



1). Lanny was disappointed; he picked his cases and walked away along the sandy track.蘭尼很失望,拿起箱子沿沙路走去。

2). We cannot see sound waves as they travel through air. 聲波在空氣中傳播時,是看不見的。

3). Electrical leakage will cause a fire; hence you must take good care of it. 漏電會引起火災,因此必須注意。

4). He works as usual as if nothing happened to him. 他照常工作,好像什麼也沒有發生過。

5). She felt the flowers were in her fingers, on her lips, growing in her breast. 她覺得手裡和唇上都是花兒,胸中也生長著花兒。

6). During their stay in Beijing, they visited some old friends of theirs. 在北京逗留期間,他們拜訪了一些老朋友。

7). Anyone who does not recognize this fact is not a materialist. 不承認這個事實就不是唯物主義者。

8). We have more water than land on the globe. 在地球上,水比陸地占的面積大。

9). We have 365 days in a year. 一年有365天。

10). It works wonder when you know how to use it, but when you don’t, it is not worth a fig. 知道如何使用就能創造奇蹟,否則就毫不足取。

11). Before you hand in your paper, you have to read it over and over and see if there is anything in it to be corrected and revised. Then you will have your work well done. 交卷前必須讀幾遍,看有沒要修改的地方。這樣你的工作就會做得好了。

12). Let them blockade us. Let them blockade us for eight or ten years! By that time all of China’s problems will have been solved. 封鎖吧,封鎖十年八年,到那時候中國的一切問題就都解決了。

13). One must have studied hard before one could succeed in mastering a foreign language. 必須努力學習才能掌握一門外語。

14). In sooth I know not why I am so sad:It wearies me:you say it wearies you; But how I caught it, found it or came by it, what stuff it’s made of, where of it is born, I am to learn; And such a want-wit sadness makes of me, That I have much ado to know myself. (The Merchant of Venice) 老實說我不知道為什麼這樣憂愁,使得我也很煩惱;你說使得你厭煩;不過這憂愁我是怎樣染上的;怎樣尋到的,怎樣獲得的,是什麼東西做成的,從什麼地方生出來的,我還得研究;憂愁把我弄得如此糊塗,以致我很難有自知之明了。

15). Everyone has got a copy of English textbook, have you got it? 每人一本英語教科書,你拿到了沒有?

16). She laid her hand gently on his arm as if to thank him. 她輕輕把手放在他的胳膊上,好象表示感謝。

17). Her dark hair waved untidy across her broad forehead, her face was short, her upper lip short, showing a glint to teeth, her brows were straight and dark, her lashes long and dark, her nose straight. 她烏黑的頭髮,亂蓬蓬地撒落在寬寬的額頭上,臉很短,上唇也很短露出光亮的牙齒。直直的眉毛很黑,長さ慕扌瀉芎冢?親又敝鋇摹?

18). It is regrettable that our appeal has remained a dead letter. 遺憾的是,我們的呼籲如泥牛入海。

19). When he put his hand before X-rays, he saw the bones of his hands only. 他把手伸在X射線前面時,只見到手上的骨頭。

20). Friction always manifests itself as a force that opposes motion. 摩擦總是表現為一種對抗運動的力。

21). Liquids have no definite shape, yet they have a definite volume. 液體沒有一定的形狀,但有一定的體積。

22). He shrugged his shoulders, shook his head, cast up his eyes, but said nothing. 他聳聳肩,搖搖頭,兩眼看天,一句話不說。

23). It was necessary that the metal should melt at a low temperature. 當時那種金屬有必要在低溫時融化。

24). We have made it clear that agriculture is the foundation of the national economy. 農業是國民經濟的基礎,我們已說清楚了。

25). It is malleability that allows metal to deform permanently under compression without rupture. 正是展性使金屬在壓力下永久變形而不斷裂。

26). It was not until the 19 century that heat was considered a form of energy. 直到十九世紀,熱才被認為是能的一種形式。

27). Plants make use of the oxygen in the carbon dioxide that they obtain from the air. 植物利用從空氣中獲得的二氧化碳中的氧氣。

