
李艷琴是教授, 副教授 藥理學 武漢大學藥學院。



2008 – 2009 博士後 藥理學 美國匹茲堡大學醫學院藥理系。
2005 – 2008 博士 藥理學 北京大學。
2003 – 2004 聯合培養研究生 北京301醫院/第二炮兵總醫院。
2002 – 2005 碩士 病理生理學 武漢大學。
1997 – 2002 學士 臨床醫學 武漢大學。

2010 – 至今 副教授 藥理學 武漢大學藥學院。





1、藥物濫用和成癮 阿片類物質及其他神經活性物質(古柯鹼類、大麻類、酒精、尼古丁等)成癮的神經藥理機制及藥物作用靶標新發現,動物模型及治療新藥研發;
2、神經精神疾病藥物研究 主要包括精神分裂症和抑鬱症的神經病理機制及新藥作用機制研究;
3、代謝性疾病神經機制及藥物研究 主要包括肥胖、糖尿病等中樞神經內分泌病理調節機制及疾病預防藥物的研究;
4、新藥臨床前評價 包括治療神經精神系統疾病、腫瘤、心血管疾病、消化系統疾病等藥物的臨床前藥理及藥效評價。



2、中央高校專項研究基金: 2011.1-2012.12。




1、Li YQ, Xue YX, He YY, Li FQ, Xue LF, Xu CM, Sacktor TC, Shaham Y, Lu L. Inhibition of PKMzeta in nucleus accumbens core abolishes long-term drug reward memory. J Neurosci. 2011 Apr 6;31(14):5436-46.
2、Li YQ, Li FQ, Wang XY, Wu P, Zhao M, Xu CM, Shaham Y, Lu L. Central amygdala ERK signaling pathway is critical to incubation of opiate craving. J Neurosci. 2008 Dec 3;28(49):13248-57.
3、Li YQ, Wang XY, Zhai HF, Zheng YQ, Zhang XY, Kosten T, Lu L.. Effects of early postnatal sibling deprivation on anxiety and vulnerability to cocaine in offspring rats. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2008 Aug;199(2):245-53.
4、Li YQ, Wang XY, Zhai HF, Zhang XY, Kosten T, Lu L. Sex- and age-dependent effects of early postnatal sibling deprivation on spatial learning and memory in adult rats. Behav Brain Res. 2008 Jan 10;186(1):138-42.
5、Zhai H, Li YQ (co-first author), Wang X, Lu L.. Drug-induced alterations in extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) signalling pathway: implications for reinforcement and reinstatement (review). Cell Mol Neurobiol. 2008 Feb;28(2):157-72.
6、Fang Q, Li FQ, Li YQ, Xue YX, He YY, Liu JF, Lu L, Wang JS. Cannabinoid CB(1) receptor antagonist rimonabant disrupts nicotine reward-associated memory in rats. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 2011 Oct;99(4):738-42. Epub 2011 Jun 23.
7、Li FQ, Xue YX, Wang JS, Fang Q, Li YQ, Zhu WL, He YY, Liu JF, Xue LF, Shaham Y, Lu L. Basolateral amygdala Cdk5/p35 activity mediates cocaine rewarding memory. J Neurosci, 2010 Aug 4;30(31):10351-9.
8、Yu LL, Wang XY, Zhao M, Liu Y, Li YQ, Li FQ, Wang X, Xue YX, Lu L. Effects of cannabinoid CB1 receptor antagonist rimonabant in consolidation and reconsolidation of methamphetamine reward memory in mice. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2009 Jun;204(2):203-11.
9、Wang XY, Zhao M, Ghitza UE, Li YQ, Lu L. Stress impairs reconsolidation of drug memory via glucocorticoid receptors in the basolateral amygdale. J Neurosci. 2008 May 21;28(21):5602-10.
10、Liu J, Li YQ , Ouyang JP et al. Protective effects of NADH on cardiac fibroblasts apoptosis induced by hydrazine. Med J Chin PLA. (2008) 33: 305-307.
11、Li YQ , Liu J, Ouyang JP , et al. The mechanism of the apoptosis of cardiac fibroblast induced by hydrazine. Chin J Aerospace Med, (2006)17: 176-179.
12、Li YQ , Liu J, Ouyang JP , et al. Effect of hydrazine on Proliferation and apoptosis of cardiac fibroblast. Medical Journal of Wuhan University. (2005)26: 326-328.


1、The Fourth China-France Biotherapy and Regenerative Medicine International Symposium ,China,Wuhan,June 18-19, 2011.Yanqin Li, Yan-Xue Xue, Yin-Yin He, Fang-Qiong Li, Lif-Fen Xue, Chun-Mei Xu, Todd Charlton Sacktor, Yavin Shaham, Lin Lu。Infusion ZIP into nucleus accumbens core abolishes long-term drug reward memory。(Oral report)
2、Annual Meeting for the Society of Neuroscience, Chicago, USA. Oct. 17-21, 2009. Yanqin Li, Yanxue Xue, Fang-qiong Li, Yavin Shaham and Lin Lu. Inhibition of PKMzeta in nucleus accumbens core abolishes long-term drug reward memory. (Poster)
3、CSPN (The Chinese Society of Psycho-Neuroscience) 2008 Conference, Changchun, China. Aug. 1-6, 2008. Yanqin Li , Fang-qiong Li, Yanxue Xue, Lin Lu. Basolateral Amygdala CDK5 is critical to the associated rewarding learning and memory. (Oral report)
4、The 6th Meeting of the Society for Drug Dependence, Xian, China. Nov. 22-25, 2008. Yanqin Li , Fangqiong Li, Xiaoyi Wang, Ping Wu, Mei Zhao, Chun-mei Xu, Yavin Shaham and Lin Lu. Central amygdala ERK signaling pathway is critical to incubation of opiate craving. (Oral report)
5、The 6th Meeting of the Society for Drug Dependence, Xian, China. Nov. 22-25, 2008. Yanqin Li, Fangqiong Li, Yanxue Xue, Lulu Yu, Yavin Shaham and Lin Lu. Role of mTOR signaling pathway in opioid drug reward and seeking. (Oral report)


6、CSP (Chinese Society for Pharmacology) 2007 Conference, Wuhan, China. Nov 6-9, 2007. Yanqin Li , Fang-qiong Li, Ping Wu, Lin Lu. Translational control via the mammalian target of rapamycin pathway is critical for drug reward and seeking.
7、CSP (Chinese Society for Pharmacology) 2007 Conference, Wuhan, China. Nov 6-9, 2007. Yanqin Li, Fangqiong Li, Ping Wu, Lin Lu. Role of ERKsignaling pathway in incubation of morphine after withdrawal.
8、CSDD (Chinese Society for drug dependence) 2006 Conference, Hainan, China. Nov 3-5, 2006. Yanqin Li, Xiao-Yi Wang, Haifeng Zhai, Lin Lu. Effects of early postnatal sibling deprivation on anxiety and vulnerability to cocaine in offspring rats.



