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李為樂:男,漢族,1982年11月生,在職博士,助理研究員。主持國家自然科學基金、省級項目、校青年基金各1項,其他橫向課題5項。主研國家自然科學基金、973計畫、國家科技支撐計畫等科研項目10項,獲省科技進步獎1項;發表論文30與篇,其中SCI 7篇,EI 5篇,中文核心5篇,參編專著3部;參加學術會議10餘次並做報告,先後到美國、紐西蘭、加拿大和荷蘭進行學術交流。
Xu Qiang,Zhang shuai,Li Weile. Spatial Distribution of Large-scale landslides Induced by the Wenchuan Earthquake [J]. Journal of Mountain Science,2011,8:246-260.
HUANG Runqiu,LI Weile.Analysis of the geo-hazards triggered by the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake, China [J].Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2009, 68:363�371.
HUANG Runqiu,LI Weile. Development and distribution of geohazards triggered by the 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake in China [J].Science in China Series E-Technological Sciences, 2009,52(4):810-819.
WANG Yunsheng, LUO Yonghong, PEI Xiangjun,WU Junfeng, LI Weile.Secondary seismic fractures activated during the Wenchuan earthquake[J].Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment,2009, 68:443-447.
HUANG Runqiu, LI Yusheng,LI Weile.Engineering geological evaluation of reconstruction sites following the Wenchuan earthquake[J].Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment,2009,68: 373�386.
C. Tang , J. Zhu, W. L. Li , J. T. Liang.Rainfall-triggered debris flows following the Wenchuan earthquake[J].Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment,2009,68:187�194.
Xu Qiang,Zhang Shuai,Li Weile. The 13 August 2010 catastrophic debris flows after the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, China[J]. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci.,2012,12:201-216.
RunqiuHuang,Jian Huang, Nengpan Ju , Chaoyang He ,Weile Li. WebGIS-based information management system for landslides triggered byWenchuan earthquake[J]. Nat Hazards,2012
LI Weile, HUANG Runqiu, TANG Chuan. Landslides triggered by the Mw 8.0 Wenchuan Earthquake in the Mianyuan River Basin, China[C].Proc. Of the 11th IAEG congress, Auckland, New Zealand,2010,Taylor & Francis Group, London,2010: 373-384.(Full paper)
LI Weile, HUANG Runqiu, TANG Chuan. GIS-based logistic regression for landslide susceptibility mapping of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake region, China [C].Proc. Of the ISL/nasl 2012, Alberta, Canada,2012.(Accepted,full paper)
Li Weile,Tangchuan,Huang runqiu.Multi-source information management system of railway geological environment based on GIS technology[C].Proc. The internamtional conference on E-product,E-service and E-entertainment,Jiaozhuo, China,2010:1312-1315. (Full paper)
許強,李為樂.汶川地震誘發滑坡方向效應研究[J]. 四川大學學報(工程科學版),2010,42,Supp.1:7-14.(EI)
HUANG RunQiu, LI WeiLe.Formation, distribution and risk control of landslides in China [J].Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering,2011,3(2):97�116.
Runqiu Huang and Weile Li. Characteristics of Earthquakes in Mountain Areas and Post-earthquake Management[C]. In R. Guo, C. Freeman (eds.), Managing Fragile Regions,2011,121-142.
許強,李為樂.汶川地震觸發大型滑坡分布規律、特徵與成因機理[C]. In 許強,裴向軍,黃潤秋(eds.), 汶川地震大型滑坡研究,北京:2009:1-52.
黃潤秋,李為樂.汶川地震崩滑地質災害發育規律及形成機理研究[C]. In黃潤秋(eds.)汶川地震地質災害研究,北京:2009:203-259.


