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PCO Bioconversion個人資料隱私專員公署生物轉化The Core Technology核心技術The Process這個過程 The Technology & How It Works技術及它是如何工作的
The Airocide bioconversion system. Airocide生物轉化系統。 Inside this cover is a reaction chamber that is densely packed with tiny glass tubules, each nano-encrusted with a highly refined, supercharged web of titanium dioxide.在這個封面是一個反應室是密密麻麻的細小的玻璃小管,每個高度精煉,增壓網站鈦白粉納米綴滿包裝。 untreated air is drawn into the unit via a high-precision fan, then routed into and through micro-tunnels that have been charged with 254 nanometer light.通過高精度的風扇,然後進入和通過254納米的光已收取的微型隧道路由,未經處理的空氣捲入單位。 Surface-bound (OH-) radicals bubble up from the tubule surfaces waiting for anything organic to touch them.表面結合(OH)自由基從腎小管等待任何有機地觸摸它們表面的泡沫。
由美國宇航局開發,Airocide生物轉化技術轉化成無害的水蒸氣,不產生臭氧或其他有害的副產品損壞模具,微生物,危險的病原體,破壞性的揮發性有機化合物和生物氣體。Green and energy efficient, treated air exits as 99.999% pathogen free fresh air on the first pass.綠色和節能,處理空氣出口為99.999%,無病原體的第一道關口的新鮮空氣。FDA approved, Airocide is the one that works. Airocide FDA批准,是一個工程。
NASA Story美國宇航局的故事Technology技術Case Studies案例研究Product產品Press Room新聞發布室Contact Us聯繫我們Doctors' Offices醫生辦公室Hospitals醫院 Waiting Areas等候區Examination Rooms檢查室Clinics診所Neonatal新生兒Operating Rooms手術室outpatient Surgery門診手術 Hospitals醫院
People Come To Get Well.。。。。And Get Sick.生病。

Add an Airocide® bioconversion system into the equation and the number of Colony Forming Units (CFUs) plunges.添加到方程和菌落形成單位的數量Airocide ®生物轉化系統(CFUs)掉價。 All because Airocide systems eradicate virtually every microorganism they encounter.所有系統,因為Airocide消除幾乎所有的微生物,他們所遇到的。 99.999 percent of them on the first pass.在第一階段,其中的99.999%。 Proven in clinical studies.在臨床研究證明。 Proven in real-world hospital operating rooms.證明在現實世界中的醫院的手術室。 Airocide's bioconversion technology eliminates bacteria, viruses, mold, and mildew and removes harmful VOCs, which result from the constant sanitizing of surfaces. Airocide的生物轉化技術,消除了細菌,病毒,黴菌和霉變和消除有害的揮發性有機化合物,結果從不斷的表面消毒。
The statistics prove it.統計數據證明這一點。
Studies show that up to 30 percent of hospital-acquired infections result from airborne pathogens circulating in hospital air.研究表明,高達30%的醫院獲得性感染導致空氣中的病原體在醫院的空氣流通。 Airborne pathogens including methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) and penicillum Aspergillus are in the air even in environments considered sterile.空氣中的病原體,包括耐甲氧西林金黃色葡萄球菌(MRSA),耐萬古黴素腸球菌(VRE)和青黴麴黴中的空氣,即使在無菌環境中考慮。
Airborne pathogens persist in hospitals despite hospital-grade HEPA filtration and laminar flow systems because the effective range of filtration is from .3 to .1 microns.空氣中的病原體持續存在,儘管醫院級的HEPA過濾層流系統在醫院,因為有效的過濾範圍從0.3到0.1微米。 Yet the deadliest pathogens are smaller than that.然而,最致命的病原體是小於。 Even their larger colleagues are able to circumvent most systems.即使是較大的同事都能夠規避大部分系統。 When people enter the operating room, they bring these contaminants with them.當人們進入手術室,他們帶來了他們的這些污染物。 Sterile gowns collect hitchhikers along the way.無菌袍收集hitchhikers前進的道路上。 And Operating-room nurses who prepare the room bring companions that remain despite precautions.手術室護士準備的房間帶來的同伴,儘管預防措施,保持。
And that's just in the OR.而這只是在或。 Then there's recovery, pre-op, intensive care and plenty of other places where pathogens lurk—even waiting rooms.接下來的復甦,前運,重症監護和大量的其他地方病原體潛伏,甚至等候室。
State-of-the-art hospitals have recorded astounding reductions in airborne pathogens including those resistant to treatment after installing Airocide bioconversion systems.國家的最先進的醫院均錄得驚人的減少空氣中的病原體,包括耐Airocide生物轉化系統安裝後的治療。 Explore the evidence.探索的證據。 Then put Airocide to work for your team. Case Studies – Click Here然後把Airocide工作為您的團隊。

