henan east and Anhui Provi
,North of the Huaihe River in Funan County of Anhui Province, with the spacer on the south, northwest, west and southwest respectively in Huaibin, Huangchuan, Tri - County Mall, the south boundary with Jinzhai county, Anhui province in the southeast corner adjacent the leaf set ,North of the Huaihe River in Funan County of Anhui Province, with the spacer on the south, northwest, west and southwest respectively in Huaibin, Huangchuan, Tri - County Mall, the south boundary with Jinzhai county, Anhui province in the southeast corner adjacent the leaf set . Gushi in Henan province is a region of the first five focused on expanding the power of county (city), a ten - county (city), one of the five planned regional central city in the Gushi in Henan province is a region of the first five focused on expanding the power of county (city), a ten - county (city), one of the five planned regional central city in the .
ancient Gushi, the literary atmosphere is prosperous, rich in historical and cultural heritage, as the "Top Ten Counties of Henan Province, one of the" ancient Gushi, the literary atmosphere is prosperous, rich in historical and cultural heritage, as the "Top Ten Counties of Henan Province, one of the" . Gushi calligraphy calligraphy circles of interest groups at home and abroad, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the China Calligraphers Association is named as" Hometown of Chinese Calligraphy " Gushi calligraphy calligraphy circles of interest groups at home and abroad, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the China Calligraphers Association is named as" Hometown of Chinese Calligraphy ".
2 2.


Gushi of Xinyang City, Henan - Anhui border river, an area of nearly 3000 square kilometers and a population of 165 million people, Henan is the most populous county, large county and in labor - exporting counties, is part of the country, China's Hometown of Willow Weaving, Chinese calligraphy, Hometown National Ecological Demonstration Area and the ancestral home of the Hakka world, is also the point of contact and Xu Guangchun, Henan's Communist Party chief of Henan, the provincial planning and construction of the five regional central city in the county is one of the Gushi of Xinyang City, Henan - Anhui border river, an area of nearly 3000 square kilometers and a population of 165 million people, Henan is the most populous county, large county and in labor - exporting counties, is part of the country, China's Hometown of Willow Weaving, Chinese calligraphy, Hometown National Ecological Demonstration Area and the ancestral home of the Hakka world, is also the point of contact and Xu Guangchun, Henan's Communist Party chief of Henan, the provincial planning and construction of the five regional central city in the county is one of the . to the terrain from southwest to northeast direction is inclined, and the average slope of 1 / 1200, the crest of the Huayang Samantakūta altitude is 1025m. 6 meters,at the lowest point of San He Jian Jian Wan Village is situated at an altitude of 23 meters, also is the lowest altitude
territory of diverse terrain, with mountains, hills, plains, lowlands, wetlands, floodplains and territory of diverse terrain, with mountains, hills, plains, lowlands, wetlands, floodplains and . Gushi in Jianghuai center, sub - tropical to warm temperate zone monsoon climate zone, on the climatology of the border is at 0 while the China Habitat Environment Model City, is seen as one of north climate transition zone Gushi in Jianghuai center, sub - tropical to warm temperate zone monsoon climate zone, on the climatology of the border is at 0 while the China Habitat Environment Model City, is seen as one of north climate transition zone .
humid climate and sufficient rainfall, four distinct seasons with annual average humid climate and sufficient rainfall, four distinct seasons with annual average . 15. degree. C., with an annual average rainfall of 1066 and an average annual sunshine hours 2139, frost - free days
228 Gushi in Jianghuai,sub - tropical to warm temperate zone moist monsoon climatic region with favorable conditions, the local terrain, landform diversity, with mountains, hills, plains, wetlands, and GlaxoSmithKline, is" Chinese geography " 228 Gushi in Jianghuai,sub - tropical to warm temperate zone moist monsoon climatic region with favorable conditions, the local terrain, landform diversity, with mountains, hills, plains, wetlands, and GlaxoSmithKline, is" Chinese geography ". Yi nourishing water for 170,000 mu, mu of planting area 140 and high - quality rice, oilseeds, grain, meat production by China's government at the county level pursuant to the 4 - bit, 32 bit and the bit 42, as the" breadbasket "reputation, for five consecutive years, were awarded the title of Advanced County for Grain Production of China's 100 Yi nourishing water for 170,000 mu, mu of planting area 140 and high - quality rice, oilseeds, grain, meat production by China's government at the county level pursuant to the 4 - bit, 32 bit and the bit 42, as the" breadbasket "reputation, for five consecutive years, were awarded the title of Advanced County for Grain Production of China's 100 .
2005 national ecological demonstration area for acceptance, a senior provincial plains greening in the counties at the 2005 national ecological demonstration area for acceptance, a senior provincial plains greening in the counties at the . Gushi chicken, Gushi Goose,Yunan black pigs, is a local poultry high quality species, Gushi chicken, Gushi chicken and the egg placed second in the National Level A green food certification and certifying the origin of the Gushi chicken, Gushi Goose,Yunan black pigs, is a local poultry high quality species, Gushi chicken, Gushi chicken and the egg placed second in the National Level A green food certification and certifying the origin of the .
"Gushi vegetables" is designated as the Olympic Games Special Food "Gushi vegetables" is designated as the Olympic Games Special Food . Gushi wickerwork is listed as a product standard standard of Henan province, is China's four wicker production base in the county of Gushi wickerwork is listed as a product standard standard of Henan province, is China's four wicker production base in the county of .
" Jiuhua Mountain "," the man of the snow green "Maojian tea and the like, respectively, through the national green food certification and organic tea, xinyang maojian tea become the famous brand, and" Silk "," brain "of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, registered as a trademark green food " Jiuhua Mountain "," the man of the snow green "Maojian tea and the like, respectively, through the national green food certification and organic tea, xinyang maojian tea become the famous brand, and" Silk "," brain "of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, registered as a trademark green food . Gushi employs in excess of or above the provincial level, and certification and accreditation of quality agricultural products and origin as well as the 21wherein the state - level green food, organic food, agricultural products and origin authentication of 11 Gushi employs in excess of or above the provincial level, and certification and accreditation of quality agricultural products and origin as well as the 21wherein the state - level green food, organic food, agricultural products and origin authentication of 11 .
as" China's grain production counties in China "," Three - green Project Counties for Tea "," China's food industry county "," Chinese Scien - tech Demonstration Nuisanceless Fruits and Vegetables", "Counties of the province's aquatic products", the title of" the development of animal husbandry counties as" China's grain production counties in China "," Three - green Project Counties for Tea "," China's food industry county "," Chinese Scien - tech Demonstration Nuisanceless Fruits and Vegetables", "Counties of the province's aquatic products", the title of" the development of animal husbandry counties . tourism resources existing within the territory of the city's ruins and General Chen Yuanguang ancestral temple such as national monuments, and Chen Yuanguang Square, the Anshan Forest Park, Xiushui Park and Mt. Jiuhua Scenic Area, Huayang Lake scenic spot such as the humanities natural landscape
Gushi County

