


• wanchun Yang,Yuegang Xu, Wanyi Gu,” The Path Setup Latency Analysis of the two Policies in ASON/GMPLS Networks”,Jounal of Optical communications,2008, Issue 1, pp.65-69
• Wanchun Yang, Jinxun Zhong, Jie Zhang, Yuegang Xu, Wanyi Gu, “'Channel Statistical Multiplexing in SDH/SONET Networks”, IEE Proceedings Communications, Volume 152, Issue 4, p. 447-451 (SCI源期刊,SCI/EI檢索)
• Wanchun Yang, Jiezhang, Song Yu, and Wanyi Gu,”Performance estimation of the protection with LCAS and virtual concatenation in metropolitan area networks”, European Transactions on Telecommunications, Volume 16, Issue 6 , p. 537-543 (SCI源期刊,SCI/EI檢索)
Wanchun Yang ; Zhenbin Ge; Wanyi Gu, “A smart metropolitan area optical network in the future”, The International Society for Optical Engineering, Network architectures, management, and applications. Conference No2, 2005, vol. 5626 (2), pp. 813-819(EI檢索)
• Wanchun Yang, Yuegang Xu , and Wanyi Gu, “The New technologies in Metropolitan Area Networks”, The 16th International Conference on computer communication, pp. 1339-1342
• Wanchun Yang, Yuegang Xu, Wanyi Gu,” Next Generation SDH/SONET Networks for Multi-Services”, The 3th International Conference on Optical communications and Networks
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• 楊萬春,韓大海,徐躍剛,顧畹儀,“內嵌MPLS的多業務傳送平台(MSTP)”,光通信技術,pp. 28-30, 3,2005
• 楊萬春, 韓大海, 徐躍剛, 顧畹儀,”內嵌RPR的多業務傳送平台”,光通信技術
• 楊萬春,徐躍剛,“面向3G的多業務傳輸平台MSTP”, 現代有線傳輸,第5期,2004



