
武漢工程大學外語學院,建繫於2000年,2006年3月成立外語學院。學院下設六個教研室和兩個中心:大學英語第一教研室、大學英語第二教研室、大學英語聽說教研室、英語專業教研室、商務英語教研室、研究生英語教研室以及考試研究與培訓中心、外語教學實踐中心。配備有多媒體語言實驗室17間,多媒體視聽討論室5間, 商務英語模擬實驗室1間,錄音棚1間以及資料室1間。











黨委書記: 楊進

院 長:李瓊


副書記:郭 昕


Institute of Technology


School of Foreign Languages of Wuhan Institute of Technology, the former English department founded in the year of 2000, was newly upgraded in March, 2006. School of Foreign Languages has six offices and two centers, namely, College English Office l, College English Office 2, Office of College English Listening & Speaking, Office of English Majors, Office of Business English, Office of Post-graduates, Testing & Training center and Researching Centre for Foreign Language Teaching and Learning. Equipped with 17 multi-media Language labs, 5 audiovisual labs,1 simulated lab of Business English, 1 sound studio and 1 library, the school has been sparing no efforts to facilitate the best environment for both teachers and students.

Amounting to 88, among which 79 are professional teachers, the faculty consists of I honorary professor, 14 associated professors, 20 lecturers, 45 teaching assistants and 6 to 8 foreign teachers. They shoulder varied teaching tasks, from undergraduates to graduates, from non-Englsih majors to English majors. At present, the number of English majors has been up to 1000 since the beginning of the enrollment in 2002.


The school is proud of many experienced and supremely-skilled professors, the devoted teaching elites and a school of energetic and aggressive young teachers, including oversea graduates. The great importance has been attaching to the construction of facluty and the promotion of quality in teaching. Aiming at raising teachers’ teaching and researching ability, various methods have been implemented, such as sending out teachers for further study and research, the indraught of talents, nurturing teachers with jointed efforts of other universities, long or short-term taining domestically or abroad, etc. All the efforts have guaranteed a strong and potential faculty team with multi-leveled and comprehensive academic capabilities. In recent three years, dozens of researching projects at provincial or collegiate level have been done and hundreds of papers have been published. Teachers have won many first or second prizes in the teaching competitions organized by the institute. And English teaching has been highly praised by the students as well as supervision experts.

Year after year, by meeting the requirement of the Department of Education and the institue meticulously and cautiously and by studying the methods to improve the teaching quality devotedly and prfoundly, the school enjoys pleasant and rich achievements in teaching and scientific research. For example, 7 different courses have been appraised as high-quality courses of Hubei province or the Institute respectively. In addition, with the determination of carrying out the teaching reform and student-oriented teaching methodology to motivate students in their study and to develop their ability of doing self-study, the school have witnessed the improving performance of students in CET4 and EMT and numerous awards won by students in all kinds of English-speaking contests provincial-wide or national- wide, such as "CCTV cup" National English Speaking Contest, "21st Century" National English Speaking Contest, etc.

With the implement of innovation and construction, the English-specialized field has formed its own prominent characteristics of the combination of foreign language and other specialties. And it is firmly believed that, under the joint hands, practical policies and specific working objects, the school is and will be sending talents with comprehensive capabilities.

Core Leadership


Secretary of the Communist Party:Yang Jin

Dean of school: Li Qiong

Vice Dean: Du Lihua Han Gaojun

Vice Secretary of the Communist Party: Guo Xin