Historical Evolution

Warring states from time to time under the name Qiu Warring states from time to time under the name Qiu . According to "Shui Jingzhu": Gushi "is also, in the hills to the south, Zhaoxian County, Yi Ji Qiu According to "Shui Jingzhu": Gushi "is also, in the hills to the south, Zhaoxian County, Yi Ji Qiu .
" feast of Zhang Tang, said, 'The Gwangju Gushi, Qiu Yi also " feast of Zhang Tang, said, 'The Gwangju Gushi, Qiu Yi also . "Han Guangwu Dasinong Li Feng Hou Gushi pass as one, you will pass with the Emperor first thing, as" the strong initial Hatti", was named as Gushi "Han Guangwu Dasinong Li Feng Hou Gushi pass as one, you will pass with the Emperor first thing, as" the strong initial Hatti", was named as Gushi .
Gushi was named to the emperor saying "A good, solid will start its" Gushi was named to the emperor saying "A good, solid will start its" . Western Han Chi - Ling County, Eastern Han changed Gushi Western Han Chi - Ling County, Eastern Han changed Gushi .
Gushi and Gu Fan, L., Potygonum manshuriense V. Patr. Jiang et al., Feng Li Tong Han Guangwu Dasinong Gushi Hou is the one, you will pass with the Emperor first thing, as" the strong initial Hatti", was named as Gushi,has a history of almost 2000 years for thousands of years, this splendid ancient land and many historical aristocracy, the elite of Chinese ancient State of Chu and for thousands of years, this splendid ancient land and many historical aristocracy, the elite of Chinese ancient State of Chu and .
Enfeoffed, Tang "Open Zhang Sage" Chen Yuanguang, Tang Shen Zhi Min Wang, Zheng Chenggong and Shi Lang, a famous botanist Wu Rui has near its Enfeoffed, Tang "Open Zhang Sage" Chen Yuanguang, Tang Shen Zhi Min Wang, Zheng Chenggong and Shi Lang, a famous botanist Wu Rui has near its . Contribution Made by Patriotic Overseas Chinese Chen Jiageng, Lugouqiao Incident, fired the first shot of the Anti - Japanese national hero kim, jin, this is referred to as" Heroic "of" People Who Moved China " Contribution Made by Patriotic Overseas Chinese Chen Jiageng, Lugouqiao Incident, fired the first shot of the Anti - Japanese national hero kim, jin, this is referred to as" Heroic "of" People Who Moved China ".
Gushi newsmakers as history on the Central Plains to Anhui, Jiangsu, Fujian, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi,Fujian immigrants in particular considered to be the beginning of the area and distributing center on the Gushi newsmakers as history on the Central Plains to Anhui, Jiangsu, Fujian, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi,Fujian immigrants in particular considered to be the beginning of the area and distributing center on the . in the qin dynasty and, under the Ming and Qing dynasty years, sending people in the south are excluded. Secondly, it is difficult to count because of the generations of immigrants
Nan, therefore, which took place on the Gushi - Huai "Zu" and with dignity, "Min - ji's, said:" The Fujian People called Gushi people "countries, the seasons have changed, the whole world from home and abroad as well as multicast, the hometown of Gushi is given shape, which are more and more famous, known as the" Central Plains first hometown " Nan, therefore, which took place on the Gushi - Huai "Zu" and with dignity, "Min - ji's, said:" The Fujian People called Gushi people "countries, the seasons have changed, the whole world from home and abroad as well as multicast, the hometown of Gushi is given shape, which are more and more famous, known as the" Central Plains first hometown ".
Gushi County

