






長期致力於工程地質、地質災害及環境地質方面的研究工作。主持國家自然科學基金(NSFC)-雲南聯合基金重點項目2項、NSFC面上項目3項、教育部高等學校博士點基金項目(博導類)2項、其他省部級及橫向委託的大型工程專題研究項目20餘項。據中國知網搜尋資料顯示,徐教授作為一作者及通訊作者在Landslides、Geomorphology、Engineering Geology、Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment、Journal of Mountain Science、水文地質工程地質及岩石力學與工程學報等工程地質、地質災害與環境地質領域的主流期刊上發表論文近百篇。在長大隧道施工地質災害發生機理、滑坡災害孕育及重大工程場地穩定等領域取得了一些進展,獲雲南省自然科學一等獎1項(排名一)、雲南省自然科學二等獎1項(排名一)。


1. Tang Y.J., Xu Z.M.*, Yang T.Q., Zhou Z.H., Wang K., Ren Z., Yang K., Tian L., 2018. Impacts of small woody debris on slurrying, persistence and propagation in a low gradient channel of the Dongyuege debris flow in Nu River, southwest China. Landslides2018/07/14 online. DOI: 10.1007/s10346-018-1036-7

2. Zhou Z.H., Ren Z., Wang K., Yang K., Tang Y.J., Tian L., Xu Z.M.*, 2018. Effect of excess pore pressure on the long runout of debris flows over low gradient channels: A case study of the Dongyuege debris flow in Nu River, China. Geomorphology 308, 40-53. DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2018.01.012. SCI, WOS: 000430768500004) .

3. Ren Z., Wang K., Yang K., Zhou Z.H., Tang Y.J., Tian L., Xu Z.M.*, 2018. The grain size distribution and composition of the Touzhai rock avalanche deposit in Yunnan, China. Engineering Geology 234, 97-111. DOI: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2018.01.007. SCI, WOS: 000426229500009 .

4. Ren Z., Zhang L.Y., Xu Z.M.*, Zhang J.M., Chen J. P., 2017. Study of physico-mechanical properties of Emeishan basalt saprolites in Yunnan, China. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 76, 617-628. DOI: 10.1007/s10064-016-0959-2.( SCI, WOS: 000401408700017).

5. Wang K., Ren Z., Mei X.F., Tian L., Yang K., Zhou Z.H., Luo J.J., Xu Z.M.*, 2017. Rainfall difference between the deposition fan and source area of Touzhai Landslide in Yunnan, China. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2017/11/29 online. DOI: 10.1007/s10064-017-1207-0.

6. Yang J.Q., Xu Z.M.*, Zhang R., Chen J.P., Ren Z., Luo R.Z., 2017. Formation and evolution of Emeishan basalt saprolite in vadose zones from Touzhai landslide. Journal of Mountain Science 14, 1174-1184. DOI: 10.1007/s11629-016-4169-y.( SCI, WOS: 000403677100013).

7. Zhang J.M., Xu Z.M.*, Li F., Hou R.J., Ren Z.,2017. Quantification of 3D macropore networks in forest soils in Touzhai valley (Yunnan, China) using X-ray computed tomography and image analysis, Journal of Mountain Science 14, 474-491. DOI: 10.1007/s11629-016-4150-9.( SCI, WOS: 000396056200005).

8. Ren Z., Wang K., Zhang Q.S., Xu Z.M.*, Tang Z.G., Chen J.P., Yang J.Q., Xu Z.H., 2018. Earthquake dynamic response behavior of Xiangchong valley type tailings impoundment in Yunnan, China. Journal of Mountain Science 15, 82-99. DOI: 10.1007/s11629-017-4468-y. ( SCI, WOS: 000419482600008).

9. Zhang J.M., Xu Z.M.*, 2016. Dye tracer infiltration technique to investigate macropore flow paths in Maka Mountain, Yunnan Province, China. Journal of Central South University 23, 2101-2109. DOI: 10.1007/s11771-016-3266-y.( SCI, WOS: 000385211000031).

10. 楊愧, 周振華, 任喆, 王昆, 徐則民*. 土石流屈服應力測試的塌落度法. 水文地質工程地質, 2018, 45: 151-157

11. 羅榮章, 徐則民*. 怒江東月各特大土石流流域幾何形態學特徵. 水文地質工程地質, 2016, 43: 141-147.



