

天津市高等學校特聘教授 ;

教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計畫人選 ;

天津市“131”創新型人才培養工程第一層次人選 ;






1.項目負責人, 國家自然科學基金,碳納米管電極交叉陣列阻變存儲單元構建及開關特性研究(61274113),2013.01~2016.12,82萬;

2.項目負責人, 國家自然科學基金,極大規模積體電路碳納米管互連基礎及關鍵工藝研究(60806030),2009.1-2011.12,23萬元;

3.項目負責人, 天津市科技計畫重點項目,定向碳納米管電路垂直互連集成技術研究(10SYSYJC27700),2010.4-2013.3,50萬元;

4.項目負責人, 教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計畫,基於碳納米管交叉電極陣列-疊層阻變存儲器件關鍵技術研究,項目編號:NCET-11-1064,2012~2014,50萬;

5.項目負責人, 天津市特聘教授專項基金,微納器件設計及集成關鍵技術研究,2009.8-2013.7,50萬

6.項目負責人, 天津市學科領軍人才基金,2013.04~2016.03,60萬;

7.項目負責人, 天津市 131 第一層次人才項目基金,2013.04~2016.03,20萬;

8.項目負責人, 上海市納米科技專項項目,納米拋光液產業化關鍵技術及CMP工藝研究(0552nm043), 2005.12~2007.12,90萬元;

9.項目負責人, 上海市國際科技合作基金項目,相變存儲器關鍵材料Ge-Sb-Te化學機械拋光的研究(AM 0414), 2005.01~2006.12,15萬元

10.項目負責人, 天津市自然科學基金,超高聲速材料金剛石納米膜製備及平坦化技術研究(08JCYBJC14600), 2008.4~2011.3,10萬元;

11.項目負責人, 天津市自然科學基金,基於氧化釩相變薄膜的RRAM構建及阻變特性研究,(13JCYBJC15700) ,2013.04~2016.03,10萬;

12.項目負責人, 天津市教委重點項目,低熱阻金剛石薄膜LED倒裝散熱基板的研究(ZD200709), 2007.11~2010.10,10萬元;

13.參與項目, 國家 863 項目,納電子器件C-RAM關鍵技術研究(2003AA302720), 2003.11~2005.10,200萬元;

14.參與項目, 國家 863 項目,納米C-RAM集成器件關鍵技術研究(2004AA302G20),2004.6~2006.2,180萬元;

15.參與項目, 國家 973 項目,項目名稱:納米尺度矽積體電路器件與工藝基礎研究,課題名稱:納米尺度矽積體電路中新材料的基礎研究,(2006CB02706)2006.9~2008.8,225萬;

論 文

1. 第一作者;Electrochemical Metallization and Trapping/Detrapping Resistive Switching Mechanism in Al/VOx/Cu RRAM,ECS Solid State Letters, 2014,3 (10) Q63-Q66(SCI)

2. 第一作者;Optimization and Mechanism on Chemical Mechanical Planarization of Hafnium Oxide for RRAM Devices,ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology,2014,3(7):P249-P252(SCI)

3. 第一作者,Exploration on chemical mechanical planarization of ZnO functional thin films for novel devices,Microelectronic Engineering, 2013, 101:37-41(SCI)

4. 第一作者;Modeling of conducting bridge evolution in bipolar vanadium oxide based resistive switching memory,Chin. Phys. B,2013,22(9):097101(SCI)

5. 第一作者,Crosstalk analysis of carbon nanotube bundle interconnects,Nanoscale Research Letters,2012,7(1):138(II區SCI)

6. 第一作者, Synthesis and Performance of Colloidal Silica Nano-abrasives with Controllable Size for Chemical Mechanical Planarization,Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,2009,9(2):1054-1057 (II區SCI)

7. 第一作者,Preparation and Characterization of Modified-Clay-Reinforced and Toughened Epoxy-Resin Nanocomposites,J. Appl. Polym. Sci.,2004,91(4):2649 ~2652(SCI)

8. 第一作者,Colloidal Nano-abrasives and Slurry for Chemical-Mechanical Polishing of Semiconductor Materials,Journal of Ceramic Processing Research, 2007,8(1):52~55(SCI)

9. 通訊作者;Microstructure and Nanometer Scale Piezoelectric Properties of c-BN Thin Films with Cu buffer layer by Piezoresponse Force Microscopy;IEEE Transaction on Nanotechnology,2014,13(3):442-445 (II區SCI)

10. 通訊作者;Simulation Study of dimensional effect on Bipolar Resistive Random Access Memory (RRAM);International Journal of Nanotechnology,2014,11(1-4):97-105(SCI)