Case Studies案例研究

“Reducing airborne microbes In The Surgical Operating Theater & Other Clinical Settings: A Study Utilizing the Airocide® System” – Journal Of Clinical Engineering, April/June 2004 “減少空氣中的微生物,在外科手術室及其他臨床設定:一個利用Airocide ®系統的研究” -中華臨床工程,4月/ 2004年6月 A study was performed examining the airborne microbial killing efficiency of the Airocide® bioconversion system.進行了一項研究,研究空氣中的微生物殺死Airocide ®生物轉化系統效率。The study was conducted in coordination with the medical microbiology & immunology and biomedical engineering departments of a major state university and examined baseline bacterial and fungal cultures, commonly known as pathogens, collected at specific clinical test areas.這項研究是在協調的醫學微生物學與免疫學和生物醫學工程部門的一個主要的州立大學和研究基線細菌和真菌培養,俗稱為病原體,在特定的臨床試驗領域收集。 Samples of unique clinical interest such as methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) were studied in depth.獨特的興趣,如耐甲氧西林金黃色葡萄球菌(MRSA)的臨床樣本深入研究。 Results of the test showed bacteria reductions of 69% in an Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) Day Surgery procedure room, 25% in a Surgical Operating Room (OR) and 95% in a Surgical Instrument Sterile Preparation Room.測試結果表明:在耳,鼻和咽喉(耳鼻喉科)日間外科手術房中的細菌減少69%,25%在外科手術室(OR)和95%在手術器械的無菌製劑室。 MRSA was present in the OR and reduced by 100% after use of the Airocide system. MRSA的是OR和減少100%的Airocide系統使用後。
“Advanced Air Sanitization In A Medical Office Setting, A Clinical Study Of Indoor Air Quality Data From The Use Of A Photocatalytic Air Purification System” – Michael R. Papciak, MD麥可布隆Papciak,MD - “先進醫療辦公室的設定,室內空氣品質數據,從一個光催化空氣淨化系統的臨床研究空氣衛生處理“ A clinical test of the Airocide® bioconversion system was conducted in a pediatrician's office complex. Airocide ®生物轉化系統的一個臨床試驗是在兒科醫生的辦公室複雜中進行。 The primary objective of the test was to determine the effect on airborne bacteria of turning off an Airocide system that had been operating 24/7 for 6 months inside a pediatric facility.測試的主要目的是確定關閉Airocide系統,已經營6個月內兒科設施的24 / 7的空氣中的細菌的效果。 The secondary objective was to measure the difference in performance of the Airocide system in a pediatric "sick" waiting room compared to a pediatric "well" waiting room.次要目的是衡量Airocide系統的性能在兒科的“病態”候車室的差異相比,兒科“井”候車室。 In 24 hours after turning off the Airocide system the airborne bacteria in the facility increased by an average of 181%. Airocide系統關閉後,在設施空氣中的細菌在24小時內增加了181%的平均。 One week later the average level of airborne bacteria was 211% higher than when the Airocide system was operating.一個星期後,空氣中的細菌平均水平高出211%,比Airocide系統運行時。
Research Summary - Outpatient Surgery Center; Georgia, USA研究綜述-門診手術中心,美國喬治亞州 A study measured the efficacy of the Airocide air bioconversion system in removing airborne bacterial colony forming units (CFUs) in an operating room in an outpatient cosmetic surgery facility.一項研究測量了在手術室在門診美容手術設施,消除空氣中的細菌菌落形成單位(CFUs)Airocide空氣生物轉化系統的功效。 Two tests were run in the 1,750 f3 operating room.兩次測試均運行在1750 F3手術室。 In test #1 there was a 93% reduction in airborne bacteria in the operating room after 24 hours of operation.在測試#1,在空氣中的細菌減少93%後24小時運作的手術室。 In test #2 there was a 47% reduction in airborne bacteria in the operating room after one hour of operation.在測試#2有在空氣中的細菌減少47%,在操作一小時後,手術室。