Administrative Divisions

In 1998, Gushi county has jurisdiction over six towns, 27 townships: Chengguan town, Li Town, Chen Lin in Yulinzi township, town, town Jiang, Guo Lu Town, Chengjiao, Shahe Village, Fenshui Township, Pavilion, River Village, Zhang Guang Temple Town, Chen Jixiang, Xu village, Hong port township, dian xiang Li, Fenggang township, Qiaogou village, Guantang Village, Jian Village, Yang village, Hu Family Village, Wang shed rural, grass temple village, south of Daqiao township, Zhao Township, Fang village, Duanji Township to Guan county, zushimiao township, willow inn township, village shop, the old township, Ma Gang In 1998, Gushi county has jurisdiction over six towns, 27 townships: Chengguan town, Li Town, Chen Lin in Yulinzi township, town, town Jiang, Guo Lu Town, Chengjiao, Shahe Village, Fenshui Township, Pavilion, River Village, Zhang Guang Temple Town, Chen Jixiang, Xu village, Hong port township, dian xiang Li, Fenggang township, Qiaogou village, Guantang Village, Jian Village, Yang village, Hu Family Village, Wang shed rural, grass temple village, south of Daqiao township, Zhao Township, Fang village, Duanji Township to Guan county, zushimiao township, willow inn township, village shop, the old township, Ma Gang . 2000 township, Gushi county jurisdiction over 8 towns, 25 townships 2000 township, Gushi county jurisdiction over 8 towns, 25 townships .
according to census data,Gushi county has a population of human 1188599 according to census data,Gushi county has a population of human 1188599 . 2005, Gushi Township zoning adjustment: revocation of Qiaogou village, which was put under the administrative jurisdiction of Fenggang Village, Fenggang Township Government in Gaozhuang Village 2005, Gushi Township zoning adjustment: revocation of Qiaogou village, which was put under the administrative jurisdiction of Fenggang Village, Fenggang Township Government in Gaozhuang Village .
as at 31 December 2005, Gushi County administers eight towns, 24 townships: Chengguan town, Li town, Jiang Town, Chen Lin in Yulinzi township, Guo Lu town beach, town, town square, the Town of Immigrant Hu; of Chengjiao, South Bridge, Zhao Township, the old town, temple village, Duan village, zushimiao township, grass temple village, Shahe Village, Fenshui Township, Pavilion, River Village, Chen village, Zhang Guang Temple Town, Willow Township, shop, shop, shed rural Wang,Ma Gang Village, Yang village, Hong port township, dian xiang Li, Xu village, Fenggang Town, Guantang Village, Sanhe Village as at 31 December 2005, Gushi County administers eight towns, 24 townships: Chengguan town, Li town, Jiang Town, Chen Lin in Yulinzi township, Guo Lu town beach, town, town square, the Town of Immigrant Hu; of Chengjiao, South Bridge, Zhao Township, the old town, temple village, Duan village, zushimiao township, grass temple village, Shahe Village, Fenshui Township, Pavilion, River Village, Chen village, Zhang Guang Temple Town, Willow Township, shop, shop, shed rural Wang,Ma Gang Village, Yang village, Hong port township, dian xiang Li, Xu village, Fenggang Town, Guantang Village, Sanhe Village . tip 2005 according to China's Henan Province and the organization of work, the revocation of Gushi in Qiaogou village, which was put under the administrative jurisdiction of Fenggang Village, Fenggang township government in Gaozhuang Village tip 2005 according to China's Henan Province and the organization of work, the revocation of Gushi in Qiaogou village, which was put under the administrative jurisdiction of Fenggang Village, Fenggang township government in Gaozhuang Village .
Gushi County has jurisdiction over 8 towns, 3 street offices and township Gushi County has jurisdiction over 8 towns, 3 street offices and township . 23: Polygonum city offices, city offices, the Office of the Xiushui, Sanhe town, Chen Lin in Yulinzi township, Township, Town, Tan Zhen, Guo Lu, Jiang Town, Hu laid up in the town, the town square; of Chengjiao, Wang shed Village, Shahe Village, South Bridge, Hong port township, village, Chen Jixiang, Xu village,Fenggang township, Ma Gang township, grass temple village, town, village shop, Quanhe shibalipu township, willow - store Township, Pavilion Township, the village temple, zushimiao township 8 Zhao Township, the old township of Zhang, Yang village, Li Township store, which 23: Polygonum city offices, city offices, the Office of the Xiushui, Sanhe town, Chen Lin in Yulinzi township, Township, Town, Tan Zhen, Guo Lu, Jiang Town, Hu laid up in the town, the town square; of Chengjiao, Wang shed Village, Shahe Village, South Bridge, Hong port township, village, Chen Jixiang, Xu village,Fenggang township, Ma Gang township, grass temple village, town, village shop, Quanhe shibalipu township, willow - store Township, Pavilion Township, the village temple, zushimiao township 8 Zhao Township, the old township of Zhang, Yang village, Li Township store, which .
Guantang township, Gushi railway station, with a set - - D.C. enjoy the county economic and social administration, Sanhejian - - Chinese industrial city of Willow, Willow City enjoy China's economy at county level; Chen Lin in Yulinzi township, Li town, zushimiao township consists of five townships in Riverbend development history of national - level reform, the exercise of the right to administrate economy at county level,within the territory of the history of industrial agglomeration and Riverbend Gushi city industry person who gather together to enjoy the Huai Four Cities of policy support Gushi County has jurisdiction over 10 towns and 22 townships Gushi County has jurisdiction over 10 towns and 22 townships .
respectively the office of county - level city, Duan village in Sanhe town, Chen Lin in Yulinzi township, Township, Town, the Town of Immigrant Hu, Guo Lu Tan Zhen, Fang Town, Jiang Town; of Chengjiao, Wang shed Village, Shahe Village, South Bridge, Hong port township to Guan county, the hometown, Ma Gang Village, Chen Jixiang, Xu village, Fenggang township, town, village shops, village temple grass, Quanhe shibalipu township, zushimiao township, Zhao Township, Willow Township shop, the old township of Zhang, Yang village, dian xiang Li,Guantang township respectively the office of county - level city, Duan village in Sanhe town, Chen Lin in Yulinzi township, Township, Town, the Town of Immigrant Hu, Guo Lu Tan Zhen, Fang Town, Jiang Town; of Chengjiao, Wang shed Village, Shahe Village, South Bridge, Hong port township to Guan county, the hometown, Ma Gang Village, Chen Jixiang, Xu village, Fenggang township, town, village shops, village temple grass, Quanhe shibalipu township, zushimiao township, Zhao Township, Willow Township shop, the old township of Zhang, Yang village, dian xiang Li,Guantang township . city in October 2009, Gushi central urban area is 50 square kilometers, the city has a population of 40 million people city in October 2009, Gushi central urban area is 50 square kilometers, the city has a population of 40 million people .
in the center of the sub segment set in an urban area of 18 square kilometers, the city has a population of 10 million people in the center of the sub in the center of the sub segment set in an urban area of 18 square kilometers, the city has a population of 10 million people in the center of the sub . Sanhejian has the total area of 10 square kilometers, the city has a population of 5 million people in the history of reform and development area Sanhejian has the total area of 10 square kilometers, the city has a population of 5 million people in the history of reform and development area .
Riverbend urban planning area of 30 square kilometers area of built - up area of 10 km2, the city has a population of 5 million people Riverbend urban planning area of 30 square kilometers area of built - up area of 10 km2, the city has a population of 5 million people .
Gushi County


Beginning the eastern province of edge, which belongs to the east - zone, but is" from the East and the West "and" Yu Shanghai cooperation "Beginning the eastern province of edge, which belongs to the east - zone, but is" from the East and the West "and" Yu Shanghai cooperation ". Gushi bridgehead against the central plains, in the East, South China Economic Zone, as well as in Xinyang, Liuan, small in the center of Fuyang, in Zhengzhou, Wuhan, Nanjing, Shanghai Economic Circle hinterland of inner Gushi bridgehead against the central plains, in the East, South China Economic Zone, as well as in Xinyang, Liuan, small in the center of Fuyang, in Zhengzhou, Wuhan, Nanjing, Shanghai Economic Circle hinterland of inner .
Beijing - Kowloon Railway, Beijing - Zhuhai Expressway is located in the immediate vicinity of Gushi, Ningxi Railway, Shanghai - Shaanxi Expressway, National Highway 312 and Provincial Road 204, 216 provincial highways penetrate through, Fuyang International traffic in close proximity, Gushi gradually become the Hubei - Henan - Anhui Provinces over 100 km2 within the range of regional central city Beijing - Kowloon Railway, Beijing - Zhuhai Expressway is located in the immediate vicinity of Gushi, Ningxi Railway, Shanghai - Shaanxi Expressway, National Highway 312 and Provincial Road 204, 216 provincial highways penetrate through, Fuyang International traffic in close proximity, Gushi gradually become the Hubei - Henan - Anhui Provinces over 100 km2 within the range of regional central city .