11. 通訊作者,氧化釩薄膜的微結構及阻變特性研究,物理學報(Acta Phys. Sin.)2013,62(4 ):047201(IV區SCI:116CG,IF=1.029)

12. 通訊作者;Analysis of resistive switching behaviors of vanadium oxide thin film,Chin. Phys. B,2013,22(3):037201(SCI)

13. 通訊作者,Temperature tunability of photonic crystal fiber filled with Fe3O4 nanoparticle fluid,Applied Physics Letters, 2011,98, 021103(II區SCI)

14. 通訊作者,Linear edge and temperature characteristic of tilted fiber Bragg gratings cladding-mode envelope,Optical Fiber Technology, 2011,17(4):286-290(SCI)

15. 通訊作者,Effect of chemicals on chemical mechanical polishing of glass substrate,Chinese Physics Letter,2007,24(1):259~261(SCI)

16. 通訊作者,Study on the Cleaning of silicon after CMP in ULSI, Microelectronic Engineering, 2003,66(1-4):433~437 (SCI)

17. 通訊作者,Investigation on the Final Polishing Liquid and Technique of Silicon Substrate in ULSI, Microelectronic Engineering, 2003,66(1-4):438~444 (SCI)

18 .Shao Xing L.,Zhao Jin S.*, Zhang Kai L.,Two-Step Reset in the Resistance Switching of the Al/TiOx/Cu Structure,ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2013,5(21):11265-11270(I區SCI)

19 .Miao, Yinping, Zhang, Kailiang,Liu, Bo,etal,Ferrofluid-Infiltrated Microstructured Optical Fiber Long-Period Grating,IEEE Photonics Technology Letter,2013,25(3):306-309 (II區SCI)

20 .Fantao Meng,Jie Sun,Mariusz Graczyk, Kailiang Zhang, Nonlinear electrical properties of Si three-terminal junction devices,Applied Physics Letters, 2010,97, 242106(II區SCI)

21 .MiaoYinping,Wu Jixuan, Lin Wei, Zhang Kailiang,Magnetic field tunability of optical microfiber taper integrated with ferrofluid,OPTICS EXPRESS,2013,21(24):29914-29920(II區SCI)

22.Liangyong Wang, Kailiang Zhang, Zhitang.Song, Songlin Feng,Chemical mechanical polishing and a succedent reactive ion etching processing of sapphire wafer,Journal of the Electrochemical Society,2007,154(3):H166~H169 (II區SCI)

23.Liangyong Wang, Kailiang Zhang, Zhitang.Song, Songlin Feng,Ceria concentration effect on chemical mechanical polishing of optical glass,Applied Surface Science,2007,253:4951~4954(II區SCI)

24. 第一作者,Effect of different electrode on resistance switching characteristics of titanium oxide for flexible memory;Optoelectronics Letters, 2013,9(4):263-265(EI:20132816484693)

25. 第一作者, Effect of substrate temperature on aligned high-density carbon nanotubes deposited by RF-PECVD [J]. Optoelectronics Letters, 2011,7(2):0085~0087(EI:20111313886065)

26. 第一作者,氧化釩薄膜的製備及電致開關特性的研究,光電子.雷射,2011,22(5):656~659(EI:20112714112227)

27. 第一作者,基於電感耦合氧電漿金剛石膜表面修飾的功率最佳化,光電子.雷射,2011,22(7):1034-1037(EI:20113014176377)

28. 第一作者, 矽晶片雙面超精密化學機械拋光,半導體學報,2006,27(增刊):396-399(EI:071110487332)

29. 第一作者,王芳,ULSI矽襯底的化學機械拋光,半導體學報,2004,25(1):115~119(EI:04258227649)

30. 通訊作者,Synthesis and Characterization of Nano-structure Tungsten-doped Vanadium Oxide,ECS Transactions, 2014,60 (1) 477-482 (EI:20143218017020)

31. 通訊作者,Effect of Embedded Graphene on Al/VOx/Cu Resistive Switching Performance,ECS Transactions, 2014,60 (1) 545-549 (EI:20143218017031)

32. 通訊作者,Exploration of Novel Slurry on Hafnium Oxide Films Chemical Mechanical Planarization,ECS Transactions, 2014,60 (1) 647-652 (EI:20143218017047)

33. 通訊作者,Horizontal Growth and Electrical-Crosstalk Simulation of CNT Interconnection,ECS Transactions, 60 (1) 751-756 (EI:20143218017064)