Research Summary – Dental Office; Georgia, USA研究綜述-牙科診所, Tests were performed in multiple locations inside the offices of a 26,800 ft3 dental practice to measure the efficacy of two (2) Airocide systems (model ACS-100) in removing airborne bacterial and mold/fungal colony forming units (CFUs).一個26,800 FT3牙科實踐來衡量,消除空氣中的細菌和模具/真菌菌落形成單位(CFUs)兩種功效(2)Airocide系統(ACS - 100模型)的辦公室內,在多個地點進行測試。 The tests resulted in an average 45.3% reduction in airborne bacteria in 24 hours and an average 80% reduction in airborne mold/fungi in the same 24-hour period.測試結果在空氣中的細菌在24小時內平均減少45.3%,平均減少80%,在空氣中的黴菌/真菌在相同的24小時內。
Research Summary – Oral Surgery/periodontics Office; Georgia, USA研究綜述-口腔外科/牙周病辦公室;美國喬治亞州 Air sampling tests were performed in an active oral surgery and periodontal medicine facility to measure the efficacy of the Airocide bioconversion system in removing airborne bacterial colony forming units (CFUs).空氣採樣測試在一個活躍的口腔外科和牙周醫藥設施來衡量Airocide生物轉化系統的功效,在消除空氣中的細菌菌落形成單位(CFUs)。 The tests resulted in airborne mold/fungi reduction of 66% in the operating room (OR#3) and 100% in the adjacent corridor in 48 hours.測試結果,在空氣中的黴菌/真菌在手術室里減少了66%(或#3),在相鄰的走廊在48小時內100%。 Airborne bacteria were reduced by 82% in the corridor in the same 48 hours.空氣中的細菌減少了82%,在相同的48小時內的走廊。
Advanced Air Sanitization In A Medical Office Setting A Clinical Study Of Indoor Air Quality Data From The Use Of A Photocatalytic Air Purification System先進醫療辦公室的空氣衛生處理設定一個室內空氣品質的數據從一個光催化空氣淨化系統的臨床研究 ABSTRACT.抽象的。 An onsite study determined changes in the colony forming unit (CFU) count of airborne bacteria and fungi/mold in two waiting rooms of a primary care pediatric office as a result of using an Airocide bioconversion system.一個現場研究確定菌落形成單位(CFU)在兩個等待一個初級保健兒科辦公室的房間空氣中的細菌和真菌的數/模的變化,使用的Airocide生物轉化系統的結果。 The data supports the hypothesis that levels of airborne bacteria and mold/fungi begin to increase when the Airocide system is turned off after continuous operation for a given period of time.數據支持這一假設,空氣中的細菌和黴菌/真菌水平開始增加時Airocide系統開啟後連續運行一個特定的時間內。
Reducing Airborne Microbes In The Surgical Operating Theater & Other Clinical Settings在外科手術室及其他臨床的設定減少空氣微生物 The authors provide a research study examining the airborne microbial killing efficiency of the Airocide Air Quality-Improvement System (Airocide bioconversion system), a unique photo-catalytic reactor.作者提供了一個研究,研究空氣中的微生物殺死Airocide空氣品質改善系統(Airocide生物轉化系統),一個獨特的光催化反應器的效率。 The study examines baseline bacterial and fungal cultures, commonly known as pathogens, collected at specific clinical test areas.這項研究分析了基線的細菌和真菌的文化,俗稱為病原體,在特定的臨床試驗區收集。

