



姓名:徐斌 性別:男 籍貫:江蘇興化 職稱:教授,資格證書:中國註冊會計師,會計師


1983-1986 淮陰師範專科學校(現淮陰師範學院)數學科數學教育專業(大學專科)

1987-1991 南京師範大學數學係數學教育專業(理學學士)

1993-1996 首都經濟貿易大學工商管理學院研究方向:財務管理(經濟學碩士)

2002-2006 北京航空航天大學經濟管理學院,研究方向:財務決策理論與方法(工學博士)




1996---2002 北京聯大套用文理學院國際金融系

2006--- 中央財經大學會計學院



1. Bin XU, Weioguo Fang, Jing Yu, Lu liu,Three objective fuzzy Chance constrained programming model for multiproject and multi-item investment combination, Information Sciences, 2009,179(5):623-641(SCI)

2. Jing YU ,Bin XU: The Game Analyses on Pricing Decision of the Target Enterprise of M&A Based on Perspective of Real Options under stochastic Information Surroundings,forthcoming,Economic Modelling(SSCI)

3. Bin XU, Jing Yu,The Bi-objective Stochastic Chance-Constrained Optimization Model of Multi-Project & Multi-Item Investment Combination Based on the View of Real Options, Proceedings of 2009 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, HK,December 8-11,2009,749-753 (EI收錄)

4. Bin XU, Jing Yu,The Game Analyses to Price the Target Enterprise of M&A Based on the Perspective of Real Option,The 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering,(ICCAE 2010),Singapore,February 26 - 28, 2010,215-219 (EI收錄)

5. Bin XU, Jing Yu,Yougan ZHU:A Multi-Objective PSO Algorithm Based on Escalating Strategy,The 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering,(ICCAE 2010),Singapore,February 26 - 28, 2010, 729-733 (EI收錄)

6. Bin XU, Jing Yu,et al: Bi-objective stochastic chance-constrained programming model on multi-project and mutli-item investment combination,Proceedings of 9th China-Japan international conference on industrial management.(Tokyo),2008.10, ISTP:718-722 (ISTP收錄)

7. Bin XU ,Jing YU , An Escalating Multi-Objective DE Algorithm, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Management Science, 9 - 11, July, 2010, Chengdu, China, (EI收錄)

8 .Bin XU ,Jing YU ,Jinqin Sun The Relative Diathesis Evaluation Research Based on Balanced Scorecard, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Management Science, 9 - 11, July, 2010, Chengdu, China, (EI收錄)

9.Jing Yu, ,Bin XU,Yuanhua wang: The Option-Game Analyses on Pricing Decision of the Target Enterprise of M&A under Fuzzy information Surroundings, Proceedings of 2009 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, HK,December 8-11,2009, 754-758 (EI收錄)

10.Jing Yu, Bin XU,Yong Shi,The Pareto-frontier Solution to the MultiProject & Multiple Item Stochastic Chance-Constrained Investment Combination,The 2nd proceedings conference of business intelligence & finance engineering(BIFE2009), BeiJing, China,24-26 July 2009,510-513 (EI收錄)

11.Jing Yu, Bin XU:Bi-Objective Fuzzy Optimization Model for Multiproject and Multi-item Investment Based on the Perspective of Real Options,The 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering,(ICCAE 2010),Singapore,February 26 - 28, 2010, 765-769(EI收錄)

12.Jing YU , Bin XU ,Haizhen Yang,Yong Shi: The Strategic Asset Allocation Optimization Model of Sovereign Wealth Funds Based on Maximum CRRA Utility & Minimum VAR, International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2010,MAY31-June 2, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (EI收錄)

13.Jing YU , Bin XU , The Dissimilation of Announcement Effects of Private Placement between Bull and Bear Markets——An Empirical Research in Chinese Stock Market, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Management Science, 9 - 11, July, 2010, Chengdu, China, (EI收錄)

14.Jing Yu, ,Bin XU:The Game Analyses on Pricing the Target Enterprise of Merger & Acquisition Base on the Perspective of Real Options under Stochastic Surroundings, 18th Annual Conference on Pacific Basin Finance Economics Accounting Management, July 23-25,Beijing China,accept