34. 通訊作者,Research on Multilevel Resistive Switching of Cu/HfO2/TiN Structure and its Switching Mechanism,ECS Transactions, 2014,60 (1) 1001-1006 (EI:20143218017103)

35. 通訊作者,An Increasing High Resistance State Phenomenon in Al/VOx/Cu Resistive Switching Device,ECS Transactions, 2014,60 (1) 1057-1062 (EI:20143218017112)

36. 通訊作者,Coexistence of Bipolar and Unipolar in NiO Resistance Switching,ECS Transactions, 2014,60 (1) 1063-1067 (EI:20143218017113)

37. 通訊作者,Effect of Annealing Temperature and Surface Adsorption Fe-,Pd- on SnO2 Gas Sensor,ECS Transactions, 2014,60 (1) 1147-1152 (EI:20143218017126)

38. 通訊作者,Gas Sensing Properties of Formaldehyde Sensor Based on Zn-, Cu-Doped NiO Thin Film,ECS Transactions, 2014,60 (1) 1115-1120 (EI:20143218017121)

39. 通訊作者, Resistive switching characteristics based on Cu/VOx/Al structure,ECS Transactions, 52 (1) 467-472 (2013) (EI:20131516202767)

40. 通訊作者,Investigation of Diamond Films Polished by Thermal Chemical Mechanical Polishing,ECS Transactions, 52 (1) 517-522 (2013) (EI:20131516202761)

41. 通訊作者,Improvement of electronic characteristic for vertical CNT via interconnection by Focused Ion Beam,ECS Transactions, 52 (1) 641-645 (2013)(EI:20131516202766)

42. 通訊作者,Electrical Properties and Conduction Mechanism of RRAM with Al/WOX/Cu Structure,ECS Transactions, 52 (1) 1003-1008 (2013) (EI:20131516202819)

43. 通訊作者,Resistive Switching Characteristics of Zinc Oxide Resistive RAM Doped with Nickel,ECS Transactions, 52 (1) 1009-1014 (2013) (EI:20131516202836)

44. 通訊作者,Effects of Rapid Thermal Process on the Microstructural, Electrical and Optical Properties of AZO Thin Films;Applied Mechanics and Materials,2013,441:11-14(EI 20140117158766)

45. 通訊作者,Resistance Switching Characteristics of Sputtered Titanium Oxide On A Flexible Substrate,Electrochemical Society Transactions, 2012,44 (1) :87-91(EI:20134316870695)

46. 通訊作者,Simulation of Electrochemical Metallization RRAM by Kinetic Monte Carlo Method,Electrochemical Society Transactions, 2012,44 (1) :93-98(EI:20134316870629)

47. 通訊作者,A Physical Model of 1C1R for Bipolar ZnO Resistive Switching,Electrochemical Society Transactions, 2012,44 (1) :173-178(EI:20134316870660)

48. 通訊作者,Resistive switching characteristics of VOX thin films deposited onto Cu buffer layer,Electrochemical Society Transactions, 2012,44 (1) :445-450(EI:20134316870691)

49. 通訊作者,Texture and electric properties of BN films deposited on different electrodes by RF magnetron sputtering,Electrochemical Society Transactions, 2012,44 (1) :493-497(EI:20134316870684)

50. 通訊作者,Optimization of Slurry and Technological Parameter on Chemical Mechanical Polishing of Titanium Dioxide Film for IC,Electrochemical Society Transactions, 2012,44 (1) :519-524(EI:20134316870653)

51. 通訊作者,Analysis of Crosstalk in Multi-wall Carbon Nanotube Interconnection ,Electrochemical Society Transactions, 2012,44 (1) :785-790(EI:20134316870630)

52. 通訊作者,Research of bilayer stacked resistance switching memory structure based on Pt/NiO/TiO2/Pt,Electrochemical Society Transactions, 2012,44 (1) :1221-1226(EI:20134316870655)

53. 通訊作者,Hydrogenated Microcrystalling Silicon Single-Junction NIP Solar Cells,Electrochemical Society Transactions, 2012,44 (1) :1263-1268(EI:20134316870707)

54. 通訊作者,Influence of substrate temperature on properties of indium tin oxide thin films prepared by DC magnetron sputtering,Electrochemical Society Transactions, 2012,44 (1) :1311-1316(EI:20134316870708)

55. 通訊作者, Effect of RF Power on Carbon Nanotubes Synthesized at Low Temperature by RF PECVD, Electrochemical Society Transactions,2011,34(1):793~797(EI:20112614108487)