Gushi county locate in Jianghuai center, sub - tropical to warm temperate zone monsoon climate, the climatology of zero on the boundary while crossing the border, is China's north climate transition zone Gushi county locate in Jianghuai center, sub - tropical to warm temperate zone monsoon climate, the climatology of zero on the boundary while crossing the border, is China's north climate transition zone . humid climate and sufficient rainfall, four distinct seasons, with an average annual temperature of 15.d egree. C., with an annual average rainfall of 1066 and an average annual sunshine hours 2139, frost - free days
228 228.

Location Advantage

Gushi against the central plains, in the East, South China Economic Zone, Xi 'an enjoys obvious geographical advantages, traffic conveniences Gushi against the central plains, in the East, South China Economic Zone, Xi 'an enjoys obvious geographical advantages, traffic conveniences . presented both in Xinyang, Liuan, small in the center of Fuyang, in Zhengzhou, Wuhan, Nanjing, Shanghai Economic Circle hinterland presented both in Xinyang, Liuan, small in the center of Fuyang, in Zhengzhou, Wuhan, Nanjing, Shanghai Economic Circle hinterland .
within the immediate beijing - kowlon railway, Beijing - Zhuhai Expressway, Nanjing - Xi' an Railway, Shanghai - Shaanxi Expressway, National Highway 312 and Provincial Road 204, 216 provincial highways penetrate through, Fuyang International traffic in close proximity, gradually become Gushi, Henan and Anhui provinces meet, regional central city within the immediate beijing - kowlon railway, Beijing - Zhuhai Expressway, Nanjing - Xi' an Railway, Shanghai - Shaanxi Expressway, National Highway 312 and Provincial Road 204, 216 provincial highways penetrate through, Fuyang International traffic in close proximity, gradually become Gushi, Henan and Anhui provinces meet, regional central city .

Natural Resources

Gushi existing 170 million mu of farmland, woodland acres), the appropriate fishing waters of 18 mu, of rice in the stable area of 140 hectares, Good Quality "Twolow" Rape in the stable area of 900,000 mu of Gushi existing 170 million mu of farmland, woodland acres), the appropriate fishing waters of 18 mu, of rice in the stable area of 140 hectares, Good Quality "Twolow" Rape in the stable area of 900,000 mu of . other major cash crops are hemp, cotton, peanut, soybean, tea, Yuan Mao bamboo, Chinese chestnut, tung tree, chinese herbs, cocoon, fruit, etc other major cash crops are hemp, cotton, peanut, soybean, tea, Yuan Mao bamboo, Chinese chestnut, tung tree, chinese herbs, cocoon, fruit, etc .
Willow begins in traditional craft, through research and development, have reached thousands of Willow begins in traditional craft, through research and development, have reached thousands of . products exported to the United States, France and other countries and regions 86 products exported to the United States, France and other countries and regions 86 .
wicker base 5. 6 million mu, 2003 Gushi is China Arts and Crafts Association as the "Hometown of Willow Weaving" shredded skin tributes in the Qing Dynasty, the imperial cuisine,While the history of 150 years and at least the reign of xianfeng Gushi chicken and shredded pork skin is famous in Beijing, Tianjin, Jinan etc with Gushi chicken and shredded pork skin is famous in Beijing, Tianjin, Jinan etc with .
eating fried pine, after soaking in water for, cage steam cooked, can be made "Songhua shredded skin", "leather floss silk, crepe and Mariko" on such well - known dishes, delicious and unique flavor, is the beauty of the best food eating fried pine, after soaking in water for, cage steam cooked, can be made "Songhua shredded skin", "leather floss silk, crepe and Mariko" on such well - known dishes, delicious and unique flavor, is the beauty of the best food . edamame Gushi edamame, a big, delicious taste, no pollution, multiple cropping in one year involving edamame Gushi edamame, a big, delicious taste, no pollution, multiple cropping in one year involving .
Shahe Base, willow, South Bridge, Stone Buddha, Li set etc., in the stable area 5 mu, total output of 1 million tons of products being sold in Shanghai, Beijing, Hangzhou, Wuhan and other cities. The radish a.k. a."Gushi radish", based on the historical origin of the
tributes in Gushi county, Shawan shiguanhe coast to tributes in Gushi county, Shawan shiguanhe coast to . Gushi radish a pericarp white - belly, beautiful appearance, sweet and juicy, fresh and cooked good, possibly the only piece of fruit - type radish Gushi radish a pericarp white - belly, beautiful appearance, sweet and juicy, fresh and cooked good, possibly the only piece of fruit - type radish .
perennial planting area in Qiongzhong is 43,000 mu and the left and right, the yield of 105,000 tons perennial planting area in Qiongzhong is 43,000 mu and the left and right, the yield of 105,000 tons . cannabis cultivation, which has a long history of Ming and Qing Dynasties, referred to as" Ma Jiang "(market town, capital of northwest China's Ma Jiang means the best quality) variety, wherein two cannabis cultivation, which has a long history of Ming and Qing Dynasties, referred to as" Ma Jiang "(market town, capital of northwest China's Ma Jiang means the best quality) variety, wherein two .
. Marijuana is local fine varieties, Ma Kui Gushi is a speciality, having high amounts of fiber, white fibers and high tenacity, bright color, heat, water, and the like on the textile,papermaking raw material Marijuana is local fine varieties, Ma Kui Gushi is a speciality, having high amounts of fiber, white fibers and high tenacity, bright color, heat, water, and the like on the textile,papermaking raw material .
Gushi tea Xinyang Maojian tea belongs to the series and had a stable Gushi tea Xinyang Maojian tea belongs to the series and had a stable . base covers an area of mu, the annual yield is about 10,000 kilograms base covers an area of mu, the annual yield is about 10,000 kilograms .
Major brand "Jiuhuashan Maojian", the "green man of the Snow", "Mountain Peak" as Major brand "Jiuhuashan Maojian", the "green man of the Snow", "Mountain Peak" as . wherein "Jiuhuashan Maojian" has already passed the Organic Food Certification wherein "Jiuhuashan Maojian" has already passed the Organic Food Certification .
Gushi chicken, named for the place of origin, the "Chinese Chicken" king of Gushi Gushi chicken, named for the place of origin, the "Chinese Chicken" king of Gushi . egg shell thickness is large, a good foraging, anti - illness, slaughtering rate and meat is tender and delicious soup egg shell thickness is large, a good foraging, anti - illness, slaughtering rate and meat is tender and delicious soup .
"Gushi chicken, Gushi chicken was stupid" National Green Food Grade A authentication and registration of origin mark protection " "Gushi chicken, Gushi chicken was stupid" National Green Food Grade A authentication and registration of origin mark protection ". authentication of Gushi chicken industry development is well established, county economy is becoming one of the important pillars of Huainan partridge duck is also called Gushi duck authentication of Gushi chicken industry development is well established, county economy is becoming one of the important pillars of Huainan partridge duck is also called Gushi duck .
. .
There is named from the place of origin and can be fed easily and is suitable for trench formation - weir stocking, a crude feed tolerance, disease resistance, fast growing, high - egg - laying, meat is tender, fluff, delicate, etc features There is named from the place of origin and can be fed easily and is suitable for trench formation - weir stocking, a crude feed tolerance, disease resistance, fast growing, high - egg - laying, meat is tender, fluff, delicate, etc features . family as its essential part, only about 200 million years of breeding family as its essential part, only about 200 million years of breeding .
special geographical environment, the excellent climate, the excellent livestock breeds of Gushi became one of the birthplaces of special geographical environment, the excellent climate, the excellent livestock breeds of Gushi became one of the birthplaces of . Gushi chicken, Gushi chicken and duck, Gushi Goose is the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China's 106 local varieties of quality poultry Gushi chicken, Gushi chicken and duck, Gushi Goose is the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China's 106 local varieties of quality poultry .
Gushi County

