Anti Flag

Anti Flag

Anti-Flag,1993年成立於美國匹茲堡的朋克樂隊。樂隊由Justin Sane(主唱、吉他手),Andy Flag(貝司手、和聲), Pat Thetic(鼓手)組成。 1993年,樂隊成立;1996年樂隊首張專籍《Die For Your Goverment》發行。



1996年樂隊首張專籍《Die For Your Goverment》問世,這張對政府、富人、警察毫不留情的專輯是一張讓社會主流人士泛盡胃酸的唱片。此後,他們的每一張專輯都保持了相當的批判力度。當然,隨著樂隊成員的不斷成熟,作品的抒情性與建設性的比重也相應地有所增加。

1997年,貝司手Chris Head的加入完整了樂隊的陣容。

1998年,Anti-Flag建立了A-F錄音室,重新錄製了當年的絕版唱片North America Sucks,再加上一些先前沒有發表的歌曲,製作了專輯Their System Doesn't Work for You,這也是A-F錄音室製作發行的第一張專輯。

1999年,A New Kind of Army發行,樂隊不僅僅是希望把他們的信仰與信念傳達給廣大的歌迷,更重要的是要將樂隊的宗旨延續到整個世界。

在Warped Tour的一整個夏季,樂隊崇拜者的隊伍不斷擴大,並且結識了一堆新的朋友,其中就包括Fat Mike(Fat Wreck Chords唱片NOFX組合的成員)。

2000年,Anti-Flag應邀參加Vans Warped Tour(極限運動音樂節)。在此期間,樂隊成員結識了擁有Fat Wreck Chords錄音室的大牌朋克明星Fat Mike(NOFX樂隊主唱)。這次邂逅產生的友誼,孕育出Anti-Flag在Fat Wreck Chords旗下的兩張專輯。

2002年2月, Mobilize發行,其中大部分是樂隊2001年12月在其家鄉的現場演出記錄,當然,也不缺少錄音棚里製作的一些歌曲,特別值得一提的是"911 for Peace",它完美地詮釋了當時世貿中心所遭受的恐怖攻擊。

2002年早期,Sane發行了一張個人專輯Life, Love and the Pursuit of Justice,其風格依舊延續了樂隊一貫的政治立場。

2002年的秋天,Anti-Flag和Bouncing Souls的BYO Split Series合集問世,緊接著一年以後,樂隊又發行了他們的全新專輯The Terror State。03年,Liberation將Anti-Flag的四首歌曲收錄成一張專輯Live at Fireside Bowl,隨即發行。2004年發行的DVD“Death of a Nation”收錄了樂隊為宣傳The Terror State在美國巡演的記錄,同年,A New Kind of Army問世。


然而,沒有想到的是,樂隊於2005年4月簽約RCA旗下,隨即在來年的三月推出了全新專輯For Blood and Empire。

2006年的冬天,樂隊貝斯手Chris的姐姐在一次兇殺案中喪身,2007年10月,樂隊在其自己的錄音室里錄製了這張唱片A Benefit for Victims of Violent Crime,以幫助那些同樣遭受不幸的家庭,這張限量版的唱片的所有收益都將捐贈給CVVC組織。


《Die for the Government》


01. You'd Do The Same

02. You've Got To Die For The Government

03. Drink Drank Punk

04. Rotten Furture

05. Safe Tonight

06. Red White And Brainwashed

07. Davey Destroyed The Punk Scene

08. Summer Squatter Go Home

09. She's My Little Go Go Dancer

⒑ Police State In The USA

⒒ Punk By The Book

⒓ Police Brutality

⒔ I'm Watched By The CIA

⒕ Kill The Rich

⒖ No More Dead

⒗ Confused Youth

⒘ Your Daddy Was A Rich Man,Your Daddy's Dead

《Their System Doesn't Work For You》 


01. I Can't Stand Being With You

02. Their System Doesn't Work For You

03. We've Got His Gun

04. Born To Die

05. The Truth

06. You'll Scream Tonight

07. Indie Sux,Hardline Sux,Emo Sux,You Suck!

08. Anti-Violent

09. 20 Years Of Hell

⒑ I'm Having A Good Day

⒒ I Don't Want To Be Like You

⒓ Too Late

⒔ I Don't Need Anybody

⒕ Betty Sue Is Dead

⒖ If Not For You

⒗ Meet Your Master

⒘ We Won't Take No

⒙ Save Me

⒚ I'm Feeling Slightly Violent

《A New Kind of Army》


01. Tearing Everyone Down

02. Captain Anarchy

03. New Kind of Army

04. That's Youth

05. No Apology

06. Got the Numbers

07. No Difference

08. I Don't Believe

09. Right On

⒑ What You Don't Know

⒒ Free Nation?

⒓ Outbreak

⒔ Police Story

⒕ Consumer's Song

⒖ This Is NOT a Crass Song

《Underground Network》


01. Angry,Young And Poor

02. This Machine Kills Fascists

03. Underground Network

04. Daddy Warbux

05. Vieques Puerto Rico: Bikini Revisted

06. Stars And Stripes

07. Watch The Right

08. The Panama Deception

09. Culture Revolution

⒑ Spaz's House Destruction Party

⒒ Bring Out Your Dead

⒓ A Start

⒔ Until It Happens To You



01. 911 for Peace

02. Mumia's Song

03. What's The Difference?

04. We Want To Be Free

05. N.B.C. (No Bloodthirsty Corporations)

06. Right To Choose

07. We Don't Need It

08. Anatomy of Your Enemy

09. Underground Network (live)

⒑ Tearing Everyone Down (live)

⒒ Bring Out Your Dead (live)

⒓ A New Kind Of Army (live)

⒔ Their System Doesn't Work For You (live)

⒕ Free Nation (live)

⒖ Spaz's House Destruction Party (live)

⒗ Die For Your Government (live)

《Terror State》


01. Turncoat

02. Rank-N-File

03. Post-War Breakout

04. Sold As Freedom

05. Power To The Peaceful

06. Mind The G.A.T.T.

07. You Can Kill The Protester,But You Can't Kill The Protest

08. When You Don't Control Your Government People Want To Kill You

09. Wake Up!

⒑ Tearing Down The Borders

⒒ Death Of A Nation

⒓ Operation Iraqi Liberation (O.I.L.)

