



原 名:Saving Grace

◆譯 名:天使引路人

天使引路人 的海報

◆演 員:Grace Hanadarko... Holly Hunter
Ham Deway... Kenneth Johnson(The shield)
Bobby Stillwater... Gregory Norman Cruz (criminal minds)
Butch Ada... Bailey Chase (Las Vegas)
Angel Earl... Leon Rippy(Deadwood)
Leon Cooley... Bokeem woodbine (The Big Hit)
Rhetta Rodriguez... Laura San Giacomo (Just Shoot Me)
◆類 型:劇情
◆片 長:每集45分鐘左右
◆國 家:美國TNT電視台
◆語 言:英語

簡 介:

Holly Hunter stars as Grace Hanadarko, a Tormented, fast-living Oklahoma City police detective who, despite being at the top of her field, takes self-destruction to new heights. After seeing tremendous tragedy in her life, both professionally and personally, Grace lives life hard and fast. She drinks too much, sleeps with the wrong men and defies authority. Grace has a tender side with her 22 nieces and nephews, but that is a side that most of the world doesn’t get to see. It all catches up with her one night when, as she’s driving too fast after too many drinks, she hits a man who is walking along the road. In an uncharacteristic moment, Grace asks for help, and she gets it – in the form an unconventional angel named Earl (Leon Rippy, Deadwood). Earl tells Grace that she is in trouble and running out of chances, but he wants to help lead her back to the right path. The journey, for both of them, will not be an easy one.
人,生在凡間,難道注定受苦受難?女人,生為女人,難道注定就是被救贖的角色?Holly Hunter,1993年著名電影《鋼琴課》(The Piano)的女主角,奧斯卡影后,此番首次亮相電視螢屏,主演TNT電視劇集Saving Grace,用女人特有的敏感,為你講述浮世命運。
Grace Hanadarko,俄克拉荷馬城的一名女警探,儘管她在工作中表現出相當強勢的作風,但在私下裡,卻如一個普通女人般為生活所累。她酗酒、濫交、無所畏懼,卻對她的22個侄子侄女溫柔有加。與其說,她在工作和生活中目睹了太多的不幸,不如說,她在渴望自己的靈魂被救贖,或者救贖別人。