Economic Development

In 2010, the gross output of Gushi 176 billion yuan, an increase of 11. 1%; the local general budget revenue of 4 billion yuan, an increase of 14. 0%; the investment in fixed assets of 126 billion yuan, up 19.6 percent; total retail sales of consumer goods was 75. 3 billion yuan, a rise of 7%; urban residents per capita disposable income of 12926 yuan, a comparable growth of 7.5 percent, farmers per capita net income of $5483, comparable growth of 11.1 per cent; 21 deposit financial institutions issued 548.5 billion yuan of new loans in the 10 billion yuan in 2013, according to .
GDP236 billion GDP236 billion.
Gushi County

Primary Industry

In 2010, Gushi area of grain planting area of 231 mu, with a total production of 24 million tons of grain, is named as" National Advanced County for Grain Production Model "," National agricultural demonstration counties for green building "In 2010, Gushi area of grain planting area of 231 mu, with a total production of 24 million tons of grain, is named as" National Advanced County for Grain Production Model "," National agricultural demonstration counties for green building ". .
rural economic benefit is obvious animal husbandry to 31. 7 billion, an increase of 4%, and extension of a standardized scale farm area) (218, 200 million on new Gushi Goose, 100 pigs from the slaughter and processing project; aquatic products was 5. 4 million tons, production value of 5. 5 billion, was awarded" National top 100 fishery "," Counties of the province's fishery is to be awarded the title of the newly built plantation 4 thousand mu;afforestation 3.96 million mu, won the "municipal forestry ecological county", "provincial - level forestry ecological county" title 2012 Gushi in agricultural production and steadily raise the grain production of Gushi 2012 Gushi in agricultural production and steadily raise the grain production of Gushi .
24. 28 tons, ranking second in Henan province, were awarded the title of "National Advanced County for Grain Production Pacesetter"

Secondary Industry

In 2010, Gushi county of industrial enterprises above the designated size realized added value of 31 billion yuan, an increase of 17.8 percent of the sales income reaches 109. 7 billion yuan, an increase of 6 per cent of the profit and tax of 13. 5 billion yuan, an increase of 11. 6% 15 key industrial projects attracted an investment of 3 billion yuan to 15 key industrial projects attracted an investment of 3 billion yuan to .
Shunxing, Henan Shen as the leader of the county grain and oil processing enterprises in 126, the main business income of 1.7 billion yuan, the added value of 9. 6 billion yuan, industry performance leading the province three high farming became a provincial candidate enterprises three high farming became a provincial candidate enterprises .
"Jiuhua Mountain" won the national well - known tea "Jiuhua Mountain" won the national well - known tea .

Tertiary Industry

In 2010, Gushi has created three high meat food cold chain logistics, agricultural by - products and low - temperature preservation of Distribution Center, a newly built modern grain logistics center; Renovation and Extension of 6 at farmers markets; the implementation of the Ten Thousand Villages" project, retrofitting, construction on a new farm shop (124); the sale of electrical home appliances products 10. 9 million units, sales were 2. 51 billion yuan, the amount of subsidy 3215 RMB 30 million yuan investment in the construction of tourism, a major thoroughfare, west to Mount Jiuhua and Huayang Lake two scenic areas which are integrated with an investment of 30 million yuan to develop the construction left Dream Valley Natural Scenic Spot, a folk custom and culture of tea and bamboo Yuanguang Hometown of the first stage of the project construction;Jiuhua Mountain West started the main service area and the Yangtze river rafting project RMB 30 million yuan investment in the construction of tourism, a major thoroughfare, west to Mount Jiuhua and Huayang Lake two scenic areas which are integrated with an investment of 30 million yuan to develop the construction left Dream Valley Natural Scenic Spot, a folk custom and culture of tea and bamboo Yuanguang Hometown of the first stage of the project construction;Jiuhua Mountain West started the main service area and the Yangtze river rafting project .
Huayang Lake Scenic Spot has been named the 3A scenic spot Huayang Lake Scenic Spot has been named the 3A scenic spot . received 1.221million tourists 103. 5 million, achieving tourism revenue of 2.9 billion yuan (US $

Rural Custom

Marriage in Gushi folkway are honest, with so much emotion in their relationships with rules is rather many, marriage now is a more complex narrative Marriage in Gushi folkway are honest, with so much emotion in their relationships with rules is rather many, marriage now is a more complex narrative . next: formerly, in folk, aka next: formerly, in folk, aka .
wedding red pawn for girls from the front, the man wants to be sent on the eve of the wedding book wedding red pawn for girls from the front, the man wants to be sent on the eve of the wedding book . married, the girls take baths, change clothes, hairdo, rip off his face, also known as optical face (i.e. in the form of two strings from his face torn off)
fluff sat on a bucket, bidding farewell to a family God when fluff sat on a bucket, bidding farewell to a family God when . palanquin, must be crying on the car, called palanquin, must be crying on the car, called .
away not miss from inside the house to the car and not on the ground. It's, she was raised by dorsifixed, or red felt on a car, without a husband and father - in - soil parents splashing to the outside, said "I'll cry", is not the husband, "Hugh" parents splashing to the outside, said "I'll cry", is not the husband, "Hugh" .
sticker on the back curtain of the chair"auspicious one" or "small red sign sticker on the back curtain of the chair"auspicious one" or "small red sign . girl to crying quietly, I will think naught of my family, and to report to parents girl to crying quietly, I will think naught of my family, and to report to parents .
inhumation burial customs of the period, the burial customs of the complicated inhumation burial customs of the period, the burial customs of the complicated . Gushi people died on the third day will be out of the coffin out of the previous day as Gushi people died on the third day will be out of the coffin out of the previous day as .
coffin dug grave, the grave is non - empty pit overnight, she put in an article (such as shoes, etc.) in a pit with as the day of the dig, and you don't put items in addition to normal pit as the day of the dig, and you don't put items in addition to normal pit .
burial, Gushi and two with respectively different customs, is a" coffin "is to be started during his burial, if not the majority in the sky, or cannot find a" lucky "tombs,New parents died or suffered from a lack of Zinnia, etc., is a prerequisite for the deceased into the coffin of the "dome", i.e. to cover temporary hut, put the coffin store until appropriate to do well in the days before officially until appropriate to do well in the days before officially .
An An.

