

魏巍, 副教授 , 海歸博士後,博士生導師, 2012年博士畢業於華中科技大學計算機學院。現任華中科技大學計算機學院認知計算與智慧型信息處理(CCIIP)實驗室/華科-容聯人工智慧聯合(Hero)實驗室主任。主要研究方向包括信息檢索、數據挖掘(文本挖掘/社交媒體分析與挖掘)、自然語言處理、機器學習、人工智慧、推薦系統等。博士就讀期間先後在微軟亞洲研究院,新加坡南洋理工大學以及新加坡國立大學從事科學研究工作。2012年博士畢業後分別在新加坡南洋理工大學及新加坡管理大學從事博士後研究工作。應邀擔任中國計算機學報、Information Science等重要學術期刊審稿人,應邀擔任ADMA'17, IJCAI’18等國際學術會議PC Member。現為中國中文信息學會青年工作委員會委員,中國計算機學會/中國中文信息學會/ACM學會會員。作為骨幹成員參與國家863計畫1項, 新加坡國家研究基金項目(hosted by Media Development Authority of Singapore)2 項,微軟亞洲研究院Graphor項目等。已發表國際高水平學術會議及期刊論文近二十篇, 主要發表在AAAI, SIGKDD, ICDE, CIKM, IEEE TKDE, IEEE TSMC-B, IEEE TC, ACM TWEB, Information Sciences, Information Systems, IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine等。現主持國家自然科學基金項目1項,湖北省自然科學基金項目1項以及重大企業橫向項目1項 。


2016.11 – 計算機科學與技術學院,華中科技大學 副教授

2015.04 – 2016.11 計算機科學與技術學院,華中科技大學 講師

2014.06 – 2015.04 信息系統學院,新加坡管理大學(SMU) Research Fellow

2012.09 –2014.05 計算機與工程學院,新加坡南洋理工大學(NTU) Research Fellow

2011.06–2011.12 計算機學院,新加坡國立大學(NUS) V isiting Student

2010.09–2011.03 計算機與工程學院,新加坡南洋理工大學(NTU) R esearch Assistant

2009.10–2010.06 信息檢索與挖掘組,微軟亞洲研究院(MSRA) R esearch Intern


[1] Xiucheng Li,Kaiqi Zhao,Gao Cong,Christian S. Jensen, Wei Wei. Deep Representation Learning for Trajectory Similarity Computation. In: Proceedings of the 34th IEEE International Conferenceon Data Engineering ( ICDE'18), Paris, Fr, 2018. [Full Paper] ( Accepted)

[2] GuohuiLi, Chenggang Deng, Jianjun Li, Quan Zhou and Wei Wei. Deadline and Period Assignment for UpdateTransactions i nCo-Scheduling Environment. IEEE Transactions on Computers (IF=2.916), 66(7): 1119-1131, 2017.(CCFA)

[3] MaofuLiu, HeZhang, HuijunHu, Wei Wei, "Topic categorization and representation of health community generated data", MultimediaTools and Applications (IF=1.530), 76(8), 10575-10597, 2017. (SCI).

[4] Degui Xiao ,Quiwei Yang, Bing Yang, Wei Wei, "Monocular Scene Flow Estimation via Variational method", Multimedia Tools and Applications (IF=1.530), 76(8),10541-10553,2017.(SCI) .

[5] Wei Wei, Gao Cong, Chunyan Miao, Feida Zhu and Guohui Li, "Learning to Find Topic Experts in Twitter via Different Relations", IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (IF=3.438), 28(7):1764-1778,2016.(CCFA)

[6] Wei Wei, Bin Gao, Tie-YanLiu, Taifeng Wang, Guo-HuiLi and Hang Li, “ A Ranking Approach on Large-Scale Graph with Multi-Dimensional Heterogeneous Information”, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics ( IF=7.384), 46(4):930-944, 2016.(CCFB)

[7] Wei Wei, ZhaoYan Ming, Liqiang Nie, Guohui Li, Jianjun Li, Feida Zhu, Tianfeng Shang and Changyin Luo, "Exploring Heterogeneous Features for Query-focused Summarization of Categorized Community Answers", Information Sciences ( IF=4.832), 330:403-423, 2016. (CCFB)

[8] Guohui Li, Changyin Luo, WeiWei*, JianjunLi, "RkNN query Integrity with influence zone", Information Systems (IF=2.777),56:214-231, 2016.(CCFB).

