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himself in meditation. Mr. Pickwick had meditated himself into a dose, when he was roused by the chimes of the neighbouring church ringing out the hour—half-past eleven.
(That is the time, thought Mr. Pickwick, getting cautiously on his feet He looked up at the house. The lights had disappeared, and the shutters were dosed—all in bed, no doubt He walked on tip-toe to the door, and gave a gende tap. Two or three minutes passing without any reply, he gave another tap rather louder, and then another rather louder than that
At length the sound of feet was audible upon the stairs, and then the light of a candle shone through the key-hole of the door. There was a good deal of unchaining and unbolting, and the door was slowly opened.
Now the door opened outwards: and as the Skechers shapeups door opened wider and wider, Mr. Pickwick receded MBT shoes behind it, more and more. What was his astonishment when he just peeped out, by way of caution, to see that the person who had opened it was—not Job Trotter, but a servant-girl with a candle in her hand! Mr. Pickwick drew in his head again, with the swiftness displayed by that admirable melo¬dramatic performer, Punch, when he lies in wait for the flat-headed comedian with the tin box of music.
It must have been the cat, Sarah, said the girl, addressing her¬self to some one in the house. Vibram FiveFingers 4 Puss, puss, puss,—tit, tit, tit.
But no animal being decoyed by these blandishments, the girl slowly closed the door, and re-fastened it; leaving Mr. Pickwick drawn up straight against the wall
This is very curious, thought Mr. Pickwick. * They are sitting MBT up beyond their usual hour, I suppose. Extremely unfortunate, that they should have chosen this night, of all others, for such a purpose—exceedingly. And with MBT habari these thoughts, Mr. Pickwick
cautiously retired to the angle of the wall in which he had been before ensconced; waiting until such time as he might deem it safe to repeat the signal.
He had not been here five minutes, when a vivid flash of light¬ning was followed by a loud peal of thunder that crashed and rolled Vibram Five Fingers away in the distance with a terrific noise—then came another flash of lightning, brighter than the other, and a second peal of thunder louder than the first; and then down came Vibram Five Fingers the rain, with a force and fury that swept everything before it.
Mr. Pickwick was perfecdy aware that a tree is a very dangerous neighbour in a thunder-storm. He had a tree on his right, a tree on MBT Shoes his left, a third before him, and a fourth behind. If he remained where he was, he might fall the victim of an accident; if he showed himself in the centre of the garden, he might be consigned to a constable;—once or twice he tried to scale MBT the wall, but having no other legs this time, than those with which Nature had furnished him, the Vibram FiveFingers only effect of his struggles was to inflict a variety of very un- „ pleasant gratings on his knees and shins, and to throw him into ft state of the most profuse perspiration.
4What a dreadful situation, said Mr. Pickwick, pausing to wipe his brow after this
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