
豆斌林,男,1971年6月出生,陝西鳳翔人,博士,教授,博士生導師。2001年6月獲華東理工大學工學博士學位。2001年10月起分別在上海交通大學、韓國KAIST、加拿大University of New Brunswick、美國University of Mississippi、韓國Yonsei University和英國University of leeds大學進行能源高效轉化、清潔利用與污染物排放控制領域的研究工作,參加的國內外重要研究課題包括我國“973”子課題研究、韓國科技部和英國EPRSC項目,2008年獲上海市技術發明三等獎(排名第二),2009年7月起為大連理工大學教授。發表論文60餘篇,其中SCI收錄26篇,申請發明專利10項。 現任上海理工大學化工過程機械研究所所長。



1990.9~1998.5 武漢科技大學化學工程專業 獲學士與碩士學位
1998.9~2001.6 華東理工大學化學工藝專業 獲博士學位
2001.10~2002.9 上海交通大學動力工程與工程熱物理 博士後流動站
2002.10~2003.10 韓國科學技術院KAIST機械宇航工程分部 博士後
2003.11~2004.5 加拿大University of New Brunswick化學工程系 博士後
2004.6~2004.8 美國University of Mississippi化學工程系 訪問學者
2004.10~2006.7 上海電力學院環境工程系 副教授
2006.8~2007.12 韓國Yonsei University能源/環境中心
2008.1~2009.7 英國University of Leeds能源所ERRI
2009.9~ 大連理工大學能動學院 教授
2010.7~ 大連理工大學能動學院 教授、博導






[1] Dou B. L., Wang C., Chen H. S., Song Y. C., et al. Research progress of hot gas filtration, desulphurization and HCl removal in coal-derived fuel gas: A Review. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2012.90,1901-1917.
[2] Xu Y. J., Zang G. Y., Chen H. S., Dou B. L., Tan C.Q. Co-production system of hydrogen and electricity based on coal partial gasification with CO2 capture, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2012, 37, 11805-11814.
[3] Ruan X. K., Song Y. C., Liang H. F., Yang M. J., Dou B. L. Numerical Simulation of the Gas Production Behavior of Hydrate Dissociation by Depressurization in Hydrate-Bearing Porous Medium. Energy Fuels, 2012. 26, 1681-1694.
[4] Chen H. S., Dou B. L., Song Y. C., Xu Y. J., et al., Studies on absorption and regeneration for CO2 capture by aqueous ammonia, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control,2012,6:171-178.
[5] Chen H. S., Dou B. L., Song Y. C., Xu Y. J., et al., Pyrolysis characteristics of sucrose biomass in a tubing reactor and a thermogravimetric system, Fuel,2012,95:425-430.
[6] Chen H. S., Dou B. L. Enhanced hydrogen production from the glycerol steam reforming process through CO2 removal, In: Hydrogen Production: Prospects and Processes, Eds. D.R. Honnery and P. Moriarty, Nova Science Publishers, 2011, pp223-246.
[7] Dou B. L., Chen H. S., Song Y. C., Tan C. T. Synthesis and characterization of heterostructured nanohybrid of MgO-TiO2-Al2O3/montmorillonite. Mater. Chem. Phys., 2011, 130, 63-66
[8] Zhao Y. C, Song, Y. C. Liu Y., Liang H. F., Dou B. L. Visualization and Measurement of CO2 Flooding in Porous Media Using MRI. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2011, 50 (8), 4707-4715.
[9] Dou B. L.; Dupont V.; Pan W. G.; Chen B. B. Removal of aqueous toxic Hg(II) by synthesized TiO2 nanoparticles and TiO2/montmorillonite, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2011, 166, 631-638.
[10] Dou B.L. Chen H.S. Removal of toxic mercury(II) from aquatic solutions by synthesized TiO2 nanoparticles. Desalination, 2011, 269, 260-265.
[11] Chen H.S., Ding Y.L., Cong N.T., Dou B.L., Dupont V., Ghadiri M., Williams PT. Progress in low temperature hydrogen production with simultaneous CO2 abatement. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2011, 89, 1774-1782.
[12] Chen H.S., Ding Y.L., Cong N.T., Dou B.L, Dupont V., Ghadiri M, Williams PT. A comparative study on hydrogen production from steam-glycerol reforming: thermodynamics and experimental. Renewable Energy, 2011, 36, 779-788.
[13] Dou B.L. Song Y.C. Liu Y.G.., High temperature CO2 capture using calcium oxide sorbent in a fixed-bed reactor, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2010, 183, 759-765.
[14] Dou B.L. Song Y.C., A CFD approach on simulation of hydrogen production from steam reforming of glycerol in a fluidised-bed reactor. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2010, 35, 10271-10284.
[15] Dou B. L., Rickett G., Dupont V., Williams P. T., Chen H. S., Ding Y., Ghadiri M. Steam reforming of crude glycerol with in-situ CO2 sorption. Bioresource Technology, 2010, 101, 2436-2442.
