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網路和複雜系統及其套用,並行分散式計算及其套用, 大規模數據處理等。自1982年以來先後從事群論,離散數學,並行計算機互連結構與並行算法和複雜網路的研究工作,已經在上述領域做出了一系列重要成果。


從1990年以來, 主持和參加五個國家自然科學基金項目,主持福建省和廣東省自然科學基金項目和其它省市科研項目。目前的主要研究興趣是計算機網路(包括無線網路)的對稱性原理及其在虛擬拓撲中的套用。



從1982年至1993年,主要從事群論及其套用的研究工作,先後完全解決Podufalov, Glauberman, Mazurov,Peng,Mukhin,Sergienko等人提出的六個公開問題,其成果已在國內外權威雜誌(SCI)“J.Pure and Applied Algebra”,“中國科學”等上面發表,經同行專家評議,認為達到了國際先進水平,獨立獲得福建省科協1990-1992年度優秀論文一等獎,國家教委1996年度科學技術進步三等獎。

從1994年至今,主要從事離散數學,並行計算機互連結構與並行算法,複雜網路和無線網路的研究工作。 在圖和其它結構的對稱性的研究中取得了重要成果,已經被國際權威雜誌(SCI)“Discrete Applied Mathematics”,等發表(見主要論文目錄[15-16,19])。在代數圖論與電網路的研究中取得一系列的重要成果,已經在國際權威雜誌(SCI)“Z.Naturforschung”,“Theoretical Chemistry Accounts”等上面發表(見主要論文目錄[24,29-31])。在並行計算機互連網路與並行算法及網路負載平衡的研究中取得了一系列的重要成果,有的已經在國內外權威雜誌或論文集(SCI)“IEEE Transactions on Computers”,“J. Computer and System Sciences”, “IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems”, “International J. Computer Mathematics”,“J.Computer Science and Technology”,“Lecture Notes in Computer Science”等上面發表(見主要論文目錄[1-7,10-14,17-18,20-23,25-28])。在[6]中, 我們得到一類交錯群網路結點間距離和最優路由算法。在[7]中,我們用群論方法得到剪枝網路的條件,一致而統一處理了網路的剪枝。在複雜網路與對等網路的研究中取得了重要的成果,有的已經在SCI檢索雜誌“Information Processing Letters”上發表(見主要論文目錄[8-9,16])。另有八篇論文已投國際權威雜誌(SCI) “IEEE Transactions on Computers”,“Discrete Applied Mathematics”,“IEEE Transactions on Parallel and distributed systems”等,正在審稿之中(有的已被接受)。


1. W.D. Chen, W.J. Xiao and B. Parhami, Swapped (OTIS) Networks Built of Connected Basis Networks Are Maximally Fault Tolerant,IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, accepted.

2. W.J. Xiao, W.H. Wei, W.D. Chen, M.X. He, and B. Parhami, Comments on “Low Diameter Interconnections for Routing in High-Performance Parallel Systems,” with Connections and Extensions to Arc Coloring of Coset Graphs, IEEE Transactions on Computers, VOL. 57, NO. 12, 1726-1728, 2008.

3. W.J. Xiao and B. Parhami, On routing and diameter of metacyclic graphs, International J. Computer Mathematics, Vol. 86(1), 21-30, 2009.

4. W.J. Xiao and B. Parhami, Further mathematical properties of Cayley digraphs applied to hexagonal and honeycomb meshes, Discrete Applied Math.,Vol.155(13), 1752-1760,2007

5.W.J. Xiao and B. Parhami, Structural Properties of Cayley Digraphs with Applications to Mesh and Pruned Torus Interconnection Networks, J. Computer and System Sciences, Vol.73, 1232-1239, 2007

6. B. X. Chen, W. J. Xiao and B. Parhami, Internode distance and optimal routing in a class of alternating group networks, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.55, No.12, 1645-1648, 2006.

7. W. J. Xiao and B. Parhami, A group construction method with applications to deriving pruned interconnection networks, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol.18,No.5,637-643, 2007.

8. Z.T.Sun and W.J.Xiao, ComNET: A P2P Community Network,Lecture Notes in Computer Science,Vol.4847,271-281,2007.

9. W.J.Xiao,Y. Qin and B.Parhami, Extended Clustering Coefficients of Small-World Networks, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.4490, 67-73, 2007.