Waiting Areas等候區

It's Where Patients Air Their Diseases...它的病人空氣他們的疾病... ... When those who are symptomatic gather together in an encloses space such as your waiting room, the risk of airborne cross-infection is significantly multiplied.當那些有症狀的收集,如您的候車室的封閉空間,空氣中的交叉感染的風險是顯著的成倍增長。 And where it's important that the product of sneezes and coughs be dealt with quickly and continuously, Airocide® bioconversion systems are being employed to eliminate them.其中很重要的,打噴嚏和咳嗽的產品予以處理快速,持續,Airocide ®生物轉化系統正在來消除它們。 Not only for the patient, but the healthcare workers who assemble daily to treat them as well.不僅為病人,但是,組裝每天以及對待他們的醫護人員。
Airocide bioconversion systems disassemble airborne pathogens at a molecular level, leaving only traces of harmless vapor behind. Airocide生物轉化系統在分子水平上拆卸空氣中的病原體,離開落後只有無害的水蒸氣的痕跡。 The original microbe is taken apart.除了原始微生物。 The carbon atoms holding it together are torn away and reconnected to (OH-) hydrogen and oxygen atoms leaving nothing organic behind.碳原子一起撕掉和重新連線(OH -),氫原子和氧原子留下任何有機背後。 The microbe simply ceases to exist.微生物根本不再存在。 And all this without producing any Ozone or other harmful byproducts.而所有這不會產生任何臭氧或其他有害的副產品。 Without any filters.沒有任何過濾器。 Using no more power than that consumed by a couple of 100-watt light bulbs.使用沒有比100瓦燈泡的情侶消耗的的功率。 And requiring no maintenance other than replacing its proprietary lamps once a year.而無需維護其專有的燈比一年更換一次。
Think about it.想想吧。 Airocide considerably lowers the risk to yourself, your colleagues and your healthcare workers. Airocide大大降低自己的風險,你的同事和醫護人員。 A risk that is even greater than that of your patients because your exposure is daily.風險,甚至比你的病人,因為你的曝光是每天。CASE STUDY: “Advanced Air Sanitization in a Medical Office Setting.案例分析:“在醫療辦公室設定先進的空氣衛生處理。 A Clinical Study of Indoor air Quality Data from the use of an [Airocide® bioconversion system].”室內空氣從[Airocide ®生物轉化系統的使用質量數據的臨床研究。“ A clinical test of the Airocide bioconversion system was conducted in a pediatrician's office complex.在兒科醫生的辦公室複雜中進行的臨床試驗的Airocide生物轉化系統。 The primary objective of the study was to determine the effect on airborne bacteria of turning off an Airocide bioconversion system that had been operating 24/7 for six months inside a pediatric facility.研究的主要目的是確定關閉Airocide生物轉化體系,已經營6個月內兒科設施的24 / 7的空氣中的細菌的效果。The secondary objective was to measure the difference in performance of the system in a pediatric “sick” waiting room compared to a pediatric “well” waiting room.次要目的是衡量系統的性能,在兒科的“病態”候車室的差異相比,兒科“井”候車室。
Within 24 hours of turning off the system, airborne bacteria in the facility increased by an average of 181%.空氣中的細菌在設施關閉系統24小時之內,平均181%的增長。 One week later the average level of airborne bacteria had risen to a level that was 211% higher than when the airocide bioconversion system had been operating. Click here for study details. .一個星期後,空氣中的細菌的平均水平已經上升的水平高出211%以上時airocide生物轉化系統一直運作。點擊這裡研究的詳情 。