[16] Dou B. L., Dupont V., Rickett G., Blakeman N., Williams P. T., Chen H. S., Ding Y., Ghadiri M. Hydrogen production by sorption-enhanced steam reforming of glycerol. Bioresource Technology, 2009. 100, 3540-3547.
[17] Dou B. L., Dupont V., Williams P. T., Chen H. S., Ding Y. Thermogravimetic kinetics of crude glycerol. Bioresource Technology, 2009, 100: 2613-2620.
[18] Chen H. S., Zhang T. F., Dou B. L., Dupont V., Williams P. T., Ghadiri M, Ding Y. Thermodynamic analyses of adsorption-enhanced steam reforming of glycerol for hydrogen production. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2009, 34: 7208-7222.
[19].Dou B. L.; Pan W. G.; Jin Q.; Wang W. H.; Li Y., Study on SO2 removal efficiency for wet Flue Gas Desulfurization. Energy Conversion and Management, 2009, 50, 2547-2553.
[20]. Chen H.; Ge H.H.; Dou B. L.; Pan W. G.; Zhou G. D. Thermogravimetric Kinetics of MgSO3?6H2O Byproduct from Magnesia Wet Flue Gas Desulfurization, Energy & Fuels, 2009, 23(5), 2552–2556.
[21].Dou, B. L.; Byun, Y.-C.; Hwang, J. Flue Gas Desulfurization with an Electrostatic Spraying Absorber. Energy & Fuels; 2008; 22(2); 1041-1045.
[22] Dou B. L., Dupont V., Williams P. T. Computational fluid dynamics simulation of gas-solid flow during steam reforming of glycerol in a fluidised bed reactor. Energy & Fuels, 2008, 22: 4102–4108.
[23].Dou, B. L.; Pan, W. G.; Ren, J. X.; Chen, B. B. Removal of Tar Component over Cracking Catalysts from High Temperature Fuel Gas. Energy Conversion and Management, 2008, 49, 2247-2253.
[24] Dou, B.L; Dupont, V.; Williams, P. T. Modeling of gas-solid flow and hydrogen production from steam reforming of glycerol in a fluidized bed reactor. Prep. Pap.-Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Fuel Chem. 2008, 53 (2), 628-629.
[25].Dou, B. L.; Lim, S.; Kang, P.; Hwang, J.; Song, S.; Yu, T.-U.; Yoon, K.-D. Kinetic Study in Modeling Pyrolysis of Refuse Plastic Fuel. Energy & Fuels; 2007; 21(3); 1442-1447.
[26].Dou, B. L.; Park, S.; Lim, S.; Yu, T.; Hwang, J. Pyrolysis Characteristics of Refuse Derived Fuel in a Pilot-Scale Unit. Energy & Fuels; 2007; 21(6); 3730-3734.
[27].Dou, B. L.; Pan, W. G.; Ren, J. X,; Chen, B B.. Single and Combined Removal of HCl and Alkali Metal Vapor from High-temperature Gas by Solid Sorbents. Energy & Fuels; 2007; 21(2); 1019-1023.
[28] Dou B. L.; Chen B. B.; Gao J. S.; Sha X. Z., HCl removal and chlorine distribution of sorbent in a fixed-bed reactor, Energy & Fuels, 2006,20:959-963.
[29] Dou B. L.; Chen B. B.; Gao J. S.; Sha X. Z., Reaction of solid sorbents with hydrogen chloride gas at high temperature in a fixed-bed reactor, Energy & Fuels, 2005,19:2229-2234.
[30] Dou B. L.; Shen W. Q.; Gao J. S.; et al, Adsorption of alkali metal vapor from high-temperature coal-derived gas by solid sorbents, Fuel Processing Technology, 2003, 82, 51-60.
[31] Dou B. L.; Gao J. S.; Sha X. Z.; Baek S. W., Catalytic cracking of tar component from high temperature fuel gas, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2003, 23: 2229-2239.
[32] Dou B. L.; Gao J. S.; Baek S. W.; Sha X. Z., High temperature HCl removal with sorbents in a fixed-bed reactor, Energy & Fuels, 2003, 17: 874-878.
[33] Yin B., Zhang M.C. Dou B.L. Song Y.B. and Wu J. Discrete Particle Simulation and Visualized Research of the Gas?Solid Flow in an Internally Circulating Fluidized Bed. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2003, 42 (1), 214–221.
[34] Dou B. L.; Zhang M. C.; Gao J. S.; Sha X. Z., High-temperature removal of NH3, organic sulfur, HCl and tar component from coal-derived gas, Ind Eng Chem Res, 2002, 41:4195-4200.
[35] Dou B. L.; Gao J. S.; Sha X. Z., Study on the reaction kinetics of HCl removal from a high-temperature coal gas, Fuel Processing Technology, 2001, 72:23-33.