Tourist Attractions

The Chen Clan Ancestral Hall General Gushi county located 25 kilometers northeast of the village is the seat of the Chen dances were appeased "Whistling": a shakedown southeast, Zhangzhou created "Open Zhang of Synutra," Chen Yuanguang ancestral hall The Chen Clan Ancestral Hall General Gushi county located 25 kilometers northeast of the village is the seat of the Chen dances were appeased "Whistling": a shakedown southeast, Zhangzhou created "Open Zhang of Synutra," Chen Yuanguang ancestral hall . September 2000 in Henan Province People's Government shall publish the list for the second batch of key cultural relics protection units September 2000 in Henan Province People's Government shall publish the list for the second batch of key cultural relics protection units .
Anshan Forest Park is located in Gushi county, Xinyang, Henan Province in the township's boundary in the River Anshan Forest Park is located in Gushi county, Xinyang, Henan Province in the township's boundary in the River . .
25 km along this highway can be leaf or Xinyang arrived 25 km along this highway can be leaf or Xinyang arrived . Lin Lin is now the provincial park Lin Lin is now the provincial park .
Anshan Forest Park covers an area of 45 square kilometers, with a peak elevation of 419 m Anshan Forest Park covers an area of 45 square kilometers, with a peak elevation of 419 m . boasts rich plant and animal resources,charming natural scenery and splendid history and culture, is a summer resort, leisure, folk customs and root - seeking "and" Spirit of the Forest Park boasts rich plant and animal resources,charming natural scenery and splendid history and culture, is a summer resort, leisure, folk customs and root - seeking "and" Spirit of the Forest Park .
Gushi Jiuhua Mountain Jiuhua Scenic Area of Dabie Mountain and the scenery is a singular, and unique scenery of mountains with an average altitude of 500 meters, Myoko Temple in Jiuhua Mountain is situated in the Mid - Levels among Gushi Jiuhua Mountain Jiuhua Scenic Area of Dabie Mountain and the scenery is a singular, and unique scenery of mountains with an average altitude of 500 meters, Myoko Temple in Jiuhua Mountain is situated in the Mid - Levels among . According to legend, the Silla prince (today North Korea) and gold (Ti - tsang p 'u - sa), xi in Anhui Jiuhuashan has previously worked at the Myoko Temple sermons According to legend, the Silla prince (today North Korea) and gold (Ti - tsang p 'u - sa), xi in Anhui Jiuhuashan has previously worked at the Myoko Temple sermons .
years hence, lots of Anhui's Jiuhua Mountain and Jiuhua Mountain in Henan, so there were "Jiuhua East, Jiuhua West" in the saying, years hence, lots of Anhui's Jiuhua Mountain and Jiuhua Mountain in Henan, so there were "Jiuhua East, Jiuhua West" in the saying, . Myoko Temple in front of peak, Nantianmen,After with Hua Temple, Lu Ming Temple and Ksitigarbha Mansion is a complementary signal is on the right and left flanks of a cleverly constructed "T.W., and nuns engaged" temple of the Holy Land like
Gushi County