28). Matter comprises all the substances of which the universe is composed. 物質包含構成宇宙的各種實體。

29). Outside it was pitch dark and it was raining cats and dogs. 外面漆黑一團,大雨滂沱。

30). Thus we may have a forlorn hope of making a bridge between them in the next two or three weeks. 由此可見近兩、三周內在他們之間進行溝通的希望渺茫。


1). It is something between a cup and a bowl. 這東西既不象杯子又不象碗。

2). An ambassador is an honest man who lies abroad for the good of his country. 大使是為了本國的利益,駐在國外(說謊)的正人君子。

3). Long after the lorry had gone, after the trail of dust had settled, and the earth and the sky were in the same place, Lanny stood there, staring at nothing, thinking of nothing, feeling nothing. 卡車過去許久,拖起的塵土早已落下,天地連在一線,蘭尼站在那兒什麼也不看,什麼也不想,什麼感覺也沒有。

4). A square has four equal sides. 正方形四邊相等。

5). The horse is a useful animal. 馬是有用的動物。

6). A census is the official count of the number of people living in a city, state, or country. 人口調查是對居住在一個城市、一個州或一個國家的全部人數的統計。

7). The bullet wounded him in the leg. 子彈打中了他的腿。

8). The bear never touches dead animals. 熊從不沾死動物。

9). The fuselage of a modern airplane is all of metal construction. 現代飛機的機身是全金屬結構的。

10). The sun rises at six every morning in winter. 冬天太陽六點鐘升起。

11). A leader should be patient in dealing with problems. 作為領導處理問題時需要耐心。

12). A parrot can talk like a man. 鸚鵡會象人一樣地講話。

13). The family is the unit of society. 家庭為社會的單位。

14). The moon was slowly rising above the sea. 月亮慢慢地從海上升起。

15). Turn to the left and you’ll find the post-office. 如果你往左拐就可看到郵局。

16). The United States of today developed from the English colonies on the Atlantic coast of North America. 今天的美國是從北美洲大西洋沿岸的英國殖民地發展起來的。

17). The steel of Ashan is of very good quality. 鞍山的鋼,品質優良。

18). You’ve never felt the bitterness of retreat. 你們從未感覺過撤退的痛苦。

19). A friend exaggerates a man’s virtues, an enemy his crimss. 朋友夸其德,敵人訴其過。

20). Slowly he came to the horse’s side. Jed kept watching the rocks. 他慢慢來到馬旁,基德則留心岩石中的動靜。

21). He walked around the house and stopped at the open door where the smell was stronger. 它繞著房子,而後停在氣味更濃烈的門前,門開著。

22). The mountain is awake, the river is awake, … and it is all for you. 大山醒啦,大河也醒啦…而這一切都是為了您呀!

23). The ball felt light as a feather against his big bones. 球掉在他的大手上輕如鴻毛。

24). The sun was beginning to color the sky above. 太陽正開始給天空塗抹色彩。

25). The floor looked like glass under the feet of the dancers. 跳舞人腳下的地板看來好象光溜溜的玻璃。


1). These developing countries possess vast territories, large population and abundant natural resources. 這些開發中國家土地遼闊、人口眾多、資源豐富。

2). He was smooth, and agreeable to meet. 他處事圓滑,待人和藹。

3). There are two cylinders of equal mass, one being solid and the other hollow. 有兩個質量相等的圓柱體,一個實心的,另一個是空心的。

4). All of us know that the conductivity of semiconductors changes with temperature. 我們都知道,半導體的導電性隨溫度而變化。

5). A gas becomes hotter if it is compressed. 氣體受壓縮,溫度就升高。

6). No matter whether you believe me or not, the new China has become one of the world powers. 信不信由你,新中國已成為世界強國之一。

7). I will be punished for I have made too many mistakes in my exercises. 我一定會受罰, 我作業中錯誤太多了.