Examination Rooms檢查室

Your Exposure May Only Be 10 Minutes.您的曝光可能只有10分鐘。 Their Exposure Could Be Three Times Longer.他們的視野,可以長三倍。 Or More.或更長時間。 All day long patients with a litany of symptoms visit this space.所有整天患者的症狀一連串訪問這個空間。 They are exposed to the viral and bacterial organisms that were exhaled by others while at the same time exposing others to the contribution they bring to the room.他們受到病毒和細菌的生物,呼出,而在同一時間被別人揭發他人的貢獻,他們帶來了房間。 Considering the collection of microbes that enclosed space accumulates in a single day it's no comfort to realize that your HVAC system shares that air with the rest of your office and everyone who works and visits there.考慮封閉的空間,在單日累積收集的微生物,它沒有實現的舒適性,您的暖通空調系統的股份,其餘與你的辦公室,大家誰的作品,並參觀有的空氣。
There is an effective tool that eradicates virtually all airborne organic matter in a single pass.有一個有效的工具,取消了在一個單一的傳遞的幾乎所有空中有機物。 The microbes and pathogens even hospital grade HEPA filters can't stop.甚至醫院級的HEPA過濾器的微生物和病原體不能停止。 The Airocide® bioconversion system. Airocide ®生物轉化系統。
Employing the proprietary TiO2 technology developed at the University of Wisconsin for NASA's use on the Space Station, Airocide leaves the air palpably pure.採用專有的二氧化鈦美國宇航局在國際空間站上的的使用在威斯康星大學開發的技術,Airocide葉palpably純空氣。 It feels lighter.感覺較輕。 It is crisper and Ozone free.它是更清晰,無臭氧。 Bacteria, virus, mold-spores, mycotoxins and VOCs...細菌,病毒,黴菌孢子,黴菌毒素和揮發性有機化合物的... ... gone.消失了。PEER-REVIEW PAPER: Reducing Airborne Microbes in the Surgical Operating Theater and Other Clinical Settings – a Study Utilizing a Unique Photocatalytic Reactor Biocide Unit.同行審查的檔案:減少空氣微生物在外科手術室和其他臨床設定 - 利用獨特的光催化反應器殺菌劑單位的研究。 The authors provide a research study examining the airborne microbial killing efficiency of a unique photocatalytic reactor (PCR) marketed under the brand name Airocide® bioconversion systems.作者提供了一個研究,研究空氣中的微生物殺死了獨特的光催化反應器(PCR)技術的品牌名稱Airocide ®生物轉化系統銷售效率。 The study examines baseline bacterial and fungal cultures commonly known as pathogens, collected at specific clinical sites.這項研究分析了基線細菌和真菌培養,俗稱為病原體,在特定的臨床網站收集。 The cultures were incubated and separate culture counts (colony-forming units, or CFUs) for specific microbes were recorded for the given clinical area.他們在培養和獨立的文化計數為特定微生物(菌落形成單位,或CFUs)為給定的臨床區域的記錄。 The samples are identified by a gram stain and special growth media and samples of unique clinical interest such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) are studied in depth, identifying genus and species in varying culture media.樣品確定由革蘭氏染色和特殊的生長介質和獨特的興趣,如耐甲氧西林金黃色葡萄球菌的臨床樣本(MRSA)的深入研究,確定在不同的文化傳媒的屬和物種。 Samples and cultures are collected at specific times for a 24-hour period after the installation and use of the Airocide bioconversion unit, revealing up to a 300% reduction of airborne microbes. Click here for study details. Airocide生物轉化裝置的安裝和使用後的24小時內收集的樣品和文化是在特定的時間,揭示高達300%減少到空氣中的微生物。點擊這裡研究的詳情。