Enfeoffed 650 BC (593) in Spring and Autumn period Si Pan County Township the Gushi people) Enfeoffed 650 BC (593) in Spring and Autumn period Si Pan County Township the Gushi people) . Sun 'is not just a once famous, is also the generation of well - known water conservancy expert Hu heddle ( Sun 'is not just a once famous, is also the generation of well - known water conservancy expert Hu heddle (.
185 in 243 years) then the word wei, Runan, Henan gushi Gushi (this) people of the Three Kingdoms of Dongwu 185 in 243 years) then the word wei, Runan, Henan gushi Gushi (this) people of the Three Kingdoms of Dongwu . .
officials (Ding Feng?271) An Lujiang (Henan Province today) people from the ranks of Gushi officials (Ding Feng?271) An Lujiang (Henan Province today) people from the ranks of Gushi . .
to successive partial military generals, such as Wei Jing ( to successive partial military generals, such as Wei Jing (. 599 691) word Yujue, No Yunxiao, commonly called mom 599 691) word Yujue, No Yunxiao, commonly called mom .
Jing Wei Wei said the birth of the country's wife, with a posthumous of the Song Gaozong Zhao Ji Shun Tak Mrs. Chen Zheng 677 (616), the word Yimin, No Suxuan, Gushi people worked for 677 (616), the word Yimin, No Suxuan, Gushi people worked for .
The The . Chen Yuanguang (657) In 711 when Emperor Gaozong, Border Guarding was owned by General Chen Zhengzhi also, Gushi Chen village who now heads the chen shui - bian of Taiwan local Chen Yuanguang (657) In 711 when Emperor Gaozong, Border Guarding was owned by General Chen Zhengzhi also, Gushi Chen village who now heads the chen shui - bian of Taiwan local .
i.e. its descendants ( Wang Chao?- 898) and substr Xinchen, Gwangju Gushi (this) of Gushi people, Tang Ren Shi Gushi Wang Chao?- 898) and substr Xinchen, Gwangju Gushi (this) of Gushi people, Tang Ren Shi Gushi .
Wang Shen Xiagui 858 (904) at every word, Gwangju Gushi (this is a Henan) people Wang Shen Xiagui 858 (904) at every word, Gwangju Gushi (this is a Henan) people . Ren Quanzhou Cishi from the 12 - year - old in FuJian Ren Quanzhou Cishi from the 12 - year - old in FuJian .
862 (ICT) field 925, No White Horse Saburo 862 (ICT) field 925, No White Horse Saburo . Gwangju Gushi (this diversion is the hometown of Gushi Village) Wang Min of five dynasties established Gwangju Gushi (this diversion is the hometown of Gushi Village) Wang Min of five dynasties established .
people who Shi Lang ( people who Shi Lang (. 1621 1696) word Zun of Qi, Zhuo, male, Fujian Jinjiang Longhu Yakou town people,Fang was a native of Gushi County town famous generals 1621 1696) word Zun of Qi, Zhuo, male, Fujian Jinjiang Longhu Yakou town people,Fang was a native of Gushi County town famous generals .
. Zheng Chenggong (1624 - 1662) was a native of the Ming - Qing Dynasty national hero Zheng Chenggong (1624 - 1662) was a native of the Ming - Qing Dynasty national hero .
shed rural Gushi County, Wang Deng Damiao Village shed rural Gushi County, Wang Deng Damiao Village . Wu Qi Jun's 1758 (1847) Chengguan Gushi people Wu Qi Jun's 1758 (1847) Chengguan Gushi people .
Henan Province in the Qing Dynasty the only scholar in life "unpopularity, a former Assistant Minister in the Ministry of War, the Revenue Department Assisstant Minister, Huguang, governor of Yunnan - Guizhou, Hunan, Zhejiang, Yunnan, Fujian, Shanxi governor Wu Xun Henan Province in the Qing Dynasty the only scholar in life "unpopularity, a former Assistant Minister in the Ministry of War, the Revenue Department Assisstant Minister, Huguang, governor of Yunnan - Guizhou, Hunan, Zhejiang, Yunnan, Fujian, Shanxi governor Wu Xun . its still a great botanist its still a great botanist .
Zhu Qing Fan (1777 - 1853) now the Gushi people Chengguan Zhu Qing Fan (1777 - 1853) now the Gushi people Chengguan . award of the Hanlin Academy, a former teacher of Emperor Daoguang (265),Successive Zhan Shifu right and left Zanshan Spring Lane, to speak of the Hanlin Bachelor, Guozijian document there are a light, too, so, bachelor cabinet officials, Censorate of Vice areyu shi left, Itto Ogami, the Ministry of War, Board of Revenue and Assistant Minister, Ministry of Personnel on the left and right sides of the assistant minister, the minister Shangshu in the Ministry of Rites (Li Chao Shou Zhi award of the Hanlin Academy, a former teacher of Emperor Daoguang (265),Successive Zhan Shifu right and left Zanshan Spring Lane, to speak of the Hanlin Bachelor, Guozijian document there are a light, too, so, bachelor cabinet officials, Censorate of Vice areyu shi left, Itto Ogami, the Ministry of War, Board of Revenue and Assistant Minister, Ministry of Personnel on the left and right sides of the assistant minister, the minister Shangshu in the Ministry of Rites (Li Chao Shou Zhi .
?1881), Gushi County, Chen Lin, who was one of the leaders of the Nien ?1881), Gushi County, Chen Lin, who was one of the leaders of the Nien . .
(?1886) of Zi Jian, Chengguan of Gushi in Henan province who (?1886) of Zi Jian, Chengguan of Gushi in Henan province who . .
Jinshi Xianfeng, who was from Hubei, Jiangsu, and Anhui's governor Jiang Jinshi Xianfeng, who was from Hubei, Jiangsu, and Anhui's governor Jiang . 1795 a Xiangnan (1854), Zi Xiao Hui, Gushi county - level city with people along the Haohe 1795 a Xiangnan (1854), Zi Xiao Hui, Gushi county - level city with people along the Haohe .
worked as a short - term staff, after that specializes in traveling, lecturing, and make a study of Confucian classics worked as a short - term staff, after that specializes in traveling, lecturing, and make a study of Confucian classics . Qin Shusheng (1861) 1926 forgive a cross word, take the No. Um, born Le Road south of Gushi Township farmer families, double the highest imperial examinations in
Qin Shusheng is a well - known calligrapher Qin Shusheng is a well - known calligrapher . Ding Xun of 1822 (1894): Qiao Zi Qian six bamboo, Gushi people Ding Xun of 1822 (1894): Qiao Zi Qian six bamboo, Gushi people .
Jinshi was enrolled in 1856, the Department of households principal,Specializes in orchid Jinshi was enrolled in 1856, the Department of households principal,Specializes in orchid . Li Mengqun (1827 - 1859) words, the greater the Winterton, antiphonal people Li Mengqun (1827 - 1859) words, the greater the Winterton, antiphonal people .
. Li Department of Gushi people in Lingchuan County, Guangxi, Guiping Magistrate, the Magistrate, a loser in the Taiping Rebellion, who lifts the work ofone's Li Department of Gushi people in Lingchuan County, Guangxi, Guiping Magistrate, the Magistrate, a loser in the Taiping Rebellion, who lifts the work ofone's .
Chen Jiageng (1874) was born in 1961 in Xiamen, a famous overseas chinese leader, the first session of the CPPCC, vice chairman of the Henan Chen Jiageng (1874) was born in 1961 in Xiamen, a famous overseas chinese leader, the first session of the CPPCC, vice chairman of the Henan . ancestors origin Gwangju Gushi people ancestors origin Gwangju Gushi people .
Yue Ling 1882 (1945), Gushi County, the Township of Guo Lu Zhang Bai Ling village people Yue Ling 1882 (1945), Gushi County, the Township of Guo Lu Zhang Bai Ling village people . served as the Minister for Foreign Affairs, members of the House of Representatives, lawmakers from the 4th Legislative Yuan Jiang Guangci served as the Minister for Foreign Affairs, members of the House of Representatives, lawmakers from the 4th Legislative Yuan Jiang Guangci .
1901 (1931), originally named Jiang Ruheng, aka Jiang Guangchi,Font Size Hero Monk 1901 (1931), originally named Jiang Ruheng, aka Jiang Guangchi,Font Size Hero Monk . Gushi County, Chen Lin in Yulinzi township joint village people red writer Gushi County, Chen Lin in Yulinzi township joint village people red writer .
. Bu Vanke (1910 - 1969), Gushi County, Chen Lin in Yulinzi township people Bu Vanke (1910 - 1969), Gushi County, Chen Lin in Yulinzi township people .
1955 was awarded the rank of Major - General Yu Bin Cheng 1955 was awarded the rank of Major - General Yu Bin Cheng . 1911 (1978), Major - General Kaiguo, Gushi County, in the person of Chengjiao 1911 (1978), Major - General Kaiguo, Gushi County, in the person of Chengjiao .
Song Zhimin (1988) Major - General 1912 founding, Gushi County, Township man Song Zhimin (1988) Major - General 1912 founding, Gushi County, Township man . Yu Ma Keqin (1913 - 1988) Major - General Kaiguo, Gushi County, Wu Fang town village people upstairs Yu Ma Keqin (1913 - 1988) Major - General Kaiguo, Gushi County, Wu Fang town village people upstairs .
Janssen (2004) 1916, the founder of Maj. - Gen.Gushi County village temple dedicated to Guan Yu Deng Ling village people and Mao Fa (1919), Major - General 1999 founding, Gushi County, in the person of Chengjiao Mao Fa (1919), Major - General 1999 founding, Gushi County, in the person of Chengjiao .
Jinzhen in 1903 (1985) as Jin Ai Youming, Gushi County, a town where the people in the Northwest Frontier Defense Army Jinzhen in 1903 (1985) as Jin Ai Youming, Gushi County, a town where the people in the Northwest Frontier Defense Army . .
cadre school in former platoon, battalion commander, cadre school in former platoon, battalion commander, . November 1980, being arranged in the vicinity of the centers of Gushi in the Administrative cadre November 1980, being arranged in the vicinity of the centers of Gushi in the Administrative cadre .
Gushi County

