




書號: 19911 ISBN: 7-111-19911-1
作者: 周躍進 任秉銀 印次: 1-6
責編: 商紅雲 開本: 16(B5)
字數: 0千字 定價: 29.0
所屬叢書: 21世紀工業工程專業規劃教材
裝訂: 出版日期: 2012-07-13


本書針對工業工程專業本科生的英文學習要求,結合工:業工程專業知識體系,精選其核心內容,題材廣泛,涉及工業工程專業各領域知識。其目的是讓工業工程專業學生熟悉並掌握工業工程專業英文辭彙,能夠熟練閱讀英文專業書籍和論文,提高英文寫作能力。全書一共十三章,涵蓋幾乎所有工業工程專業基礎和專業主幹課程,內容包括:工業工程概述,工作研究(包括方法研究和作業測定),製造系統,服務系統,生產計畫與控制,物流工程,人因工程,質量管理,管理信息系統,人力資源管理,科技文獻檢索,科技文獻翻譯和科技文獻寫作。本書內容均在英文原版教材基礎上做了改編或改寫,對其中一些難句作了注釋或給出了參考譯文。全書收錄英文專業辭彙和詞組五百多條,書末還附有大量工業工程專業學習網站以及國外著名工業工程學術及研究機構網站和參考文獻。 本書可作為高等學校工業工程專業本科生教材,也可作為工業工程專業人士的參考讀物。


Chapter 1 Introduction to Industrial Engineering
Unit 1 Introduction to Industrial Engineering
Unit 2 History of Industrial Engineering
Unit 3 Academic Disciplines of Industrial Engineering
Unit 4 Development of Industrial Engineering
Chapter 2 Work Study
Unit 1 Method Study
Unit 2 Time Study
Unit 3 Time Measurement Methods
Unit 4 Work Sampling
Chapter 3 Manufacturing Systems
Unit 1 Introduction to Manufacturing Systems
Unit 2 Advanced Manufacturing Systems
Unit 3 Manufacturing Support Systems
Chapter 4 Service Systems
Unit 1 Introduction to Smwice Systems
Unit 2 Service Quality
Chapter 5 Production Planning and Control
Unit 1 The Main Idea of Production Planning
Unit 2 Manufacturing Resources Planning
Unit 3 One Example of Production Scheduling Simulation
Chapter 6 Logistics Engineering
Unit 1 Introduction to Logistics
Unit 2 Inventory Management
Unit 3 Procurement and Warehousing
Unit 4 Packaging and Materials Handling
Unit 5 Supply Chain Management
Chapter 7 Ergonomics
Unit 1 Introduction to Ergonomics
Unit 2 Physiological and Psychological Activities of Human
Chapter 8 Quality Management
Unit 1 Quality Standards and Quality Control
Unit 2 Quality Management and Quality Cost
Chapter 9 Management Information Systems
Unit 1 Introduction to Management Information Systems
Unit 2 Systems Analysis
Unit 3 Systems Design
Unit 4 Testing and Evaluating to Systems Performance
Chapter 10 Human Resources Management
Unit 1 Organizational Design
Unit 2 Performance Measurement
Chapter 11 Science-Technology Literature Search
Unit 1 Introduction to Literature
Unit 2 Methods of doing Literature Search
Chapter 12 Scientific Literature Translation
Chapter 13 Scientific Papers Writing
Professional Words and Expressions


工業工程專業英語 工業工程專業英語



ISBN:9787111199113 [十位:7111199111]

頁數:346 重約:0.472KG







Chapter 1 Introduction to Industrial Engineering

Unit 1 Introduction to Industrial Engineering

Unit 2 History of Industrial Engineering

Unit 3 Academic Disciplines of Industrial Engineering

Unit 4 Development of Industrial Engineering

Chapter 2 Work Study

Unit 1 Method Study

Unit 2 Time Study

Unit 3 Time Measurement Methods

Unit 4 Work Sampling

Chapter 3 Manufacturing Systems

Unit 1 Introduction to Manufacturing Systems

Unit 2 Advanced Manufacturing Systems

Unit 3 Manufacturing Suppoa Systems

Chapter 4 Service Systems。

Unit 1 Introduction to Service Systems

Unit 2 Service Quality

Chapter 5 Production Planning and Control

Unit 1 The Main Idea of Production Planning

Unit 2 Manufacturing Resources Planning

Unit 3 One Example of Production Scheduling Simulation

Chapter 6 Logistics Engineering

Unit 1 Introduction to Logistics

Unit 2 Inventory Management

Unit 3 Procurement and Warehousing

Unit 4 Packaging and Materials Handling

Unit 5 Supply Chain Management

Chapter 7 Ergonomics

Unit 1 hitroduction to Ergonomics

Unit 2 Physiological and Psychological Activities of Human

Chapter 8 Quality Management

Unit 1 Quality Standards and Quality Control

Unit 2 Quality Management and Quality Cost

Chapter 9 Management Information Systems

Unit 1 Introduction to Management Information Systems

Unit 2 Systems Analysis

Unit 3 Systems Design

Unit 4 Testing and Evaluating to Systems Performance

Chapter 10 Human Resources Management

Unit 1 Organizational Design

Unit 2 Performance Measurement

Chapter 11 ScienceTechnology Literature Search

Unit 1 Introduction to Literature

Unit 2 Methods of doing Literature Search

Chapter 12 Scientific Literature Translation

Chapter 13 Scientific Papers Writing


Professional Words and Expressions







