
paste paste paste


原料:1張 9寸派皮 2個 檸檬 4個 雞蛋 (蛋清蛋黃要分開) 40克 黃油 1杯 水(250毫升) 檸檬茉苒派
1/3杯 玉米澱粉 (記住一定要用凝固性能好的澱粉) 1杯+2大勺 白糖 1/4小勺 鹽 (如果你用的黃油已經帶鹽了,這個就可以省去) 派皮先用180度烤箱烤8分鐘,取出涼著 取一個檸檬刮皮,皮剁成細屑 兩個檸檬都切開擠汁待用 玉米澱粉、1杯白糖、鹽,用水混合,中火煮開1分鐘。煮的時候注意不斷攪拌。 煮出來是象漿糊一樣厚厚的。 蛋黃打散,把熱的‘漿糊’一勺勺舀進蛋黃,並且立即攪拌開,一直重複到用完一半以上的‘漿糊’。再把蛋黃糊倒進剩餘‘漿糊’里,攪拌均勻。 ‘漿糊’回到灶頭上,用小火加熱,並且輕輕攪拌入黃油、檸檬汁、檸檬皮屑攪拌均勻後熄火 蛋清用打蛋機打散,逐漸加入2大勺糖,打至乾性發泡剛剛形成。 (不要打太幹了,太乾不容易整形) 烤好的派皮,放入熱的檸檬漿糊,抹上蛋清發泡,200度烤12分鐘 注意: 1、檸檬漿糊一定是要熱的。不然烤箱溫度就浪費到加熱檸檬漿糊上去了 2、蛋清發泡一定要覆蓋滿整個派,蓋住檸檬漿糊,接觸到派皮。不然烤後會收縮,露出檸檬漿糊不好看。 3、蛋清發泡不要抹得平平的,有拔出尖尖來,烤出來的才漂亮。也可以考慮用裱花嘴來擠出漂亮的花紋。


Material: A 9-inch Pine Paper 2 lemon 4 eggs (egg yolk to separate) 40 g butter 1 cup water (250 ml) 1 / 3 cup corn starch (remember must use good coagulation properties of starch) 1 cup + 2 tablespoons sugar 1 / 4 tsp salt (if you have been with salt, butter, and this will save) Pine skin first with 180-degree oven 8 minutes, remove the cold with Take a lemon frying, skin chopped fine crumbs Set aside two lemons are cut Jizhi Corn starch, 1 cup sugar, salt, water mixture, cook over medium heat 1 minute to open. Cooking time and constantly stirring. Cooked is as thick as paste. Beat egg yolks into the hot 'paste' spoon scoop a spoonful into the egg yolk, and stir immediately to open, has spent more than half of repeat to 'paste'. Then pour the remaining egg yolk paste 'paste' in, mix well. 'Glue' return to the stove, on low heat heat, and gently stir into the butter, lemon juice, lemon zest Stir and turn off Beat with a Mixer beat egg whites, gradually adding 2 tablespoons sugar, beat until just dry foam formation. (Do not play too dry, too dry, not easy shaping) Baked pie skin, into the hot lemon paste, smeared egg white foam, 200 degrees bake 12 minutes Note: 1 lemon paste must be hot. Otherwise, a waste to heat the oven temperature to paste up a lemon 2, egg white foam over the entire school must be covered, cover lemon paste, access to the school paper. Otherwise roast will shrink, revealing lemon paste does not look good. 3, egg white foam will not impeccably flat, there are sharp to pull out, it pretty baked out. Can also consider using cake out of the mouth to a beautiful pattern.

