

申萬里:男,南開大學歷史學院 博士研究生,武漢大學歷史學院教授,博士生導師,中國元史研究會理事,主要從事元史、中國古代教育史、士人史研究,近期研究方向:元代的政治與社會。承擔課程:中國通史(元明部分)、中國法制史、中國歷史文獻檢索與利用、中國古代民眾的日常生活。 先後承擔國家社科基金青年項目,國家社科基金青年項目主要科研項目,國家社科基金後期資助項目等課題;出版專著《理想、尊嚴與生存掙扎:元代江南士人與社會綜合研究》、《元代教育研究》等,發表著論文數十篇。專著《元代教育研究》獲武武漢市第十一屆社會科學優秀成果獎。



1996-1999,內蒙古大學內蒙古近現代史研究所 碩士研究生

1999-2002,南開大學歷史學院 博士研究生












2012a. Ideal, Dignity, and Struggle for Existence: The Southern Literati and the Society in Yuan Dynasty China, Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company,2012.


2012b. The southern literati in Yuan-shang-du, Journal of History Science, 8(2012), pp.37-47.


2012c. Study on the Mental world of the Literati in the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, Wuhan University Journal, 2(2012), pp.115-122.


2012d. The Daily Life of the Southern Literati in Yuan Dynasty:Guo Bi as Example Wanbei Culture Study 3(2012), pp. 37-73.


2009a. Tth Yizhuang in Local Society in the South in Yuan Dynasty, Journal of Minzu University of China 2 (2009), pp. 78-83.


2009b. Study of Guanyu Worship in Song-Yuan-Ming Dynasty China The Humanities

Journal 2008, pp809-834.


2009c Zhang Xuan and his Damily Forum of Yuan History 11(2009), pp 269-278.


2008a. The Rendering Wall and Its Social Functions in Yuan Dynasty, Journal of Chinese Historical Study 1(2008),pp.99-110.


2008b. The Southern Confucian scholars in the capital of Yuan dynasty. Journal of History Science, 10(2008), pp41-50.


2007a.The Education of Yuan Dynasty , Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2007.


2007b. The Confucian colleges of Qing Yuan Area in Yuan Dynasty China, Journal of Xiaozhuang Nan Jing College 5 (2007), pp.112-118.


2007c. The Zheng Family in Pujiang Area in Yuan Dynasty: a Case Study of the big family in Ancient China The humilities Journal 2005, pp.371-400.


2007d. The Network of Xu Heng in Yuan Dynasty, Xu Heng and the Culture, pp165-182, Zhongzhou Guji press, 2007.


2006a. Traveling Scholars in Yuan Dynasty, Journal of Chinese Historical Study 2 (2006), pp.119-130. This essay is embodied in “Information Center for Social Sciences, RUC” History of Song, Liao, Jin and Yuan Dynasties 3 (2006), pp.54-61.


2006b. A New Study of the Ying-chang City in Yuan Dynasty, Journal of Inner Mongolia University 5 (2006), pp.29-34.


2005a. 《元代學官選注巡檢考》,《中央民族大學學報》2005年第5期,第73-79頁。

Selecting the Scholars as the Sub-district Deputy Magistrate under Mongol rule, Journal of the Central University for Nationalities 5 (2005), pp.73-79.

2005b. The Research of the Country Drinking Ceremony Systems in Song and Yuan

Dynasty, Journal of Historical science 2 (2005), pp.28-36.


2005c. The Research of the Country Confucian Scholars in Southern China under

Mongol rule, Forum of Yuan History 10 (2005), pp.302-317.


2004a. The Confucian Temple Sacrifice in Yuan Dynasty, Jinan History 3, pp.283-304. Guangzhou: Jinan University Press, 2004.


2003a. The Situation and the Transformation of the Social Roles of the Confucian Scholars in the Early Time of Yuan Dynasty, Journal of Historical Science 9 (2003), pp.46-54.


2003b. The Teaching of the Confucian Colleges and Schools in Southern China under Mongol rule, Journal of Inner Mongolia University 3 (2003), pp.39-44.


2003c. The network of the Confucian Scholars under Mongol rule: Dai Biao-yuan as Example, Journal of Wuhan University 4 (2003), pp.402-407.


2003d. The Managing System of the Confucian colleges and schools in Southern China in Yuan Dynasty, Studies on Yuan and Nationalities History 16 (2003), pp.168-183.


2003e. The Class of the Educational officials in Southern China under Mongol rule, The Humanities Journal (2003), pp.378-418.《元代江南教官群體研究》,《人文論叢》2003年卷,第378-418頁。

2003f. The Arrangement of the Confucian Colleges and Schools in Southern China in Yuan Dynasty, Jinan History 2, pp.147-172. Guangzhou: Jinan University Press, 2003.


2003g. Wan-zhe-hu-du: the Last Queen of Yuan Dynasty, Historical Monthly(Taiwan) 184, pp.101-105.


2002a. The Discussion of “Miaoxue” in Yuan Dynasty, Journal of Inner Mongolia University 2 (2002), pp.22-26. This essay is embodied in “Information Center for Social Sciences, RUC”, History of Song, Liao, Jin and Yuan Dynasties 3 (2002), pp.65-69.


2002b. The Fate of Mongolia Prince Zhenjin in Yuan Dynasty History Monthly(Taiwan) 169, pp.51-56.


2001a. The Education of Qingyuan Region in Yuan Dynasty, Forum of Yuan History 8 (2001), pp.182-193.