8). When the masses are of one heart, everything becomes easy. 人心齊,泰山移。

9). Since it is not proposed to discuss economic problems in detail, I shall not go into them further. 沒打算詳細地談經濟問題,我就不進一步講了。

10). Although you may escort a guest a thousand miles, yet the parting must come at last. 送君千里,終有一別。

11). Come if you like. 高興來就來。

12). So long as green hills remain, there will never be a shortage of firewood. 留有青山在,哪怕沒柴燒。

13). They climbed up the hill higher and higher. 他們往山上爬,越爬越高。

14). If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 冬天來了,春天還會遠嗎?

15). Everything is good when new, but friends when old. 東西是新的好,朋友是老的真。

16). We will go and see the film this evening. 今天晚上我們去看電影。

17). I will go as soon as you come here. 你來了我馬上就走。

18). If there were no such a thing as gravity, we could not run or jump rope or swim or have a cold drink. 沒有重力,我們就不能跑步,不能跳繩、游泳,不能喝冷飲。

19). If I had known it, I would not have made a friend with him. 早知如此,我就不和他交朋友了。

20). Fight when you can win, move away when you can’t. 能取勝就打,否則就跑。

21). The sea around the little stony island seemed an endless desert, stretching miles and miles to the horizon. 圍繞著這小小石島的海好象是片無際的沙漠,一直伸出去不知多少里直到天邊。

22). The children entered the classroom and took their seats. 孩子門走進了教室,坐到了自己的座位上。

23). I shall write and thank him. 我要寫信謝謝他。

24). That substances expand when heated and contract when cooled is a common physical phenomenon. 物質熱脹冷縮是一種普通的物理現象。

25). The result of invention of steam engine was that human power was replaced by mechanical power. 蒸汽機發明的結果是機械動力代替了人力。


1). Just between you and me. (天知地知)你知我知。

2). In the morning the dust hung like fog, and the sun was as red as ripe new blood. 清晨,塵土籠罩,猶如霧一般,太陽似殷紅的鮮血。

3). The father led the son by the hand. 父親拎著兒子的手。

4). He folded his hand behind him. 他倒背著手。

5). The door opened, and in came Mr. Smith, with a book in his hand. 門開了,史密斯先生走了過來,手裡拿著一本書。

6). The difference between the two machines consists in power. 這兩台機器的差別在於功率不同。

7). Between them, they saved enough money to buy a car. 他們一起積蓄了足以買一輛汽車的錢。

8). Sounds having the same frequency are in resonance. 具有相同頻率的聲音會共振。

9). A body in motion remains in motion at a constant speed in a straight line without the action of an external force. 沒有外力的作用,運動中的物體就連續作勻速直線運動。

10). The unit of measurement of the pressure of water is kilogram. 水壓的計量單位是公斤。

11). When a substance changes only in state or in form, it is a physical change. 當一種物質只改變狀態或形式時,就是物理變化。

12). For fastening aircraft parts together, riveting is adopted. 採用鉚接法,把飛行器部件連線在一起。

13). Hydrogen is the lightest element with an atomic weight of 1.008. 氫是最輕的元素,原子量為1.008。

14). Smoking is prohibited in public places. 公共場所不準吸菸。

15). In winter, it is much colder in the North than it is in the South. 冬天,北方比南方冷的多

16). Candidates for this company are expected to be skilled at using a computer. 這家公司要求應聘人員能熟練使用計算機。

17). In the morning we have four classes. 上午我們有四節課。

18). We go to the countryside in summer. 夏天我們去農村。

19). The People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949. 1949年成立中華人民共和國。

20). We’ve studied English for three years. 我們已學習英語三年了。

21). Can you see the picture on the wall? 你能看見牆上的畫嗎?

22). No imperialist country can survive long in the world. 世上無一帝國主義國家能夠久存。

23). Recently in Japan robbery has often been committed in broad daylight. 近 來日本常有盜案在光天化日之下發生。

24). In the capitalist countries the masses have no confidence in or love for the state power. 資本主義國家內人民不信任政權,也不愛戴政權。

25). Comrade Liu has got ahead with his work. 劉同志工作取得了進展。

26). The gadget takes apart for cleaning. 這個小機件是可以拆開來洗的。

27). Have you heard of the news? 你聽到這個訊息了嗎?

