GOD FORBID樂隊,是支美國技術性旋律金屬樂隊,組建於1998年,它是支美國技術性旋律金屬樂隊,樂風快速不失邪惡感,猛烈不失旋律化,被認為是new wave of American death metal的代表樂隊之一。



組隊國籍: 美國,新澤西州,布蘭斯維克東部
組建時間: 1998
Out of Misery EP (1998)
Reject the Sickness (1999)
Determination (2001)
Out of Misery (2001)
Better Days EP (2003)
Gone Forever (2004)
IV: Constitution of Treason (2005)

GOD FORBID是支美國技術性旋律金屬樂隊。樂風快速不失邪惡感,猛烈不失旋律化,被認為是new wave of American death metal的代表樂隊之一。樂隊以Coyle兄弟為中心,這點上有點像Arch Enemy,其實這兩個分屬大洋兩岸的樂隊也是挺像的。樂隊的鼓很有特色,顆粒感強,雙踩快速均勻,而且節奏把握很準確。吉他RIFF段落清晰,節奏鮮明,有時候也會出現ARCH ENEMY那種兩把吉他對飆的SOLO ,顯示了Coyle高超的技巧 。貝司手John Outcalt手法老道,沉穩利索。這個樂隊用了三個主唱,除了Byron Davis外,Coyle兄弟也參加了和聲和演唱。

一個樂隊突然以一種全新的姿態展示在大眾的面前,然而這種改變是翻天覆地的。像一些空想家-hatebreed, Meshuggah ,The Dillinger Escape Plan樂隊一樣,這個強大的樂隊——GOD FORBID將他們的音樂伸展至他們的極限,這當然離不開他們的不懈努力。這群酷愛運動衫的五個小伙成功地將他們的才華發揮到了極致。
1996 年這個團隊組成不久,專輯Out of Misery and Reject The Sickness標著小型獨立標籤9 Volt Records 被發行,這就使得God Forbid 颳起了一陣地下音樂狂潮。這個狂躁的聲音很快的就吸引了Century Media Records 的注意,然後一紙契約便浮上水面。


Gone Forever
Gone Forever is the heavily anticipated follow-up to God Forbid's 2001 CD Determination. Since the release of that album, their Century Media debut, they moved up the ladder from being an opening act on several package tours to scoring a spot on the MTV Headbangers' Ball tour (with likeminded bands Shadows Fall and Lamb of God) and finally emerging as headliners in their own right. They come out with their guns blazing on this album, as opener "Force-Fed" throws everything they've got at the listener: racing Swedish death metal riffs, tightly synchronized dual-guitar leads ?la Carcass' Heartwork, "chugga-chugga" hardcore breakdowns, and a bloodletting of harsh, screaming vocals. It is an impressive, punishing song that comes at you from about five different directions. They proceed to do the same thing eight more times on the album, with only the brief quiet intros on "Precious Lie" and "Judge the Blood" offering any reprieve.
1. Force-Fed
2. antihero
3. Better Days
4. Precious Lie
5. Washed-Out World
6. Living Nightmare
7. Soul Engraved
8. Gone Forever
9. Judge the Blood


專輯名稱: IV:Constitution Of Treason
專輯歌手: God Forbid
發行日期: 2005-09-20
專輯類型: Death Metal/ Black Metal,Thrash
唱片公司: Century Media
Never the most political of bands in their early years (like most hardcore-based metal bands, they trod a path marked by earnest but often unfocused, generalized social commentary), New Jersey's God Forbid appear ready to run for office with their fourth album, 2005's IV: Constitution of Treason. Or at least ready to tear the "office" down, judging by the album's incendiary lyrics foreseeing an apocalyptic new world disorder. Obviously imagined, but also rooted in grimly contemporary historical forecasts, their three-part, ten-song "Constitution" moves from worldwide nuclear destruction (no surprise there — see "The End of the World"), to a stone-aged aftermath ("The Lonely Dead" —not quite Mad Max, but close), to the emergence of an unlikely messiah-cum-martyr (not again! see "To the Fallen Hero"), and, finally, a gradual regeneration of "civilized" humanity possessing belief systems disturbingly similar to those of old (yes, again — see "Crucify Your Beliefs"). Through it all, suspension of disbelief definitely helps one get with the overwrought story line, but it's a boatload of inspired music that really cushions the passage, with the tracks named above as well as further highlights "Chains of Humanity," "Into the Wasteland," and the title cut proving among the most memorable and inventive of God Forbid's career. And if all of the above sounds eerily familiar to survivors of the original '80s thrash metal movement, these will be happy to know that the Coyle brothers' abundant deployment of jagged thrash metal riffing — as much as their apocalyptic subject matter — is in fact one of the album's greatest strengths. Besides perfectly offsetting the inevitable doses of melodic passages and alternating clean/screamed vocals typical of God Forbid and their metalcore generation, they help lend a timelessness to Constitution of Treason that any album should aspire to. And for a band that almost threw in the towel the year before, all of that makes this an even greater triumph.
1. The End of the World
2. Chains of Humanity
3. Into the Wasteland
4. The Lonely Dead
5. Divinity
6. Under This Flag
7. To the Fallen Hero
8. Welcome to the Apocalypse (Preamble)
9. Constitution of Treason
10. Crucify Your Beliefs