10. W.J.Xiao, W.D.Chen, M.X.He, W.H.Wei and B.Parhami, Biswapped Networks and Their Topological Properties, Eighth ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering,Artifical Intelligence,Networking,and Parallel/Distributed Computing, IEEE Proceedings of the SNPD 2007, 193-198, 2007.

11. B.X.Chen, X.B.Chen,J.X.Meng and W.J.Xiao, The construction of infinite families of any k-tight optimal and singular k-tight optimal directed double loop networks, Science in China Series A, Vol.50, No.7, 1055-1064, 2007.

12. Y.Qin, W.J.Xiao and C.G.Zhao, GDED-X Schemes for Load Balancing on Heterogenous OTIS-Networks, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.4494, 482-492, 2007.

13. C.G.Zhao, W.J.Xiao and Y.Qin, Hybrid Diffusion Schemes for Load Balancing on OTIS-Networks, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.4494, 421-432, 2007.

14. W. J. Xiao and B. Parhami, Further properties of Cayley digraphs and their applications to interconnection networks, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3959, 192-197, 2006.

15. W. J. Xiao, Some Results on Diameters of Cayley Graphs, Discrete Applied Math., Vol. 154, 1640-1644, 2006.

16. W. J. Xiao and B. Parhami, Cayley graphs as models of Deterministic Small-World Networks, Information Processing Letters, Vol. 97(3), 115-117, 2006.

17. B.X. Chen, J. X. Meng and W.J. Xiao, Some new optimal and suboptimal infinite families of undirected double-loop networks, Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, Vol.8, 299-312, 2006.

18. B.X. Chen, W.J. Xiao and N. Du , A New Routing Algorithm for the Shuffle-Exchange Permutation Network, J. of Systems Science and Complexity, Vol.19, No.4, 586-591, 2006.

19. W.J. Xiao, Linear Symmetries of Boolean Functions, Discrete Applied Math., Vol. 149(1-3), 192-199, 2005.

20.W.J. Xiao and B. Parhami, Some mathematical properties of Cayley digraphs with applications to interconnection network design, International J. Computer Mathematics, Vol. 85(5), 521-528, 2005.

21. S. M. Zhou, H. Z. Xu and W. J. Xiao, A unified formulation of Kautz network and generalized hypercube, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 49(9-10), 1403-1411, 2005.

22. B. X. Chen, J. X. Meng and W. J. Xiao, A Constant Time Optimal Routing Algorithm for Undirected Double-Loop Networks, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3794, 308-316, 2005.

24. W.J. Xiao and I. Gutman, Relation between Resistance and Laplacian Matrices and Their Application, Match-Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., Vol.51,119-127, 2004.

25. S.M. Zhou and W.J. Xiao, A New Family of Interconnection Networks of Fixed Degree Three, J. Computer Science and Technology, Vol.19(2),218-223, 2004.

26. W.J. Xiao and B. Parhami, Some Conclusions on Cayley Digraphs and Their Applications to Interconnection Networks, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.3033,408-412 2004.

27. B.X. Chen and W.J. Xiao, Optimal Designs of Directed Double-Loop Networks, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.3314, 19-24, 2004.

28. W.J. Xiao and B. Parhami, Hexagonal and pruned torus networks as Cayley graphs, Proceedings of the internat. Conf. on communication in computing, CIC’04, 107-112, 2004.

29. W.J. Xiao and I. Gutman, On Resistance Matrices, Match-Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., Vol.49, 67-81, 2003.

30. W.J. Xiao and I. Gutman, Resistance Distance and Laplacian Spectrum, Theoretical Chemistry Accounts, Vol. 110(4),284-289, 2003.

31.R.B. Bapat, I. Gutman and W.J. Xiao, A Simple Method for Computing Resistance Distance, Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung , 58a,494-498, 2003.

32. W.J.Xiao, On a Problem of Sergienko, J. Pure and Applied Algebra, Vol.87, 97-98,1993.

33. 肖文俊,關於Mukhin的一個問題,科學通報,38(2),104-105, 1993。

34. 肖文俊,關於p-閉群,數學學報,36(2),160-162, 1993。

35. W.J.Xiao, Glauberman's Conjecture, Mazurov's Problem and Peng's Problem, Science in China, 34(9), 1025-1031, 1991.

36. W.J.Xiao, On Glauberman's Conjecture and Podufalov's Problem, Science in China, 33(10), 1174-1181, 1990.

37. 肖文俊,On Zassenhaus 猜想,科學通報,4, 244-246,(1989) .