28). I will inform him of the time of the meeting. 我要把開會的時間通知他。(我通知他開會的時間。)

29). It reminds me of my motherland. 這叫我想起了祖國。

30). At night the city was pitch dark, like a forest, and Natasha shivered –--- the darkness frightened her. 夜間滿城漆黑,象座森林;娜塔莎怕黑,直哆嗦。


1). The crisis, however, was short-lived. 這次危機時間不長。

2). This speech to the Senate was as bald and brief as his address to soldiers. 給議會的演講就像給士兵講話一樣簡短而無味。

3). These developing countries cover vast territories, encompass a large population and abound in natural resources. 這些開發中國家地大物博,人口眾多。

4). Our country enjoys ever–growing international prestige and we have friends all over the world. 我們國家的國際威望日益增長,我們的朋友遍天下。

5). Seven o’clock found John up and dressed. 七點鐘,約翰起床穿衣。

6). Although the forests could initially supply sufficient timber, the process of lumbering was extremely difficult, particularly because of the lack of roads. 雖然森林最初能提供充足的木材,但特別是因缺少道路,伐木過程十分艱難。

7). It is encouraging to note that in recent years, cigarette smokers have been on the decline, especially among older people. 令人鼓舞的是近幾年吸菸的人數在減少,尤其是年長者。(省譯動詞)

8). The 1960’s saw a change in the form and content of movies, treating subjects that for so many years were prohibited. 20世紀60年代,電影的形式和內容都發生了變化,處理了多年來禁止的主題。(省譯動詞)

9). Worldwide fame burst upon Albert Einstein on November 7, 1919, when British astronomers announced they had found the first confirmation of Einstein’s general relativity. 1919年11月7日,當英國天文學家宣布他們已首次驗證了愛因斯坦廣義相對論時,愛因斯坦立即舉世聞名。(省譯動詞)

10). Although air travel is still very expensive, its great speed makes it probably our most important means of transportation. 乘飛機旅行花費很大,但飛機的高速度也許會使其成為我們最重要的交通工具。


1). I have got the devil of a toothache. 我牙疼的要命。

2). It would make the deuce of a scandal. 這純粹是誹謗。

3). I should be very grateful if you could notify me of your decisions at your earliest convenience. 如能早日告知你的決定,我不勝感激。

4). Anyone who fails to meet the basic prerequisites will have to sit in an examination designed for this purpose. 達不到基本條件者,都要通過專門考試。

5). Sunday is the day when I am least busy. 星期天我最不忙。

6). There was no snow, the leaves were gone from the trees, the grass was dead. 天未下雪,但葉落草枯。

7). From this moment, each day that passes, each event that happens, helps our doctrine, but also, alas, the enemy who is putting it into practice. 從現 在起,時 時,事事,都有利於我們的學說,但是哎呀也幫助了把這一學說附諸於實踐的敵人。

8). People will be alert and receptive if they are faced with information that gets them to think about things they are interested in. 如果人們遇到的信息能使他們想起感興趣的事情,他們就會很留心而且願意接受。

9). The structure of that recently designed lathe looks as illustrated schematically in fig.9. 那台最 近設計的車床的結構,如圖9所示。

10). Although many modifications have been made in it, the game known in the United States as football can be traced directly to the English game of rugby. 雖然足球賽已作了許多改進,但美國的足球賽可直接追溯到英國的橄欖球賽。

11). Never has the question of family size attracted as much attention in his country as it is getting now. 在他的國家裡家庭大小從來沒有像現在這樣引人關注。

12). In addition, penicillin was instrumental in keeping wounds from getting infected and in helping to speed the healing process of those wounds that did become infected. 此外,青黴素對防止傷口感染和加速確已感染的傷口癒合都很有效。

13). Advertising has become a very big business, and good firms in it do all they can to make sure it is conducted with some attention to truth. 廣告已成為一個很大的行業,信譽好的廣告公司都盡一切努力確保廣告的真實性。

14). Having said he would mend the clock, he discovered that he had not brought the right tools for the job. 他說他能修鍾,但發現沒拿對工具。

15). Physics is the study of heat, sound, magnetism, electricity, light, the properties of matter and what it is composed of. 物理學研究的是熱、聲、磁、電、光、物質的性質和成分。