56. 通訊作者, Effect of film thickness on resistance switching characteristics for Cu/NiO/Pt structure, Electrochemical Society Transactions,2011,34(1):541~546(EI:20112614108446)

57. 通訊作者, Effect of pH on CMP of VOx Thin Films for RRAM, Electrochemical Society Transactions,2011,34(1):705-709(EI:20112614108473)

58. 通訊作者, Deposition of VOX films by reactive sputtering and its properties, Electrochemical Society Transactions,2011,34(1):503~508(EI:20112614108440)

59. 通訊作者, Effects of substrate temperature on resistive switching of TiOX thin film, Electrochemical Society Transactions,2011,34(1):571~576 (EI:20112614108452)

60. 通訊作者, Effects of oxygen flow ratios and annealing on TiOx deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering, Electrochemical Society Transactions,2011,34(1):195-200(EI:20112614108394)

61. 通訊作者 , Deposition of ZnO films by sputtering and its resistive switching properties, Electrochemical Society Transactions,2011,34(1):25-30 (EI:20112614108367)

62. 通訊作者, Effect of O2/Ar ratio on Etching of Diamond Films by MPCVD, Electrochemical Society Transactions,2011,34(1):383-388 (EI:20112614108421)

63. 通訊作者;Investigation on the Electric-Field-Induced Metal-Insulator Transition in VOx-Based Devices;Applied Mechanics and Materials,2012,(130 - 134):1-4(EI: 201147145324238)


1. 第一作者,Vanadium oxide for resistive random access memory application,International Conference on Optoelectronics and Microelectronics Technology and Application 2014,Nov. 2014( 國際會議邀請報告

2. 第一作者, Electrochemistry and CMP of Chalcogenide Phase Change Materials for Damascene Structure of CPCM,Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Semiconductor Technology,(2007 SEMI-ECS ISTC) March 18~20, 2007, Shanghai, China,Editors: Ming Yang,PP264~270( 國際會議邀請報告,EI:090511879678)

3. 通訊作者,Gas Sensing Properties of Formaldehyde Sensor Based on Zn-, Cu-Doped NiO Thin Film,CSTIC 2014,Shanghai,March 2014 ( 國際會議邀請報告EI 20143218017121)

4 . 通訊作者,Effect of Annealing Temperature and Surface Adsorption Fe-,Pd- on SnO Gas Sensor,CSTIC 2014,Shanghai,March 2014 ( 國際會議邀請報告, EI 20143218017126)

5. 通訊作者,Simulation Study of dimensional effect on Bipolar Resistive Random Access Memory (RRAM),5th IEEE International NanoElectronics Conference, INEC 2013,Singapore, on 2nd- 4th January 2013,PP306-308(EI :20131116117521, 口頭報告

6. 通訊作者,Microstructure and Piezoelectric Properties of c-BN Nano-films Deposited on Si by RF Sputtering for Piezoelectric Devices,5th IEEE International NanoElectronics Conference, INEC 2013,Singapore, on 2nd-4th January 2013,PP49-51(EI :20131116117440, 口頭報告

7. 通訊作者, Effect of deposition temperature on I-V characteristics of vanadium oxide film,ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress IMECE2012-87232, Nov. 09-15, 2012, Houston, Texas, USA(EI:20134616979148, 口頭報告

8. 通訊作者 , Optical properties of nanostructure tungsten doped vanadium oxide,ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress IMECE2012-87228,Nov. 09-15, 2012, Houston, Texas, USA(EI:20134616979210, 口頭報告

9. 通訊作者 ,Simulation of hydrogen diffusion and adsorption on single-walled carbon nanotubes, ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress IMECE2012-87222, Nov. 09-15, 2012, Houston, Texas, USA(EI:20134616979107, 口頭報告

10. 通訊作者,Electrostatic capacitance extraction for carbon nanotube bundle interconnects,4th IEEE International NanoElectronics Conference, INEC 2011,June 21, 2011 - June 24, 2011,Tao-Yuan, Taiwan,Article number:5991636(EI :20113914360992, 口頭報告

11. 通訊作者,Crosstalk analysis of carbon nanotube bundle interconnects,4th IEEE International NanoElectronics Conference, INEC 2011,June 21, 2011 - June 24, 2011,Tao-Yuan, Taiwan,Article number:5991635(EI :20113914360991, 口頭報告

12. 第一作者, Study on Chemical Mechanical Polishing of GeSbTe for Chalcogenide Phase Change Memory,2006 8th International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology,October 23-26, 2006, Shanghai, China,Editors: Ting-Ao Tang, Guo-Ping Ru, Yu-Long Jiang,PP821-823(EI:073110725366, 口頭報告