Hold Your Breath屏住呼吸

With every exhaled breath, whatever can be airborne is airborne.每呼出一口氣,什麼可以空降空降。 Bacterial meningitis, influenza, tuberculosis and strep throat, just to name a few.細菌性腦膜炎,流感,肺結核,咽喉炎,只是僅舉幾例。 They will stay and grow as long as they are allowed to.他們將保持和發展,只要他們被允許。 No surgical mask or faceplate effectively defends against them.無外科口罩或面板,有效地抵禦他們。
Airocide® bioconversion systems eliminate 99.999 percent of airborne microorganisms on the very first pass. Airocide ®生物轉化系統非常第一遍消除空氣中的微生物的99.999%。 Taking them apart, one atom at a time and turning them into harmless vapor.把它們分開,一次一個原子,把它們變成無害的水蒸氣。 Without producing any ozone or other harmful byproducts.不產生任何臭氧或其他有害的副產品。
Proven in clinical studies.在臨床研究證明。 Proven in real world hospitals.在現實世界的醫院證明。 Developed by NASA and requiring no filters or maintenance besides changing light bulbs once a year, it couldn't be easier to use.由美國宇航局和開發,除了每年一次改變燈泡無需過濾器或維護,不能使用更方便。
Good dental hygiene helps patients lead healthier lives.良好的口腔衛生可以幫助患者過上健康的生活。 But, what about their internal health—and yours; and that of your colleagues, technicians and other staff who attend them?但是,其內部的健康和你的;和你的同事,技術人員和其他工作人員參加他們的怎么樣? It's the reason so many clinics and outpatient surgeries are installing Airocide bioconversion systems; making the air safer to work in.它的原因,這么多的診所和門診手術,安裝Airocide生物轉化系統,使空氣更安全的工作。
Explore the evidence.探索的證據。 Then put Airocide to work for you.然後把Airocide為你工作。CASE STUDY: Oral Surgery/ Periodontics.案例研究:口腔外科/牙周病。 Air sampling tests performed in an active oral surgery and periodontal facility to measure the efficacy of the Airocide bioconversion system in eliminating airborne bacterial colony forming units (CFUs).在活躍的口腔外科和牙周設施來衡量Airocide生物轉化系統的功效,在消除空氣中的細菌菌落形成單位(CFUs)進行空氣採樣測試。Tests resulted in airborne mold/fungi reduction of 66% in the operating room (OR#3) and 100% in the adjacent corridor in 48 hours.測試結果,在空氣中的黴菌/真菌在手術室里減少了66%(或#3),在相鄰的走廊在48小時內100%。 Airborne bacteria were reduced by 82% in the corridor in the same 48 hours.空氣中的細菌減少了82%,在相同的48小時內的走廊。
Note: Airborne bacteria levels were found to be at or near zero in OR#3 throughout the test. Click here for study details. .註:整個測試過程中發現空氣中的細菌水平達到或接近零或#3 ,研究的詳情,點擊這裡。


Download Case Study PDFAiroCideTM Air Quality-ImprovementTM Systems AiroCideTM ImprovementTM系統空氣品質 AiroCide is a unique airborne pathogen killing technology that uses a patented combination of ultraviolet light and a proprietary titanium based photocatalyst. AiroCide是一個獨特的空氣傳播的病原體殺死技術,它使用的紫外線和專有的鈦基光觸媒的專利組合。 The AiroCide technology and developing product line is clinically proven and field tested to kill/remove/eliminate airborne pathogenic and non-pathogenic microorganisms in vegetative and spore states (bacteria, mold & fungi, viruses and dust mites), allergens, odors and harmful volatile organic compounds (VOC's ) in Medical/Healthcare, Child Care, Consumer Household, Mold Remediation, Athletic and Sports Facilities, Corrections Facilities and Food Preservation applications. AiroCide技術和開發的產品線,是經過臨床驗證和現場測試,殺/刪除/消除空氣中的致病性和非致病性微生物在營養生長和孢子狀態(細菌,黴菌和真菌,病毒和塵蟎),過敏,異味及有害揮發有機化合物(VOC)的醫療/保健,兒童保健,消費家用,模具整治,體育和體育設施,懲教設施和食品保鮮套用。

