Best Day

Best Day

歌手:Dala 語言:英語 唱片公司:Compass 發行時間:2012-05-29


When you grow up

you're gonna be more than you ever dreamed of

And if you get lost, lead the parade,
and then you'll never be afraid
Just feel the sun on your skin,
you are as free as the wind
Cause every day is the best day of your life.
When I'll grow up, I'm gonna be more than I ever dreamed of
And if I get lost, I'll lead the parade,
and then I'll never be afraid
I feel the sun on my skin,
I am as free as the wind
Cause every day is the best day!
Just feel the sun on your skin,
you are as free as the wind
Cause every day is the best day of your life!
Every day..of your life.



Sheila Carabine & Amanda Walther 高中音樂課上義結金蘭組成 DALA。2005年夏天, 她們簽約了著名的加拿大環球唱片,發行了首張專集“Angels and Thieves”。她倆渾然一體的嗓音定然讓你動容,其在吉他和鋼琴上的造詣也打響了自己獨一無二的純音樂品牌。在帶來精神刺激的同時,也混雜了些須黑色幽默,DALA藉此贏得了整個加拿大的觀眾。她們在環球的第二張大碟名為“Who Do You Think you are"保持自我是她們的口號,消融你的心是她們的遊戲,哪怕你鐵石心腸。


