

梅志榮城市地下工程設計施工理論研究領域學術造詣較深,在鐵道以及交通行業享有較高的知名度,是該領域的學科帶頭人。先後主持和主要參加完成了20多項國家和省部重大科研項目,主要有“隧道TXP非線性有限元計算程式研製”、“隧道工程圍岩穩定性監測和信息化設計技術”、 “鬆散圍岩市政隧道淺埋暗挖法修建新技術”、“隧道襯砌結構火災損傷評定與修復加固措施研究”、“現代城市雙洞雙線隧道修建技術研究”、“崑崙山和風火山隧道關鍵技術研究”、“高原多年凍土隧道滲漏水治理技術研究”、“鐵路隧道全環整體模築襯砌研究”、“大夥房輸水工程長隧洞修建技術”、“超長隧洞突發性地質災害的安全施工技術研究”、“新型錨桿的開發研究”、“鐵路隧道TBM施工連續出碴技術與設備國產化(方案)研究”、“客運專線隧道全斷面預加固技術的套用研究”、“瀏陽河隧道下穿瀏陽河施工坍方透水風險控制技術研究”、“岩溶隧道突水災害預測預報系統研究”等。
Mei Zhirong, is a research fellow, doctoral tutor, director of Southwest Research Institute Co.Ltd.of C.R.E.C.G, registration civil engineer (rock & soil),and also is a standing directorof Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics and Engineering, vice master director of Chinese Society for Tunneling and Underground works, standing director of Chinese Association for Rock & Soil Anchored Projects, director of China railway Society , etc.
Typical projects
Mr.Mei have Engaged in research of tunneling and underground works for years,master minded and attended about 20 national and province/ministry important research item and many technique innovation items, mainly including
Non-Linearity finite-element analysis program of tunnel TXP
Monitoring for the stability of rock in tunnel engineering and dynamic design
Double lining supporting technique in tunnel engineering
New construction technique of Dayao mountain railway tunnel
Study on working state of lining structure for tunnel under vibration loads of train
Study on lining structure formation under high ground stress for Qinling tunnel
Undercutting construction technology of a shallow municipal tunnel in loose surrounding rock
Study on assessment of fire damage in tunnel structure and its restoration and reinforcement measures
Study on the construction technique of double tunnel with double line in modern city
Study on the Technical Scheme of equipment for full circular monolithic lining structure in building tunnel
Study on the safety construction technique of paroxysmal geologic hazards in Dahuofang water tunnels in Liaoning province
also some projects, including
Municipal tunnel under Shuncheng street in Chengdu
Underground pipeline jacking in sandy cobble bed in the west of Sichuan province
State special grade award for scientific and technological progress, once(main attender)
State first grade award for scientific and technological progress, once(collectivity)
Province/Ministry second grade for Scientific and technological progress, twice
Province/Ministry third grade for Scientific and technological progress, three times
Xiamen second grade for Scientific and technological progress, once
4 patents
A number of masters and doctors have been guided
Locomotive medal of Ministry of Railways in 2001
Super-contribution excellent expert of Sichuan Province in 2002
Leader of Railway Engineering Subject of Chinese Society for Railway in 2003
Leader of Engineering Technology Subject of Sichuan Province in 2005