15.Jing Yu, Siwei Cheng, Bin XU, Size, Book-to-market ratio and Relativity of Accounting Information Value:Empirical Research on the Chinese Listed Company, Cutting-Edge Research Topics on Multiple Criteria Decision Marking, Communication in computer and information Science:2009.35:576-585(ISTP收錄)

16. 徐斌,俞靜,究竟是大股東利益輸送抑或投資者樂觀情緒推高了定向增發折扣?—來自中國證券市場的證據,財貿經濟,2010.4,40-46

17. 徐斌,俞靜,隨機信息環境下兼併重組價格確定的博弈分析,管理工程學報,2011.1

18. 徐斌,俞靜,基於期權視角的海外市場拓展的雙目標多項目多期最佳化隨機機會約束模型,中國管理科學,2010.4:40-44

19. 徐斌,俞靜,遞進多目標粒子群算法的設計及套用,計算機科學,2010.4,241-244

20. 徐斌,俞靜,淺談註冊會計師民事責任優先原則,中央財經大學學報,2010.6:86-90(人大社科文獻資料全文收錄,2010(財務與會計))

21. 徐斌,方衛國,劉魯:基於資本結構最佳化的離散型項目組合研究,數學的實踐與認識,2007.11:156-159

22. 徐斌,方衛國,劉魯:多項目多期組合投資最佳化的模糊機會模型及求解算法設計,管理工程學報,2007.3:116-120

23. 徐斌,方衛國,劉魯:多項目多期組合投資最佳化的模糊相關機會雙目標模型,生產力研究,2006.10:10-12

24 . 徐斌,方衛國,劉魯:基於Multi-Agent的項目管理協同支持系統CSCW體系結構和框架研究,計算機套用研究,2005.12:345-347

25.俞靜, 徐斌,發行對象、市場行情、定向增發折扣,中國會計評論,2009,Vol.7,No. 4:419-438

26.俞靜, 徐斌,模糊信息環境下基於期權視角的兼併價格確定的博弈分析,系統工程理論與實踐,2010.Vol.30,No.5:827-834

27.俞靜, 徐斌,低價定向增發之謎,一級市場抑價,抑或二級市場溢價,證券市場導報,2010.6:34-39

28.俞靜, 徐斌,中國股票市場財富效應的實證檢驗,中央財經大學學報,2009.6,31-36

29. 徐斌,俞靜,李娜,陳國強:定向增發公告效應在股市中的異化現象,經濟與管理研究,2012.2:72-81


29.俞靜, 徐斌,離散信息環境下企業兼併價格確定的博弈分析,第三屆中國管理學年會,湖南,長沙,2008.11

30.俞靜, 徐斌,定向增發公告效應在牛市、熊市中的異化現象—關於中國證券市場的一個實證研究,第八屆(2009)中國實證會計國際研討會,北京,2009,12

31. 徐斌,俞靜,發行對象、市場行情、定向增發折扣,2009中國會計與財務國際研討會,南京,2009

32.Jing YU, Bin XU, Yong Shi, The Stochastic Investment Combination Optimization Model of Sovereign Wealth Funds Based on Risk Control, The 20th International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Chengdu/Jiuzhaigou, China, June 21-26, 2009(Abstract)

33. 徐斌,俞靜,基於BSC視角的企業經營相對素質評價研究,第六屆管理會計與控制國際研討會,北京,2010.6






1. 企業經營管理大全 企業管理出版社 參編

2. 企業財務分析指南 中國財政經濟出版社 副主編

3. 財務管理注會複習指南 清華出版社 主編

4. 財務管理(教材) 高等教育出版社 參編

5. 財務管理中級職稱輔導教材 中國人事出版社 主編

6. 管理會計(教材) 經濟出版社 參編

7. 會計信息系統(教材) 大連出版社 副主編








國際中文期刊《財務與金融》漢斯出版社(Hans Publishers,USA)編輯委員會成員,Website

國際SCI檢索期刊《Information Sciences》,《European Journal of Operation Research》,《A International journal of information Technology and Decision making》,SSCI期刊《Economical Modeling》,國內《南開管理評論》、《管理工程學報》匿名審稿人。