Doctors' Offices醫生辦公室

Healthcare Workers Are Exposed Every Day.醫護人員每天接觸。 Consider this, the Airocide® bioconversion system is clinically proven to eliminate 99.999 percent of all airborne microorganisms.考慮這一點,Airocide ®生物轉化系統,經臨床驗證,以消除空氣中的微生物的99.999%。 Proven in clinical studies.在臨床研究證明。 Proven in real world working operating theatres.證明在現實世界中工作的手術室。 Even eliminating harmful VOCs—protecting the lives of patients and those who care for them.甚至消除有害的揮發性有機化合物,保護患者的生命和那些關心他們。
Coughs and sneezes, viruses and bacteria of all kinds surround your patients and your staff.咳嗽和打噴嚏時,各種病毒和細菌,環繞你的病人和你的員工。 If either one is sick, they're likely to infect the other.如果任何一個生病,他們有可能感染其他。 Moreover, the bacteria and viruses they are carrying linger long after people have left the building.此外,他們攜帶的細菌和病毒流連忘返後不久的人離開大樓。
In a single practitioner's office as many as six patients an hour impact the air.在一個單一的醫生的辦公室病人多達六個小時影響空氣。 In a joint practice, that number jumps considerably.在一個聯合的實踐中,這一數字大大跳躍。 Add nurse practitioners and larger facilities and it grows even larger.新增護士執業和較大的設施,它的增長更大。 Physicians, nurses and staff are all affected, as well as every one of your patients seeking to get better, not worse.醫生,護士和工作人員都受到影響,以及每一個你變得更好,不會更差的病人。
The good news … there is simple treatment that dramatically drops the colony forming unit (CFU) count of airborne pathogens.好訊息... ...有簡單的治療,可顯著下降的菌落形成單位(CFU)計數空氣中的病原體。 The Airocide bioconversion system. Airocide生物轉化系統。
Explore the evidence to see how other healthcare facilities have put Airocide to work.探索的證據,其他醫療設施如何把Airocide工作。 Case Studies - Click Here .。




1、醋消毒法 食醋中含有醋酸等多種成分,具有一定的殺菌能力,常用作室內空氣消毒。10平方米左右的房間,可用食醋100~150克,加水2倍,放於瓷碗內用文火慢蒸,熏蒸時要關閉門窗。
2、噴霧法消毒 利用機械或化學氣霧劑將84消毒液等噴灑在空氣中,依靠懸浮在空氣中的氣溶膠對空氣進行淨化或消毒。流量可達每分鐘300mL,噴射距離最遠可達8m,操作簡便,並且可隨心所欲的對物體及織物表面進行多種角度的噴射消毒。
3、紫外線燈消毒 分為固定式照射,也移動式照射。按1.5W/m³配置,安裝高度約距離地面2.5m,照射時間需要60~120min,有很好的消毒效果,謹防照射人的眼睛、皮膚。
4、臭氧發生器消毒 分為微型,即臭氧產生量低,用於衛生潔淨、或小空間的消毒;大型,即使臭氧產生量較大,用於室內空氣消毒。臭氧消在相對濕度≥70%條件下,臭氧濃度4~6mg/m³,工作時間60min,可以達到消毒要求。臭氧對金屬有腐蝕作用,對橡膠、塑膠有加速老化作用,對人有一定毒性,消毒時人必須離開房間,消毒後待房間內聞不到臭氧氣味時才可進入房間。


1、空氣動態消毒機 獨立的空氣淨化消毒裝置,有櫃式、壁掛式、頂棚式等多種形式。一台2000m³/h風量的空氣動態消毒機在200m³空間的室內開啟60min,可以達到消毒要求。這種消毒器本身無毒無害,可以在有人情況下連續使用,還兼有除塵除有害氣體的作用。
2、綠草中藥消毒液 分為噴劑、熱蒸。以上品中草藥提煉,將原液按照75%濃度稀釋,按照60m³噴射30ml至空氣中,早晚各一次即可達到效果。
3、電漿瀰漫除味技術 採用將電漿瀰漫到空氣中的方式,分解空氣中的氣態污染物、有害細菌、病毒等,對處理異味效果也非常明顯。

