






“第二屆中國影視高層論壇”是在中國成功地加入了WTO和中國影視事業取得了巨大成就的宏大背景下舉行的。這屆高層論壇在“衝突與和諧: 全球化空間中亞洲影視的新趨勢”這一國際性學術主題的統領下,對處於世界影視新格局中的亞洲影視業,特別是中國影視業,進行了廣泛和深入的研討。




一、 全球化與中國影視之新挑戰、新機遇
從奇蹟到幻滅: 中國電影在歐洲〔德〕 莫里茨·德·哈爾德
迪特爾·瓦爾里希演講稿〔德〕 迪特爾·魏因里希
——中國明星在國外形象的個案研究〔德〕 馬丁·吉澤爾曼
市場轉型中的影像重組: 新媒體與文化批評〔美〕 孫紹誼
想像空間與認同並裂: 媒介全球化的後果?(台) 李天鐸
韓國電影振興對中國的啟示陸地 郭淼
全球化: 文化差異與文化資本顏純鈞
全球化空間中的中國電影生存發展和獨立品格 周星
21世紀: 中國影視業的文化定位及其歷史使命 左芳
二、 亞洲影視文化之新讀解、新闡釋
好萊塢、全球化與亞洲電影市場: 給中國的啟示〔美〕 駱思典
東方鏡像的甦醒: 獨立精神及本土文化的弘揚
舉世矚目 轟動效應
——《英雄》的隱義 賈磊磊
——闡釋以影視為主導的視覺文化 孟建
宮崎駿動畫電影的迪斯尼情結 聶欣如
試論韓國影視的民族性及其美學呈現 張振華 秦玉蘭
——試論亞洲新電影在世界電影格局中的兩種策略 洪帆
三池崇史電影中的性別、類型觀念與亞洲〔美〕 斯坦芬尼·德波爾
——侯孝賢電影的長鏡頭風格與意境創造 袁玉琴
——論李安《臥虎藏龍》的文化定位〔紐西蘭〕 林勇
三、 中國影視業發展之新課題、新景觀
2002: 透視中國電影產業投資 黃升民 趙子忠
數字電影: 中國電影產業在數媒經濟時代的機會 劉軍
中國數碼影視的現狀及發展機遇 李亦中
——新紀錄運動在中國 呂新雨
——中國非職業影像運動的考察 胡智鋒
——論“五代後新生代導演”的現實境況、精神歷程與“電影策” 陳旭光
對第六代導演的期望 陳培湛
結構關係的歷史研究 陳犀禾 鄭潔
香港電影產業: 亟待拯救
——2002年暑期本土票房帶來的思考 張燕
建立中國電視批評的新秩序 歐陽宏生 段弘
Table of Contents
Globalization: New Challenges and Opportunities of Chinese Film and Television
From Miracle to Disillusion: Chinese Cinema in EuropeMoritz de Hadeln (German)
Speech by Prof. Dieter WeirichDieter Weirich (German)Exploring Factors of Success for Chinese Films from the PRC, Hong Kong and Taiwan in Germany: A Case Study about the Traveling Images of Chinese StarsMartin Gieselmann (German)
Cultural Studies and Chinese Film in the Context of GlobalizationWang NingTowards a Reorientation of Visual Images: New Media and Its Cultural ImplicationsSun Shaoyi (U.S.A.)
Chinas Entry to WTO and Its Impact on the Industries of Chinese Film and TelevisionJin GuanjunImaginary Spheres and Schizophrenic Identity: The Consequences of Media Globalization?Li Tianduo (Taiwan)

The Revitalization of Korean Cinema and Its Lessons for ChinaLu Di & Guo Miao
Globalization: Cultural Differences and Cultural CapitalsYan Chunjun〖CS〗
Surviving Globalization: Chinese Film and Its Independent QualityZhou XingChinese Film and Television in the New Millennium: Cultural Identity and Historical MissionZuo Fang
Conflict VS Harmony: Globalization and Asian Film & TV
Asian Cinema and Television: New Interpretations and Analyses
Hollywood, Globalization and Film Markets in Asia: Lessons for China?Stanley Rosen (U.S.A.)
The Wakening of the Eastern Mirror and Image: Cultural Significance of Asian “New Cinema”Huang ShixianThe Sensational Growth that Deserves Worldwide Attention: The Development of Chinese TV DramasZhang FengzhuThe Black Martial Artists: The Metaphorical Meanings of Zhang Yimous HeroJia Leilei
The Historical Turn of Filmic and Television Culture: Interpreting the Film and Television Based Visual CultureMeng Jian
The “Disney Complex” of Hayao Miyazakis Animation FilmsNie Xinru
An Exploration of the National Character and Its Aesthetic Reification of Korean Film and TelevisionZhang Zhenhua & Qin Yulan
Marching Towards International Film Festivals and International Cinema: Asian “New Cinema” and Its Two Strategies in the Context of World CinemaHong Fan
Exploding/Exploiting TransRegional Space: Gender, Genre, and Asia in the Films of Miike TakashiStephanie DeBoer (U.S.A.)
A Filmic Style that Speaks the Languages both East and West: The LongTake Style and Diegesis of Hou Hsiaohsiens FilmsYuan YuqinFierce Tiger Comes Out from the Mountain, Flood Dragon Jumps into the Sea: Ang Lees Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon and Its Cultural IdentificationLin Yong (New Zealand)
New Topics and Perspectives on the Chinese Film and Television Industries
The Year of 2002: An Overview of the Investment of the Chinese Film IndustryHuang Shengmin & Zhao ZizhongDigital Cinema: Opportunities of the Chinese Film Industry in the Age of Digital and Media EconomyLiu Jun
The Current Status and Future Opportunities of the Digital Film and Television of ChinaLi YizhongOn the Ruins of Utopia: New Documentary Movement of ChinaLu Xinyu
The “DV Generation:” An Exploration of the NonProfessional Movement of Chinese CinemaHu Zhifeng
The Beginning that Never Ends: The Current Status, Spiritual Journey, and Cinematic Strategies of the PostFifth Generation DirectorsChen Xuguang
Chinas Sixth Generation Filmmakers: Hopes and ExpectationsChen Peizhan
Aesthetics and Political Economy of Chinese Cinema: A Historical Study of Chinese Films Capital, Market, and Product Structures and Their RelationsChen Xihe & Zheng Jie
The WaitingToBeSaved Hong Kong Film Industry: Reflections on the 2002 Summer Box Office of Hong Kong FilmZhang YanEstablishing the New Order of TV Criticism in ChinaOuyang Hongsheng & Duan Hong