[9] Changyin Luo, LiJun lin, GuohuiLi, Wei Wei*,Yanhong Li, JianjunLi, "Efficient reverse spatial and textual knearest neighbor queries on roadnetworks", Knowledge-BasedSystems (IF=4.529),93:121-134,2016.(SCI).

[10] Hengjie Song, Yonghui Xu, Huaqing Min, Qingyao Wu, Wei Wei*,Jianshu Weng, Xiaogang Han, Qiang Yang, Jialiang Shi, Jiaqian Gu, Chunyan Miao and Nishida Toyoaki, "Individual Judgments vs. Consensus: Estimating Query-URL Relevance", ACM Transactions on the Web (IF=1.526), 10(3), 2016. (CCFB).

[11] Jianjun Li, JianJia Chen, Ming Xiong, GuohuiLi, Wei Wei*, "Temporal Consistency Maintenance Upon Partitioned Multi-processor Platforms", IEEE Transactions on Computers (IF=2.916), 65(5):1632-1645, 2016.(CCFA).

[12] Yingjie Xia, Qianqian Zhu, Wei Wei, “Weakly Supervised Random Forest for Multi-Label Image Clustering and Segmentation”, In: Proceedings of ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR'15), pp.227-233, 2015. (CCF B)

[13] Yong Liu, Wei Wei, Aixin Sun, Chunyan Miao, “Exploiting Geographical Neighborhood Characteristics for Location Recommendation”, In: Proceedings of the 23th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management(CIKM), Shang Hai, China, pp.739-748, 2014. (CCFB) [FullPaper,Oral]

[14] Xiaogang Han, Wei Wei*,Chunyan Miao, Jian-Ping Mei and Hengjie Song, “Context-Aware Personal Information Retrieval from Multiple Social Networks”, IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine (IF=6.343), 9(2):18-28, 2014. (SCI)

[15] Wei Wei, Gao Cong, Xiaoli Li, See-Kiong Ng and Guohui Li, “Integrating Community Question and Answer Archives”, In: Proceedings of the 25th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), San Francisco, California, USA,pp.1255-1260, 2011. (CCF A) [Full Paper, Oral]

[16] Bin Gao, Tie-YanLiu, Wei Wei, Taifeng Wang and Hang Li, “Semi-supervised ranking on very large graphs with rich metadata”, In: Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (SIGKDD), San Diego, CA, USA, pp.96-104, 2011. (CCF A) [Full Paper, Oral]



2 016 數據結構理論/實驗(本科)、數據結構課程設計(本科)、大規模圖排序(博士)

2 015 數據結構理論/實驗(本科)


“一種無線感測器網路仿真系統”, CN101841839A (201010100830.3)


Program Committee Member

·IJCAI 2018 Main Research Track, PC Member

·ADMA 2017 Main Research Track, PC Member

Invited Journal Reviewer

·Information Sciences ( 2017 - )

·Chinese Journal of Computers ( 2016 - )


·25th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, San Francisco, California, USA, Aug 2011, Integrating Community Question and Answer Archives.

·LMS Seminar, Nation University of Singapore, 2011, Large-Scale Graph-based Ranking with Rich Metadata.

·Pinnacle Lab, Singapore Management University, 2014, Large-Scale Graph-based Ranking with Rich Metadata.

·Shandong University, 2017, Learning to Find Topic Experts.


[1] 微博社交網路中主題專家搜尋關鍵技術研究,國家自然科學基金(青年), 2017~2019 (主持,在研)

[2] 華科-容聯人工智慧聯合實驗室,企業重大橫向,2017-2019 (主持,在研)

[3] 面向問答系統中開放式問題分析及答案融合方法的關鍵技術研究,湖北省自然科學青年基金,2015~2017 (主持, 在研)

[4] 中央高校基金,2016-2018 (主持,在研)

[5] 華中科技大學引進人才啟動基金,2015-2018 (主持, 在研)

[6] 基於感測器網路的目標跟蹤技術研究,國家863計畫 (項目編號:2007AA01Z309), 2007~2009 (參與,骨幹)


2016 華中科技大學教師競賽 二等獎