Religious Culture

believers, and 10 million people, Catholicism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Taoism on the five major religions have activities, religious centers have been opened at 261, to establish religious 4 believers, and 10 million people, Catholicism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Taoism on the five major religions have activities, religious centers have been opened at 261, to establish religious 4 .


Buddhism in North and South at the time of incoming of Gushi Buddhism in North and South at the time of incoming of Gushi . from Qing to Minguo, the county has over 130 Buddhist temples, the most significant of the Chengguan area of Baiyi 'an, southern Myoko Temple from Qing to Minguo, the county has over 130 Buddhist temples, the most significant of the Chengguan area of Baiyi 'an, southern Myoko Temple .
strife and the Cultural Revolution and the "Four Olds", now only a handful have retained high strife and the Cultural Revolution and the "Four Olds", now only a handful have retained high . where Miao Temple, built in the Sui Dynasty, Chen Lin in Yulinzi township located on the territory of the Jiuhuashan where Miao Temple, built in the Sui Dynasty, Chen Lin in Yulinzi township located on the territory of the Jiuhuashan .
It's said to be the Bodhisattva of the Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644) It's said to be the Bodhisattva of the Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644) . ashram which is to be a Rinzai temple of Tiantain Sect in Dawu Shan Lu Mi s Artelliry s ashram which is to be a Rinzai temple of Tiantain Sect in Dawu Shan Lu Mi s Artelliry s .
" gushi ", the then office of imperial supervisor of Zhu Guanzhong once wrote:' famous old temple, now have a sanzen follow " gushi ", the then office of imperial supervisor of Zhu Guanzhong once wrote:' famous old temple, now have a sanzen follow . report Bin Zhong Tong Chu, tranquility meditation monks couch wearing report Bin Zhong Tong Chu, tranquility meditation monks couch wearing .
I Panasonic Shi,Crane Fenfei avoidance bamboo cigarette between I Panasonic Shi,Crane Fenfei avoidance bamboo cigarette between . out falls into the dust, He Xing Mountain to borrow a sleeping out falls into the dust, He Xing Mountain to borrow a sleeping .
monastery's main building in 1995 and, as a reservation unit in Henan Province, 2007 by local private entrepreneurs to invest in reconstruction, and as a visitor attraction monastery's main building in 1995 and, as a reservation unit in Henan Province, 2007 by local private entrepreneurs to invest in reconstruction, and as a visitor attraction .


Quanzhen Taoist temple in too much territory belongs to the emperor Emperor Yuan on Zhengyi Fapai (metadata) of imperial power, at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, by Huangpi Mulan Mountain incoming Quanzhen Taoist temple in too much territory belongs to the emperor Emperor Yuan on Zhengyi Fapai (metadata) of imperial power, at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, by Huangpi Mulan Mountain incoming . territory primarily Daoist temples have a Temple of Xuanmiao Temple, a small temple in the South China Sea, andesitic Grandma Temple and so much waste territory primarily Daoist temples have a Temple of Xuanmiao Temple, a small temple in the South China Sea, andesitic Grandma Temple and so much waste .
. after the founding of the People's Republic of China.


In 1911, American clergyman and the whiteness, Shida entered the Gushi, incoming Lutheran Brethren Church In 1911, American clergyman and the whiteness, Shida entered the Gushi, incoming Lutheran Brethren Church . 1930, Anhui Provi nce inland mission pastor Dan Peisi incoming Chinese mainland Christ Missionary Society after the founding of the Peoples Republic of China, implement the "three - self" policy, and in 1984 founded the Chinese Patriotic Christian Gushi county committee, management activities within the territory of the Christian 1930, Anhui Provi nce inland mission pastor Dan Peisi incoming Chinese mainland Christ Missionary Society after the founding of the Peoples Republic of China, implement the "three - self" policy, and in 1984 founded the Chinese Patriotic Christian Gushi county committee, management activities within the territory of the Christian .
County has over 30,000 Christians County has over 30,000 Christians .

Dietetic Culture

Gushi has historically been rice, wheat and also Gushi has historically been rice, wheat and also . residents has many rice - eating, followed by pasta residents has many rice - eating, followed by pasta .
typical foods include shredded pork skin, turnip, Khan goose, block, etc., Gushi chicken, the egg is well renowned hospitality Gushi people, who love ostentation, Xi held a banquet for the guests and trimmings, and are more likely to be spread out on Tabor Gushi people, who love ostentation, Xi held a banquet for the guests and trimmings, and are more likely to be spread out on Tabor .
since 2000 and teahouses, restaurants, cafes and the rise of the water extract, along with the new since 2000 and teahouses, restaurants, cafes and the rise of the water extract, along with the new .


in addition to local and other parts of China are as common as the Spring Festival celebration, on the metadata, the Tomb - Sweeping Day, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid - Autumn Festival, a traditional festival Chongyang etc, but also attach importance to lunar February 2 is the "ogee" March 3rd "Festival" and the like while the local Hui in addition to local and other parts of China are as common as the Spring Festival celebration, on the metadata, the Tomb - Sweeping Day, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid - Autumn Festival, a traditional festival Chongyang etc, but also attach importance to lunar February 2 is the "ogee" March 3rd "Festival" and the like while the local Hui . inhabitants are celebrating the Corban Festival, and Mawlid al - Nabi and other festivals and inhabitants are celebrating the Corban Festival, and Mawlid al - Nabi and other festivals and .


2005 May be sepa rated as National Eco - model Area is reported, in December 2006, the Ministry of "China Habitat Environment Award" awarded by 2005 May be sepa rated as National Eco - model Area is reported, in December 2006, the Ministry of "China Habitat Environment Award" awarded by . city in December 2007 in Henan province was awarded the "Top Ten Henan county" city in December 2007 in Henan province was awarded the "Top Ten Henan county" .


