





《舞會戰士2: Wendy Wu: Homecoming Warrior 2》...Shen

《Good Soil 》(2007) ...Jinbei Masuda

wainôkoku o yumemita otokotachi 》 (2006) ...Himself - Host/Narrator

《舞會戰士 Wendy Wu: Homecoming Warrior 》 (2006) ...Shen

《 Wain ôkoku o yumemita otokotachi 》 (2006) ...executive producer

《 Daños del amor 》 (2006) ...producer

《 "The Disney Channel Games" 》 (2006) ...Himself

《星座 Constellation 》 (2005) ...Yosito

《 Dream of the Lizard 》 (2004) ...associate fight coordinator

《最後的武士 The Last Samurai 》 (2003) ...Nobutada

《 The Last Mission 》 (2003) ...Capt. Uehara (uncredited)

《 A Ninja Pays Half My Rent 》 (2003) ...Black Ninja

2006年,來自日本的小山田新一同Brenda Song宋布蘭)出演了迪斯尼的兒童功夫影片《Wendy Wu: Homecoming Warrior》(舞會戰士),首映570萬的觀眾人數讓它成為了迪斯尼原創電影視上收視第八的作品。

wendy wu劇照


中新網7月4日電 據美國《世界日報》報導,美國有線電視迪士尼頻道(Disney Channel)6月16日推出的華裔少女英雄電影《吳溫蒂:返校鬥士》(Wendy Wu:Homecoming Warrior),大受歡迎,收視率超過所有電視網的節目,也使該頻道成為當地該周基本有線電視網的收視之冠。


為何這樣一部有如電視影集《魔法奇兵》(Buffy the Vampire Slayer)亞裔版的有線電視電影會如此轟動?

迪士尼頻道娛樂總裁蓋瑞·馬許(Gary Marsh)說:“這對男孩和女孩來說,是一部純粹跨越現實的電影,其中既有舞會皇后的故事,也有像成龍一樣的動作。”

在《吳溫蒂》中,18歲的華裔布蘭迪·宋(Brendy Song)扮演一個最大夢想是成為畢業舞會皇后的女孩,但在一位年輕和尚(小山田新)告訴她,她應該去做更重要的事情後,一切都改變了。


《吳溫蒂》是專門為布蘭迪·宋打造的,現實中她是跆拳道的黑帶。她先前在該頻道熱門影集《小查與寇弟的頂級生活》(The Suite Life of Zack & Cody)中飾演被嬌寵的富家小姐“London”,父親擁有一家豪華的旅館,在該劇越來越紅時,該頻道決定由她擔任電影《吳溫蒂》的主角。

當迪士尼頻道找到曾在影片《最後武士》(The Last Samurai)中演出的24歲的功夫冠軍小山田新後,他們的團隊就組成了。《吳溫蒂》最初是要拍成30分鐘的影集,由布蘭迪·宋飾演小山田的功夫師父,但在劇情發展過程中,演變成一部原創電影。


2006年12月7日,美國加利福尼亞州,著名影視製片公司Warner Bros.舉辦電影《追求快樂》(暫譯名:Pursuit of Happyness)的首映禮。主演桑迪·紐頓(Thandie Newton)一襲金衣閃亮登場,黑人男星威爾·史密斯(Will Smith )西裝革履攜愛妻扎德·平齊特·史密斯(Jada Pinkett Smith)共同出席。

此外好萊塢著名影星湯姆·克魯斯(Tom Cruise)攜嬌妻凱蒂·赫爾姆斯(Katie Holmes)親密到場大秀恩愛。影星詹妮弗·洛佩茲(Jennifer Lopez)及丈夫馬克.安東尼(Marc Anthony)也前來捧場,兩對夫婦交談甚歡。

日本男星小山田新(Shin Koyamada)也出席了此次盛會,大展拳腳秀武藝。奧斯卡準影帝特倫斯·霍華德(Terrence Howard)、性感女星Faune A. Chambers 等也紛紛前來捧場。


Shin Koyamada's love of American and Hong Kong action movies began as a small boy at his father's side. Born March 10, 1982, in Okayama, Japan, his love has grown and matured into the dream of action stardom. Despite the disapproval from family and friends, he was determined to see this dream realized at an early age and turned all his energy to physical training in gymnastics, track, long distance bicycle racing, and swimming. By 16, he began to study Karate and, within two years of study, had earned a black belt, becoming qualified to teach as a master of Karate. Following his recent arrival from Japan, Koyamada began the study of English at 18 and went on to secure a student visa andenrolin the Theater of Arts Performing Arts Academy in September of 2000 to gain a stronger grasp of the language. By 2001 he had choreographed and performed martial arts forms and stage combat for a production of Shakespeare's Coriolanus at the Knightsbridge Theater and was featured on an episode of the children's action show Power Rangers. He trained in Kung Fu with the Harmonious Fist Chinese Athletic Association and others, eventually, competing in six National Martial Arts Tournaments over five months and winning first place in all but one, and that was a second. Koyamada continues to train with several teachers, including some of the industries top stunt coordinators, mastering his skills and adding to his craft. Without an agent or a manager, Koyamada followed the path of those who hadinspired him, icons like Bruce Lee and action stars such as Jackie Chan. Submitting himself for various projects via an Internet casting site, and landed his debutfeature film role in The Last Samurai. Co-starring opposite Tom Cruise in the Warner Brothers epic as Nobutada, friend to Cruise's character, Algren, a fierce archer, double swordsman, and a Samurai. While filming The Last Samurai in Japan and New Zealand, he added Kyudo (Japanesearchery) andhorsebackriding to his repertoire. Now a double swordsman and master of karate, Koyamada also honed in on his acting skills with the help Director/Producer EdwardZwickand Actor/Producer Tom Cruise. Making the most of a powerful debut.