⒔ One People,One Struggle

《For Blood and Empirei》


1. "I'd Tell You But…" 2:10
2. "The Press Corpse" 3:21
3. "Emigre*" 2:59
4. "The Project for a New American Century" 3:17
5. "Hymn for the Dead" 3:39
6. "This Is the End (For You My Friend)" 3:11
7. "1 Trillion Dollar$**" 2:30
8. "State Funeral" 2:01
9. "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" 2:43
10. "War Sucks, Let's Party!" 2:18
11. "The W.T.O. Kills Farmers" 3:32
12. "Cities Burn" 3:03
13. "Depleted Uranium Is a War Crime"  

《The Bright Lights of Americai》


1. "Good and Ready" 3:59
2. "The Bright Lights of America" 3:32
3. "Vices" 4:59
4. "The Modern Rome Burning" 4:19
5. "If You Wanna Steal (You Better Learn How to Lie)" 4:04
6. "No Warning" 3:00
7. "Spit in the Face" 4:09
8. "We Are the Lost" 4:17
9. "Go West" 4:19
10. "The Smartest Bomb" 3:48
11. "Shadow of the Dead" 3:51
12. "The Ink and the Quill (Be Afraid)" 4:34
13. "Tar and Sagebrush" (Not written on cover) 3:12
14. "Caution to the Wind" (Bonus title available on iTunes) 3:57
15. "What Do You Think About Western Civilization" (Bonus title available on iTunes) 3:17
16. "I'm So Sick of You" (Bonus title on double LP version of the album) 1:01
17. "Wake Up the Town" (Bonus title on double LP version of the album, also a pre-order bonus title released April 1st online.) 3:44
18. "Tanzania" (Bonus title available with pre-order version of album) 3:34

《The People or the Guni》


"Sodom, Gomorrah, Washington D.C. (Sheep in Shepherd's Clothing)" – 2:50

"The Economy Is Suffering...Let It Die" – 3:36

"The Gre(A)t Depression" – 3:08

"We Are the One" – 3:07

"You Are Fired (Take This Job, Ah, Fuck It)" – 1:00

"This Is the First Night" – 3:33

"No War without Warriors (How Do You Sleep?)" – 2:28

"When All the Lights Go Out" – 3:08

"On Independence Day" – 2:51

"The Old Guard" – 4:17

"Teenage Kennedy Lobotomy" (Hidden track) – 1:06

Bonus tracks

"A Brief Misunderstanding of the Queens and Kings" (Bonus download through SideOneDummy pre-order)

"Bring Down Their Wall Again" (Bonus download through SideOneDummy pre-order)

"The Weathermen Know Which Way the Wind Blows" (Bonus on iTunes)

"Africom" (Bonus on iTunes)

《The General Strikei》


"Controlled Opposition" – 0:22

"The Neoliberal Anthem" – 3:18

"1915" – 2:52

"This Is The New Sound" – 2:46

"Bullshit Opportunist" – 2:36

"The Ranks of The Masses Rising" – 2:29

"Turn a Blind Eye" – 1:19

"Broken Bones" – 3:01

"I Don't Wanna" – 2:27

"Nothing Recedes Like Progress" – 2:18

"Resist" – 1:02

"The Ghosts of Alexandria" – 2:54

Bonus tracks

"Wrong Colour" – 2:44 (Bonus on iTunes)

The band will give away an exclusive five-song download card to everyone who attends any of the band's album release shows from March 6-14, 2012. The download will feature three tracks from the album and two previously unreleased tracks.

Unreleased bonus tracks:

"SKATE" – 1:18

"Whistleblower" – 2:39


這支樂隊有著超級激進的政治態度和無窮無盡的年青能量。 但與一般的校園朋克樂隊不同,他們很少把荷爾蒙撒在無頭無腦的青春愛情上,而是把憤怒矛頭指向虛偽可惡的美國政府、貪婪奸詐的資產階級和野蠻自大的“警察大爺”。

《For Blood And Empire》里的13首作品除了繼續保持著Anti-Flag最勇猛的音樂取向以外,也大膽地吸納了不少旋律化的元素。像《The Press Corpse》和《1 Trillion Dollar$》這樣的作品就不但有著好聽的旋律,甚至連主唱Justin Sane的唱腔都不那么憤怒了。難怪有的評論里會將這張專輯稱作是“Anti-Flag自組建以來最好聽的唱片”。這與他們簽約主流廠牌不無關係,儘管像Sony/BMG這樣的公司他們關心的向來都僅僅是鈔票,但他們也都絕不是傻子,簽下Anti-Flag這樣一個政治上的“刺頭”,他們自然會在音樂上對樂隊有所限制:歌詞你們怎么說都行,但旋律你得弄得好聽一些,讓那些原來只喜歡Green Day和Blink-182的孩子們也會掏錢買Anti-Flag的唱片。