13. 第一作者, Chemical Mechanical Polishing Slurry for Tungsten in ULSI with Large Particle Size Colloidal Silica Nano-Abrasive, 2005 ASME- Proceedings of the World Tribology Congress III, p 515-516, September 12-16, 2005, Washington, DC(EI:06099721537, 口頭報告

14. 第一作者, CMP slurry for dielectric in ULSI with large particle colloidal nano-abrasive of silica sol, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Semiconductor Technology,(2005 SEMI-ECS ISTC) March 15~17, 2005, Shanghai, China,Editors: Ming Yang,PP685~692(Oral, EI: 06169822749, 口頭報告

15. 第一作者, Chemical mechanical polishing of Ge-Sb-Te thin film for chalcogenide phase change memory, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Semiconductor Technology,(2005 SEMI-ECS ISTC) March 15~17, 2005, Shanghai, China,Editors: Ming Yang,PP630~638(Oral, EI: 06169822742, 口頭報告


1.劉玉嶺,檀柏梅,張楷亮 編著,《微電子技術工程-材料、工藝與測試》,電子工業出版社,2004.10,北京

2.劉玉嶺,檀柏梅,張楷亮 編著,《超大規模積體電路襯底材料性能及加工測試技術工程》,冶金工業出版社,2002.8,北京


1.第一發明人,高介電材料鈦酸鍶鋇化學機械拋光用的納米拋光液, 中國發明專利,授權專利號ZL200410093370.0, 2006.12.20

2.第一發明人,硫系化合物相變材料化學機械拋光的納米拋光液及其套用, 中國發明專利,授權專利號ZL20041006674.8,2007.2.14

3.第一發明人,硫系相變材料化學機械拋光的無磨料拋光液及其套用, 中國發明專利,授權專利號ZL200410084490.4,2007.9.5

4.第一發明人,積體電路銅互連一步化學機械拋光工藝及相應納米拋光液, 中國發明專利,授權專利號ZL200510026996.4,2010.8.18

5.第一發明人,一種採用複合工藝進行金剛石薄膜平坦化的方法, 中國發明專利,授權專利號ZL201010273591.1,2012.12.12

6.第一發明人,一種具有低揮發性的太陽電池單晶矽制絨液及套用, 中國發明專利,授權專利號ZL201110321054.4,2013.3.6

7.第一發明人,一種基於金剛石薄膜的LED散熱基底及其製作方法, 中國發明專利,授權專利號ZL201010593297.9, 2013.3.6

8.第一發明人,一種用於積體電路晶片的複合通孔互連結構, 中國發明專利,授權專利號ZL201010593270.X,2013.3.13

9.第一發明人,一種高緻密納米金剛石薄膜的生長方法, 中國發明專利,授權專利號ZL201110119079.6,2013.4.17

10.第一發明人,基於P/N型氧化物疊層結構的阻變存儲器及其製備方法, 中國發明專利,授權專利號ZL201010593332.7, 2013.7.10

11.第一發明人,一種磨料經過表面活性劑處理的水基切削液及其製備方法, 中國發明專利,授權專利號ZL201110119091.7,2013.10.23

12.第一發明人,一種用於氧化釩化學機械拋光的納米拋光液及其套用, 中國發明專利,授權專利號ZL201010593331.2,2013.10.23

13.第一發明人,一種用於硫系相變材料的化學機械拋光方法及拋光液, 中國發明專利,授權專利號ZL201110320251.4, 2014.3.19

14.第一發明人,基於氧化釩/氧化鋅疊層結構的阻變存儲器及其製備方法, 中國發明專利,授權專利號ZL201210440132.7, 2014.9.10

15.第一發明人,一種化學機械拋光用納米拋光液, 中國發明專利授權專利號 ZL201310105238.6,授權日:2014.10.15

16.第二發明人,大粒徑矽溶膠的製備方法, 中國發明專利,授權專利號ZL 200410019069.5,2007.3.14

17.第二發明人,超大規模積體電路多層銅布線中銅與鉭的化學機械全局平面化拋光液, 中國發明專利,授權專利號ZL02116761.3,2004.2.4

18.第二發明人,一種藍寶石襯底化學機械拋光漿液, 中國發明專利,授權專利號ZL200710037163.7,2009.04.15

19.第二發明人,一種纖芯失配的光纖二氧化氮氣體濃度測量儀, 中國發明專利,授權專利號ZL200910228960.2, 2011.6.22


